Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 164 7 Colored Sky Swallowing Ape Gold Winged Chapter Nanming Immortal Volcano.

Chapter 164 Seven-Colored Heaven-Swallowing Ape Golden Wings Returns to Nanming Immortal Volcano.

Thousands of miles away, the six monsters of Meishan opened their eyes wide, in disbelief, "Brother, are you really defeated?"

It was Jin Dasheng who was the first to react, and said in a deep voice, "Brother is so kind to us, he taught us how to practice, and taught us supernatural powers. If Brother is in trouble, we have to be the first to go."

"Second brother is right, we have to go too."

"It must be done. If you want to hurt our elder brother, you have to pass our level first."


Under the leadership of Jin Dasheng, the six Meishan monsters all flew to the peak of Meishan.

They all blocked Liu Er and prevented him from moving forward.

Liu Er stopped in his tracks, and his eyes fell on the six monsters of Meishan, "Are you going to obstruct me? Are you not afraid of death?"

Jin Dasheng's tone was firm, "Who is not afraid of death, but elder brother is so kind to us, and elder brother is in trouble, if we just sit back and ignore it, what will happen?"

"Haha, what a bloody man."

Liu Er laughed, and with a flick of his sleeve, he slapped the Six Monsters not far away.

Then with a thought, the peak-level mana of the Taiyi Golden Immortal turned into six long dragons, wrapped around the Six Monsters Golden Immortal, tightly restraining them.

No matter how hard they struggled, it was of no avail.

Yuan Hong became anxious immediately, and shouted, "I'll do as you please, don't touch them."

"Whoever said they are going to move them is just afraid that they will disturb our affairs."

Liu Er smiled slightly, walked to Yuan Hong's time, and continued to ask the question just now.

"The battle just now, but I won, do you recognize it?"

Yuan Hong said, "That's right, you won. I'm willing to bet and admit defeat."

In terms of mana and physical body alone, the two are not even close to each other, and they have both reached the end of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But Yuan Hong's law of heaven and earth is not as good as the real body of the six-eared demon ape.

Even if the two fought another hundred times, Yuan Hong would still have difficulty winning.

Although Yuan Hong was defeated in this battle, he was convinced.

Liu Er showed a smug smile, "Then I want you to have the origin of the arm-branched ape, will you give it or not?"


Yuan Hong uttered this word with great difficulty. Once he handed over his origin, he would not die, and he would have no cultivation base left.

From then on, it was just an ordinary monkey, born, old, sick and dying.

Yuan Hong seemed to have made up his mind, and as soon as he thought about it, all his mana was concentrated in his heart.

In his heart, streaks of five-color brilliance were gradually born, brilliant and rich, exuding an ancient prehistoric Dao accumulation.

There was severe pain on Yuan Hong's face, but his eyes became more and more determined, his big hand penetrated into the heart, and with a firm grasp, a ball of five-color brilliance was grabbed out and handed to Liu Er.

As the five-color brilliance left his body, Yuan Hong's face suddenly turned pale, and his cultivation began to drop layer by layer.

The peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Jinxian Peak.

In the early days of Jinxian.




It didn't stop until it fell to the sky.

But it's only because the mana has not completely dissipated after the source is taken out.

After dozens or hundreds of years, it will still fall.

At that time, Yuan Hong will be a mortal mortal monkey through and through.

Liu Er unceremoniously accepted the source of the arm-branched monkey and put it away.

Then he looked at Yuan Hong and said solemnly, "I am very happy for today's battle. You gave me the source, and I will give you something back."

Before Yuan Hong could react, he saw a thought in Liu Er's mind.

A washbasin-sized heart with seven colors of crystal light appeared all over his hand.

At the heart, the terrifying aura turned into a torrent, sweeping away everything mightily.

The solid and solid void around it was completely distorted.

This is not an ordinary heart, this is at least the power of the heart after it has been cultivated to Daluo Daoguo.

Liu Er explained, "This is the heart of a seven-colored sky-swallowing ape that has been cultivated to the perfection of the Da Luo Jinxian in the treasure house of my Jiejiao Shangqing."

"The heart of the colorful sky-swallowing ape?"

Yuan Hong was shocked. The Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Ape can be called the strongest branch of the prehistoric ape clan.

In ancient times, there were three quasi-sages sitting in town, but this family was rebellious and bold.

Later, for some unknown reason, he offended Donghuang Taiyi.

So the Eastern Emperor Tai held the Chaos Clock in hand, and personally pacified the Seven-colored Sky-Swallowing Ape clan.

Since then, Primordial Cultivator has never seen the colorful Sky Swallowing Apes again.

The colorful Sky Swallowing Ape is full of treasures, especially its heart, which contains endless vitality.

It can be called the topmost treasure in the prehistoric world, even worse than Sanguang Shenshui.

Even though Yuan Hong was seriously injured, but with this heart, he could recover to peak state almost instantly.

But that's just the second thing, the colorful sky-swallowing ape is born to master the law of power!
The law of strength is not the method of proving the Tao with strength mastered by the Great God Pangu, but the law of the great way such as the law of good fortune, the law of yin and yang, and the law of space.

It is also one of the laws that the Chaos Demon Ape practiced back then.

With the heart of this seven-colored sky-swallowing ape, not only will Yuan Hong's cultivation not suffer any damage.

On the contrary, there is a high probability that it can go further.

Liu Er said again, "One item is exchanged for another item. In fact, this item was originally prepared for you. You can accept it."

Liu Er directly threw the heart of the Seven-Colored Sky Swallowing Ape into Yuan Hong's hand, and said solemnly.

"Don't worry about refining, I'm here to protect you."

"Thank you."

Yuan Hong didn't hesitate and accepted it openly.

Then, enduring the severe pain, he turned his palm into a knife, and cut another hole in his heart.

Then stuffed the heart of the Seven-Colored Group Swallowing Sky Ape into it.

"Dong Dong Dong!!!"

At that moment, the heart seemed to come alive, making a muffled sound.

The terrifying seven-color brilliance gushed out as if it didn't need money, and flowed along the veins in the heart to the whole body.

This is the power of the original level, vast, boundless, and inexhaustible.

Yuan Hong's will was unprecedentedly firm, otherwise he would not have groped for the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Arts by himself and reached this step.

He guided the power contained in the heart of the Seven-Colored Sky Swallowing Ape to wash the Taoist body over and over again, refining the meridians and condensing mana.

The whole body seems to be turning into a villain with colorful colors.

At the same time, his aura is also rising rapidly!

What a fairy!



The pinnacle of Taiyi Jinxian!

In just a dozen or so breaths, he reached the peak again, but this has not stopped yet.

The understanding of the law of power that the colorful sky-swallowing ape has been comprehending for hundreds of millions of years poured out mightily.

Being enlightened, absorbed by Yuan Hong, and becoming his own, the aura conceived on Yuan Hong's body also became stronger and stronger!

That is a Dao Yun far surpassing the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

"He is going to prove Da Luo Jinxian, you stay away."

Liu Er looked very serious, and with a wave of his hand, he lifted the restrictions on Jin Dasheng and the other six.

After all, Jin Dasheng and the others have practiced for so many years, how can they still not see that the six-eared monkey has no malice towards his eldest brother.

Immediately nodded to Liu Er, and flew into the distance.

A quarter of an hour after the six people left, an earth-shattering aura slowly rose from the top of Meishan.

Like a scorching sun shining on the nine heavens and ten earths, an incomparably abundant Daoyun swept across the four directions at an extremely fast speed.

Yuan Hong, who has practiced for countless thousands of years, finally completed his merits and virtues today, proving the Tao of Daluo Jinxian.

With such a cultivation level, even in the ancient heavenly court, he could still be ranked among the demon gods!
"The law of strength is really subtle and terrifying!"

Yuan Hong suppressed all the wonders in his body, sighed in his heart, turned around, and bowed formally to Liu Er.

"Thank you, fellow daoist. If it wasn't for the help of fellow daoist, I don't know when I would be able to become the Da Luo Jinxian. I owe a great favor to fellow daoist."

Liu Er smiled, "It's because you have a strong background, otherwise it's useless to have a heart, don't thank me."

After finishing speaking, Liu Er persuaded again, "You will surely be suppressed by the Heavenly Court when you become a Da Luo Jinxian. It is no longer appropriate to stay in Meishan."

Emperor Qinghua of the Eastern Pole hated the monster race to the bone.

If it is only the Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm, it will not be able to enter the eyes of Emperor Qinghua of Dongji.

However, if Yuan Hong breaks through Da Luo Jinxian and stays in Meishan, there will only be endless troubles.

"You're right. I plan to take my six younger brothers to the land of the Underworld to join my great sage of the monster race, the military advisor Bai Ze."

After proving Da Luoxian, Yuan Hong obviously already had a plan in mind.

"That's good. In the land of Beiming, after all, there are so many demon saints sitting in town. It would be a good choice for you to go to Beiming."

Yuan Hong stopped suddenly, looked at Liu Er, and said.

"You and I have a great battle. If you want, how about we make a sworn brother?"

Liu Er smiled, "Okay, I wish for it."

Yuan Hongdao, "I have been working in the Heavenly Court for those years, and I have heard about you. The law is not passed on to others. You are older than me. My brother is above me. Please be respected by my younger brother."

"Haha, in terms of age, I am indeed older than you, second brother, please."

Liu Er hurriedly helped Yuan Hong up, and then said solemnly.

"I am practicing on Jin'ao Island. If my second brother has any difficulties in the future, please come to Jin'ao Island to find me."

"Okay, don't worry, brother."

After nine days, after bidding farewell to Yuan Hong, Liu Er rushed to Jin'ao Island.

He has stayed in Taiyi Jinxian long enough, and now that he has obtained the origin of the gibbon monkey, it is time to go further.

Da Luo Daoguo kept waving at him.

Soon, Liu Er flew to Jinao Island, in the Taoyuan, and Chen Xuanji personally protected him.

A month later, a terrifying aura swept across the entire Taoyuan.

Six ears, comprehend the law of war, and testify to Daluo Jinxian.

The six-eared Da Luo Jinxian, his confidence soared, said excitedly.

"Teacher, the origin of the Chaos Demon Ape is divided into four parts. I don't know where the remaining part is. I'll find it right away."

"The rest?"

Chen Xuanji shook his head with a smile, "The origin of the Chaos Demon Ape was born sooner or later, and that share has not yet arrived."

"Also, you don't need to ask me, you already have three sources in your body, as long as another source is born, you will naturally be able to sense it."


Liu Er could only nod his head. Anyway, with the concentration of blood in his body now, it would not be a problem to cultivate to the perfection of Daluo Jinxian.

Another source is not so urgent for him.

Nanming's undead volcano, today's ancestral land of the Feng clan.

A golden roc with a size of a thousand feet and a shiny golden body flapped its wings and approached slowly.

Dapeng is the direct son of Yuanfeng, the younger brother of Kong Xuan, the golden-winged Dapeng.

At this time, the golden-winged roc was constantly muttering.

"I don't know what Eldest Brother thinks. Eldest brother is practicing in the ancestral land, and his speed is already increasing by leaps and bounds. How could he be willing to intervene in the calamity?"

Not long ago, the golden-winged roc was summoned by Chen Xuanji and asked him to go to the Nanming Immortal Volcano to find Kong Xuan, so that Kong Xuan could come out of the Immortal Volcano and come down to help Dashang.

The golden-winged roc was originally unwilling to go, but under the temptation of many Nine-Turn Golden Pills, he obeyed.

I came all the way, but at the gate of the undead volcano, I was a little hesitant.

"If the Great Elder knows that I am coming back, he must beat me to death, or else he will go back now and tell the elder brother that his elder brother is unwilling to go down the mountain to help the business?"

Just as this thought flashed through Garuda's mind, he cut it off.

My elder brother is so shrewd, I guess he knew he was lying before he even said a word.

Forget it, let's go honestly.

I haven't seen my eldest brother for so long, and I don't know where my eldest brother has gone.

Before the Lich War, Gold-winged Dapeng met Kong Xuan once.

Later, I only heard that my elder brother went back to the Feng clan to practice hard in seclusion, and the golden-winged roc was afraid of being beaten.

I have never returned to the Undead Volcano. Counting it up to now, it has been tens of thousands of years.

At the gate of the Immortal Volcano, the golden-winged roc encouraged himself, and then knocked on the little golden bell hanging by the gate.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The small golden bell rang slowly, sending information into the depths of the undead volcano.

Inside the undead volcano, there are two phoenixes responsible for guarding the gate
An old phoenix, whose cultivation base is around Taiyi's consummation.

A little phoenix, whose cultivation base is around Jinxian.

"Grandpa, which bird is this? What are you doing here at our immortal volcano?"

When the golden bell rang, the little phoenix was the first to wake up, and raised a question through the barrier.

This little phoenix is ​​the grandson of the old phoenix.

Little Phoenix was not born for a long time, so he obviously didn't recognize who the golden-winged roc was.

"Why is this guy back?" On the contrary, the old Phoenix was taken aback.

"Grandpa, do you know this big bird?"

Little Phoenix raised a question.

"That's your grandpa Kong Xuan's younger brother, a golden-winged roc. According to your seniority, you should also call him grandpa."

"Grandpa Gold Wing, I seem to have heard it from other people in the clan."

"Yes, back then I practiced together with your Grandpa Gold-winged, but later on your Grandpa Golden-winged left the Immortal Volcano, and later on, I heard that he joined the Jiejiao. As for the others, Grandpa didn't go out much. I don't know anymore."

There was some adoration in Little Phoenix's eyes, "Grandpa Kong Xuan is so powerful, surely his younger brother is not ordinary?"

Old Fenghuang sniffled and took a sip of his wine, "That's it, it's normal, anyway, your grandfather beat him with one hand."

The grandfather and grandson were communicating, and outside the Nanming Undying Volcano, the sound of the golden bell rang again.

Only then did Old Fenghuang slap his head, "Quickly open the door for your Grandpa Gold Wing."

Hearing the words, the young Phoenix nodded quickly and opened the door, revealing a barrier of five-color brilliance.

The golden-winged roc went directly into it without any accidents.

The sky and the earth turned upside down, the picture changed, and the golden-winged roc had arrived at the ancestral land of the Feng clan.

The ancestral land of the Feng clan stretches as far as the eye can see, and there are endless craters everywhere. The powerful aura, overwhelming aura soars straight into the sky.

There are countless strong people, and the hundreds of millions of Feng Clan's background are vividly displayed.

"It smells so familiar."

The golden-winged roc looked at the undead volcano with some nostalgia.

There are thousands of emotions in my heart, and at the same time, I am secretly glad that I left at the beginning.

Today, he practiced the golden light of the 36 transformations of Tiangang, and then further comprehended the laws of space.

Now he has comprehended to [-]%, and has been ranked among the Daluo Jinxians.

The mana is majestic and terrifying, and the law of space moves at will.

If I hadn't left back then, but continued to cultivate in the undying volcano, I'm afraid that now, if I die, I'm just a Taiyi Immortal, right?

At this time, an old and a young phoenix flew to the side of the golden-winged roc.

"Golden Winged Roc, long time no see, do you still remember me?"

"It turned out to be you, and I said I would go to you after finishing the work. You are very talented, why did you come to visit the gate of our Feng clan?"

Golden-winged Dapeng recognized at a glance that Old Fenghuang was his good friend at that time.

Old Phoenix sighed and waved his hand.

"I got into trouble before and was punished by the elder to guard the gate for 3000 years. Now the time limit is almost up. It's you who haven't come back to take a look for such a long time."

Gold-winged Dapeng patted his head, "Hey, I'm practicing at Jiejiao, and I often listen to saints' sermons. I really can't spare the time, and you know that the Great Elder, if he finds out, he will definitely suffer again. Beaten."

The golden-winged roc was talking, and looked at the little phoenix, "By the way, who is this little guy beside you?"

"This is my grandfather."

Little Phoenix stared blankly at the golden-winged roc.

"So it's your grandson. This stuff is for you to eat. It's delicious."

The golden-winged roc flicked with his fingers, and a nine-turn golden pill fell into the hands of little phoenix.

"Nine-turn Golden Pill!"

Old Fenghuang's eyes widened, such a precious medicine, so casually given away?

Old Fenghuang's eyes fell on the gold-winged roc again, wanting to find out his details.

But after looking at it for a long time, my eyes are sore, and I can't find a trace of it, I just feel that it is as deep and unfathomable as the vast ocean.

Can't help but feel a little sour, it seems that Jin Chi has been doing well all these years, at least much better than him.

Soon, the golden-winged roc got to the point, "Old friend, to tell you the truth, I came this time to find my elder brother. My elder brother is still practicing at the Immortal Volcano, right?"

"Kong Xuan is still practicing at the original place, do you want me to take you there?"

Old Phoenix replied.

Gold-winged roc waved his hand, "No, I'll go by myself. I'll come to you for a drink after I'm done. Then we can have a good get-together."

After the golden-winged roc bird finished speaking, the law of space was activated, and a thought disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

Little Phoenix still had some doubts in his eyes, "Grandpa, didn't you say that Grandpa Golden Wing's cultivation is average, can you hang with one hand, but why do I feel that Grandpa Golden Wing is stronger than many Da Luo Jinxians in our clan?" Amazing."

Old Phoenix: "."

Inside the Undead Volcano, the largest volcano, a handsome man in a five-color robe is practicing.

His whole body was covered by five colors of brilliance.

Although the breath is restrained, there is a kind of great terror spreading
(End of this chapter)

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