Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 201 The Realm of Zhu Xian Betrayed Xuanli Buddha?

Chapter 201 The Realm of Zhu Xian Betrayed Xuanli Buddha?

Master Tongtian looked at the three of them and nodded slowly.

As soon as he thought about it, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian hanging down from behind suddenly began to tremble!

While trembling, it outlines endless prehistoric calamity!
In the Nine Heavens, evil spirits visible to the naked eye spread!

A thick and dangerous aura filled the hearts of all the prehistoric and powerful people in an instant.

It seemed that a sharp sword fell on their heads at this moment, and it would fall anytime.

The next moment, Master Tongtian shouted loudly, "Xianxian Sword Formation, get up!"

As soon as he gave an order, the four swords of Zhu Xian seemed to have spirits, and each made a sword howl.

Then, the four swords became bigger against the wind, each stretched to ten thousand feet, rose rapidly, and then fell at an extremely fast speed.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!!!"

The sword of killing immortals falls in the east, the sword of killing immortals falls in the west, the sword of immortality falls in the south, and the sword of trapping immortals falls in the north.

After the four Zhuxian swords returned to their positions, they exhaled extremely strong Zhuxian sword energy, and the outlines formed by the sword energy constituted the realm of Zhuxian!

In the realm, endless sword energy burst out, cutting the sky and destroying the earth, and wherever the eyes looked, there was destruction.

Allowing the quasi-sages to reach perfection and the sub-sage monks to approach, they will turn into dust in just one breath.

Its subtlety and frighteningness far surpassed the nine-curved Yellow River array laid out by Sanxiao!

"Crack, click!"

With the completion of Zhu Xian's realm, the world is shaking at this moment!

The Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi with a radius of millions of miles rioted at this moment, rushing madly towards the Zhuxian Sword Formation!
Between the heaven and the earth, there was a trace of clarity due to the excessive extraction of evil spirits!
Master Tongtian's face was serious, and he said slowly to the three saints.

"It's neither copper, nor iron, nor steel. It was once hidden under Mount Sumeru. It doesn't need to be smelted with yin and yang upside down. How can there be no water and fire to temper the sharpness?"

"Zhu Xianli, Killing Immortals die, Trapped Immortals glow red everywhere, Jue Immortals change infinitely, Da Luo Immortals' clothes are stained with blood."

After the last word fell, the Zhuxian Sword Formation began to work violently!

The big formation continued to roar, endless sword energy, and endless evil spirit, at this moment they finally merged into one!

Not to mention entering the formation, even if it is just outside the formation, the will to fight will disappear in an instant, and you dare not be an enemy.

In the prehistoric land, there are countless great powers, and the monks looked up at the Zhuxian Sword Formation above their heads, and sighed in shock!
"The Zhuxian sword formation is worthy of being the number one killing formation in the prehistoric world!"

"Is this the Immortal Execution Sword Formation set up by the sage? It's so terrifying, let alone entering the formation, I'm afraid you can't do it even if you get close."

"The Zhuxian Sword Formation is indeed terrifying and powerful, but is it still a bit reluctant for the Tongtian Saint to fight three against one?"

"It's hard to say, I heard that the Zhuxian Sword Formation is an innate treasure of killing and cutting, and its power is incomparable."

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace, Taiqing Laozi looked at the Zhuxian Sword Formation in motion and sighed.

With the Zhuxian Sword Formation set up, it is bound to be impossible to be good today.

"That's all, that's all, since persuasion doesn't work, let them go."

Taiqing shook his head slightly, closed his eyes, apparently not planning to care about it anymore.

In the nether world, the Styx passes through countless layers of space.

Looking at the Zhuxian Realm that was already in operation, there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

"The Zhuxian Sword Formation is really powerful, and my Blood Sea Blood River Formation is far behind."

Zhen Yuanzi glanced at Ming He, and joked.

"Fellow Daoist Minghe, this Immortal Execution Sword Formation is composed of a set of innate treasures. How can your blood river formation compare with this treasure?"

Styx waved his hand, "I didn't say that the Blood River Formation could be compared with this formation."

After Ming He finished speaking, his face turned serious, "Zhen Yuan, who can win this battle?"

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said, "I'm only a quasi-sage, how can I predict the holy war, let's just watch the battle."

On Jiuchongyun, after the Lord Tongtian laid down the realm of Zhuxian, the whole person seemed to have become a lot more relaxed.

His eyes were flat, and the sharp sword energy all over his body was restrained.

There was a faint crystal light in the eyes, and he directed at Yuanshi, Zhunti, and said lightly.

"Fellow Daoist Yuanshi, you must mention you and guide you. The Zhuxian sword formation has been completed. Three fellow daoists are invited to join the formation!"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhunti led the Three Saints to stand in front of Zhuxian's realm.

The whole body was surrounded by holy light, and the sword energy that could destroy the world disappeared invisibly after touching the holy light.

Yuanshi looked at Zhunti, and said, "Two friends, let's get ready to join the battle."

Zhunti, looking at the power of the Zhuxian sword formation, Jieyin already felt a bit of regret in his heart.

But the matter has come to this point, the arrow is on the string, and it has to be launched, and there is no turning back.

Zhunti nodded his head, "Okay, we will enter the battle together and break the Zhuxian Sword Formation!"

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Shi, Zhun Ti, and the three of them had already entered the Zhuxian Sword Formation in a flash.

Seeing the three of them entering the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Master Tongtian didn't hesitate, and stepped into the formation as well!
The four saints entered the battle, and the rich and vast saint power dissipated in the prehistoric world.

In the eyes of everyone, between the vast sky and the earth, the twilight calamity is constantly circulating.

There are four huge swords standing in the east, west, north, south, and there is an extremely dangerous aura.

As for the specific picture in the sword array, it is not visible at all.

The Three Saints entered the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and immediately there was an extremely intense Zhuxian Sword Qi rushing towards them.

This sword qi is not an ordinary sword qi, it is the sword qi formed after the Zhuxian sword qi is added with the robbery qi, and the two are combined into one, and its power is even more terrifying.

Any one can behead the quasi-sage Dzogchen monk.

At this time, there are more than tens of thousands of people coming from all directions.

Even if it is Yuanshi, Zhunti, and reception, I dare not underestimate it, and I must deal with it carefully.

"Pangu Banner!"

Even though he was as proud as Yuan Shi, he didn't dare to make a big deal at this time, and directly sacrificed the innate treasure Pangu Banner!

The giant banner kept shaking and swaying behind it, unfolding the barrier of the primordial realm, and mastering the profound meaning of "forbidden".

A milky white mysterious brilliance sprinkled from the top of Yuan Shi's head, blocking all the Zhuxian sword energy around him.

Zhunti is to sacrifice the best innate spiritual treasure, the seven wonderful treasure trees.

This treasure is Zhunti's companion spirit treasure, and it is a top-grade congenital embryo.

Later, he was allowed to join the Western Gengjin, Puzi, combined with gold, silver, colored glaze and other seven treasures, and ranked among the best congenital spiritual treasures.

It is the strongest magic weapon in Zhunti's hands.

It is similar to Kong Xuan's five-color divine light, and it is said that everything is brushed.

At this time, Zhunti sacrificed the Lingbao, and the seven wonderful treasure trees grew larger in the wind, turning into a real small tree, covering Zhunti inside.

No matter how fierce Ren Zhuxian's sword qi was, he was brushed away by the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree as soon as he got close to it.

Jieyin's complexion was pained, and he held the top-grade congenital spiritual treasure and the twelve-grade golden lotus of merit in his hand.

Going up as far as possible, a faint golden Brahma light bloomed, and the Brahman light and Zhu Xian sword energy collided and eliminated each other.

In the center of Zhuxian Sword Formation, Master Tongtian gave a cold snort and thought.

Mobilize the power of heaven and bless it on the Zhuxian Sword Formation!
"Boom, boom, boom!"

The Jade Immortal Sword Formation let out a violent roar, and the Jade Immortal Sword Qi became much stronger in an instant, and a storm of sword Qi suddenly formed!
The master Tongtian's hundreds of millions of years of understanding in the way of swords are vividly displayed at this moment.

For a while, the pressure on Yuanshi, Zhunti, and the three of them became even greater.

But Sansheng didn't just passively get beaten, Yuanshi snorted coldly.

"So arrogant, look at the power of my innate treasure, open the sky blade, kill!"

Yuanshi sage's great mana poured into the Pangu banner, and for a moment, the innate treasure shook.

From the head of the flag, a series of bright silver sharp blades were condensed!

This supernatural power, named Opening Sky Blade, is the supreme killing method comprehended from above by Yuanshi's comprehension of the profound meaning of Pangu Banner!
The sharp blade was so condensed that it almost turned into substance, and an aura that could cut everything spread from above.

Then, with lightning speed, he rushed to Zhuxian Sword!
The reason why the Zhuxian sword formation is strong is because the Zhuxian sword outlines the linkage with the evil energy of the prehistoric world, and condenses into the realm of Zhuxian.

As long as the Jade Immortal Realm is broken, the Jade Immortal Sword Formation will naturally be broken without attack.

"Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees!"

On the other side, Zhunti yelled loudly, and seven-color brilliance bloomed on the seven wonderful treasure trees.

The seven-color brilliance brushes everything, breaks everything, and rushes straight to the Immortal Killing Sword!

Jieyin's face was calm, and dozens of golden thunders burst out from the twelfth-grade golden lotus, rushing towards the immortal sword!
This is the great supernatural power of the western sect, the divine thunder of extinction, with incomparable power, not weaker than the orthodox method of the Taoist sect.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The three heavenly saints counterattacked with all their strength, and the terrifying mana continued to rush into the realm of Zhuxian.

At the center of the sword formation, the leader of Tongtian also felt a long-lost pressure at this time!

This kind of pressure has never been encountered since proving the Tao, no, since becoming a quasi-sage.

"Hahahaha, today's battle is hearty!"

The leader of Tongtian Sect laughed loudly, and sacrificed the twelve-grade pure world white lotus!
The twelfth-grade pure world white lotus was obtained by Chen Xuanji from the three fairy islands.

Later, it was handed over to the master of Tongtian to suppress the luck of Jiejiao.

At this time, the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus slowly fell on the head of Tongtian leader.

The curling air fell down and fell into the main body of Tongtian Sect.

"Jade Immortal Sword Qi, kill!"

The spirit of the leader of Tongtian was greatly stimulated, and the supreme magic power urged the sword of killing immortals, sword of killing immortals, sword of trapping immortals, and sword of absolute immortality.

The four fairy swords made a clear and high-pitched sword cry!

The terrifying Zhuxian sword energy surged out desperately to contend with the three saints!
In the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the Four Saints are fighting fiercely!
Outside the Zhuxian sword formation, countless great powers have stopped practicing.

Look up at the Zhuxian Sword Formation above Tongguan!
Outside the big formation, the sword energy is already overflowing. Even if you don't see it with your own eyes, but just feel it, you can feel the fierceness and danger.

Endless Chaos.

Chen Xuanji searched for that innate fierceness, and finally found the source.

I saw that the space in front of Chen Xuanji was shrouded in a mass of twilight energy, emitting an exceptionally mysterious energy.

In the layers of twilight atmosphere, there are also some golden Brahma light, which strikes in bursts.

It makes people involuntarily fear the things in front of them and want to retreat immediately.

Such a familiar aura made Chen Xuanji recognize it at a glance.

This is one of the two sages in the West, the dojo for receiving and guiding sages.

As for the golden Brahma light outside, it should be a small trick set up by the guide.

Just in case there are some blind beasts in the chaos, colliding with the saint dojo.

"Zunti Saint Dojo. It seems that I guessed it right. This evil spirit should be in this dojo."

Chen Xuanji became more and more sure that the guess in his heart should be correct.

Chen Xuanji smiled slightly as he looked at the ashram shrouded in twilight.

Now he is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cultivation base.

The body merges into the original long river of chaotic time and space, immortal and immortal, and the fruit of Taoism is immortal.

As soon as he thought about it, [-]% of the laws of space flowed out, cutting off the cause and effect of this place and the sky in an instant.

Let him demolish and destroy this receiving dojo.

The receiving and guiding of the wild land is also completely unresponsive.

I saw him wave lightly, as if saying nothing.

The twilight atmosphere, the golden Brahma light, that shrouded the outermost part gradually dissipated.

In the end, a magnificent and magnificent palace was revealed.

On the top of the palace, there are three large characters written on it, "Da Leiyin Temple!"

Around the palace, there are earth, fire, water and wind, and there are chaotic cracks looming.

Apparently they were all brought in to guard the ashram with great mana.

After all, chaos is not as good as prehistoric, and there are still many dangers. Chaotic beasts and chaotic creatures are uncontrollable factors.

Before the enlightenment, these alone would be enough to stop Chen Xuanji's footsteps.

But now that he has proved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, these things are nothing.

Chen Xuanji used [-]% of the space law, restrained his breath, blended into the chaos, and slipped into the Great Leiyin Temple silently all the way.

During this period, the ground, fire, water, wind, and chaotic cracks in the periphery did not notice the slightest abnormality.

The gate of the Great Leiyin Temple is not an ordinary gate, but more like an entrance to a small world.

No, strictly speaking, the Great Leiyin Temple is a small world opened up by leading saints in the chaos.

Chen Xuanji stepped into the small world, and the surrounding scene changed drastically, as if he had returned to the wilderness.

At a glance, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the plains are fertile, and the great rivers rush into the sea, stirring up bursts of white waves.

Countless strange beasts, fairy birds, breathing and practicing, dancing lightly, the scenery is picturesque, with white clouds, embedded in the blue sky.

I don't know tens of thousands of miles high, which makes people feel refreshed and broad-minded.

Chen Xuanji used the law of space to restrain his aura, melted into the void, and began to search for the small world.

By the way, check the source of that fierce aura.

Not long after, they passed a golden palace.

Above the golden palace, there are bursts of Brahma light, mysterious and unparalleled.

The surroundings are full of rare and rare fruits, elixir and spiritual roots, all of which are rare and rare treasures, even if they have the background of cutting education, they are rare.

Numerous rare and exotic fruits, fairy roots and spiritual treasures exuded a faint fairy spirit, which was gathered by the large formation outside the palace, and then slowly entered into the golden palace.

"Hmph, the Second Saint of the West likes to cry poor the most. I didn't expect that there are so many treasures in my dojo."

Chen Xuanji snorted lightly, his eyes revealing deep thought.

The things in the golden palace are absolutely extraordinary for making Jieyin so solemn and costly.

With divine light in his eyes, he looked inside, and saw more than a dozen disciples of the western sect who were cultivating latently.
With Chen Xuanji Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian's eyesight.

One can tell at a glance that these Western disciples are all extremely talented and have a lot of blessings.

Although it is not as outstanding as the Twelve Golden Immortals, it is not much worse.

Most of them have already practiced to the peak of Taiyi Jinxian.

There are even a few outstanding ones who have already verified Daluo Jinxian, with a solid foundation and unique essence. Although they practiced in the Western sect, they are not weaker than the orthodox Taoist sect at all.

Chen Xuanji continued to look down, and suddenly his pupils shrank violently, revealing a hint of disbelief.

I saw that these Western disciples were not wearing Taoist robes.

It is a kind of monk's robe that has never appeared in the prehistoric world, but is extremely common on the earth!

"Treason the mystery and stand the Buddha, divide the luck!!"

All of a sudden, these eight characters appeared in Chen Xuanji's mind.

He vaguely remembered that after the conferment of the gods, the Western religion rebelled against Xuanli Buddha, and changed from the Taoist lineage to the Buddhist school, which greatly divided the luck of the Xuanmen.

This wave caused the complete decline of Jiejiao. Countless Jiejiao immortals either became mounts, or joined his family, or died.

Even if he explained the teaching, he didn't get any benefits. He didn't get much luck, but his disciples lost a lot.

Afraid to leave grandchildren, Taoists of Cihang, Taoists of Samantabhadra, Taoists of Manjusri, and Daoist Huanglong, they all devoted themselves to Western religion and transformed themselves into Buddhist Bodhisattvas.

But now, Pu Xian, Huang Long and others are all on the list of gods, and they will never betray Buddhism in the future.

And that part of the teaching has the twelve-grade pure world white lotus to suppress luck.

Now that there is a second Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian sitting in charge, he will never repeat the same mistakes.

"Do you want to kill all these future Buddhist disciples?"

Chen Xuanji thought about it, but finally shook his head and refused.

These disciples are obviously the mainstay of the future Buddhism cultivated by Zhunti.

If he beheads and kills them all, Zhunti, he will be furious if he is received and led, calculated with supreme magic power.

I just proved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, maybe I can really calculate myself, but it is not conducive to the next step of the teaching.

"However, these Buddhist disciples cannot be killed, but I am determined to win those heaven and earth spirits outside."

Chen Xuanji came out of the golden palace, and with a thought, those extremely high-quality spirits outside the door flew up one after another and fell into his pocket.

After collecting these essences, Chen Xuanji continued to search for that innate evil spirit, and after a while, he made a new discovery.

(End of this chapter)

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