Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 130 Lu Ya's Road Rebuilds Hunyuan Road

Chapter 130 Lu Ya's Road Rebuilds Hunyuan Road

In the west, Mount Sumeru, next to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Zhunti and Jieyin sat silently on the futon.

Looking at the rising luck of the human race, Zhunti suddenly felt a little unwilling.

"Senior brother, the benefits this time are all for others, and I can teach you in Jie Er, so my brother is not reconciled."

Jieyin glanced at Zhunti, and shook his head gently, "It has been discussed in Zixiao Palace, if we make a move, we will break the rules, let alone the other four sages, even the teacher's side, we can't Confession."

"Hey, I want to be happy in the west, how long will I have to wait?"

Zhunti let out a long sigh.

In the human tribe, the tribesmen had sufficient food sources, and they smiled for a while, and the tribe was filled with joy.

On this day, Fuxi sat on the edge of the big lake, observing the sun, moon and stars, and the movement of everything in the world. Suddenly, he had a heartbeat and jumped up.

He waved a mana casually, and a huge sycamore tree fell down. The mana was condensed and turned into a sword. Swish, slash, and sawdust flew.

Turn it into a piece of wood three feet six inches long and six inches wide, and then carve it again, and finally it is ninety percent similar to the Lingbao Fuxiqin in Fuxi's hand before his reincarnation.

Later, Fuxi beheaded a bison, took out the tendons, and made them into strings.

At the beginning, Fuxi made five strings, the same as Fuxiqin.

But he thought about it, and for some reason, it was changed to Qixian again like a ghost.

Fuxi stretched out his fingers, caressed the surface of the qin, concentrating on his thoughts, and the sound of the qin suddenly sounded.

The sound of the piano is euphemistic and resolute, coming in a trickle, like a mountain and flowing water, with endless charm.

As the sound of the zither played, Fuxi gradually entered a better state, and the surrounding birds, beasts, fish and insects, and wild beasts seemed to be fascinated, surrounded by three feet away, listening attentively.

At the end of the song, before Fuxi opened his eyes, the surrounding birds, beasts, fish and insects had already dispersed in a hurry.

"This is the human guqin."

Fuxi got up and named the Qin in his hand.

After returning to the tribe, the human guqin was liked by many people in the human race. They made, played, and cultivated their sentiments in their spare time.

For a moment, the aesthetics of the entire Huaxu Kingdom seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the blink of an eye, another four years have passed. In the four years, more and more people are willing to join the Huaxu Kingdom.

The entire Huaxu Kingdom has a population of more than 80.

This year, Fu Xi was 60 years old and Hua Xu was 78 years old.

Fuxi has been in power for more than 20 years and has led the tribe to prosperity step by step.

Blessed by the luck of the human race, with a body of mana, he has already climbed to the Great Perfection of the Celestial Immortal, and he is only one step away from breaking through.

Under Fu Xi's meditation, although Hua Xu did not set foot on the fairy road.

But he still has no blurred vision and no deafness, and he walks with a breath of wind.

In the ancestral land of the human race, in the Yujing Mountain, the third ancestor watched this scene, and was sincerely relieved. The era of the human race is coming soon!

The prehistoric world does not remember the years, the years go by, and in the blink of an eye, 100 years have passed.

The population of Huaxu Kingdom grew exponentially and exceeded one billion for the first time during Fuxi's 120-year reign.

Moreover, at a more violent speed, it radiated to the surrounding area. With the original Huaxu Kingdom as the center, the territory with a radius of tens of thousands of miles has become the Huaxu Kingdom.

Countless human races know that in the far east, there is a tribe called Huaxu Country. In that tribe, there is no hunger, no pain, no worries, there are endless fat cows, and there are endless pheasants. It is an artifact that can catch a thousand catties of fat fish, and it also has beautiful music.

Fuxi's reputation has spread throughout the human race, and he has a new name called the co-lord of the human race.

With Fuxi becoming the co-lord of the human race, the luck on the Kongtong Seal is also increasing.

Chen Xuanji knew that it was time to fetch Hetu Luoshu and help Fuxi prove the way.

Although Hetu Luoshu is only a top-grade innate spiritual treasure in terms of rank, the profound meaning it contains exceeds that of innate treasures, and it has all kinds of inconceivable magical functions.

All things have air and form, form means quality, quality means number, and number means image. The five elements of air, quality, number, and image can be simulated and expressed by Heluo Eight Diagrams.

They are ingeniously combined and integrated into one body to construct a universe where time and space are unified, and the operation mode of the generation and evolution of all things contains infinite mysteries.

"Let's go see Master first."

Chen Xuanji sighed, and flew to Biyou Palace to meet the leader of Tongtian.

"Master, Fuxi is now the co-lord of the human race, but the opportunity to prove the Tao has yet to come. This disciple is going to ask for the Hetu Luoshu to give Fuxi the opportunity to prove the Tao."

Above Qingyun, Master Tongtian made calculations and began to consume mana. After a while, he said slowly.

"Fuxi's luck has indeed reached its peak, but the Hetu Luoshu is not in Kunpeng's hands."

"Not in Kunpeng's hands? Where is it?"

"Honghuang Beiming, the prince of the demon clan, is in Lu's hands."

Master Tongtian calculated with great power, and everything was clearly laid out in front of him.

"It turned out to be in Luya's hands"

"Do you want me to come forward for this matter?"

Master Tongtian asked again.

Chen Xuanji shook his head, "If the Hetu Luoshu is in Kunpeng's hands, perhaps the teacher will be required to come forward, but if Lu Ya is concerned, the disciple should be able to handle it by himself."

"In that case, then you go."

"Yes, Master."

After leaving Biyou Palace, Chen Xuanji first went to the Underworld, and then rushed to the Northern Underworld.

In the land of the Underworld, the land is covered with snow and ice, and there are countless icebergs that are hundreds of millions of miles high, piercing the sky and the earth.

The cold wind blows in bursts, making people feel a chill in their hearts.

Chen Xuanji covered the heaven and earth with the Great Luo Primordial Spirit, and found the base camp of the monster clan among countless icebergs in a short while.

He restrained his breath a little, and stepped into the demon clan's base camp. Soon, he was stopped by a big demon in the golden fairy realm.

The big demon looked at Chen Xuanji, and found that he couldn't see through the person in front of him at all, and his face suddenly flashed with vigilance.

"Who are you, do you know that this is the territory of my monster clan?"

Ever since the heaven collapsed and the Yaozu fell into glory, the life of the Yaozu has become difficult. They have offended too many enemies, and all races are their enemies.

Although there are still a few quasi-sages sitting in town, they still migrated to this bitter cold place in order to preserve their strength and recuperate.

"Of course I know that this is the territory of the Yao clan. I have an old relationship with your prince Lu Ya. I came here this time to meet His Royal Highness the prince of the Ni family."

As he spoke, a trace of Da Luo's breath leaked out slightly.

"Meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince? Please wait a moment, I will report."

The big demon left in a hurry, came back in a hurry, and said to Chen Xuanji, "His Royal Highness, please come with me."

Looking at the polite big demon, Chen Xuanji couldn't help but want to laugh.

In the past, when the Heavenly Court was still there, when Emperor Jun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi ruled the prehistoric world, how mighty the monster race was.

Even an Earth Immortal and Heavenly Immortal's monster soldiers are all showing off their power, but once the monster clan collapses, even the Golden Immortal Demon will bow his head and behave like a human being.

Only strength is eternal capital.

Followed the monster soldiers all the way, and soon saw a huge square, continued to move forward, passed through a winding mountain range, and finally saw an iceberg that existed for hundreds of millions of years.

From the front, the iceberg was obviously dug out by more than half, and there was a plaque hanging on it, with the word "demon" written in the prehistoric script.

"His Royal Highness is inside."

After the big demon finished speaking, he retreated straight away, while Chen Xuanji walked straight into the iceberg.

The hole on the surface of the iceberg is not big, but there is a cave inside, besides the demon prince Lu Ya, the demon saint Bai Ze is also there.

"why you?"

Lu Ya was a little surprised. He thought it was a Da Luoxian from the monster clan who came to join him, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be the chief of the Jiejiao.

Lu Ya thought of the scene when his uncle took him to Kunlun Mountain to discuss Taoism many years ago when he was still alive.

In that battle, he defeated all the disciples of the Sanqing sect, but he was defeated by the head of the sect, and even the flying knife was taken away.

After that time, the number of times the two met again has already been counted.

Lu Ya felt the perfect aura of Da Luo on Chen Xuanji's body, and was a little shocked at the same time.

He practiced on the chaotic sun god planet without stopping for a day, and he was only at this level. This section of the head of the sect is really terrifying!
"The Demon Saint Bai Ze."

Chen Xuanji nodded at Bai Ze, then turned to look at Lu Ya, showing a smile.

"You and I are old acquaintances, why, can't you come here to meet old friends?"

He admired Lu Ya very much, he was resolute, decisive, and indeed had the air of a heavenly emperor, but it was a pity that he was born in the wrong era.
Lu Ya waved his hand and got to the point, "There's no need to talk about it, you come to my place, just tell me what you have to say."

In the first battle back then, although Lu Ya lost to Chen Xuanji, there was no jealousy in his heart, but rather admiration.

"The great prosperity of the human race is imminent, and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are ruling the world. I need the Hetu Luoshu in your hand."

"Hetu Luoshu?"

When he heard that Chen Xuanji wanted to borrow Hetu Luoshu, Lu Ya directly refused, "How can you easily borrow someone's treasure from my father?"

Chen Xuanji shook his head slightly, "Don't fellow Daoist Lu Ya think it's a good opportunity to lend to Hetu Luoshu?"

"What does it mean?"

"In the past, the monster clan refined the witch-slaying sword and killed hundreds of billions of human races. In the dark, they have already owed the human race a great karma. Back then, the human race was not prosperous, and this karma was nothing. But now, The human race is the protagonist of the world scheduled in the future, and it is about to prosper, if you don’t pay back this karma, where will you put the monster race, and let them live forever in this bitter cold place in the north?”

Lu Ya's face changed slightly, and he wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to say.

Chen Xuanji continued, "The great prosperity of the human race is an unstoppable trend. Whether you lend the Hetu Luoshu to the human race or not, the prosperity of the human race is only a matter of a few days later, or a few days sooner. But you can eliminate the cause and effect between you and the human race, why not be happy?"

Lu Ya frowned, and looked at Bai Ze, but Bai Ze turned around and ignored him.

If you want to be a real emperor, you must learn to solve problems independently.

Lu Ya thought about it carefully, and felt that it was indeed the same as what Chen Xuanji said.

He thought about it seriously for a while, and he already had the answer in his mind, "I can lend the Hetu Luoshu to the people, but the Hetu Luoshu, after all, is the treasure of the father, and you also need to show sincerity."

"It's natural."

Chen Xuanji waved his hand, and Luobao money appeared in his hand.

Luobao money is square and square, shining with golden light, and a huge amount of luck has been accumulated inside, almost overflowing.

"The Luobao money is temporarily stored with you. After the Hetu Luoshu is used up, I will send it over in person. How about it?"

Lu Ya made up his mind, took the Luobao money, and with a thought, Hetu Luoshu was already in Chen Xuanji's hands.

After receiving Hetu Luoshu, Chen Xuanji did not leave directly, but said again, "I heard that you have been recruiting troops in the land of Beiming all these years, recuperating and recuperating, and want to regain the glory of the Heavenly Court?"

"So what?"

"I understand your intentions, but now that the world has changed and the era of the Yaozu has come to an end, your painstaking plans to revitalize the Yaozu may be in vain in the end. At that time, what should you do?"

Lu Ya's face was constantly flickering with tangled colors, and his fists were involuntarily clenched.

Now in the prehistoric world, the calamity is clear, the Emperor Haotian's means are not weak, and the myriad races are eyeing his monster race. Just like what Chen Xuanji said, if he proves to be a quasi-sage one day, will he really be able to revive the demon race and re-establish the heavenly court?

Lu Ya was at a loss at this moment, not knowing where the road ahead was.

Bai Ze was listening, and his eyes became confused. In the current situation, is there really time for his monster clan to revive?

Chen Xuanji spoke again, "The Great Desolation is too big, but compared to the Chaos, no matter in the Chaos or the Primal Desolation, strength is the truth and is eternal. If you work hard and want to revive the Heavenly Court, it is better to cultivate the Hunyuan Avenue. , even if the Heavenly Court is not re-established, who would dare to underestimate your three-legged Golden Crow?"

"Sanctification? Without the primordial purple energy in your body, how can you become a saint?"

Lu Ya's face was full of bitterness. When Zixiao Palace preached, there were seven primordial purple qi, one of which was hidden in the chaos and disappeared, and finally became six saints. Without the primordial purple aura, one cannot become a saint. It has long been a common consensus.

Chen Xuanji shook his head again, "Why do you want to limit your eyes to the prehistoric world? Apart from the Primordial Purple Qi, you can't go on the Hunyuan Road. You are a three-legged Golden Crow, and it's easy to master the law of fire. Your father and uncle Open up a dojo on Chaos Sun Star, why bother to stay in Honghuang, subject to all kinds of constraints, if I were you, I would leave Honghuang directly and go to chaos to rebuild Hunyuan Dao."

"That's all I've said."

After Chen Xuanji finished speaking, he tore apart the space and disappeared in place, leaving only Lu Ya who was stupefied and full of dull eyes.

"Leave the chaos and pursue the road of chaos. Revitalize the demon clan"

Suddenly, Lu Ya raised his head, his eyes were brighter than ever before.

He landed, as if he had found the path he should take next.

On the coast of the East China Sea, Jinao Island, in the cave, Chen Xuanji took out the Hetu Luoshu and smiled slightly.

"Hetu Luoshu, I got it back, and then I have to hand it over to Zhao Gongming and the others."

(End of this chapter)

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