Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 152 The Great Conspiracy of the Founding of the Great Merchants and the Founding of the Coun

Chapter 152 The Great Conspiracy of the Founding of the Great Merchants and the Founding of the Country
For a moment, everyone fell silent and accepted the fact.

Only Emperor Yu was still a little sullen, that was the Great Xia he created by himself.

After notifying the news, Chen Xuanji rushed back to Biyou Palace and continued to retreat.

In the chaos, he got a great opportunity, and now his space law is infinitely close to [-]%.

Once it reaches [-]%, it will be the perfect cultivation of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, comparable to the Great Perfection of the quasi-sage in the prehistoric.

When the time comes, he will hold the innate treasure Hongmeng Measuring Ruler. Under the saint, who would dare to take the lead?

Even Patriarch Styx, there is a high probability that he is not his opponent, right?
Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, another 30 years passed.

In the past 30 years, the Great Xia Empire was in turmoil, but the Great Xia Emperor not only did not restrain himself, but became more and more cruel and violent.

And began to execute ministers in large numbers, build palaces, wine pools and meat forests, just for fun!
He also "built Qinggong, decorated Yaotai, made Qiongshi, and erected Yumen".

He also searched for beautiful women from all over the place, hid them in the harem, and drank and had fun with concubines and maids day and night, which was extremely absurd.

Xia Renhuang has been in power for 80 years, and finally the hearts of the people have been lost, all the people betrayed their relatives, and the Xia Kingdom is in chaos!
Many tribes under Daxia's command started an unprecedented civil war.

For a time, the land of the human race was in a state of war and chaos!
After 20 years of chaos, one of the many tribes under the Xia Dynasty, the monarch of the Shang tribe, Cheng Tang, with the assistance and planning of Yi Yin and Zhong Hui, successively destroyed Wei Guo, Gu Guo, and Kunwu.

In the end, in the lower realm, in the land of Mingtiao, a great battle was waged with the remaining power of Great Xia.

The war lasted for three years, and not a single bit of Great Xia's luck was left. Xia Renhuang was captured, unbearable to be humiliated, and committed suicide in Mingtiao.

Daxia's luck was booming, turbulent, and finally shattered.

The golden brilliance flew from Daxia to Yujing Mountain and merged into Kongtong Seal.

This also means that Great Xia perishes, its luck is scattered, and it no longer exists.

Under the human temple, Emperor Yu was heartbroken.

"My Great Xia has been in the country for thousands of years, and it was ruined by this unfilial son. My heart aches!"

In the land of the human race, Cheng Tangxiong has a great strategy, plans to judge the past and the present, and with the assistance of a large number of capable ministers, he established the Great Shang Empire, and opened the world of the Great Shang Empire with Chaoge as the capital.

For a moment, in Yujing Mountain, above the Human Race Temple, luck roared.

The Kongtong seal manifested and condensed into a big "Shang" character.

It also means that Dashang belongs to the destiny and has been approved by Kongtong Seal.

Chengtang Liguo, the founding ancestor of the country, after Chaoge ascended the throne, with the blessing of the supreme luck and the aura of the emperor, his cultivation level jumped to the perfection of Daluo Jinxian.

Cheng Tang absorbed the reasons for the collapse of the Great Xia Empire, and after careful consideration, he came to Yujing Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race, and made three requests.

First, request to change the reign of the Emperor from 100 years to 1000 years.

Second, ask the ancestral land of the human race to send strong men to stay in Chaoge all the year round to monitor the emperor.

Third, ask the ancestral land to pass down the supreme practice of the Great Dharma, so that everyone in the Great Shang Empire will be like a dragon!
The three ancestors of the human race, the three emperors and five emperors, gathered in the human race temple to discuss for three days and three nights, and finally agreed to Cheng Tang's request.

From the ancestral land, three Da Luo Jinxians were sent to sit in Chaoge and rotate every 500 years to supervise the Great Xia Empire.

At the same time, change the reign time of the Emperor to 1000 years.

In addition, a large number of mysterious methods have been passed down, and all people in the Great Xia Empire can practice them.

Chengtang returned to Chaoge contentedly, and began to work hard to manage the big business.

At the same time, various disadvantages of the Great Xia were reformed, and the new system was implemented. For a time, the luck of the great business was in full swing, like a great sun, rising slowly!

On Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, and above the heavenly clouds, Yuanshi's plan was clearly presented in his mind as soon as Yuan Shi thought about it.

"What a human race, what a good soup. If this is the case, how can the human race still have a day of decline?"

Yuan Shi's face was expressionless, but his heart was extremely cold.

The luck of heaven and earth has always been countless. The luck of the human race is strong, but the luck of many saints is weak.

If the race were to continue to develop unscrupulously, would there still be a place for saintly orthodoxy?
The most important thing is that the Twelve Golden Immortals are in danger
Explain, you can no longer be so passive!

"Where is Baihe boy?"

Yuan Shi's majestic voice resounded through Yuxu Palace.


Boy Baihe quickly entered Yuxu Palace and saluted Yuanshi.

As soon as Yuan Shi thought about it, a jade decree fell into the hands of Boy Baihe.

"Go to Mount Sumeru yourself, and hand over this decree to the Second Western Hierarch."

"Yes, Tong'er obeys."

Boy Baihe nodded obediently, then left Yuxu Palace with the edict in both hands.

After leaving the Yuxu Palace, Baihe breathed a sigh of relief, "Master is getting more and more scary, I'd better hurry up and get things done."

Boy Baihe, who has been with Yuanshi for countless years, has strong mana and is perfect for Taiyi.

He turned into an innate Taoist body, fluttered his wings, and flew to Mount Sumeru.

In the west, Mount Sumeru, after the white crane boy presented the decree, he flew back to Yuxu Palace in a fluttering manner.

Beside the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Zhunti held the jade decree, feeling a little puzzled.

"Old man Yuan Shi has always been arrogant and looked down on others, why did he find our senior brother today?"

"Just open the decree and have a look."

Zhunti opened the decree according to his words, and the two souls swept it away, and the contents inside appeared in their hearts.

"Alliance with each other, destroy the great prosperity of the human race, and harvest luck to suppress the rest of the saints"

Zhunti's face became serious, and he asked Jieyin, "Brother, how should we go back?"

Jie Yin pondered for a long time before saying, "Although Yuan Shi is arrogant, he is thoughtful. Since he has this idea, he must have a plan in mind. Maybe we can go to Yuxu Palace to lie down and discuss it face to face."

The Second Saint of the West has been envious of the luck of the human race for a long time.

"it is good."

Zhunti, Yin Yin concealed his aura, tore apart the space, and arrived in Yuxu Palace in an instant.

Above the Qingyun of the heavens, Yuan Shi slightly nodded, "I didn't expect that the two juniors came so quickly."

Zhunti made two interviews, "Brother Yuanshi has a specific plan in mind, let's just say it out, it's not interesting to be secretive."

Yuan Shi said slowly, "The current Jiejiao, the human race, develops day by day, and the luck of the human race is like a dragon, growing stronger and stronger, which has already affected the development of my sage lineage."

"Cultivate another force, take away the position of the emperor, and then let them abolish the luck of the emperor by themselves. At that time, the interception will definitely end. Let's unite again and take action together to destroy the interception and harvest the destiny of humanity. .”

Zhunti, Jieyin was secretly startled by Yuanshi's ruthlessness, but he still said, "Brother Yuanshi did this, I'm afraid it's not entirely because of the development of teaching."

Yuan Shi had no expression on his face, "The Twelve Golden Immortals committed murder during the battle for the emperor, and I suppressed it with great magic power, and it can only last for 5 years."


"The Twelve Golden Immortals committed murder? When did you get involved in murder?"

Zhun mentioned, received a surprise.

On Qingyun, Yuan Shi said slowly, "It was contaminated when the human race and the witch race competed for the emperor."

"Did you get it while fighting for the emperor?"

Zhunti, welcome and have fun. Calculated in this way, the three emperors and five emperors of the human race not only did not get the slightest benefit from teaching, but also got a lot of shit?
Yuan Shi also naturally had a disgraceful thing about it, but in order to win over Zhunti, to receive him, and as a helpless move, he quickly brushed past the matter and asked back.

"What do you two juniors think? Now, there are as many as one million immortals in Jujiao, and the momentum of the human race is even fiercer. If we don't take some action, the luck will be divided up. At that time, the teaching will not be good, and the West Daxing has also become a flower in the mirror, a moon in the water."

Then he said, "Senior Brother Taiqing, Senior Brother Shangqing, and Junior Sister Nuwa are not easy to mess with. Once they do this, they will definitely stand on the opposite side with the three saints."

"They have three saints, so I don't think there are three saints?"

Yuan Shi's voice suddenly increased a lot.

Zhunti, receiving, and being silent, this wave of play is too big, even the saint dare not agree casually.

"You two juniors don't need to worry too much, we have other helpers."

Yuan Shi's voice lowered a bit.

"Other helpers?"

"who is it?"

Zhunti received and cited with one voice.

"Emperor of Heaven, Haotian."


Zhunti couldn't figure it out, how much help could a mere Zhunsheng do to their plan?

"Yes, it is Haotian. It has been a long time since Haotian re-established the Heavenly Court, but how many people can use it in such a big Heavenly Court? One percent of the time!"

Seeing Zhunti's introduction was still a bit unclear, Yuan Shi explained again.

"We will assist the heavenly court to set off a catastrophe, suppress the Jiejiao, and the human race, and there are many people in that section, and there are a million immortals. At that time, the Jiejiao immortals can go to the heavenly court to help Haotian take charge of the heavenly court. We wait for the saint Orthodoxy, carve up the luck of the human race, how about it?"

Zhunti, Jieyin, his eyes suddenly lit up, behind Haotian, but Daozu, use it well, there is no need for a saint to come.

Four against three, the advantage lies with them.

Then he said, "Dare to ask senior brother, after helping the Twelve Golden Immortals survive the catastrophe, how should we distribute the luck of humanity and the luck of interception?"

Yuan Shi said silently, "Seventy percent of teaching is elucidated, and [-] percent of western teaching, how about it?"

Hearing this, he shook his head directly, "Brother is too insincere."

After speaking, he will take Zhunti and leave.

"Sixty percent of teaching is sixty percent, and the west is forty percent, how about it?"

Zhunti, the guide's footsteps still did not stop, and walked straight out.

Yuan Shi's voice sank, "Fifty-fifty, this is the final bottom line."

Zhunti, Jieyin stopped in his tracks immediately, and after thinking for a while, he said, "That's about the same."

They also know that it takes a lot of luck for the Twelve Golden Immortals to commit murder, and the [-]-[-] split is already the limit that Yuan Shi can accept.

"Then when do I start to act?"

"No hurry, I need to discuss it with Haotian first. There is a shortage of people in Tianting, and Haotian is very anxious. It must not be difficult to persuade him."

"Then shall we give Heavenly Court some benefits then?"

Zhunti frowned, Haotian, after all, is a member of the Taoist ancestor, and it always feels unreasonable not to give some benefits.

"Teaching a million immortals is the greatest benefit for Heaven."

In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi and Zhunti led the three of them to discuss for a long time before the meeting ended.

Then, under Yuanshi's instruction, Baihe Boy rushed to the Heavenly Court again, and went to the Heavenly Court to invite Haotian God.

On the 33rd day, in the Heavenly Court, on top of the Lingxiao Palace, Haotian Jinque is the supreme supreme being, and naturally there is Miluo Zhizhen Jade Emperor God, that is, Haotian, who is processing the memorial on the desk.

After reviewing for a while, Haotian stopped, sighed, and began to think.

It has been tens of thousands of years since the Heavenly Court was re-established, but there is no political achievement, and even no one under him can use it.

No, it can't be said that no one is available, but there are very few subordinates, even Jinxian and Taiyixian. How can there be deterrence and action in such a huge heaven?
He is really tired of being the Great Emperor of Heaven.

Just as Haotian was thinking, Li Changgeng's voice came from outside Lingxiao Palace, "Your Majesty, under the sage Yuanshi of Kunlun Mountain, Baihe boy is asking to see you."

"Boy Baihe?"

Haotian frowned slightly, "Let him in."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After a while, Boy Baihe walked into the Lingxiao Palace holding the jade decree of the sage.

Baihe didn't become arrogant just because he was a child of a sage, on the contrary, he was very polite, holding the jade decree, and saluted Haotian respectfully.

"White Crane has met the Emperor of Heaven, and wish the Emperor of Heaven a boundless life."

Haotian quickly cast out a burst of mana to make Baihe stand up, and said, "You are welcome, boy, the saint asked you to come, what's the matter?"

Boy Baihe said, "My lord invites the Emperor of Heaven to go to Yuxu Palace."

After Bai He finished speaking, he added, "As for the rest, Tong'er doesn't know either."

Haotian nodded slightly, "I know, I will go to Kunlun Mountain soon."

After finishing speaking, he played tricks on Li Changgeng again.

Li Chenggeng understood immediately, took Baihe boy down, and gave him a dozen flat peaches with large fruit and small core, before sending him away.

In the Lingxiao Palace, Haotian frowned, "What will happen if the sage seeks me?"

Haotian couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it. After reviewing the memorial for a while, he left alone for 33 days and rushed towards Kunlun Mountain.

Kunlun Mountain, in Yuxu Palace, after Yuanshi told Haotian all the big plans involving heaven, teaching, and Western teaching, Haotian was so shocked that he couldn't even react.

"Brother Sage, isn't he joking with me!"

Haotian was panicked, the plan worked out, and he, Haotian, would bear countless years of infamy.

If you are about to lose, you will be greeted by the thunderous wrath of the three saints.

On Qingyun, Yuan Shi said slightly, "Then let me ask you, if you don't do this, how can the heavenly court have a chance to prosper?"

Haotian almost cursed in his heart, if the saints were not holding back in secret, how could the heaven be so embarrassed now!
But he still had a lot of worries in his heart, he hesitated to agree.

Yuanshi looked at Haotian, and his voice became a little indifferent, "Could it be that you are still thinking about the matter of Jujiao helping you rebuild the heavenly court back then. people are available."

"If you give up this opportunity, it will be really difficult for Tianting to turn around."

Haotian gritted his teeth, "Dare to ask senior brother, what do you need Haotian to do?"

"Go to Zixiao Palace, meet the Taoist ancestor, and cry out that there is no one available in the heavenly court."

"When are you going?"

"It's not in a hurry. Now that the teaching is cut off, the luck of the human race is prosperous. If you act now, there are too many uncontrollable factors. I will notify you when I need to go."

"it is good."

Haotian gritted his teeth, turned and left Yuxu Palace.

Yuan Shi looked at Haotian's leaving figure, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and next, it was time to wait for the opportunity to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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