Chapter 157
Guanjiangkou, Yang's Mansion, everyone left one after another, Haotian didn't stop, waved his long sleeves, took the Dharma Guardian God of War, and Fairy Yunhua's family of five, and flew to the heaven.

After arriving at the Heavenly Court, Da Luotian, Fairy Yunhua took Yang Tianyou down to settle down.

In the entire Great Luotian, only the three brothers and sisters Yang Jiao, Yang Jian, and Yang Chan were left.

Haotian checked the qualifications, bloodlines, and potential of the three of them first, then nodded in satisfaction, with admiration on his face.

Yang Jiao, Yang Jian, and Yang Chan all bear the blood of immortals.

The horror of aptitude is not inferior to those innate creatures.

The most important thing is that they are innocent and completely belong to the heavenly court.

It also means that after being trained well, one can be regarded as a confidant.

Haotian's original intention was to let the three of them enter the robbery and experience it. Only in this way can they become his generals in the future and prop up a new world for the heaven.

But before that, they had to find a good teacher for the three of them.

Haotian thought silently, Yang Jiao, with infinite strength and strange bones, should be taught by the Guardian God of War, it should be very good.

As for Yang Jian, he has the most outstanding potential and the most terrifying aptitude. Haotian plans to teach him himself.

Don't look at Haotian himself as nothing in front of the Six Sages, but he also got the direct lineage of the Taoist ancestor.

There are 36 transformations in the sky, 72 transformations in the earth, what other methods are there, such as heaven and earth, eight or nine profound arts, all of them are proficient, and it is more than enough to teach a Yang Jian.

Although Yang Chan is the youngest, her potential and aptitude are no less than those of her two elder brothers, so it is only appropriate for her to be taught by Yao Chi.

In the future, they can help Yao Chi and manage the fairies in heaven together.

After Haotian made a decision, he began to distribute.

On the other hand, he brought Yang Jian by his side and cultivated him carefully.

In this way, the three brothers and sisters began to practice day and night in the heavenly court.

Time flies, and another 300 years have passed.

When Haotian was bleeding heavily and did not hesitate to waste the luck of Heavenly Court.

The cultivation of the three Yang Jiao brothers and sisters can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

Yang Jiao obtained the true biography of the Dharma Protector God of War, and his cultivation level climbed to the Golden Immortal Consummation.

Yang Jian is almost the same as his elder brother, and he is also the perfect cultivation base of Jinxian.

Yang Chan is slightly weaker, but she also has the cultivation base of the middle stage of Jinxian.

Haotian saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart. After conferring the gods, everything will get better and better.

In the lower realm, Emperor Yi has been in power for 900 years.

During his reign, he was greedy for pleasure, and his national strength was gradually weakening.

At the same time, the villain, Yuan Xianchen, and the great business empire have decayed from the inside out.
But Emperor Yi didn't care. In his eyes, the Great Merchant has lasted for 3 years and has already been immortal.

What's the big deal if it takes a little manpower, material resources, and resources?
Emperor Yi has reigned for 900 years. On this day, the weak evil spirit between heaven and earth has suddenly risen to a higher level, and has become visible to the naked eye.

Hong Huang's countless great powers all felt something in their hearts, and they all raised their heads to look at the sky.

Shouyang Mountain, Kunlun Mountain, Jin'ao Island, Mount Sumeru, and the Six Sages of Wa Palace immediately felt something in their hearts.

The rise of evil spirit is a sign of the imminent catastrophe.

The six sages didn't hesitate anymore, they all appeared together, tore apart the space, and rushed towards the Chaos Zixiao Palace.

At the same time, on the 33rd day, Da Luotian and Haotian's expressions became agitated.

After waiting for such a long time, it finally came. The catastrophe is about to begin, and the future will be his Heavenly Court.

Haotian was so excited that it was hard to describe, he had enough of being the puppet Tianzun.

He wants to be the real powerful Da Tianzun, to be on an equal footing with the saints, and to let the majesty of the Da Tianzun spread everywhere in the prehistoric world!
In front of the gate of Zixiao Palace, all the saints gathered.

Taiqing took out the list of gods and showed it to the other five sages, and after confirming that no more disciples would be added, Taiqing knocked on the gate of Zixiao Palace.

"crunch, crunch!"

The door creaked, with a touch of ancient eternity, and slowly separated to both sides.

Under the leadership of Lao Tzu Taiqing, everyone hurried into Zixiao Palace.

In Zixiao Palace, as always, the air of endless chaos and twilight circulates, carrying a sense of eternity and immortality.

Hongjun, dressed in a simple gray Taoist robe, was lying high above the nine clouds, looking at the saints faintly with his eyes!

All the saints saluted respectfully, "Disciple, I have met the teacher."

"Get up."

Hongjun nodded, and then asked, "How about the decision to sign the list of gods, can we discuss it?"

Hearing this, all the saints couldn't help feeling a little uneasy, and looked at Taiqing Laozi one after another.

Taiqing sighed, took out the list of gods, and the golden scroll slowly unfolded.

There are less than two hundred names on it, which only takes up a little more than half of the total area.

Moreover, most of the names are dimly lit, which means that most of the monks on the list are not very good.

Hongjun frowned, "If you add up the disciples of the four religions, you can't even make up these 360 ​​five people?"

Taiqing sighed and didn't speak, the gap between explaining the teaching and cutting the teaching was too deep, it didn't happen overnight, he wanted Yuanshi and Tongtian to bow their heads, no less than ascending to the sky.

As for the way the Western religion is digging and searching, naturally there is no need to say more.

Taking one more disciple is the same as gouging out their hearts and minds.

As for other people's teaching, I have really taken out everything I can.

Taiqing was silent, the other four saints did not speak, only Nuwa looked relaxed.

Anyway, Fengshen, no matter how she decides, just leave it to Daozu.

Seeing that the crowd did not respond, Hongjun said again, "If you don't fill in your names, the aura of calamity will rise at that time, and the disciples of the four religions who have not certified as quasi-sages will all be in calamity. At that time, everything will depend on your own luck." , Once you are on the list, you will not regret taking the medicine, and you will bear the consequences yourself."

This means that even in Xuandu, Kunlun's Twelve Golden Immortals were unfortunate enough to be listed on the list of gods, and they must obediently go to the heavenly court to do business, and they must not disobey.

Yuanshi, Zhunti, Jieyin looked at each other and secretly applauded.

What they want is to be on the list of gods according to their own opportunities.

Only in this way can the orthodoxy of Jiejiao be weakened, and the disciples of Jiejiao be sent to the list all at once.

Master Tongtian's eyes were cold and stern, and he didn't care.

He has absolute confidence in his disciples, and he can beat Chan and the West, no problem.

Immediately, the four spoke in unison and said in unison, "Just listen to the teacher. The disciples of the four religions, those who have not been certified as saints, will all be robbed. Whose disciples will be on the list at that time depends entirely on the destiny. No one can say that they regret it."

Taiqing also cupped his hands, seeing that the four juniors had made up their minds, he had no choice but to nod.

"This method is acceptable, fair and just, and no one can go back on his word."

Hongjun nodded, "If that's the case, then listen to you, the disciples of the Four Religions will be robbed, and whoever gets on the list depends on the destiny."

At this time, the saints asked again, "Dare to ask the teacher, when will the catastrophe begin, so I can make preparations earlier."

"Don't panic, soon, within hundreds of years at most, the catastrophe will unfold."

"Then dare to ask the teacher, who will preside over the conferment of the gods this time?"

Hongjun said slightly, "Who will preside, the way of heaven has its own definite number, which cannot be revealed, but there is one thing that I can tell you first."

Upon hearing this, the saints breathed a little harder, and hurriedly listened carefully.

"The matter of conferring the gods is of great importance and cannot be presided over by disciples of your four religions. But in the future, when the person who conferred the gods is born, he will choose one of your four religions to worship. After conferring the gods, he will naturally return to his position."

"What, will you join my four religions?"

All the saints exclaimed again, the person who can preside over the conferment of gods is tantamount to extremely important in this catastrophe.

Firmly grasping it in their orthodoxy, why worry that the Great Tribulation of Gods cannot be used by them?
When the time comes, Jiejiao disciples will appear on the list one after another. Who else can compete with them in such a great predicament.

With excitement, the crowd couldn't wait to ask, "Dare to ask the teacher, what are the characteristics of the person who conferred the gods, I will find them soon and teach them."

Hongjun pinched his fingers and began to calculate again. Soon, he had the answer in his heart, and said lightly.

"There are two people in charge of conferring the gods, one is a human race and the other is a monster race. Their appearance is not different, but the primordial spirit is a flying bear."

"Fei Xiong, what do you mean?"

The saints are puzzled.

"A bear with two pairs of transparent wings growing on both sides. This is a flying bear."

"So it is."

The saints nodded, understanding in their hearts.

"You go back and wait for the catastrophe to start."

After Hongjun finished speaking, the whole person had disappeared.

The saints were also sent out of Zixiao Palace by a wave of supreme magic power.

Outside the gate of Zixiao Palace, all the saints looked at each other, and they couldn't wait to turn into a stream of light and rush towards Honghuang.

Before the catastrophe begins, it is most important to find the person who presides over the conferring of the gods, that is, the person whose primordial spirit is Feixiong.

Soon, all the saints flew back to their own dojos.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi resisted the excitement in his heart, and hurriedly found the Twelve Golden Immortals, the Taoist Randeng, and some outer disciples of Chanjiao.

"Disciple pays respects to Master."

Even in the past 300 years, the Twelve Golden Immortals still have ugly faces.

Even in the past 300 years, they have not even been out of Kunlun Mountain.

Without him, it would be too embarrassing.

In the Battle of Guanjiangkou, the name of the Twelve Golden Immortals has become a big joke.

Yuan Shi couldn't care less about the emotions of the Twelve Golden Immortals now, so he said hastily.

"When I went to Zixiao Palace this time, the Taoist ancestor said that the catastrophe was about to start, and told us the news about the person who presides over the conferred gods. This time, it is the best opportunity for me to teach, and I must not miss it."

"The news about the person in charge of conferring the gods?"

The Twelve Golden Immortals, Ran Deng immediately understood that Master wanted them to go find someone.

At the moment, Yuan Shi told the Twelve Golden Immortals the information about Fei Xiong in great detail, without missing anything.

Just after listening, Guang Chengzi and others were in trouble.

In today's prehistoric world, the evil spirit is getting stronger day by day, the secrets of the sky are covered up, and it is obscured, and it has long been impossible to deduce anything.

If you want to find the person who is the flying bear, you can only look for them one by one.

But the prehistoric land is vast and boundless, and it is too much work to search for it one by one.

Guang Chengzi stood up hesitantly, a look of embarrassment flashed across his face.

"Master, the prehistoric world is huge, and there are too many people. If we continue to search like this, what year and month will we find?"

Yuan Shi was unmoved at all, "The great catastrophe of conferring the gods is related to the future of my teaching, and the people of Feixiong must be found before the other three religions. Only in this way can I have more teachings in the future." chips."


The Twelve Golden Immortals had no choice but to retreat in the afternoon, gather people and horses, and began to search for it.

In the west, Mount Sumeru also has this scene.

Zhunti, summoned Medicine Master, Maitreya, Dashizhi, Dizang and others, as well as all the remaining disciples, to Mount Sumeru, and announced the news of Feixiong.

Compared with the other four saints, the two saints of the West seem to have no status.

But in the West, it is a saint who is supreme and cannot be violated.

With the order, no matter how difficult it was, all the disciples went out of the west non-stop and began to implement it.

Soon, there was no one on the bustling Mount Sumeru. Zhunti sat around the merits of the Eight Treasures, very excited, "Brother, the day of my Western Daxing is coming soon, isn't it?"

Zhunti was still calm, "It's too early to panic when talking about the future now, let's find that Feixiong man first."

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace, the base of Renjiao.

As a burst of five-color brilliance enveloped the four directions, an inexplicable and tyrannical coercion surrendered to Yangshan and swept across the world!

The direct descendant of Taiqing, the chief of the human religion, the great master of Xuandu, beheaded a corpse, and proved the quasi-sage.

Proving the quasi-sage, this also means that the great mage Xuandu will not enter this catastrophe.

Besides Xuandu, the rest of the disciples of the Renjiao were all included in the list of gods by Taiqing.

This also means that to the Human Sect, it doesn't matter if it wins or not to win the Feixiong, it doesn't matter.

Soon, the decree of the Taiqing law was announced to the world, and the Taiqing line was closed to the mountains, and they would not come out until the day when the catastrophe opened.

Apparently, Taiqing Laozi didn't want to get involved with those who competed for Feixiong.

On the coast of the East China Sea, on Jin'ao Island, and in Biyou Palace, Master Tongtian also told Chen Xuanji what the Taoist ancestor in Zixiao Palace had said, and said solemnly.

"The catastrophe is about to start, and the people of Feixiong are the key. Even Western religions are not vegetarians, so we have to hurry up and find the person of Feixiong."

Chen Xuanji smiled slightly, "Master, don't worry, I have a way to find that Feixiong quickly."

Master Tongtian immediately became interested, "What's the way, let's hear it?"

"The heavenly secret must not be leaked. When the person who finds Fei Xiong, he will bring him to Jin'ao Island himself, and be taught and cultivated by the master."

After Chen Xuanji left a word, he flew out of Biyou Palace.

According to the information given by Master Tongtian, it is really difficult to quickly find the person of Feixiong.

Don't forget, he is familiar with the content of the list of gods. The two names Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao have already been imprinted in the depths of his soul.

With specific names, wouldn't it be ten thousand times easier to find these two than to find a needle in a haystack?
It's just that this reason can't be told to Master Tongtian.

Chen Xuanji called Duobao, Jinling, Wudang, Guiling, and Zhao Gongming from the outer sect Sanxiao.

Let them carefully select a thousand elite interceptors.

You Duobao, Jinling, Wudang, and Guiling led 500 people to look for Shen Gongbao at the gathering place of the monster clan.

Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao led 500 people to find Jiang Ziya in the land of the human race.

The mobilization force of Jiejiao was very strong, and not long after, all the disciples set off together, flew out of Jin'ao Island, and began to search.

Sure enough, such a method is extremely efficient to find.

When explaining the teachings, people of the Western religion are still looking around like headless chickens, Taoist Duobao already has a clue.

On this day, Taoist Duobao returned to Biyou Palace and said that he met a thousand-year-old black panther in a fairy mountain.

The black panther swallowed the aura of heaven and earth, and had just transformed into a form not long ago.

Daoist Duobao observed with great magic power that the black panther primordial spirit was not a black panther.

It was a bear with wings on both sides, which was very miraculous, so Duobao guessed that the black panther might be the one who presides over the conferring of the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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