Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 184: The Order of Zixiao Enters the Primordial Desolation, the Saint Closes the Dojo!

Chapter 184: The Order of Zixiao Enters the Primordial Desolation, the Saint Closes the Dojo!
Guang Chengzi's face was ugly, he gritted his teeth, and said bitterly.

"What a six-eared monkey, so presumptuous, do you really think that no one is teaching me?"

Jiang Ziya smiled wryly, "Senior Brother Lingbao has fallen, Master must be furious, please help me, Senior Brother."

"Hmph, if you dare to hurt my disciples, you must not let this matter go like this. Come with me."

Guang Chengzi got up and immediately found all the golden immortals.

When the other eight golden immortals heard the news of Lingbao's fall, they were all shocked.

"What? Brother Lingbao has fallen?"

"How is it possible, Junior Brother Lingbao, how could he have fallen into the hands of the third generation disciple of Jiejiao?"

"No matter what, I am one of the twelve golden immortals, and Junior Brother Lingbao has fallen, and we shall avenge him."

Filled with righteous indignation, the eleven golden immortals gathered in front of Yuxu Palace. At this time, the gate of Yuxu Palace had already been opened.

Eleven Jinxian looked at each other and walked in with Jiang Ziya.

"I'll wait, see Master."

The eleven golden immortals, as well as Jiang Ziya, saluted Yuan Shi respectfully.

On Qingyun, Yuan Shi's face was so gloomy that water could almost drip, "The Lingbao has fallen!"

As soon as he made the final decision, the atmosphere in the entire Yuxu Palace became icy cold.

Eleven Jinxian and Jiang Ziya felt bitingly cold.

Even the primordial spirit seemed to be frozen, extremely stiff and frightened.

When the saint is angry, the world has no way, this is by no means empty talk.

No matter how strong a quasi-sage is, he is like an ant in front of a saint.

A saint is equivalent to a nuclear weapon in another world, no, it is infinitely stronger than a nuclear weapon, once used, it is enough to push everything horizontally, and no one can stop it.

Immediately, Master Huanglong knelt down, with a look of sadness on his face.

"It's the disciple's incompetence. The methods used to teach the disciple are very strange and powerful. The disciple's incompetence and inability to protect Junior Brother Lingbao made him enter the list of gods. It's all the disciple's fault."

Yuan Shi's icy eyes swept over Huang Long, and his coldness gradually subsided.

"I don't blame you for this matter, it's because I underestimated the disciples of the Shangqing lineage."

The twelve golden immortals are strong and weak, such as Guangchengzi and Chi Jingzi, who have already practiced to the perfection of Daluo Jinxian, and they are only one step away from quasi-sages.

The two are powerful, and if they work together, even Ran Deng dare not say that they will be able to suppress them steadily.

And Daoist Huanglong and Master Lingbao are all well-known Sanwu Taoists.

No spiritual treasure, no record, no disciples, the strength is considered the weakest among the twelve golden immortals.

This time Master Lingbao was listed on the list, although Yuan Shi was extremely furious.

But he knew the reason very well in his heart, it was that he underestimated the disciples of Jiejiao.

At this time, Chi Jingzi clasped his hands and said, full of fighting spirit.

"Master, disciples please fight, and you must send all of those disciples to your list of gods."

A flash of anticipation flashed in Jiang Ziya's heart.

Come on, come on, the more people who descend the mountain, the better, so that the people on the list of gods can be gathered as soon as possible.

On Qingyun, Yuan Shi's expression became expressionless again, and he shook his head.

"Your opponent is the true second-generation descendant of the Jiejiao. If you make the first move, wouldn't that mean that my disciples of the Chanjiao are weaker than the disciples of the first line of the Qing Dynasty?"

After finishing speaking, Yuanshi turned his attention to the other golden immortals, "Yuding, Taiyi, Manjusri, Puxian, this time, you and Ziya will go out of the mountain together, and you will definitely break through the boundary barrier and send Jiejiao disciples to the list." .”

Reverend Yuding, Reverend Taiyi, Reverend Puxian, Reverend Manjusri, all stood out, clasped their hands together and said, "I obey."

Jiang Ziya was excited and excited, Yuding, Taiyi, Manjusri, Puxian, these are big fish, wonderful, wonderful!

Immediately, under Yuanshi's edict, Jiang Ziya took the four golden immortals down the mountain.

Along with the explanation, the Western teaching, and the Jiejiao disciples went down the mountain again.

The catastrophic energy between the heaven and the earth rose again without any warning.

Covering the sky and covering the sun, thick clouds formed, in the eyes of ordinary people, the sun is still shining brightly, and the sky is clear.

But in the eyes of true cultivators, the vast wilderness is like a dark night, full of dangers.

On the 33rd day, in Daluotian, Tianting, and Lingxiao Palace, Haotian was sitting on the throne of the Jade Emperor.

Looking at the strong evil spirit that filled the world, there was no fear of facing a crisis in his eyes.

Instead, he suppressed a trace of indescribable excitement!
A great catastrophe is about to begin, and all chaos will come. In the prehistoric world, the era that truly belongs to his heaven is coming.

Haotian thought of the hardships and tiredness he had endured all the way up to the time he ascended the throne, and now waiting for the conferred gods and calamity, he just felt that everything was worth it.

At this moment, the boundary barrier between the prehistoric and the chaos suddenly shattered!

Five purple jade tablets broke through the void and fell into the All Saints Dojo.

The jade plaque was issued by Hongjun, and the information contained in it was very simple.

The evil spirit of Heaven and Earth Measuring Tribulation intensified, and the saints could no longer intervene in Measuring Calamity.

At the same time, Hongjun gave the saints two choices.

Choose one, leave the prehistoric world, go to the chaos, wait for the calamity to pass before returning.

Option two, close the dojo and wait for the prehistoric disaster to dissipate.

During the period when the dojo was closed, he was completely ignorant of everything outside the dojo.

In the Dojo of the Saints, the Saints looked at the purple jade tablet in their hands with complicated emotions.

Shouyang Mountain, Taiqing Palace, Taiqing Laozi looked at the jade tablet in his hand with a complicated face.

"It seems that the development of the matter is finally beyond our control."

A sage, who has gone through thousands of kalpas without grinding, is not stained by cause and effect, is always with the sky, and coexists with the Tao, is already the manifestation of the Tao.

This level of existence, as long as it exists, can control almost everything every breath and every moment.

Even in the era of the Lich and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, when the saints competed for luck and the disaster spread, the situation never exceeded the control of the saints.

At most, it's just that there are more and less luck sharing.

But now, under the order of Zixiao, if the saints leave Honghuang.

That would naturally be cut off from the Great Desolation by Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi.

The saints can't know anything that happened in the prehistoric world.

There is no essential difference between the second choice and leaving Honghuang.

In the self-proclaimed dojo, it is also equivalent to cutting off the connection between oneself and the outside world.

In any case, it is not aware of the development trend of the outside world.

On the futon, Taiqing heaved a long sigh, "The next matter of enshrining the gods, it really depends on chance, and everyone will have their own destiny."

After finishing speaking, Taiqing called the Great Master Xuandu.

"I want to call myself the Palace of Eight Views. I will leave the gate after the calamity is over. For the rest of the time, you can practice in Shouyang Mountain with peace of mind. Whoever comes, don't go down the mountain easily. Remember, remember."

Xuandu nodded and accepted the order, "Disciple understands."

After finishing speaking, there was a great magic power that directly pushed Xuandu out of the Bajing Palace.

Then, above the Bajing Palace, bursts of dao patterns rose, but in the blink of an eye, they completely covered the entire Bajing Palace from top to bottom.

Xuandu sighed, "All the saints are from the same sect, why did they make such a fuss?"

Xuandu left Bajing Palace, went to the corner of Shouyang Mountain to recite Huangting silently and devote himself to practice.

The other four saints looked at the Zixiao Token in their hands, and after making many preparations, they chose the second path like Taiqing, proclaiming themselves a dojo, and devoting themselves to practice.

So far, the saints are completely unable to intervene in the matter of conferring gods, and the dispute between the three religions has intensified.

In the mid-air, several streamers flashed, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi led the Ten Heavenly Lords, Wenhuang Lu Yue, and arrived at Jiepai Pass.

At Jiepai Pass, in the military tent, Han Rong and Huang Gun looked at Shi Tianjun and the dangerous aura on Lu Yue's body, and his heart was excited, knowing that he was the Immortal of Jiejiao, "Dare to ask the senior's name?"

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi introduced, "This is the Ten Heavenly Lords of my Shangqing lineage, namely Qin Wantianjun, Zhaojiang Tianjun, and Dong Quantianjun. .”

Han Rong and Huang Gun were overjoyed, cupped their hands and said, "The next battle with Xiqi will be up to you, the Great Immortals."

"What's the point of trouble?"

Lord Ten Heaven and Lu Yue both nodded, the wind was light and the clouds were calm.

Ten Absolute Plague Formation, under the quasi-sage, no one can break it!

On the other side, Jiang Ziya brought Daoist Taiyi, Daoist Yuding, Daoist Manjusri, and Daoist Puxian to Sishui Pass.

Sishuiguan, in the military tent, Ji Chang got up very excitedly, and slightly cupped his hands, "Ji Chang, I have seen all the celestial beings."

Ji Chang knew very well in his heart that most of his dragon luck was obtained by relying on Yuqing's teachings.

Without teaching, I would never have gotten to this point.

Yuqing's teaching is the biggest leg that Da Zhou needs to hold tight at the moment.

B, Yuding, Manjusri, and Pu Xian also nodded to Ji Chang in return.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, with me waiting, you don't have to worry about the battle ahead."

At this time, Jiang Ziya smiled at Ji Chang again, "I, Senior Brother Taiyi, Senior Brother Yuding, Senior Brother Manjusri, Senior Brother Puxian, are all great supernatural beings. Yuqing is a direct descendant, and I will definitely be able to overthrow everything."

At this moment, more than a dozen golden Brahma lights flew into Sishui Pass.

The ones who came this time were the Eighteen Arhats led by Subduing Dragon Arhat and Subduing Tiger Arhat.

The eighteen arhats, all of them possessed great supernatural powers, no one dared to stop them, and soon entered the army tent.

Seeing that all the eighteen arhats had come, the faces of all the disciples of Yuqing's line sank.

If this western arhat hadn't escaped first, his brother Lingbao would not have been on the list of gods. Westerners are all shameless people, and they are ashamed to be with him.

Jiang Ziya wanted to introduce, but seeing that the faces of the four senior brothers were all dark, he couldn't speak.

On the contrary, Jianglong Arhat looked familiar, took the lead in reporting his name, and bowed to Ji Changgong.

"I am the direct descendant of the Western religion, and the descending dragon is the same. These are my juniors, namely, the Arhat who crouches the tiger, the Arhat who sits on the deer, the Arhat who rejoices, the Arhat who raises the bowl, the Arhat who lifts the tower, the Arhat who sits quietly, and the Arhat who crosses the river. Arhats riding elephants, Arhats laughing lions, Arhats happy, Arhats probing hands, Arhats meditating, Arhats digging ears, Arhats with bags, Arhats with plantains, Arhats with long eyebrows, and doorkeepers."

Hearing this, Ji Chang got up quickly and smiled, "The gods came at just the right time. We have to count on the gods to contribute to the battle at Jiepaiguan."

Chanjiao disciples can dismiss a few arhats, but Ji Chang can't, he has to take good care of both ends.

Subduing Dragon Arhat smiled slightly, "Don't worry, with me waiting, it's easy to break through the Sishui Pass!"

In the early morning of the next day, the eighteen arhats from the west, the four golden immortals from Kunlun, and 20 elite troops led by Ji Fa rushed to Jiepai Pass again.

Two days later, the 20 troops marched to Jiepai Pass, the evil spirit spread, and a terrifying fighting spirit swept across the entire Sishui Pass.

"Six-eared monkey, if you dare to attack me, Yuqing, go out of the city and fight with me, you must be taught to die and be on the list of gods."

Daoist Taiyi shouted loudly, his eyes were full of fighting intent, he was really angry.

"Hmph, the Jade Cauldron's lineage comes from boasting profound fortune and extraordinary heels, but now the second-generation heir is enshrined in the list of gods by me, a third-generation disciple of Jiejiao. If it is passed on, won't it make people laugh?"

On the head of Jie Pai Guan Cheng, Liu Er's figure slowly appeared.

He was wearing a suit of armor, majestic and majestic, and there was a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

The aura in his body is a bit thicker than before when he fought with Lingbao and Huanglong fiercely!
This is the terrible thing about the Chaos Demon Ape. It will only become stronger as it fights in the flames of war.

Immortal Taiyi's complexion suddenly turned the color of a pig's liver, and he shouted.

"In the middle of Da Luo, you dare to speak nonsense. Do you really think that I dare not teach you a lesson?"

Master Yuding stopped his junior brother who was burning with anger, and pointed at Liu Erdao.

"There's no need to hide and hide. What about the reinforcements you have invited, let's show them together."

As soon as Yuding's voice fell, the figure of Shi Tianjun appeared on the top of the city.

The terrifying Daluo Qi machine completely distorted this piece of void.

"Jinao Island Ten Heaven Lord is here!"

Ten Heavenly Lords spoke together, and the loud voice spread in all directions!

"What a powerful mana!"

A surge of fighting intent flashed across Dragon Subduing Arhat's face.

Since he practiced the Eighteen Vajra Arhat Formation, he has never tested its power.

At this time, another figure appeared on the top of the city, wearing a big red robe, with a face like indigo, hair like cinnabar, a huge mouth with fangs, and three round eyes. Who is it if it's not Lu Yue?
As soon as the pestilent Lu Yue appeared, poisonous gas could be seen spreading between the heaven and the earth.

A strong sense of threat flooded into the minds of the disciples of the Western Sect.

"I am Lu Yue, the God of Plague and Ecstasy, so I want to learn from Yuqing's immortal method!"

"Wenhuang Lu Yue, it seems that you should not be underestimated!"

In the West, the hearts of the disciples of the Chan Second Sect felt a little more dignified again.

Soon, the disciples of the Three Religions acted, and in an instant they came to the midair, above the thick clouds, ready to fight at any time!
"Eighteen Vajra Arhat formation, come out!"

Eighteen arhats, led by the descending dragon arhat, kept forming seals with their hands, and obscure and mysterious patterns kept falling.

In just a few breaths, an extremely complicated array was formed on the ground, connecting the eighteen arhats together!

The next moment, an extremely strong divine light appeared above the pattern,
The body of the Eighteen Arhats turned into pure gold at a speed visible to the naked eye.

An indestructible, mountain-like aura swept across the scene!

Among the eighteen arhats, half are Da Luo Jinxian, and half are Taiyi Jinxian peaks.

Work together to form a large array of eighteen Vajra Arhats, which can trap the Daluo Jinxian to perfection!

Wenhuang Lu Yue sized up the Eighteen Vajra Arhat formation, and couldn't help nodding, it was indeed created by a sage, and it was indeed mysterious.

But Arhat's strength is not good. In terms of power, it is estimated that it is not as good as the simple Ten Absolute Formation, let alone compared with the Ten Absolute Plague Formation.

"Eighteen Vajra Arhat Formation. Hmph, I don't know how it compares to my Shangqing Ten Absolute Formation."

Qin Wantianjun snorted coldly, and with a thought, he set up a heavenly formation, and shouted loudly.

"This formation is the master's performance of the innate number, the innate clear energy, and the chaotic mechanism hidden inside. There are three banners in it, according to the three talents of heaven, earth, and human beings, they are combined into one energy. If the immortal way meets here, the limbs will tremble instantly. For crushing!"

After Qin finished, Zhao Jiang said coldly, "Let's look at my land array. This array is arranged according to the number of tunnels. The thick body in the middle hides the excitement and variety on the outside. There is a red flag hidden inside. At the place where it is summoned, there is thunder above, and fire below."

After Zhao Jiang, it was Dong Quan, his voice became a little colder, and he shouted.

"My formation is called Fenghou Formation. According to the number of earth, water, fire, and wind, there are wind and fire inside. This wind and fire are innate qi, samadhi true fire, and millions of weapons come out of it! "

Next, the remaining seven Heavenly Sovereigns, in no particular order, all set up a large formation under their own control!

After the ten sets of formations are laid out, they are enough to outline each other and merge together. The sky thunder, earth fire, Xunfeng, and arsenopyrite are extremely powerful!

Subduing Dragon Arhat showed a look of fear on his face, "These ten unique formations are really powerful!"

The coldness on the faces of Yuding, Taiyi, Manjusri, and Puxian became more intense.

"Since that's the case, let's do it once and talk about other things."

(End of this chapter)

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