Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 183 Absolute Plague Formation 2 Instructions Ask for Reinforcements!

Chapter 183 The second teacher of the Ten Absolute Plague Formation asks for reinforcements!
Master Huanglong looked at the arhat sitting on a deer and the arhat riding an elephant, and he didn't even bother to speak. He grabbed Jiang Ziya and flew towards Kunlun Mountain.

The deer-riding Arhat and the elephant-riding Arhat looked at each other, and then set off in the same direction, rushing towards Mount Sumeru.

The current battle situation has exceeded their capabilities.

The most urgent task at the moment is to invite reinforcements, and we must first break through the barrier.

The battle of Xiqi and the battle of Great Merchants have been temporarily stalemate.

On the other side, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi also came to the shore of the East China Sea.

After the two revealed their identities, the Jin'ao Island guard formation slowly separated to both sides, revealing a gap.

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi saw this and flew in quickly.

After the two arrived at Jinao Island, they did not go to Biyou Palace.

Instead, he came not far from Taoyuan on Jinao Island, and begged to see Chen Xuanji.

The Taoist ancestor said that the catastrophe of conferring gods is about to begin, and the saint patriarch must not make a move, so naturally he has to find the master uncle.

Outside Chen Xuanji's cave, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi rang the golden bell hanging outside the door, bowed their hands together and said, "I beg to see Master Uncle!"

The golden bell rang, causing waves of ripples to enter the deepest part of the cave.

In the depths of the cave, there is another cave, like an independent small world.

The sun, the moon, the stars, the nine heavens and the earth, the innate aura, and all creatures are contained in it.

It exudes an indescribable mysterious Taoism, just smelling it a few times, it is better than eating any powerful treasures of heaven and earth.

On the white jade futon, Chen Xuanji slowly opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

As soon as he thought about it, the magic circle outside the cave burst open.

Then a melodious and high-pitched voice came to Nezha and Lei Zhenzi's ears.

"come in."

Nezha and Lei Zhenzi looked at each other, got up quickly, and entered the cave.

When the two saw Chen Xuanji's world-like figure on the futon, their hearts were filled with endless shocks!

At this moment, Chen Xuanji was like a wall, a sacred mountain, or even a world in their hearts.

Can't see anything, can't feel anything.

Master Lei Zhenzi is the first mysterious turtle in the world.

After Xuangui was reincarnated, he joined the Jiejiao, and after absorbing the essence of his previous life, his cultivation has already reached the Great Perfection of the Quasi-Saint, not far from the capital of the Sub-Saint.

But now in Lei Zhenzi's eyes, even his own master is far behind the master uncle.

Even the gap between each other cannot be described in words.

It seems to be close at hand, but it is as far away as the end of the world.

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi collected his attention, and hurriedly bowed his hands to Chen Xuanji, "Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, I pay my respects to Master Uncle."

Chen Xuanji smiled, and casually cast out a burst of mana to lift the two of them up, and said gently.

"Da Shang, what happened?"

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi hastily told Chen Xuanji what happened these days in detail.

After finishing speaking, his expression was still very excited, "Last time, we sent Han Dulong, Xue Ehu, Wei Hu, and Tu Xingsun to the list of gods. On the list, Chan, Western disciples will never let it go, so they came to Jin'ao Island to ask for reinforcements."

Chen Xuanji smiled, "I have already prepared reinforcements for you."

"where is it?"

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi regained his spirits all of a sudden.

"Come with me."

Chen Xuanji smiled, stood up straight, and with Nezha, Lei Zhenzi flew to the corner of Jin'ao Island, a small island with an area of ​​thousands of miles.

The island is lush and green, with beautiful mountains and rivers, and a vast sea and sky.

The spirit of the fairy is lingering endlessly, the sky is full of colorful clouds, and it is a scene of a fairy home.

At this time, on the edge of the island, there were ten figures practicing the formation.

The auras of those ten people were all around the early stage of Daluo Jinxian.

Everyone practiced a set of formations, and each set of formations was superimposed layer upon layer.

Among the formations, there are mysteries and calculations, and there are many changes. There are samadhi gods, nine-day ice, heaven and earth air, black sand flying wildly, samadhi real fire, heaven and earth fierce energy, and renkui spirit. Fine, there is flying sand hurting people.

The end is unpredictable, so wonderful that the formations practiced by ten people are superimposed.

Even though they were far away, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi were frightened.

These ten people are none other than the top ten disciples of the Jiejiao, who call themselves Ten Heavenly Monarchs.

They are Qin Wan Tianjun, Zhao Jiang Tianjun, Dong Quantian, Yuanjiao Tianjun, Jinguang Shengmu, Sun Liang Tianjun, Bai Li Tianjun, Yao Bin Tianjun, Wang Bian Tianjun, Zhang Shao Tianjun, and other ten Tianjun.

The practiced formation is called the Ten Absolute Formation. What is the Ten Absolute Formation?
They are respectively, Heaven's Absolute Formation, Earth Fierce Formation, Wind Roaring Formation, "Ice Formation, Golden Light Formation, Blood Transformation Formation, Flame Formation, Falling Soul Formation, Red Water Formation, and Red Sand Formation.

It is an extremely powerful formation in the lineage of Jiejiao Shangqing.

"It's such a powerful formation. If I enter it, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on even for a few breaths."

Nezha had a look of deep fear on his face.

Lei Zhenzi was also very shocked, and asked back, "Dare to ask Master Uncle, this formation is the Ten Absolute Formation in our lineage of the Shangqing?"

The Shangqing Formation is unparalleled in the world and all-encompassing. When Lei Zhenzi was practicing at Xuan Gui, he had heard the name Shi Jue Formation by chance.

"This formation is exactly the Ten Absolute Formation, but your sage patriarch was ingenious and reformed it, combining the Ten Absolute Formation and the Plague Formation, and called it the Ten Absolute Plague Formation."

"Ten Absolute Plague Formation?"

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi looked curious, "Ten Jue is here, where is the Plague?"

Chen Xuanji pointed to the ten people, and said, "Look again

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi's eyes were full of divine light, and he looked again, and at some point, there was another Taoist in the top ten formation.

The Taoist was dressed in a very strange way, wearing a big red robe, with a face like indigo, hair like cinnabar, a huge mouth with fangs, and three round eyes.

The supernatural powers are not small, with three heads and six arms; the hand refers to the twin swords, and there are many magic weapons and weapons such as the plague seal, the plague bell, the fixed-shaped plague banner, the plague umbrella, the plague pill, and the eight trigrams table.

With a strong breath, he has already come to Daluo Jinxian's consummation!

The Taoist opened his strange eyes and opened his mouth to spit out, and immediately, black and purple poisonous gas filled the world and swept the world.

It merged with the supernatural powers gushing out of the Ten Absolute Formation!
In an instant, the samadhi kamikaze turned into a poisonous wind, the samadhi real fire became a poisonous fire, and the red sand became an arsenic sand. The power was more than a little stronger in an instant.

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi was secretly horrified, if it was said that they could last for three breaths in the previous ten battles.

Then the Ten Absolute Plague Formation, I'm afraid they can't hold on for even a breath, and they will lose in an instant.

After another quarter of an hour or so, the Ten Absolute Plague formations dissipated.

Chen Xuanji took Nezha with him, and Lei Zhenzi walked over.

Lord Shitian, Wenhuang and Lu Yue are both second-generation disciples of the Shangqing lineage. When they saw Chen Xuanji, they immediately saluted respectfully, "I've seen you senior brother."

Chen Xuanji looked warm and said with a smile, "The cultivation of the formation is good. Now that the catastrophe is spreading between today and the earth, explain that the two western religions are aggressive. It's time for you to make contributions."

Ten Heavenly Lord, Wenhuang Lu Yue looked excited, and immediately clasped his fists and said, "Please order, senior brother, I am willing to stop the fight to the death for me!"

The Lord of Ten Heavens, Wenhuang Lu Yue, was originally just one of the countless outer disciples of Jiejiao.

Despite working hard to practice every day, there are not many resources allocated, and the growth of cultivation base is slow.

It's the big brother who discovered their talent in formations.

Give them a lot of resources, teach them the Ten Jue Formation, the Plague Formation, and guide them to combine the two formations into one.

In the end, he got the title of Ten Heavenly Lord of Jinao Island and the title of plague god Lu Yue.

For Shi Tianjun, Lu Yue, cutting off education is no less than their reborn parents.

Now, they wanted nothing more than to stop teaching, and at the same time, this was also a great opportunity to prove themselves.

Chen Xuanji smiled, and introduced Nezha and Lei Zhenzi to Shi Tianjun and Lu Yue.

"This is Senior Brother Duobao, a disciple of Senior Brother Xuangui, who went down the mountain to help Dashang some time ago, so pack up and go down the mountain with them."


Lord Ten Heaven, Lu Yue nodded quickly.

After a while, the 11 people packed up and left Jin'ao Island under the leadership of Nezha and Lei Zhenzi.

On Jin'ao Island, the waves were sparkling and the sea was calm, but Chen Xuanji's heart was not peaceful.

With the fall of the Lingbao, the curtain of the Great War of the Three Religions has finally been raised.
At the same time, in the west, at the foot of Mount Sumeru, the Arhat sitting on a deer and the Arhat riding an elephant are deeply concerned.

"Going down the mountain this time, I really lost my reputation as the Western Sect. Master won't punish us, will he?"

Sitting Deer Arhat felt a little uneasy, don't look at Zhunti, and lead the two saints to be obsequious in front of the saints, looking easy to bully.

But in the West, it is the out-and-out master, the first talker of the Western religion.

But among the disciples of the Western religion, there is no one who is not afraid of the two saints.

Arhat riding an elephant pointed to the ancestral line of the Kunlun Mountains in the east.

"The six-eared monkey is really powerful. Even the Lingbao fell into his hands. It is not easy for us to come back whole. Even if the master, the master is furious and punishes him, it is much better than being on the list of gods gone."

Arhat sitting on a deer nodded quickly, "What you said is reasonable, let's go up the mountain quickly and meet the master."

The Arhat riding a deer and the Arhat riding an elephant hurried up Mount Sumeru. Not long after, they met the boy Bailian at the halfway up Mount Sumeru.

The White Lotus Boy was transformed from the first white lotus in the world.

In Zhunti, Jieyin followed the two sages before he was certified.

Hundreds of millions of years of practice, listening to the teachings of saints all the time, has entered the quasi-sage.

Even if the second generation of Western religion, Medicine Master, Maitreya, Dashizhi, Ksitigarbha and others meet, they should be respectful.

Boy Bailian saw Sitting Deer Arhat and said curiously.

"Riding an elephant, riding a deer, didn't the two of you go to help the Heavenly King of Zhou? Why did you come back so soon?"

The deer-riding Arhat and the elephant-riding Arhat suddenly showed miserable expressions on their faces, and quickly told the story to the white lotus boy, and said miserable words.

"Senior Brother Bai Lian, that six-eared monkey's level is not high, but his methods are really fierce. We are no match, so we can only rush back to Mount Sumeru to ask for reinforcements."

"Oh, that's it."

Boy Bailian nodded. Although he has been serving the saint all year round, he has become a quasi-sage because of himself.

So, I really don't know much about this Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods.

At this time, riding an elephant and sitting on a deer, he asked cautiously, "Brother Bailian, I don't know if the sage master, uncle, are you in a good mood?"

Bai Lian smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry, Master, Uncle Master will not blame you."

Arhat riding an elephant and Arhat riding a deer felt a little more at ease, and went straight up Mount Sumeru.

On Mount Sumeru, Zhunti, received and guided to sit beside the Eight Treasures Merit Pool.

The golden lotus of the twelve ranks of merit is sitting in full bloom, and the golden lotus with twelve petals is slowly stretching.

A faint golden Brahma light bloomed, extremely peaceful, serene, and the unity of man and nature.

"The disciple sits on a deer, rides an elephant, and asks to see the master, uncle."

With a thought in mind, Zhun Ti came to the two saints sitting on a deer and riding an arhat on an elephant.

The deer-riding Arhat and the elephant-riding Arhat repeated what they had just said to Boy Bailian, pointing at Ti and leading them.

When Zhunti heard the news that Master Lingbao was on the list, he was slightly taken aback.

"You said that Master Lingbao, one of the Kunlun Golden Immortals, was on the list of gods?"

Sitting Deer Arhat nodded respectfully, "The six-eared monkey has cultivated some strange supernatural powers. It is extremely powerful. The Lingbao is not an opponent, and was sent to the list of gods. If the disciples hadn't escaped in time, I am afraid that they would also be on the list of gods now." people."


Zhunti finally couldn't help laughing, "Old man Yuanshi has always looked down on those people who were hatched from wetness and put on horns by Mao. Now Tangtangtang is the second generation of Kunlun, but he was sent to the list of gods by the third generation of disciples of the intercepted education. Old man Yuanshi can't lose his teeth in anger?"

"Junior brother, don't mess around." Jieyin said indifferently, his face remained unchanged, but there seemed to be a smile between his brows.

Zhunti laughed, and the arhat who sat on a deer and the arhat who rode an elephant did not dare to laugh, but continued to respectfully say.

"Han dare to ask Master, Master Uncle, what will I do in the West next?"

Zhunti also looked at Jieyin, and it was up to Jieyin to decide.

Jie Yin thought for a while, "You eighteen arhats, let's go down the mountain together, and let those who intercept the teaching see the power of my Western Eighteen Vajra Arhat formation!"

The Shangqing formation is the most mysterious in the prehistoric times, but the Western formation also has its unique features.

The Eighteen Vajra Arhat Formation is Zhunti, which was deduced painstakingly.

Practicing together by the eighteen arhats, it is the top guardian vajra formation of Western religion.

In this array, one, two, three or five arhats can't use it.

Only when the eighteen arhats gather together can it be displayed, and the power will be multiplied.

Zhunti, lead to self-confidence, such a formation, except for the direct lineage of the Shangqing, is enough to suppress everything.

Upon hearing from the master, the uncle wanted to let eighteen of their brothers go down the mountain together.

Sitting deer arhat, riding an elephant arhat suddenly became full of confidence.

No one knows better than them the power of the Eighteenth Vajra Arhat formation.

Although the six-eared monkey's Dharma appearance is powerful, it is nothing compared to their Vajra Formation.

Immediately, arhats riding deer and arhats riding elephants went down Mount Sumeru to find the other sixteen arhats.

The other sixteen arhats are respected by the subduing dragon arhat and the subduing tiger arhat.

After the arhats got together, after some discussion, they went straight to the lower boundary, Boshui Pass.

At the foot of Kunlun Mountain, Master Huang Long was filled with uneasiness.

The Lingbao fell into the hands of the three generations of Jiejiao disciples. When he arrived at Yuxu Palace, how could he meet the sage master?

Master Saint was already unhappy with him, but now, I am afraid that his position in Master Saint's heart will be even worse.

"Zi Ya, why don't we go to the Eldest Brother Dojo first?"

Master Huanglong plans to ask a few more golden immortals to share the burden for him.

Naturally, Jiang Ziya had no reason not to agree, "Everything is under Master Huanglong's orders."

Master Huanglong brought Jiang Ziya to Guangchengzi Dojo.

After the meeting, Master Huang Long hastily told what happened.

After Guang Chengzi heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he didn't dare to believe it, "Junior Brother Lingbao, are you on the list of gods?"

"Yes, if I hadn't escaped so fast, I'm afraid I would be on the list of gods now."

Daoist Huanglong smiled wryly, if he hadn't been a yellow dragon himself, blessed with talent, I'm afraid neither he nor Lingbao could escape.

(End of this chapter)

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