Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 199 The plot of the five sages entering the robbery Hongjun!

Chapter 199 Five Sages' Conspiracy to Tribulate Hongjun!
As Lao Tzu arrived on a green bull, for a while, a thick and evil spirit swept over Tongguan, so strong that it made people breathless.

Countless prehistoric powers were all shocked. During the calamity, the five sages appeared together. This has never happened since ancient times.

Beyond the prehistoric world, there is endless chaos, in Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun sits on the futon with the stream flowing, the air of twilight circulates around him, and the power of heaven falls, which is extremely mysterious.

The great truth poured down, as if what was in front of me was no longer a person, but a rule, but a principle.

The taste in it is mysterious and mysterious, which can only be understood, not expressed in words.

"All the saints have come to Tongguan. The prehistoric aura is so strong."

Hongjun opened his eyes, frowned, and began to pinch his fingers to calculate with the mana beyond the level of a saint of heaven.

Measuring kalpas together, evil spirits cover the sky and the sun, cover up the secrets of the sky, cut off cause and effect, and cover up the past, present, and future.

A sage who is as strong as the Dao of Heaven cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, and will be blinded by it.

But Hongjun, after being in harmony with the way of heaven, is the most powerful person who surpassed the sage of the way of heaven.

Calculating with great magic power, the fog was quickly cleared, and the calculation reached the source.
"Beyond the chaos, the saints go to war, the sword formation of Zhuxian, the rebellion of the mysterious and the Buddha."

Looking at the calculated results, Hongjun suddenly raised his brows, his heart moved, and he couldn't help forming a plan.

"The old way has been in harmony with the way of heaven for countless tens of thousands of years, but the will of the way of heaven is still indestructible, and it is very troublesome to recover from time to time. Maybe I can use this to measure the calamity and clear the way of heaven and return to my true self."

Above the Saint Realm is the Heaven Dao Realm, also known as the Hunyuan Promise Golden Immortal.

Back then, when Hongjun was in harmony with the Dao of Heaven and set foot in the Dao of Heaven, he thought that he would be able to progress quickly with the blessing of great luck.

But Tiandao revived from time to time, and wanted to compete with him for the control of He Honghuang, which hindered his practice instead.

In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun kept thinking, and finally made up his mind after thinking about it.

As soon as he thought about it, on the Nine Layers of Clouds, the immeasurable calamity was turbulent, and silently merged into the body of the five saints.

If he wants to take advantage of this amount of calamity to clear away the troubles brought to him by the will of heaven, the most basic requirement is for the Five Saints to enter the calamity.

Tongguan, on Jiuchongyun, after Lao Tzu arrived on a green bull with Xuandu.

He looked at Yuan Shi, Tong Tian glanced, and sighed.

"Red flowers, white lotus root and green lotus leaves, the three sects were originally a family, the second younger brother, the third younger brother, you and I are both from the Taoist sect, and even senior brothers, do you have to make trouble to this point?"

When the Three Qing Dynasty did not prove the Tao, they once traveled together in the prehistoric times.

At that time, Sanqing's relationship was very good, with the same hatred, no one dared to provoke him.

Although after the establishment of the religion, there were many conflicts among the three Qings, which eventually led to the separation of the three religions. The human religion went to Shouyang Mountain, and the intercepted religion went to Jinao Island.

But Taiqing still didn't want to see the scene where the two met each other with swords drawn,
So I had to go out of customs in person to see if I could mediate.

Master Tongtian bowed his hands to Taiqing with a respectful attitude.

"Brother, in front of so many people today, you come to judge. I discussed this clearly when I was in Zixiao Palace."

"Above quasi-sages, you can't be robbed. Whoever the disciples of each family is on the list, each has his own fate, but look at what Yuanshi has done. It's nothing more than giving life-saving Lingbao to disciples, and it's nothing more than evil corpses. But now Well, with the dignity of a sage, they will all come to deal with the second and third generations of my disciples."

"It is tolerable, which is unbearable. How can I swallow this breath? If it were you, brother, would you be able to swallow it?"

There was a blazing fire in the eyes of the Master Tongtian, and his heart was extremely determined, and his fighting spirit was firm.

Today, even if it means starting a holy war at any cost.

He will never back down, vowing to seek justice for his disciples.

At the same time, the pride and teachings in Yuanshi's heart must be smashed to pieces!

After hearing this, Yuan Shi sneered, his brows and eyes were still stern, and he didn't think he had done anything wrong at all.

"Tongtian, why is it your turn to question me?"

"Ru Ruo's great teaching is just a group of bloodthirsty people who hatched from wet eggs and wear horns. They don't cultivate blessings on weekdays. They should be on the list of gods. Now I will help them to be on the list of gods. It is boundless merit."

Taiqing sighed at the side, although he had not participated in this great catastrophe of conferred gods from the beginning to the end, he saw the whole process clearly.

It's no wonder that the leader of Tongtian religion was furious, explaining that the second religion in the West has indeed gone too far.

Especially for explaining teachings, who can bear to move rescuers one after another?

If it weren't for the profound background of Jiejiao, I am afraid that countless disciples would have been listed on the list.

Taiqing pondered for a while, and said to Yuanshi.

"Yuanshi, Tongtian, why don't you all take a step back, now the 360 ​​five righteous gods on the list of gods are almost complete."

"I've recruited a lot of outer disciples over the years, and the ones I get together are always my own brothers. Don't make people laugh at them."

But Taiqing's voice hadn't fallen yet, but he was rejected by Qiqi from Yuanshi and Tongtian.

"Brother, you don't need to persuade me. I, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun, have been intercepted and sent to the list of gods, and there is absolutely no way to mediate this hatred."

Tong Tian's voice was also extremely firm, and the four swords of Zhu Xian trembled behind him.

Sending out an extremely sharp and powerful sword energy, the endless fighting spirit soared into the sky.

"Brother, you don't need to persuade me any more. There must be a battle between the two Western religions, Intercept and Interpretation. Whoever blocks it will be my enemy."

Xuandu took Qingniu by the hand, wanting to say something aside, but in the end he kept silent.

He is a junior, so how could he have a hand in the affairs between the three Qings?

Not far away, Zhunti, Jieyin felt a little joy in his heart.

In the land of the East, if there is a piece of iron barrels from the Three Qing Dynasty, then the chances of him wanting to be prosperous in the West are very slim.

But if there is a gap between the three Qings, it will even turn against each other.

Perhaps he, the West, can take advantage of this great opportunity to achieve great prosperity.

Seeing that the two of them had made up their minds, Taiqing no longer tried to dissuade them, and slowly uttered a few words.

"If that's the case, then you can do it yourself."

"Xuandu, let's go."

After speaking, he rode on the green bull again and patted the bull's horns.

Under the feet of Qingniu, a myriad of purple energy bloomed, and Sui Xuan soon disappeared.

As soon as Taiqing left, the atmosphere became delicate again in Jiuchongtian.

Yuanshi's voice was cold, and the Pangu banner behind him swayed and swayed. The power of the saint blessed his body, which was more than a hundred times stronger than a simple evil corpse!
"Tongtian, do you want to fight today?"

Tong Tian shook his head, glanced at the seriously injured Jujiao disciple above Tongguan, and shook his head slowly.

I wanted to say that in a month's time, I would fight with Chan, the two western religions in a chaotic decisive battle.

But when the words came out of his mouth, he was affected by the calamity, and became.

"In one month's time, above Tongguan, I will set up the Zhuxian sword formation. If you have the ability, come and break the formation."

After the Master Tongtian finished speaking, he waved his sleeves, and the power of the saint rolled up all the disciples of the Jiejiao, tearing the space, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A saint is no less than the existence of the ultimate nuclear weapon.

The chaos is vast, and the saints are fighting in the chaos, which naturally has no effect on the prehistoric.

But if the war started in the prehistoric, the entire prehistoric would not be able to withstand the power of the jihad, even worse than the consequences of the rupture of Buzhou Mountain.

It will even cause an extremely terrifying result, that is, the prehistoric world will be broken!

The four sages fought in the prehistoric, and the prehistoric was shattered. At that time, the will of heaven will definitely be severely damaged.

Similarly, this gave Hongjun the opportunity to fully grasp the prehistoric world.

Above Tongguan, the leader of Tongtian left, and the sharp sword energy in the midair gradually dissipated like water without roots.

But the atmosphere in the air became more dignified.

The Master Tongtian, together with the Zhuxian Sword Formation, is definitely their toughest opponent for hundreds of millions of years.

As proud as Yuan Shi, even with the Pangu banner in his hand, he has no confidence that he can destroy the Zhuxian sword formation by himself.

Zhunti sighed pretendingly, "Brother Yuanshi, why did you make such a fuss?"

Yuan Shi glanced at Zhunti coldly.

"Then what do you mean, if you don't want to share the benefits and cut off the teachings, the luck of the human race is gone? And you don't want the West to prosper?"

Zhunti shook his head quickly, "No, no, my west is barren, and I need luck the most."

"After one month, come and help me break the formation. This battle is a decisive battle. If you can win the Jiejiao, then the opportunity for your great prosperity in the West will come."

After Yuan Shi finished speaking, great magic power enveloped the Antarctic fairy, burning the lamp, Guang Chengzi and others, with a flash of their bodies, they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, on the Nine Layers of Clouds, only Zhunti was left to receive and lead.

Looking at Yuan Shi's back, Zhun Ti hesitated.

"Brother, after this catastrophe, are we really going to betray Xuanmen?"

"Xuanmen's luck is limited after all. After being divided into three religions by others, explaining, and intercepting most of them, there is very little left to me in the West. It is too difficult to thrive on the basis of Xuanmen."

After receiving the introduction, there was a sneer on his face, and he looked at Zhunti.

"Junior brother, think about it carefully, our brothers have been working hard in the West for so many years, why the Western religion still has not improved much."

"Why?" There was a hint of confusion in Zhunti's eyes, but the next moment, his pupils shrank slightly.

"Could it be that the luck of the Eastern Xuanmen is deliberately suppressing my Western religion?"


Zhunti nodded resolutely, "That's why our Western religion can only have a chance of great prosperity if we break away from Taoism."

Zhunti's heart was shaken, "Get out of Taoism, the teacher's side"

At this time, the catastrophe arises, and the secrets of the heavens are obscure and cannot be deduced, so there is no scruple when speaking.

"In the teacher's eyes, only Sanqing is the direct descendant. Nuwa, strictly speaking, we are just outer disciples. When we divided treasures and treasures back then, you can see what treasures we got in the west?"

Zhunti shook his head, "We in the west don't seem to have any good treasures."

"That's right, Taiqing was assigned to Taijitu, Yuqing was assigned to Pangu Banner, Master Tongtian was assigned to Zhuxian Sword Formation, and Nuwa was assigned to Qiankunding. All four of them are among the most precious innate treasures. Countless."

"But in the west, I only have a few innate spirit treasures. Isn't this the biggest injustice?"

"Besides, what I practice in the west is eight hundred sects, which are completely different from the orthodox Taoism. What's wrong with breaking away from the Taoism and establishing a self-established orthodoxy?"

Jieyin's voice became firmer, "Believe me, brother, it is inevitable to get out of Taoism. Only in this way can we have a chance to prosper in the West."

On the coast of the East China Sea, clear water, blue sky, white clouds, calm and calm.

On Jinao Island, in Biyou Palace, the leader of Tongtian Sect sits on a futon, with a mysterious and unfathomable aura.

He looked at his eldest disciple, and said with some surprise and anticipation, "How, can you touch the Hunyuan Dao?"

Chen Xuanji nodded slowly, "The law of space has been comprehended to [-]%, and he can break through the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian at any time."

Tong Tian was overjoyed and said, "Okay, okay."

A double sage, spread out, and his momentum of cutting off the teaching will definitely be able to reach another level.

There was not much joy on Chen Xuanji's face, but a touch of solemnity on the contrary.

"Master, are you sure about the Tongguan battle in a month's time?"

Although Daozu once said that the Zhuxian sword formation cannot be broken without the four saints.

But those who can become saints are those who have great determination, great blessings, and great perseverance. No one dares to underestimate anyone. The three saints work together to fight against the sky, so Chen Xuanji can't help but not worry.

Master Tongtian waved his hand and smiled heartily, even with a hint of fighting intent in his voice.

"Don't worry, being a teacher these years is not in vain. I have been sanctified for so many years, and I haven't fought a good battle. I hope that this battle, Yuanshi, Zhunti, and introduction can give me some surprises."

In a certain corner of Jinao Island, Xuangui, Kong Xuan, Jinao, Duobao and others are practicing and recovering from their injuries.

In the battle of Tongguan, the sage didn't pay attention to martial arts, and shot without authorization, but they were seriously injured.

Especially Kong Xuan, the injury is not shallow, he needs to recover well
In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

Chen Xuanji let out a mouthful of turbid air, and his breath had returned to its peak.

After he came to Biyou Palace and bid farewell to the leader of Tongtian, he hid his breath all the way, left the prehistoric and arrived in chaos.

From the Hunyuan Jinxian to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, there is a qualitative difference, and the two are not the same.

In the prehistoric world, there are rules to suppress it, and it is difficult to prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so only by going to the chaos can you prove the Dao.

Of course, the most important thing is that the chaos is vast.

Let Liusheng or Hongjun not even try to find out, it's very safe.

Endless chaos, indistinct, the air flow of the twilight, there are countless stars, exuding magnificent precious light, the scene is beautiful.

But chaos is extremely dangerous, with earth, fire, water, wind, and chaotic storms raging,
There are space cracks looming, and chaotic beasts are rampant.

In the prehistoric world, only Da Luo Jinxian has the qualification to set foot in chaos.

But it's just qualified. Ordinary Daluo Jinxian will not easily come to chaos.

Only great monks who have practiced to the quasi-sage will occasionally come to the chaos to seek some opportunities.

In the endless chaos, a meteor streaked across, leaving a slender arc in the chaos, and finally fell on a lonely star.

Above the dead stars, Chen Xuanji searched carefully, and after confirming that there was no danger, he set up a large formation.

With his current Hunyuan Golden Immortal's complete cultivation base, no one under the saint can break through the great formation.

After the formation was completed, he sat cross-legged, and an unusually mysterious aura of law slowly leaked out of his body.

He practiced the five great laws, and now the space law has been practiced to [-]%.

The remaining four laws are also more than [-]%.

He has fully met the conditions for proving the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

With breathing, slowly let go of your mind, centering on the dead ancient star.

The chaotic energy surging around him changed from calm to riot, as if there was an outlet for venting, they poured into his body one after another.

At the beginning, the scope was not large, and there was not much movement.

But at the end, the wider the range, the terrifying chaos swept across, turned into storms, and kept pouring into his body.
Chen Xuanji's aura also became deeper and deeper.


Above the dead ancient star, there was a crackling sound.

At some point, a large black cloud had gathered above his head.

In the black cloud, thunder rolled, carrying a destructive aura.

This calamity is the thunder calamity of the God of Chaos Destroyer, combined with the technique of Dao, there are seven, seven and forty-nine ways.

The Hunyuan Jinxian crosses the catastrophe, if he can survive, he will prove the way of the Hunyuan Daluojin.

Since then, he has transcended the long river of time and space and is at ease.

If you can't make it through, hundreds of millions of years of hard work will be destroyed once, and the body will die and the Tao will disappear.

"Crack, click!"

At this moment, above the chaos, a chaotic thunderbolt descended, turned into a long lightning dragon, and struck Chen Xuanji's skin.

Lightning surged, and everything died out, but it couldn't cause any damage to his Taoist body.

Obviously, the first lightning tribulation was not enough to pose a threat to him.

Soon, the second thunderbolt fell, and Chen Xuanji still did not take out the spirit treasure to resist, but still focused on tempering his body.

(End of this chapter)

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