Chapter 165
Among the younger generation of the Feng clan, there is no one other than Kong Xuan who can receive this kind of treatment.

Kong Xuan has practiced for countless years, and now he has beheaded the three corpses, and his cultivation has advanced to the quasi-sage Dzogchen.

Not to mention being invincible in the Great Phoenix Clan, even if you look at the entire prehistoric region, you can already be called invincible.

Five-color divine light, within the five elements, there is nothing that cannot be brushed and nothing that cannot be broken.

But at this moment, in the volcano, Kong Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, "Why is he here?"

The man Kong Xuan mentioned was the golden-winged roc.

The two are connected by blood, and they are both the first sons of Yuanfeng.

Therefore, as soon as the golden-winged roc came in, he sensed it.

Not long after, bells rang outside the crater where Kong Xuan was located, and bells rang continuously into the volcano.

"I actually know how to knock on the door. It seems that I have learned a lot of etiquette."

The corners of Kong Xuan's mouth curled up slightly. In the past, when the golden-winged roc came to look for him, it always barged in directly.

As soon as Kong Xuannian moved his head, the restriction outside the crater disappeared.

After another two or three breaths, the golden-winged roc flew in front of Kong Xuan.

"I've seen big brother."

The golden-winged roc saw that the aura was still unfathomable, like an infinite abyss, and his heart was very complicated.

My eldest brother is too evil, so evil that even if I put in a hundred times of effort, it will be hard to compare.

However, the golden-winged roc didn't intend to compete with Kong Xuan.

Anyway, with his current Da Luo Jinxian's perfect strength, looking at the younger generation of the Feng Clan, he can be regarded as the second, and he is already very satisfied.

Kong Xuan's dark eyes swept the golden-winged roc up and down, slightly surprised, "You have practiced to Daluo Consummation?"

The golden-winged roc was a little proud and said, "Brother, I don't know. I am practicing in Jiejiao. Although I lost the original source of yin and yang, I switched to the golden light of the vertical earth and comprehended the laws of space."

"The law of space, it is also suitable for you."

Kong Xuan nodded slightly. With his eyesight, he could see that the golden-winged roc had a good talent in the law of space.

Seeing that the golden-winged roc was developing well, Kong Xuan asked casually.

"You have developed well in Jiejiao, why did you come to me today, are you not afraid of being beaten by the elder?"

The Great Elder is an extremely senior Quasi-Saint Daxiu of the Feng Clan.

Back then, he fought against the heavens with Yuanfeng, and made great achievements in battle.

Later, the Dragon and Han catastrophe came to an end, the three clans were all injured, and the Feng clan retreated to the undead volcano.

The Great Elder resigned willingly and devoted himself to teaching the younger generation of the Feng Clan.

Almost all the monks of the Feng clan in the same era as Kong Xuan and the Golden Winged Roc have been beaten by the elder.

The golden-winged roc chuckled, "Of course I'm afraid, the great elder beats people up, it hurts a lot, but this time there's really nothing I can do, so I'm here to find my elder brother."

"Tell me, what's the matter here this time."

Kong Xuan said sternly.

"Human, explain, intercept, the four Western religions signed the list of gods in Zixiao Palace. Anyone who is on the list of gods will go to the heaven to serve and serve as the righteous gods of the heaven. This catastrophe is extremely dangerous. On the surface, it is to strengthen the strength of the heaven. But in fact, it is a battle between the four religions with the Great Merchant Empire as the battlefield."

The Golden Winged Roc briefly explained the situation before speaking.

"This time, the purpose of my coming to the Immortal Volcano is to invite my eldest brother to come out of the mountain and help the great merchant."

Kong Xuan stared at the golden-winged roc with his dark eyes, and said slowly.

"The catastrophe is about to start, and the aura of murder will spread. If you are not careful, there will be a big crisis. I have a good stay at Nanming Volcano. Why do I have to take this muddy water?"

Gold-winged roc had known for a long time that his elder brother would react in this way, and then said.

"My elder brother said that as long as you are willing to help Da Shang, elder brother, he can help you prove Hunyuan."

"Proving the Dao Hunyuan?"

Kong Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and at his step, he already vaguely knew that beheading three corpses to prove the Tao was a dead end, a dead end.

Since Taoist Patriarch Zixiao Palace preached, no one has succeeded in countless tens of thousands of years.

Even the three saints who are astonishingly talented and beautiful like Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shangqing also failed.

Now, he has also practiced to the quasi-sage Dzogchen.

It is equivalent to having reached the end of killing the three corpses and cannot go any further.

Even sometimes when he was practicing, he still regretted why he didn't choose to take the path of Hunyuan.

But now at this point, it's a done deal, and it's useless to regret it.

If Chen Xuanji can really help him to specialize in the Hunyuan Path and prove the Hunyuan Dao, then why not take part in the Calamity Calamity?

Kong Xuan's heart was moved, but he said in a deep voice, "How can he prove that he can help me rebuild the Hunyuan Road? Even prove the Hunyuan?"

The golden-winged roc smiled slightly, "Because my elder brother has now reached the peak of Hunyuan Jinxian, and it won't take long to prove Hunyuan."

"He reached the peak of Hunyuan Jinxian?"

Kong Xuan couldn't believe it. He was able to break through and cut off the three corpses so quickly, and proved the quasi-sage's great perfection. It was the unlimited supply of the entire family's heritage of the Feng clan, coupled with the legacy of the Yuanfeng, that made it to this point. .

Although Chen Xuanji is the direct descendant of the sage orthodoxy, there are many disciples of the Jiejiao, with a total of one million, and the resources consumed are also astronomical.

In terms of resources alone, he will never enjoy more than himself.

But even so, it has come to this point?
The light in Kong Xuan's eyes kept colliding. After thinking for a long time, he said, "I know about this, but I still need to discuss it with the patriarch and the great elder. You should stay in the Feng clan for a while."

The golden-winged roc didn't expect Kong Xuan to agree directly, and said with a hearty smile, "Brother, just think about it slowly."

The two brothers talked about the past for a while, and Kong Xuan went to the main hall of the Feng clan to discuss with the head of the Feng clan.

And the golden-winged roc had nothing to do, so it went to drink with the old phoenix who was looking at the gate of the volcano.

In the corner of Kunlun Mountain, Guang Chengzi almost collapsed when he saw Jiang Ziya, whose aura was not up or down, but barely reached the level of the Earth Immortal.

In the past few days, he took out an unknown number of elixir and spirit fruits from the Yuqing treasure house for Jiang Ziya to take.

If someone else had taken so many magical medicines, it would be more than enough to be a true or mysterious immortal.

But Jiang Ziya couldn't do it. If he took a pill, [-]% of its power would be lost, and only about [-]% of it could be refined by him.

Jiang Ziya sighed after refining a fairy ginseng.

"Teacher, is my aptitude poor? I haven't seen any increase in mana."

Guang Chengzi forced a smile on his face, "Actually, when you refine the treasures of heaven and earth, the power of the medicine will be lost. These are all normal. I will bring you some more for the teacher, and you will wait here."

"Ooo, so it's all like this, I thought my aptitude was bad."

Jiang Ziya looked suddenly enlightened. When he stopped teaching, he only practiced the art of war, strategy, and governance.

As for the technique of cultivation, I didn't touch it at all, so I didn't know that my aptitude was poor.

Guang Chengzi shook his head secretly, and drove the cloud to the Yuqing Treasure House again.

In front of the Yuqing treasure house, there is a large formation of Yuqing guarding it, and the gatekeeper is a white crane boy.

On Kunlun Mountain, besides the boy Baihe who served Yuanshi, there were also many white cranes who were enlightened by Yuanshi and guarded everywhere in Kunlun Mountain.

For example, the Yuqing Treasure House is guarded by a white crane from the Taiyi Gold Fairyland.

"Brother Guangchengzi, you are here again."

Boy Baihe greeted Guang Chengzi.

Guang Chengzi nodded, "I am here this time to collect some treasures from heaven and earth."

Boy Baihe let out an "ah" in surprise, "Brother Guangchengzi, aren't those natural talents and earthly treasures not enough?"

Guang Chengzi was a little embarrassed, "My disciple's aptitude is really bad, so let's get some more."


Boy Baihe nodded, opened the treasure house of Yuqing, and let Guangchengzi in.

After Guangchengzi went in, he carefully selected a batch of high-quality resources suitable for Xuanxian and Jinxian, and then came out.

After registering with Boy Baihe, Guang Chengzi quickly came to his cave with the resources in hand.

"Ziya, don't be discouraged, if you finish eating these treasures of heaven and earth, you will definitely be able to break through to heaven."

Although Guang Chengzi had long looked down on Jiang Ziya in his heart, he still encouraged him patiently on the surface.

This is Fei Xiong's man, no matter how poor his aptitude is, he must be in good hands.

Jiang Ziya casually picked up a piece of white jade ginseng, and gnawed on it.

The rich aura was almost atomized, enveloping his whole body.

In this way, with Guang Chengzi's unremitting efforts, Jiang Ziya finally managed to break through to Tianxian.

"Finally broke through, it's not easy, Ziya, go, follow me to see your master."

Guang Chengzi took Jiang Ziya and went straight to Yuxu Palace.

In Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi looked at Jiang Ziya with a sigh. With his sage's eyesight, he could naturally see that Jiang Ziya's foundation was vain, and he was forced to rise up by relying on the treasures of heaven and earth. Let alone a fairy, he just came to a random earth fairy , I am afraid that Jiang Ziya can beat him all over the place.

Yuan Shi looked at Jiang Ziya and said solemnly, "Ziya, how many years have you practiced in Kunlun Mountain?"

Jiang Ziya saluted respectfully, "Master, Ziya has been practicing on Kunlun Mountain for dozens of years."

Yuan Shi smiled slightly, "You have been cultivating on Kunlun Mountain for so many years, and you have a strategy in your heart. It's time to go down the mountain."

"Nowadays, the great businessman has no way. You can go down the mountain by yourself to find the God of Destiny, and assist him to achieve a great cause. When your merits and virtues are perfect, you will get a great opportunity."

Jiang Ziya knew that it was time for him to go down the mountain, so he didn't miss it too much.

"Zi Ya, I would like to obey the order of my ancestor, so I will go down the mountain to find the God of Destiny, and help him achieve his great cause."

Yuan Shi thought for a while, and then took out the cloud under him.

"The evil spirit gathered at the foot of the mountain, and the catastrophe is dangerous. I will lend you the body protection of Zhutian Qingyun, and you have to return it after you finish assisting Allah."

Zhutian Qingyun is one of the best congenital spiritual treasures, once sacrificed, all evils will be warded off, and all dharmas will not be touched.

Ignores any Raiders' attacks, and is immune to all damage from magical spells.

Within Qingyun, the primordial world looms in it, with the sun, moon and stars shining all over it.

Among the clouds of celebration, the five-color ray of light renders the heavens, and the eight-tone fairy music resounds throughout the world.

Beyond the Qingyun, countless golden lanterns, golden lotuses, necklaces, and pendant beads fell from the Qingyun all over the sky.

Like the dripping water in front of the eaves, there is an endless stream.

This is a real ultimate life-saving treasure. Jiang Ziya has this treasure to protect his body, and it is difficult for ordinary Taiyi immortals to hurt him.

After Yuan Shi finished speaking, Zhutian Qingyun in his hand moved slightly, and then fell behind Jiang Ziya and hid himself.

Guang Chengzi watched from the side very enviously, it was Zhu Tian Qingyun, Master's favorite magic weapon. It would be great if he gave it to himself.

With all the heavens Qingyun protecting his body, Jiang Ziya felt a sense of peace in his heart, his soul was transparent, and all evils would not invade him, "Apprentice Jiang Ziya, thank you master for giving me the treasure."

Leaving Yuxu Palace, under the escort of Guang Chengzi, Jiang Ziya went all the way down the Kunlun Mountains and arrived at the capital of the human race, Chaoge.
As Jiang Ziya went down the mountain, the two Feixiong men were robbed for several days.

The catastrophe spreading between the heaven and the earth became more intense, covering the sky and the sun, and the secret of the sky was completely covered, and no clue could be seen anymore.

The Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods has officially begun!

Chaoge, Jiang Ziya walked on the straight, spacious and clean road, watching the people coming and going, the people with clean clothes and smiling faces, deeply moved in his heart.

It took him a month to travel all over Chaoge.

But what he saw and observed were all appearances. After thinking about it, Jiang Ziya decided to investigate deeply.
He took out an ingot of gold, bought a shop, and continued to be a fortune teller.

Now that he has become a fairy, his fortune-telling skills are naturally much better than when he was a mortal, and the calculations are very accurate.

So it didn't take long for business to boom.
The Nanming Undying Volcano, the ancestral land of the Feng clan, the Yuanfeng Hall, the patriarch of the Feng clan, and the five elders of the Feng clan, Kong Xuan, a total of seven people gathered together.

The patriarch of the Feng clan is a female monk in the early stage of quasi-sage, with an exquisite figure and a delicate and fair face.

It gives people a charm that can be seen from a distance but not played with.

At this time, she frowned slightly, and said slowly.

"Kong Xuan, you are the number one arrogance of my Feng Clan, even the ancestor of Yuan Feng back then, I'm afraid you are far inferior to you, why bother to go into this muddy water?"

Obviously, the patriarch of the Feng clan didn't want Kong Xuan to intervene in the catastrophe.

"I have reached the Great Perfection of the Quasi-Sage, and if I don't intervene in the Great Tribulation, it means there is no hope for the future. The Feng Clan will not be able to re-emerge from the undead volcano for a day. Is this what you want to see?"

Kong Xuan's words silenced the five elders and the patriarch of the Feng clan.

In the end, it was the elder with the highest seniority who spoke, "Then what if there is danger in the robbery?"

"I entered the robbery with the quasi-sage's Dzogchen cultivation base, so I should be safe to protect myself. The Great Elder doesn't have to worry."

The quasi-sage's great consummation has already stood on the peak of the prehistoric world, even if he is a saint's disciple, Kong Xuan can ignore it.

The patriarch of the Feng clan and the five elders glanced at each other and sighed.

Since Kong Xuan insisted on this, they could only agree.

Kong Xuan walked out of the Yuanfeng Hall and found the golden-winged roc, "I have already discussed with the patriarch and the great elders. They agree that I will be robbed. When shall we go?"

The golden-winged roc also stayed in the Feng Clan for several months, had a good time, and simply said, "Then let's go today?"

"it is good."

Kong Xuan took the golden-winged roc all the way to Chaoge, the imperial capital of the human race.

Soon, Kong Xuan flew to Chaoge, and then met Shen Gongbao through the golden-winged roc.

Under the recommendation of Shen Gongbao, he successfully met Di Xin again.

Under the appointment of Emperor Xin, Kong Xuan took up the post of General Soldier of Sanshan Pass, commanding a hundred thousand elites of the Great Merchants, sitting in the north of the Great Merchants.
Time passed silently, and in the blink of an eye, ten years passed.

Shen Gongbao served as the national teacher of Dashang for ten years, and assisted Emperor Xin.

The minister who was still somewhat dissatisfied with Shen Gongbao, gradually changed from being convinced to admiring him.

In ten years, Jiang Ziya also made a great reputation in Chaoge, and was called "Mr. Magician"

Not to mention Kong Xuan, under the rule of iron and blood.

The Sanshanguan officialdom was cleaned up and down, and an unknown number of corrupt officials were dealt with.

Hundreds of thousands of people are grateful to Dade, and even set up a shrine to worship day and night.

Although his cultivation hadn't improved a bit, Kong Xuanyuan's spirit became more transparent.

Above Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, and Qingyun, Yuan Shi's eyes became more and more indifferent.

"This new Great Merchant Emperor has some abilities, but it's a pity that the destiny of the Great Merchant is not with the Great Merchant, and the Great Merchant will eventually be destroyed."

"Where is the lamp?"

In Yuxu Palace, a coercive voice came out and fell straight into Ran Deng's ears.

Ran Deng patted his head, a bit of bitterness appeared on the corner of his mouth, summoned by the saint, it seems that it is not a good thing.

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves, but they still have to go.

Ran Deng exhaled foul breath, quickly came to Yuxu Palace, and saluted Yuanshi, "What do you want to summon, teacher?"

"I heard that there are 72 princes and kings in the northern border of Dashang. You go to Beihai yourself to make the 72 princes and kings rebel and put pressure on Dashang."

Yuan Shi was concise and to the point, expressing his thoughts directly.

Although he knew that Yuan Shi had nothing good to do with him, Ran Deng couldn't help cursing Yuan Shi secretly when he saw this scene.

"The disciple understands, let's deal with it now."

"Go, remember not to leave any traces, just let the big business dog bite the dog. After completing the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods and sending the disciples of Jiejiao to the list, your merit and luck will be indispensable."

When arranging work for Ran Deng, he did not forget to take out a bone to encourage Ran Deng.

Ran Deng nodded, and flew out of the Yuxu Palace, driving a stream of light, towards the North Sea of ​​the human race.

In the land of the North Sea of ​​the human race, there are 72 princes and kings, although they are called 72 princes and kings.

But the princes and kings of the 72nd Route are strong and weak.

The stronger ones have [-] elite soldiers under their command, while the weaker ones have only a few thousand soldiers.

Among the princes and kings of the 72nd Road, the strongest princes and kings are called Yuan Futong, who has a golden immortal cultivation base.

There are 20 armored men under his command, all good soldiers who have stepped into the realm of refining and transforming Qi, guarding the North Sea and resisting the invasion of northern barbarians.

It's just that following the previous emperor, Yi Wudao, who was greedy for pleasure, Yuan Futong, the king of Beihai, also gradually had a different heart.
After Ran Deng flew to Beihai, he soon found the mansion of Yuan Futong, the king of princes.

At this time, in the palaces of the princes and princes, singing and dancing was peaceful, and the King of Beihai was having a drink with dozens of generals under his command.

After drinking for three rounds, the soldiers retreated one after another.

Yuan Futong was holding a beautiful lady in one arm, just as he was about to go to bed.

Suddenly, there were slight footsteps outside the palace.

Yuan Futong was alerted immediately, most of the time he was sober, his face was so gloomy that water could drip.

"Who dares to linger outside the palace, is it because they want to die?"

Yuan Futong was very vigilant, and he took his own safety very seriously.

At night, there is no one in the bedroom, and there are heavy guards outside the palace, who would dare to approach it?

"As expected of the King of the North Sea, his cultivation is not high, but he is very vigilant."

Wearing a Taoist robe, Ran Deng came to Yuan Futong as if he had entered the land of no one.

"Who is your Excellency?"

The vigilance on Yuan Futong's face became even stronger.

As a golden immortal monk, he couldn't even detect the aura of the Taoist in front of him, which shows that the Taoist in front of him is unfathomable.

Ran Deng was not in a good mood, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yuan Fu.

"I am Taoist Randeng, the deputy leader of Yuqing's elucidation and teaching lineage. This time I came here to give you a great opportunity based on the decree of the sage."

"Your Excellency, is the deputy leader of the saint orthodoxy?

Yuan Futong opened his eyes wide, unable to believe it.

How powerful is the saint's orthodoxy? How could an existence of this level come to him without incident.

Immediately Yuan Futong said respectfully. "Dare to ask the sage what he has ordered, and if it is within his power, he will do his best to help."

"I want you to integrate the princes and kings of Beihai 72 Road, and raise troops to rebel against the big merchants."

If you burn the lamp, it is still so easy to understand.

"Rebellion against the big merchants? Shangxian is not wrong, right?"

It's good that Yuan Futong has a different heart, but he's not a fool either.

(End of this chapter)

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