Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 158 Shen Gongbao Zhang Jinao Island Lingzhu Lower Boundary

Chapter 158

Chen Xuanji nodded slightly, "I'd rather miss a thousand than miss everything. Take me to have a look."

Daoist Duobao took Chen Xuanji and rushed to the land of the Underworld.

After the Lich War ended, the Demon Emperor fell, the Heavenly Court collapsed, and the lineage of the Demon Race was severely injured.

Under the leadership of Bai Ze and other five demon saints, they migrated to the land of Beiming one after another.

Although out of the eyes of the prehistoric peoples, the Yaozu did not get real peace.

Instead, he was targeted by one of the six emperors, Emperor Qinghua of the East Extreme, who was the reincarnation of the East Prince of Zifuzhou.

The reincarnation of the Eastern Prince, one of the six emperors.

After so many years, he has already broken through to the quasi-sage great perfection.

The magic power is so strong that it surpasses the entire monster clan.

The Eastern Prince hated the Yaozu very much, and just after proving the Tao, he began to cleanse the Yaozu.

Under the persecution of Emperor Qinghua of Dongji, the monster clan is not saying that they are living in dire straits, but they are not much better.

Fortunately, there are still five demon sages in the demon clan, and Duke Dong didn't dare to go too far, so he could only take it slowly.

In the land of the Northern Darkness, ripples suddenly appeared in the solid void, which soon shattered like a mirror.

Taoist Duobao, Chen Xuanji, slowly stepped out of it.

"Elder brother, that's where it is."

Daoist Duobao pointed to a giant mountain not far away, but it was verdant and full of vitality.

Beiming is not exactly a place of bitter cold.

The outside climate is still good, but the more you go in, the colder it gets.

At this moment, Duobao, Chen Xuanji and the others were at the outermost edge of the Northern Underworld.

"Let's go and have a look together."

The two flew to the side of Juyue, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, and the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit were all present.

As for the entire mountain, it has been completely surrounded by the five hundred elites of the Jiejiao.

A fly, a mosquito, and an ant cannot fly out.

"Big Brother."

Jinling, Guiling, and Wudang all shouted happily.

In these years, the development of Jiejiao has been changing with each passing day, and the elder brother alone is behind the scenes. They can only live on the road paved for them by the elder brother.

Now, they can also contribute their own strength to Jiejiao.

This makes them more excited than breakthroughs in cultivation, picking up spirit treasures, and gaining merit.

"These days, I have worked hard for you."

"It's not hard work, but we can contribute to the Jiejiao. We are happy."

"Where is that millennium leopard spirit, take me to see it."

Chen Xuanji smiled and said, on this fairy mountain, there are some low-level spirits and monsters.

What are the thousand-year-old tiger spirit, the thousand-year-old bison spirit, the mouse spirit, the black bear spirit, the leopard spirit, and so on, there are countless.

Some are still refining the spirit to return to the emptiness, and lingering in refining the emptiness and joining the Tao.

Some earth immortals who had attained enlightenment were so numerous and disorderly that Chen Xuanji couldn't tell which leopard spirit it was for a while.

"Brother, come with me."

Daoist Duobao took Chen Xuanji into the mountain.

After turning left and right for half a quarter of an hour, he stopped, pointed to a towering giant tree not far away, and whispered.

"Eldest brother, it's the leopard spirit, don't you think so?"

Chen Xuanji looked around and saw the towering giant tree.

A huge leopard spirit that is completely black, but densely dotted with golden copper coin-like lines, is sleeping soundly on a branch

Chen Xuanji looked at the sleeping black panther, and at the looming flying bear behind him.

Finally, it was determined that this black panther should be the predestined god-appointed person, that is, Shen Gongbao.

If it follows the original trajectory, perhaps one day in the future, this black panther will suddenly have a whim and want to practice.

Then he went out of the mountain, and went all the way unimpeded, and entered the gate of Yuqing Mountain.

In the end, together with that Jiang Ziya, he became the person who should be robbed and granted the gods, but now, everything is different.

In the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods, Jiejiao will win in the end, and all the disciples of Jiejiao will never be on the list of Conferred Gods.

After confirming that the black panther is the man of the flying bear.

Chen Xuanji did not interrupt immediately, but went back the same way.

Taoist Duobao and his party were ordered to evacuate Beiming and return to Jinao Island.

Seeing this posture, Duobao knew that his hard work these years had not been in vain, so he smiled happily, and immediately led the crowd back to Jin'ao Island.

Outside of Juyue, Chen Xuanji restrained his whole body and came to the black panther again.

This time he didn't hide his breath, the black panther turned over and got down from the giant tree, looking at him very vigilantly.

He was vigilant on the surface, but deep in his eyes, there was a touch of fear and fear.

Although the black panther is only cultivating gods and anti-virtual cultivation, he can feel that this is a great supernatural being, an immortal who is far above him in the level of life.

"Little Leopard, hello."

Chen Xuanji's face was warm, and he said hello first.

The Black Leopard Essence, who has been refining the gods and returning to the void, has practiced for thousands of years, swallowing the essence of heaven and earth day and night. He has already refined the bone in his throat, and he can already speak.

Over the past few years, the immortals of Jiejiao surrounded this mountain. Although they acted secretly, they were not discovered by the monsters living here.

But they still vaguely felt an unusual atmosphere.

"How many years have you practiced in this mountain?"

The black leopard thought for a while before carefully saying, "It's about 500 years ago."

"After 500 years of hard work, why haven't you become a fairy yet?"

The little leopard said bitterly, "The god is above, let the little demon report, it is so easy to become a fairy, we three monsters, no inheritance, no spiritual treasure, no qualifications, in this life, we can cultivate the Tao , living ten thousand years will be enough.”

At this time, the prehistoric world has not yet been shattered, and the innate aura is filling the world. Even if it is just practicing the emptiness and joining the Tao, it can live for 1 years, which is much better than the later generations.

Chen Xuanji still had a smile on his face, "I think your aptitude is not bad, and your mind is also very quick, why don't you leave here and go to other places to seek the Dao of True Immortals."

The black leopard quickly shook his head, and said with some fear, "Over the years, many brothers of the same clan have gone to seek the immortal way, but none of them came back. Most of them died outside. The outside is too dangerous. Without expert guidance, ten deaths have no life. , rather than just die in vain, I'd better cultivate slowly here."

Chen Xuanji laughed again, "Wouldn't it be a pity to spend time here, are you willing to go out with me to practice together?"

Hei Baozi was a little tangled. Although he was afraid of death, he still wanted to pursue the Dao of True Immortal.

The immortal in front of him is unfathomable, and he is probably countless times more powerful than some of the heavenly immortals and demon kings in the realm of true immortals he has seen.

If I miss the opportunity in front of me, I am afraid that I will really have to die of old age in this mountain.

He nodded slightly, his tone gradually becoming firmer.

"Thanks to Shangxian for not giving up, little leopard is willing to follow by his side."

"Great goodness."

Chen Xuanji smiled slightly, and he was able to teach a man from Feixiong!

"Go and say goodbye to your brothers of the same clan, we will set off tomorrow."

"Yes, High Immortal."

The black leopard rushed out of Chen Xuanji and bowed a few times before rushing out.

When it was dark, he rushed back again.

The two had nothing to say all night, while the black leopard, as usual, swallowed the essence of heaven and earth, the aura of the sun and the moon.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Xuanji waved his hand slightly, tearing apart the space, and brought the black leopard back to Jinao Island.

On Jinao Island, the black leopard looked at the endless pavilions, exotic flowers and grasses growing everywhere, and the majestic and majestic Biyou Palace, the whole leopard was stunned.

Myself, did I worship the legendary sage lineage by mistake?
That's the real sage orthodoxy!
Those heavenly immortals, true immortals and great demon kings in my memory are probably far out of reach, right?
The black leopard spirit was too excited to say anything at this time, he seemed to see a Kangzhuang fairy beckoning to him constantly.

In Biyou Palace, Master Tongtian frowned as he looked at the little black leopard who had never seen the world before.

"This is the man of Feixiong? He hasn't even achieved the immortal way."

Chen Xuanji smiled and said, "It is undoubtedly Fei Xiong's person, but Master still wants to teach him personally?"

Master Tongtian shook his head, "The gap is too big. If I teach, the black panther will not learn much. You should choose someone else to teach."

It's not that the Master Tongtian looks down on the Black Leopard, but that the gap between the two is too great.

One is a sage, standing at the peak of the prehistoric existence, every gesture is the way, and every word he utters is the truth of the way.

And the Leopard Essence is just the practice of refining the spirit and returning to the void.

Leopard Spirit couldn't even understand what he taught himself, let alone make any progress.

Of course, with the ability of a sage, it is no problem to pluck the seedlings and encourage them to grow, but that is not the way.

Chen Xuanji smiled, "Then I'll find a teacher for this little leopard."

The leader of Tongtian said "hmm", and asked again, "The other Feixiong man, has there been a result?"

"Not yet, but should be soon."

"That's good."

Master Tongtian nodded in satisfaction. His eldest disciple really has some skills in elucidating and teaching, which Western religions cannot do, and he can find someone he can't find so quickly.

Master Tongtian was more and more rejoicing that Zizhu was taken under his sect on the day when Zizhu transformed into form, otherwise, what the current Jiejiao would be like.

After leaving Biyou Palace, Chen Xuanji thought about who would be the most suitable to teach the Black Leopard.

How precious?Golden Spirit?
No, they are already preparing to break through to Da Luo Consummation, and they don't have much time.

Moreover, the gap between Daluo Jinxian and Lianshen Huixu is not small, and it is difficult for the little leopard to understand.

Qiu Shouxian, Lingya Fairy?
No way, with the temperament of these two people who ate meat and drank heavily, they had to turn the black leopard astray.

"Let Jin Ao and Xuan Gui come?"

Chen Xuanji shook his head again, Jin Ao and Xuan Gui both had lazy temperaments, and Fei Xiong was robbed because he wanted to be as tough as the saints, but he couldn't be lazy.

"Or it would be good to let the six-eared macaque teach."

Chen Xuanji's eyes suddenly lit up. Liu Er has been cultivating himself in the peach forest all these years.

It's not far away from Zhengdao Daluo, and he and the black leopard belong to the same demon clan, so they have a common topic.

Liu Er's cultivation is more than enough to teach the black leopard, so it is the best choice for Liu Er to teach.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuanji hurriedly took the little black leopard and flew to Taoyuan.

At this time, the peaches in Taoyuan are big and red, extremely sweet and fragrant.

The black leopard held one in its two paws and gnawed. The peaches were so delicious, a hundred times sweeter than those in the land of the Underworld, no, a thousand times!
Liu Er's residence, Liu Er felt the breath of the teacher, moved slightly, flew out to salute, and said happily.

"Liu Er, I met the teacher."

After meeting him, Liu Er looked at the little black leopard suspiciously, a little surprised.

"Is this your teacher's pet? Why is it so ugly?"

The little black leopard was stunned for a moment, and stopped eating the peaches. He wanted to refute, but he felt that Liu Er, who was a thousand times stronger than him and stronger than the most powerful demon king he had ever seen, couldn't help but close his heart again. mouth.

"What kind of pet is this? This is your future apprentice. I will leave it to you and let you teach it well. It will be of great use as a teacher in the future."

Chen Xuanji put the little black leopard on the ground.

"Shall I teach this little black panther?"

There was a look of expectation in Liu Er's eyes.

He has been cultivating in the peach forest all year round by himself. Apart from cultivating, he just eats fairy peaches, which is really meaningless.

It seems good to have one more apprentice come out to teach.

"Yes, you come to teach, you have to be patient."

After finishing speaking, Chen Xuanji asked the little black leopard to go to Liu Er.

But the little leopard refused, grabbing the hem of Chen Xuanji's clothes and refused to let go.

This monkey doesn't look easy to get along with. If I really worship him as a teacher, I'm afraid I will be tortured in the future.

Chen Xuanji kept the little black leopard and personally sent it to Liu Er, laughing.

"Don't worry, he doesn't eat people, you should practice hard, and I will come to see you later."

Although Chen Xuanji's voice was gentle but firm, it was obvious that he had made up his mind.

The little black panther drooped his head and had no choice but to accept his fate.

Only then did Chen Xuanji nod in satisfaction. Although Liu Er majored in the Chaos Demon Ape's skills, he also memorized the Taoism of the Shangqing lineage by heart.

Not to mention how accomplished he is, but at least he has no problem teaching the little black panther.

After exhorting Liu Er a few more words, Chen Xuanji flew back to the cave and waited quietly for news of another Feixiong man.

But at this time, in the prehistoric land, the disciples of the Chanjiao and the disciples of the Western Cult were full of people looking for Feixiong, but there was still no news. It was too difficult to find a needle in a haystack.

And as Chanjiao's deputy leader, Ran Deng is responsible for controlling all the disciples of Chanjiao's sect, and he is so tired that he can't help but want to scold his mother.

In these years of teaching, it's really not his turn to do good things, and he definitely has his share in bad things.

Why didn't the Western sages inform him? He really didn't want to stay in Chanjiao anymore.

But at this time, Chaos, Taisutian, and Wa Palace.

Nuwa looked at the secret room deep in Wa Palace, and began to meditate.

Tens of thousands of years ago, she obtained a fairy stone in the chaos, and seeing it was strange, extraordinary, transparent and mysterious, she brought it back to Wa Palace.

2 years ago, the fairy stone was broken and a boy was hatched.

The boy was born with the cultivation of a golden fairy, and Nuwa named him Lingzhu.

Although Lingzhuzi has extraordinary heels and a lot of blessings, she has a very stubborn personality.

He often makes troubles in Taisu Heaven and damages many flowers and plants, even ordinary people.

But Wa's palace was cold, and Nuwa only had Lingzhu as her companion, and she couldn't bear to punish her, so Lingzhu became more and more mischievous.

Not long ago, she even broke Nuwa's beloved bamboo flute. That bamboo flute was made by Fuxi, the great sage of the demon clan, and given to Nuwa.

In the prehistoric world, there is only this one, and nothing else, Nuwa cherishes it very much.

Nuwa was furious, and then closed the confinement of the Lingzhu.

"Lingzhuzi is too stubborn. If this goes on, I am afraid that Taiyi Jinxian will be the pinnacle, and it will be difficult to go further. Now that the catastrophe is about to start, it is time for him to experience it."

Nuwa thought, "Experience is necessary, but safety is equally important. Entrust the Lingzhu to Jiejiao."

As soon as Nu Wa thought about it, she left the Wa Palace. After a quarter of an hour, Nu Wa's figure appeared in the Wa Palace again.

But at this moment, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

She had communicated with the Chief Interceptor, and hoped that this experience would make Ling Zhuzi mature a bit.

Soon, Nuwa released the Lingzhu from the confinement room.

Lingzhuzi was still a little scared, and begged for mercy with a mournful face.

"Your Majesty, Ling Zhuzi knows he was wrong, and he will never dare to be so naughty again."

Seeing the Lingzhu like this, Nuwa didn't even get angry, and she didn't know who the Lingzhu learned from.

As soon as you make a mistake, admit it quickly, and continue to make the same mistake after admitting your mistake, there is nothing you can do about it.

But Nuwa has been determined to practice the spirit beads this time, so her expression is still very serious.

"Lingzhuzi, how many years have you been by my side?"

Lingzhu replied timidly, "I will report to your empress, it should be more than [-] years."

(End of this chapter)

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