Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 153: For 3 Years, All the Saints Gather in the Zixiao Palace to Confer God and Tribulate!

Chapter 153: For 3 Years, All the Saints Gather in the Zixiao Palace to Confer God and Tribulate!

Time passed, and another 3 years passed in the blink of an eye.

For 3 years, between the heaven and the earth, there was a clear sky, and the prehistoric peoples flourished.

Jiejiao spreads from the coast of the East China Sea to the prehistoric world, and its orthodoxy is so strong that it ranks firmly in the first rank among saints.

The development of human education, elucidation education, and western education is going hand in hand, seizing all the resources that can be seized, and increasing the strength of one's own orthodoxy.

These 3 years have been the best era in the prehistoric times, with no wars, no killings, no one with great supernatural powers to oppress all living beings, only endless resources.

Wanzu, in such an environment, their power has risen to a higher level!
As for the human race, not to mention, the ancestral land of the human race is prosperous, the Kongtong seal is getting stronger and stronger, and the majesty of the human race's temple is getting better every day.

As for the great business established by Cheng Tang, it is not as eternal as the human race.

1 years before the founding of the country, the great merchants were extremely brilliant and extremely powerful
In the second 1 years, it turned into a moderate development and turned into a flat line.

In the third 1 years, it gradually turned from prosperity to decline.

However, even so, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and there is still a lot of background in the Great Shang Dynasty.

With the blessing of Da Shang's terrifying human luck, there is no shortage of Immortal Golden Immortals and even Taiyi Immortals.

Some people are happy and some are worried. 33 Above the sky, Haotian Jinque is the supreme supreme. Naturally, there is Miluo to the true Jade Emperor, but the God is lamenting day and night.

For 3 years, with great determination, he has recruited a group of manpower, and the heavenly court has been running, and has obtained the basic guarantee!

But the prehistoric is so big, the Heavenly Court is still too short of manpower, so few that there is almost no one available.

Sometimes there are big monsters in the lower realms making troubles, and they can't even come up with generals to exterminate them.

Even he, the Jade Emperor God, had to secretly go down to the realm to wipe out the big monster!

"Where is my opportunity in heaven!"

Haotian sighed and began to review the memorial.

In fact, over the years, it is not that there are no people with great supernatural powers who want to join the Heavenly Court.

It's just because after joining the Heavenly Court, on the one hand, it will be constrained by the luck of the Heavenly Court, and there is no freedom.

If you can't do whatever you want and be free and easy, these great powers will not be willing.

Honghuang, Chaoge, the capital of the Great Merchants.

Just yesterday, Wen Ding, the last emperor of Dashang, reigned for 1000 years and passed the throne to his eldest son, Emperor Yi.

I went back to the ancestral land of the human race to suppress luck.

During Wen Ding's reign, he had no political achievements, and officials were allowed to do whatever they wanted, and the big merchants seemed to be in decline.

Dashang Foreign Service, Jiang, Ji, E, and Chong, the four princes and kings are even more eyeing, secretly coveting the fate of the emperor.

On the surface, the great business world is peaceful and peaceful, but in the dark, there are undercurrents and dangers.

If you are not careful, you will repeat the mistakes of the Great Xia Empire 3 years ago.

Today is the enthronement ceremony of Emperor Yi. In the Longde Hall, as Emperor Yi wears the black bird crown and accepts the congratulations from civil and military officials, he has officially received the blessing of the emperor's luck.

For a moment, Emperor Yi's cultivation level was rising steadily, and he jumped from the realm of the earth fairy to the perfection of Taiyi in an instant, and he was only one step away from Da Luo.

The golden aura of human emperor turned into long dragons, guarding him.

He is sacred and mysterious as a foil, like a divine mansion that cannot be looked up.

With Emperor Yi succeeding to the throne, the spirit of the human race fluctuated.

A very faint, almost imperceptible evil spirit from heaven and earth rose slowly, permeating the prehistoric world!
The evil spirit of heaven and earth is the key thing to evolve into a calamity. Others can't feel it, but they can't hide it from the saints.

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace, above the clouds, Taiqing slowly frowned, "There is another evil spirit rising between the heaven and the earth. This evil spirit has no roots and no grass, and it comes suddenly. Could it be that there is another catastrophe in the prehistoric world?" ?”

Taiqing pinched his fingers and began to calculate, but the evil spirit has the effect of covering up the secrets and disrupting cause and effect.

As strong as Taiqing, after half a day of calculation, he still found nothing.

On Jinao Island, the leader of the Tongtian Church also felt this smear, and a trace of worry flashed across his brows.

It is never a good thing to have evil spirits between heaven and earth.

For example, during the Dragon and Han catastrophe and the Lich catastrophe in the past, even when the Xuanyuan clan of the human clan and the Chiyou clan of the witch clan were fighting for power, evil spirits descended on all of them.

On Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, and the heavenly clouds, Yuanshi's expression suddenly changed, and his sharp and majestic eyes looked into the distance.

"The evil spirit has risen, and the great merchants of the human race have finally begun to decline. Isn't it the time for me to explain the teachings?"

Yuan Shi's eyes were burning with brilliant divine light, making it hard to look directly at.

Over the past 3 years, I have watched the gap between explaining teachings and cutting teachings grow wider and wider.

For the proud Yuan Shi, it was completely unacceptable.

Tai Sutian, Wa Palace, and Nu Wa looked worried.

The human race has finally been stable for 3 years. Now, is there going to be another big turmoil?

Under the evil spirit, the sky and the earth are not visible, and it is dark and unclear. It is not known whether the human race will be greeted with prosperity or decline.

In the west, Mount Sumeru, beside the Eight Treasures Merit Pond, Zhunti Jieyin also felt this very faint evil spirit of heaven and earth.

Zhunti was very excited, "Senior brother, the evil spirit is rising, and the secrets are obscure. Could it be that the great opportunity of my Western Sect is coming?"

Jieyin's face was flat, but there was still uncontrollable surprise in his eyes.

"It has been 3 years since the prehistoric period, and now the evil spirit has returned, which means that there will be a big change again. This time, it is the opportunity for me to teach in the West."

"Brother, what should we do now?"

"Wait and see what happens. When that Yuanshi contacts us to explain and teach the Twelve Golden Immortals to commit murder, the old fox Yuanshi won't be able to sit still."

"Yes, brother."

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, continued to close their eyes, and began to meditate.

Beiming, the base camp of the demon clan, the five great demon saints gathered together, their eyes were shining with fire.

"Master Military Advisor, evil spirits are sweeping across the prehistoric world. Could it be that this time is our monster race's chance?"

Ying Zhao, Fei Lian and the other four monster saints had fiery eyes and were extremely excited.

Since the fall of the Heavenly Court in ancient times, and the fall of His Majesty the Demon Emperor, the demon clan has no prosperity and can only settle down in a corner.

But all the demon saints still did not give up and waited hard. After waiting for such a long time, did they finally wait for the chance to revive the demon clan?

Bai Ze waved his feather fan and slowly shook his head, "The time is not yet, my monster clan needs to continue to recuperate."


All the demon saints were very puzzled. For 3 years, the power of the demon clan's secret development has been very strong.

Even if the prosperity of the ancient Heavenly Court cannot be restored, it is absolutely possible to dominate one side again, and there is no need to continue to survive in this bitterly cold place in the Northern Darkness!

Bai Ze said meaningfully, "The prehistoric land is ultimately the world of saints. Even if we dominate one side, in the eyes of saints, we are nothing more than ants. On the contrary, we will attract attention and be suppressed. It is better to continue to live here in Beiming." place to practice."

"Now, we can only continue to fight until His Royal Highness proves the Dao and Hunyuan returns. At that time, it will be a great opportunity for the revitalization of our monster race."

After hearing this, all the demon saints were still a little bit unwilling, and their spirits were waning.

"Looking at the dejected look of the crowd, Bai Ze shook his head and said again.

"Not long ago, His Royal Highness received news that he had broken through to the peak of the Primordial Golden Immortal."

"The peak of the Hunyuan Jinxian is equivalent to the realm of the Great Consummation of the Quasi-Sage. His Royal Highness has such aptitude. Are you afraid that you will not be able to prove the Hunyuan one day?"

"What, His Royal Highness has broken through to the peak of Hunyuan Jinxian?"

All the demon saints were taken aback and couldn't believe it.

They are all great monsters who have cultivated for countless years, and the road to quasi-sage is already extremely difficult.

Not to mention the road to Hunyuan, which is even more difficult than the road to quasi-sage!
His Royal Highness the crown prince's breakthrough to the peak of Hunyuan Jinxian is enough to explain everything.

All the demon saints no longer mentioned the matter of the attack now, they looked at each other and said in unison.

"I'm waiting to develop in the land of Beiming, and wait quietly for the return of His Royal Highness the Prince."

"Remember, the matter of His Royal Highness's testimony to the peak of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal is the top secret of my monster clan, and you must not tell others."

Bai Ze's face suddenly became serious.

"Yes, my lord."

All the demon saints said in unison.

Yujing Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race, the three ancestors of the Sui people, the three emperors and five emperors, and the emperors of the human race are also very worried.

The great business has been established for more than [-] years, is it now the time when it is dying?
Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, another 500 years passed.

Emperor Yi reigned for 500 years, and in the first 100 years, he made great efforts to govern, and Dashang was slightly restored and turned for the better.

But later, gradually neglecting government affairs, ignoring government affairs, and ignoring military affairs, the great business quickly became weak again, and the luck of the great business slowly passed away, like an old lion, no longer as brave as it was when it was young !

With the decline of the big business, the evil spirit between heaven and earth is also increasing day by day.

Even some Taiyi Immortals and Da Luoxians can sense that fusion is about to happen again in the prehistoric world!
33 days, Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

Haotian also got Yuanshi, Zhunti, and received the notice from the three of them.

After explaining to Yao Chi, he flew out of the prehistoric world and rushed towards the endless chaos alone.

In the endless chaos, the earth, fire, water and wind are raging, the chaotic storm is howling, and danger is everywhere.

But Haotian has served as the Emperor of the Desolate Heaven for so many years, and his cultivation base is also a quasi-sage Dzogchen.

Although the earth, fire, water and wind are powerful, they can't hurt him at all.

Along the route in memory, Haotian didn't spend much effort, but he saw the Zixiao Palace, which stood in chaos, existed forever, and was immortal.

Haotian hurriedly flew to the gate of Zixiao Palace, looking at the familiar gate.

Thinking about the aggrieved feeling of Tiandi these years, Haotian felt a sense of grievance spontaneously.

He gently knocked on the door, his voice was very low, "Tong'er Haotian, please see the master."

Not long after, the gate of Zixiao Palace suddenly opened.

Haotian's expression was shocked, and he quickly stepped into it.

In Zixiao Palace, the air of endless twilight circulates without seeing the boundary, and countless airs of chaos hang down, arousing the vision of birth and death.

With awe in mind, Haotian walked forward all the way, and not long after, he saw Hongjun sitting on the futon, breathing indifferently.

Haotian saluted Hongjun respectfully, "Tong'er has seen the master."

Hongjun nodded, "You come to Zixiao Palace, what's the matter, let's talk about it together."

Having said that, Haotian couldn't stand it anymore, and cried out, "My lord, the position of Emperor of Heaven is hard to take. Tong'er has been in power for thousands of years. There are no hands, no political achievements, and no people. Tong'er implores Your Majesty, to re... Let’s re-elect another Heavenly Emperor.”

Hongjun frowned, "But those saint brothers of yours made things difficult for you?"

Haotian felt sad from his heart, he didn't say yes or no, he just kept shaking his head.

Seeing this, Hongjun sighed, and said slowly, "I know about this matter, just go back to Heaven and wait, I will naturally give you an explanation."

Haotian nodded again and again, and said gratefully, "Tong'er thank you, master."

After Haotian left Zixiao Palace, his mood instantly cheered up.

The master is finally going to help him, isn't it just around the corner to revitalize the heavenly court?
Haotian returned to the Heavenly Court, swept away the decadence before, and began to review the memorial.

Time flies, and another hundred years have passed, and the evil spirit between heaven and earth has increased by a lot.

The hearts of the saints were turbulent, and the aura of calamity was strong enough to measure the calamity.

Once the amount of calamity is activated, even a saint will not be able to get out of it.

On this day, in the prehistoric world and the 33rd heaven, a purple brilliance suddenly fell.

The purple brilliance, divided into six, flew towards the chaos together.

The other five paths fell into the dojos of the saints.

"The teacher summoned?"

Seeing the purple brilliance, all the saints were shocked in their hearts. They didn't dare to hesitate, and turned into a stream of light, flying towards the chaos.

When the six saints arrived at the gate of Zixiao Palace, Taiqing Laozi knocked on the gate. Soon, the gate of Zixiao Palace opened, and the saints entered Zixiao Palace and saluted Hongjun respectfully.

"Disciple, I have met the teacher."

Hongjun smiled slightly, and shot out a burst of mana, "Get up."

The faces of the saints were somewhat puzzled, "Dare to ask the teacher, what is the purpose of calling the disciples?"

Hongjun lay high on the nine clouds, his expression was indifferent, he didn't beat around the bush, but straight to the point, "After the Lich, the heavenly court collapsed, and 33 days turned into ruins. I accept Haotian as the emperor of heaven. Now, there are countless Haotian successors. It has been ten thousand years, but there is no God available in the Heavenly Court, and it is difficult to issue orders for 33 days. If the Heavenly Court becomes an empty shelf, how can the rules of the Heavenly Court be fulfilled?"

The saints listened quietly without speaking.

I saw Hongjun said again, "Human, explain, cut, the four Western religions have been developed for so many years, and there are many disciples in the teachings. The gods that the heavenly court lacks, let's take them from your four teachings."

In terms of teaching, Western religions have colluded for a long time, but they don't think so.

But cut off teaching, people teach, but some are unwilling.

Entering the Heavenly Court, although it can share some luck, it means that without freedom, one has to do things for the Heavenly Court from time to time, and is constrained by the Heavenly Court.

This is the most unacceptable for monks who pursue the Dao and are at ease.

Hongjun didn't explain much, and said directly, "The evil spirit between heaven and earth has risen and become more and more intense. This calamity is the calamity of conferring gods and measures. People, elucidation, interception, Western, among the disciples of the four religions, under quasi-sages, all need to enter Calamity, the calamity will not be over until the conferring of gods in the heavenly court is over and the gods return to their thrones."

"Everyone is going to be robbed?"

The saints were a little surprised. Doesn't that mean that the outstanding disciples of Da Luo who they spent a lot of resources to cultivate may be sent to the Heavenly Court for nothing?

Hongjun continued, "When the gods were enshrined, there were those who did not become immortals and became divine. Its spiritual way, those with shallow roots will become its human way, this is the number of days, it is no small matter, the situation is sealed, and the clue will only be known after death."

After finishing speaking, with a thought in Hongjun's mind, a scroll of precious light circulated, and the extraordinary golden book appeared in his hands, and a strong Taoism swept all directions!
"This is the Conferred God List. You can choose your own disciples and fill in their names on it."

(End of this chapter)

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