Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 200 Transcending Tribulation Final Proof of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian 【Subscription】

Chapter 200 Transcending Tribulation Final Proof of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian 【Subscription】

Everything in the world has a cause and an effect, and the Chaos Destroyer God Thunder Calamity contains the ultimate destruction, but also contains the supreme good fortune.

When crossing the catastrophe, it is also equivalent to enjoying this good fortune.

"Crack, Kick!!"

Afterwards, thunder calamities continued to fall on Chen Xuanji.

He didn't use his physical power to resist at all, but used his physical strength to resist!
Under the tempering of the Destroyer God Thunder, his Taoist body became more and more crystal clear.

Under the crystal, there is an eternal and eternal breath, and there is an infinite divinity!
At this time, the strength of his innate Taoist body alone is not inferior to the quasi-sage Dzogchen!

The God of Destruction Thunder fell one after another, and its power became stronger than before.

By the time of No.30, the body was already scorched black.

No matter how strong the recovery power is, it can't keep up with the speed of the destruction of the divine thunder.

"Xiantian Wuyixing Yellow Flag, come out!"

Finally, under strong pressure, Chen Xuanji raised the apricot-yellow flag.

For a moment, on the apricot-yellow flag, there are thousands of golden lotuses, nothing can be broken, all evils retreat, and ten thousand dharmas cannot invade!
"Boom, boom, boom!"

The apricot-yellow flag fully withstood the three thunders of the God of Destruction before it slowly collapsed!

"24 Dinghai God Beads, come out!"

The moment the Xinghuang Qi collapsed, Chen Xuanji sacrificed another 24 Dinghai Divine Beads.

The 24 Dinghai God Beads, like the Xinghuang Qi, are the best congenital spiritual treasures.

After resisting the two destructive thunders, he also collapsed and fell into Chen Xuanji's Nigong pill.

"Luobao money, come out!"

The moment Dinghai Shenzhu retreated, Chen Xuanji sacrificed Luobao money again.

The falling treasure money, which looks like a copper coin, has wings around it, and it is an auxiliary supernatural treasure.

At this time, on the Luobao money, the light shines brightly, and the terrifying golden luck flows out of it, turning into a golden dragon, roaring upwards!


At this time, on the chaotic sky, there was also a chaotic divine thunder falling, colliding with the golden dragon!
An earth-shattering sound sounded, and the Luobao money was returned to Chen Xuanji's hands in a dim light.

At the same time, the Chaos God of Destruction Thunder Tribulation also completely disintegrated.

At this time, the God of Chaos Destroyer, Thunder Tribulation, had already reached No.40 Si Dao.

Seventy-seven and 49 roads away from the number of avenues, and there are five roads left.

In Chen Xuanji's hands, apart from the Primordial Heaven Ruler, there was no other top-grade spiritual treasure that could compete with Lei Jie.

Facing the remaining five lightning tribulations, Chen Xuanji did not intend to sit still, but was ready to face the difficulties.

Use your own combat strength to try out the power of the Destroying Thunder Tribulation.

"Primary Measuring Ruler, kill!"

The next moment, the pitch-black, thick, and rune-filled Primordial Measuring Ruler appeared in his hand.

The mighty Hunyuan Jinxian mana poured into it without reservation.

On the Heavenly Ruler of Primordial Mengmeng, the divine light is blooming, the power of the innate treasure is constantly recovering, and the endless killing spirit is sweeping through the chaos!

The next moment, Chen Xuanji held the Primordial Measuring Ruler in his hand, stepped on Chaos, and slashed directly at the endless black cloud above.

In the chaotic black clouds, waves rose and slowly condensed into a huge vertical eye without any emotion.

This vertical eye is the embodiment of the will of chaos.

The next moment, the No. 40 Five Destroyer Thunder Tribulation fell, and they clashed with the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler.

The power of the innate treasure, how terrifying, is fully recovered at this time, and the terrifying killing spirit is raging. Almost instantly, the Chaos Destroyer God Thunder Calamity is easily shattered.




Soon, No. 40 six, No. 47, and No. 48 thunder tribulations fell on the Hongmeng Measuring Sky Ruler one after another.

On the Primordial Measuring Ruler, the light dimmed slightly, and even damage appeared.

But the killing spirit on it became more and more intense, obviously preparing for the last thunder disaster.

At this time, even the surrounding earth, fire, water and wind are constantly shaking and boiling!

No.40 Eight Lightning Tribulations, in terms of power alone, if it falls into the flood, half of the flood will be turned into powder in an instant!
At this time, the vertical eyes formed by the will of chaos seemed to be completely irritated.

In the eyes, there is a hint of anger at being provoked!
"Boom boom boom!!"

In the endless dark clouds, the thunder is mighty, countless thunder rolls in it, and the aura of destruction blows towards the face.

The next moment, No. 40 nine divine thunders of destruction descended, intertwined and intertwined, carrying the ultimate and supreme aura of destruction.

Wherever it passes, the chaotic void vibrates, the chaotic stars are annihilated, and everything ceases to exist!

"Primary Measuring Ruler, kill!"

At this moment, Chen Xuanji's dark eyes burst out with a boundless fighting spirit, fighting against the sky.

Under the continuous, almost endless, pure mana, the primordial mammoth measuring ruler becomes bigger against the wind!

Hundred feet!

Thousands of feet!


Ten thousand feet!
In the end, it came to the size of a million feet!

This is the ultimate form of the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler.

The power of the innate treasure is brought into full play at this moment!

Chen Xuanji held the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, which was a million feet in size, and slashed fiercely at the Destroying Thunder Tribulation from bottom to top.

The moment when the immeasurable killing spirit and the immeasurable destructive god thunder confronted each other!

With Chen Xuanji crossing the catastrophe as the center, the stars with a radius of millions of miles all collapsed and turned into dust.

The next moment, under the action of the terrifying God of Destruction Thunder, the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler was shaken all over, became extremely dim, returned to its original size, and flew back into Chen Xuanji's hands.

Chaos Destruction Thunder Tribulation is too strong, as strong as the innate treasure Hongmeng Measuring Ruler. At this time, it has been damaged and needs constant nurturing to recover.

With this shot down, the large cloud above the chaos gradually dissipated.

The destructive aura in the chaos disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Instead, there is a touch of infinite vitality, a touch of infinite good fortune!

In the vast chaos, Chen Xuanji slowly flew up, his clothes were torn and his breath was weak.

But the eyes, like two small suns, are extremely bright and dazzling.

"Today, I will be the witness, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Daoguo!"

He shouted loudly, and there was a vibration in the depths of the chaos, and an endless river of time and space origin slowly emerged.

A ball of chaotic origin emerged from the long river of time and space, and finally fell into Chen Xuanji's body!


A soundless breaking sound sounded from Chen Xuanji's body and seemed to resound from within.

The origin of chaos entered the body, which also meant that Chen Xuanji used his own magic power to leave his own mark on the chaotic time and space.

At this moment, as if he had broken some kind of shackles, his aura continued to rise,
The broken Taoist robe, the crystal clear Taoist body, and even the many spiritual treasures nourished in the primordial spirit are all recovering.

In just a few breaths, everything was back to normal.

On the sky ruler of primordial Mengmeng, the rays of light destroyed it, and it returned to its full glory!

"It turns out that this is the strength of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level!"

Sensing his body, after absorbing the origin of chaos, Chen Xuanji, who transformed from quasi-sage mana into the power of chaos, finally burst out laughing.

Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is all ants!
But what is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, who ruled the universe, lived through thousands of calamities without grinding, was stained with cause and effect without being stained, always existed with the sky, and coexisted with the Tao

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, who understands everything and everything, encompasses the world.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, sees the past, present, and future in his eyes, and plays time and space, birth and death, and reincarnation in his palm.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, high above the sky, with a single thought, the world is turned upside down, and with a single thought, life and death reincarnate.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can freely roam the chaos, escape from the calamities, all dharmas will not invade, and the body will last forever. He only cultivates himself and does not rely on external forces.

It is very different from the Great Desolate Saint. The Great Desolate Saint, with the blessing of the power of heaven in the Great Desolate Realm, can be compared with the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, shoulder to shoulder.

But if the prehistoric sage left the prehistoric realm, without the blessing of the prehistoric heavenly power, he would be no match for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Of course, when Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian entered the prehistoric world, he would also be suppressed by the prehistoric way of heaven.

Probably can only display the same strength as the prehistoric sage.

Generally speaking, the two have their own advantages and disadvantages, but if someone chooses one, they will definitely choose the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian instead of the Heavenly Dao Saint.

Just because the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian belongs to him alone.

"Cultivating countless thousands of years, once the pain is exhausted, and finally attaining the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, this is the real freedom and freedom."

Chen Xuanji sighed, after proving the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian, his vision, mentality, etc. are all different.

The saints in his heart are no longer as high as before.

As soon as he thought about it, the Primordial Measuring Ruler appeared in his hand.

The mana of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian poured into it, and on the scale of Hongmeng, the divine power of the innate treasure was fully revived in an instant.

The terrifying killing spirit continuously wiped out the chaotic void.

Even the surrounding earth, fire, water and wind seemed to be afraid and did not dare to step forward.

When the Hunyuan Golden Immortal was consummated before, he had to go all out to fully activate the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler.

But after proving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo, just a negligible trace of magic power, the Primordial Mist Measuring Ruler can have such power.

"Try to tear the void again!"

In the chaos, it is very dangerous, there are earth fire, water wind, chaos storm, and chaos turbulence.

Even if it was as strong as Styx, a veteran quasi-sage like Zhen Yuanzi would fly cautiously at best.

As for tearing the void, that's something I don't even dare to think about.

The only one who can tear space apart in chaos, looking at the prehistoric world, is only the Six Sages.

At this moment, with a flick of his finger, the chaotic space shattered like a mirror.

He stepped into it, and after a while, he walked out from another void.

After a little sensing, it is already a million miles away from the original place, and it is more than ten times faster than flying slowly.

"Golden Immortal Hunyuan Da Luo is really mysterious, and his body is integrated into the long river of time and space. How can it be compared to the ancient saints?"

Chen Xuanji tried a few more times, spanning millions of miles of chaos one after another.

After being handy, he was about to go back to the prehistoric period to help the Master Tongtian.

Suddenly, a very slight murderous aura came back from afar.

Although it was weak, the fierce aura was extremely pure, as if it was born for killing.
Chen Xuanji's heart skipped a beat, as if he had thought of something.

Shatter the space with a flick of your fingers, and go to pursue that smoldering aura.
At this time, Honghuang, on the coast of the East China Sea, is on Jinao Island.

With Chen Xuanji proving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and cutting off his luck, all boats have risen, which has doubled compared to before!
For a while, on the Biyou Palace, the Dao body of the Luck Golden Dragon was hidden in the clouds and mist, stretching for an unknown number of miles.

It opened its mouth and spit out, a large amount of mysterious luck was spit out, melodiously, falling from top to bottom, blessing countless disciples.

For a while, on Jin'ao Island, auras of broken mirrors appeared frequently.

The cultivation base of the entire Jiejiao disciples has increased by a small amount!

Duobao, Jinling, Wudang, and Guiling opened their eyes in an instant.

Feeling the turbulent and mighty, the luck of interception is countless stronger than before, and the eyes are shining with incomparable shock!
"Luck has skyrocketed, could it be that the senior brother has successfully proved the Dao?"

Zhao Gongming and San Xiao also couldn't sit still, and their faces were full of surprise.

"Such a strong luck, could it be that the senior brother has successfully proved the Dao?"

Chen Xuanji went to Chaos to testify, and these Shangqing's direct lineages are all clear.

Right now, their luck is soaring, they really can't think of anything else other than the success of their elder brother in proving the Dao.

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace, Dao patterns condensed and fell down, and the list of gods shook slightly beside it.

Taiqing opened his eyes and looked at Bi Yougong, "The fortune has suddenly increased so much in an instant, is it possible to cut off the first disciple?"

In the nether world, in the six realms of reincarnation, along with Chen Xuanji himself, he proved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Daoist Mosquito, who is the avatar of Emperor Fengdu, also received unprecedented benefits.

The breath in his body climbed up and grew, and he was promoted to the sub-sage in a short time!
The law of devouring and the law of space are entwined on the body alternately.

To the Patriarch Styx beside him, Zhen Yuanzi felt a great sense of threat.

The two of them stared at Taoist Mosquito, their faces changed, and they said in disbelief.

"Fellow Daoist Mosquito, you have broken through to the sub-sage, don't you?"


Taoist Mosquito smiled at the two of them and nodded, keeping everything in silence.

In 33 days, Daluotian, Lingxiao Palace, carved railings and jade, purple air rising, thousands of mysteries scattered, a piece of gold and jade splendor.

Right in the center, on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, Haotian watched in disbelief at the turbulent luck on Jinao Island in the lower realm, his expression changed drastically.

"Could it be, did he really take that step?"

For a moment, Haotian's heart was in a mess, and he looked in the direction of Tongguan again.

"What will be the outcome of this battle?"

In the bitter cold place of Beiming, the stronghold of the monster race.

The demon saint Bai Ze looked in the direction of Jin'ao Island, with a flash of anticipation.

"I don't know when His Royal Highness will return. Today's Yaozu really needs a new leader."

Since Haotian ascended the throne, the Duke of the East was resurrected, and he named himself Qinghua Emperor of the East.

He didn't care about the trivial matters of the Heavenly Court, but focused on targeting the Yaozu with all his strength, in order to avenge the shame of being beheaded by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi back then.

Similarly, the Wan Clan, who had been oppressed by the Monster Clan back then, took this opportunity to express their friendship with the Eastern Prince.

Then, with the power of the Eastern Prince, he continued to attack the Yaozu, compressing and encroaching on the territory of the Yaozu.

The monster clan has been doing very badly over the years, if not for the five great demon saints sitting in charge.

I am afraid that there is no scum left that was wiped out by Emperor Qinghua of Dongji long ago.

At this time, Bai Ze desperately hoped that Lu Ya could come back soon.

Only in this way can the monster race have hope of rising.

At this time, above Tongguan, the Master Tongtian stood with his hands behind his back.

Behind him, tens of thousands of evil spirits rolled, thick and frightening.

Immortal Execution Sword, Immortal Killing Sword, Immortal Absolute Sword, Immortal Trapping Sword, four hanging swords.

On the crystal clear sword body, there is a faint aura of immeasurable killing and cutting, which outlines and attracts the immeasurable killing and catastrophic aura around it.

The dangerous aura was rising steadily, Da Luoxian, and even the quasi-saint monk looked at this scene, and there was a touch of fear in their hearts.

Such a strong evil spirit, coupled with the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, which is an innate treasure of killing and cutting.

To what extent will the power of this battle be raised?

Not long after, from the direction of Kunlun Mountain, a golden light came from far to near.

Yuanshi Tianzun came sitting on the agarwood chariot from Nine Dragons, surrounded by the aura of the holy way, and his eyes were majestic, making people unable to resist.

Soon, in the western land, two more holy prestige awakened.

Zhunti, with his hands behind his back, looked pained, tearing the void with his fingers, and arrived at Tongguan.

Among them, Jieyin is holding a tree of seven wondrous treasures, and holding a golden lotus of [-] grades of merit in his hand. The power of Lingbao is transmitted in bursts, and the golden Brahma light spreads all over the world.

"They're all here? That's good, it's not in vain for me to set up the Immortal Execution Sword Formation today!"

Master Tongtian gave the two of them a cold look with no other emotions in his eyes!

Yuanshi, Zhunti, felt the murderous aura on Zhu Xian's four swords, and the monstrous catastrophic aura behind that Tongtian, his eyes became more dignified.

The Zhuxian sword formation is supreme in killing and attacking. Today's battle is definitely not easy to fight, but the matter has come to this point, and there is no way out!
"Come on anyway, and let us see if your Jade Immortal Sword Formation is worthless."

(End of this chapter)

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