Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 202 The true strength of the Ganges dream world reception! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 202 The true strength of the Ganges dream world reception! 【Subscribe】

After collecting the spirits of heaven and earth in the palace, Chen Xuanji continued to search.

Not long after, a new discovery was made in Daleiyin Temple.

In the center of the small world, a relic several feet in size, covered in golden light, hangs in mid-air like a small sun.

The whole body of the relic was shining with golden light, emitting a terrifying golden Brahma light!

Bursts of golden Brahma light came in waves like white waves, neutral and peaceful, pure and peaceful.

It seems that the troubles and sorrows in my heart have been blown away.

If it were an ordinary monk, or even a Da Luoxian, he might have encountered a supreme treasure and wanted to keep it for himself.

But Chen Xuanji proved to be the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and his body merged into the chaotic time and space.

Wherever you look, you can see the original state of matter.

The golden Brahma light that blooms from this relic is indeed infinitely magical, it can make people's hearts pure and peaceful, and heaven and man are one.

But what is more terrifying than this is the western bewitching light faintly mixed in the golden Brahma light.

This kind of bewitching light is Zhunti. It takes a lot of magic power to lead the two, and it can be deduced by the eight hundred sects in the West. It can be used by the magic of the West.

For a long time, under constant baptism, even the eccentric and rebellious monks.

In the end, he will become extremely loyal to the Western religion and regard death as home.

But whether it is the relic, or the golden Brahma light blooming on the relic, it is only second.

In the corner of the relic, there was a golden cicada about the size of a palm lying on its stomach.

The whole body of the golden cicada is pale gold, with golden patterns outlined on the back, depicting a mysterious and ancient pattern
The most important thing is that this golden cicada has six wings.

At this time, the six wings are fanning at an extremely slow speed, with its innate Taoist body as the center, forming a faint golden light mask.

The endless and terrifying golden Brahman light, aroused from the relic, is persevering, washing away the golden mask without interruption.

Earlier, that very familiar innate fierce aura emanated from this six-winged golden cicada!
Chen Xuanji concealed his breath, took a step forward, and appeared in front of the Six-winged Golden Cicada in an instant.

"I expected it to be true. This innate evil spirit is the head of the five ancient insects, and it will also be the son of Yingjie, the golden cicada, who will be the direct descendant of Buddhism in the future Western catastrophe!"

Chen Xuanji's eyes sparkled brilliantly. When he was cultivating on Jinao Island, he had nothing to do. He asked the Master Tongtian about many secrets of the past, including the news about the Six-Winged Golden Cicada.

The six-winged golden cicada is the head of the five insects in ancient times.

The five ancient insects are the nine-headed insect, the nine-tailed ground scorpion, the multi-eyed golden centipede, the bloodthirsty black mosquito, and the six-winged golden cicada.

The ancient five insects lived in the era of the catastrophe of fierce beasts, the catastrophe of dragons and Han, and the struggle between Taoism and demons.

For example, Chen Xuanji's avatar of Emperor Fengdu, Taoist Mosquito, and one of the five insects, the bloodthirsty black mosquito, are somewhat related.

Since the birth of the five insects, they have loved killing the most. Even the three innate races such as dragon, phoenix, and unicorn have been devoured by the five insects.

The other ten thousand races were even more terrified when they heard the name of the five insects.

The killing of five insects is killing for the sake of killing.

Every time a shot is made, a storm will be set off in the prehistoric world, causing thousands of people to shed blood, causing hundreds of millions of deaths and injuries.

Wu Chong's bloodthirsty methods, coupled with large-scale killings, finally made the public angry.

All the prehistoric and desolate races sent out the strongest to snipe and kill the ancient five insects!

That battle was extremely tragic, and countless powerful people from all races died or were injured.

But the effect was remarkable, the nine-headed worm fell, the bloodthirsty black mosquito fell, the nine-tailed ground scorpion fell, and the multi-eyed golden centipede fell, only the six-winged golden cicada disappeared.

According to the Master Tongtian, not all the five ancient insects fell. For example, the six-winged golden cicada, the head of the five insects, had the strongest background, and escaped from the prehistoric at the last moment.

The prehistoric peoples were afraid of causing panic, so they announced to the outside world that the five ancient insects had all fallen.

And Chen Xuanji knew in his previous life that the six-winged golden cicada was finally converted by Buddhism.

At the end of the Westward Journey to the Great Tribulation, the Six-winged Golden Cicada personally acted, preaching from the West to the East, and helping Buddhism flourish.

Therefore, when cultivating on weekdays, he always pays attention to the news of the Six-winged Golden Cicada.

That's why when you feel that innate fierce aura in the chaos, you can immediately think of the six-winged golden cicada!
"The West really took great pains to save this six-winged golden cicada."

The six-winged golden cicada is ferocious in nature and is an ancient alien species.

Although he was seriously injured, it was still not something that others could casually treat.

As strong as the Second Saint of the West, if he wanted to kill the Six-winged Golden Cicada, it would naturally be effortless.

But to subdue it is a hundred times more difficult than beheading.

The only way to refine the bodhi seed with supreme magic power is to wipe out the innate evil spirit in the six-winged golden cicada's body with endless brahma light.

The golden Brahma light, a unique technique from the west, penetrates into every hole, lasts forever, day after day, no one can resist it.

Wait until the Six-winged Golden Cicada is fully transformed.

The head of the ancient five insects completely ceased to exist, and was replaced by the Buddhist golden cicada.

But now, the Six-winged Golden Cicada obviously has not yet been completely transformed, and the fierce aura still exists in its body, and it is very strong.

Chen Xuanji tried to get close to the Six-winged Golden Cicada, the body of the Six-winged Golden Cicada shook slightly, and immediately there was a weak and fierce aura blowing towards his face.

This is the six-winged golden cicada's instinctive counterattack.

"It's interesting."

Chen Xuanji smiled, and said to the Six-winged Golden Cicada, "Golden Brahma light penetrates every hole, perseveres, if it lasts for a long time, one day you will be saved, and at that time there will be no Six-winged Golden Cicada, the leader of the ancient five insects." , replaced by Western puppets."

Dao sounds burst into the ears, roaring into the ears, and directly passed into the heart of the six-winged golden cicada through the golden mask.

After a long time, the body of the six-winged golden cicada shook slightly, and a sound transmission came intermittently.

"Fellow Daoist, is there a way to save me?"

The Six-winged Golden Cicada obviously also knew the power of the golden Brahma light.

Chen Xuanji smiled, and a trace of Hunyuan Supreme Mana came out from his body.

"I am Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so I naturally have a way to help you."

"Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian." The six-winged golden cicada's Taoist body shook even more violently, and its voice was a little stronger than before.

"Fellow Daoist, please help me to stay out, and I will repay fellow Daoist."

Obviously, the days of being enlightened by the golden Brahma are very difficult.

Chen Xuanji shook his head and smiled, "I can protect your immortality right now, but at the same time, you need to do something for me."

The six-winged golden cicada suddenly lost its voice, and after a while, the voice sounded again, "What's the matter?"

"The West is ambitious and wants to devour my Taoist luck and strengthen the West. My request is very simple. I will protect your immortality. In the future, you will help me smash the plans of the West. We have an equal relationship and mutual benefit. How about it?" ?”

The Six-Winged Cicada pondered for a while, then agreed, and a weak voice sounded.

"Okay, according to fellow daoist, please help me now, this golden brahma light is really powerful."

"That's naturally simple, don't worry." Hearing this, Chen Xuanji smiled, and shot out a burst of Hunyuan Power, which directly penetrated the golden mask and merged into the body of the Six-Winged Golden Cicada.

The power of Hunyuan is immortal, endlessly mysterious!

With this power, no matter how powerful the golden Brahma light is, it can no longer hurt the six-winged golden cicada in the slightest.

Moreover, the level of Hunyuan power is extremely high, belonging to the level of chaos, which is incomparable to the power of heaven in the prehistoric world.

Even if Zhunti and Jieyin's cultivation base is higher than him, but the difference in level can't be calculated by Zhunti and Jieyin.

After unleashing a burst of Hunyuan mana, the Six-Winged Golden Cicada fell into a deep sleep again.

In the Great War, the Six-winged Golden Cicada was seriously injured, and finally escaped from the Great Desolation, and came to Chaos to heal his wounds. He happened to meet Zhunti, who had just proved his way, and was picked up and refined by the two of them with golden Brahma light day and night. , already very weak.

If it weren't for the stimulation of Chen Xuanji Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian's aura, he might have continued to sleep deeply.

Seeing the Golden Cicada falling asleep again, Chen Xuanji finally did not prepare any other means.

For one thing, the Six-winged Golden Cicada has an unruly personality and is too murderous, so using some other means may even backfire.

Secondly, the realm is different, and the vision is different. With Chen Xuanji's current Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's cultivation base, under Hunyuan, he can be destroyed with a flick of a finger.

Not to mention a six-winged golden cicada that has fallen into weakness, even in its heyday, it can be destroyed with a snap of a finger.

If the Six-winged Golden Cicada has other careful thoughts, the big deal is to overthrow it and start over, it will only take some time to move around.

Now, the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods has reached its peak, and no surprises, the overall situation has been settled.

But the two sages of the West, with firm will and perseverance, eroded the luck of Taoism and revived the idea of ​​the West never changed.

If he fails to confer the gods this time, he will never be discouraged, and will instead plan for the next step.

Now that I have mastered the Six-Winged Golden Cicada, the Great Journey to the West will start in the future, and it will no longer be the Buddhist Golden Cicada who will enter the robbery.

It is the real head of the five ancient insects, the six-winged golden cicada!

At that time, Zhunti must be given a big surprise.

After leaving the relic, Chen Xuanji searched the Great Leiyin Temple again.

It has to be said that although the two sages of the West are crying for poverty every day, they still have some background in the West.

Apart from the golden palace, Chen Xuanji discovered several treasure houses in several other places.

There are countless resources and the quality is extremely high. Although it is not as comprehensive as the Shangqing Treasury, it can be regarded as a considerable fortune.

For these, Chen Xuanji accepted all the orders, and took all the treasures away without rejecting them.

After taking it away, he deliberately used the mana of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian to simulate a trace of the chaotic beast's breath, and spread it all over the way along the route, creating the phenomenon that the chaotic beast accidentally broke into the Great Leiyin Temple.

After doing all this, Chen Xuanji concealed his breath and quietly left the Great Leiyin Temple.

"According to the time calculation, Master should have set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation on Tongguan at this time, and is with the Three Holy Wars. I have to hurry up and go back and have a look."

After Chen Xuanji finished speaking, Hunyuan Damana blessed his whole body, and rushed to Honghuang at the fastest speed.

Although the Zhuxian sword formation is said to be unbreakable by the four sages, in fact, the time interval between the six sages' enlightenment is not long.

At the beginning of the Yuqing Yuan Dynasty, the West was recruited, and he was also a scheming and unfathomable generation.

Master Tongtian is fighting three against one, so the pressure should be quite heavy. As a disciple of the Supreme Purity, he naturally has to help his master.

At this time, above Tongguan in Honghuang, four immortal swords hang down, and the endless sword energy outlines the realm of Zhuxian.

All the bystanders in the prehistoric world, even thousands of miles apart, felt the sword energy piercing their bones and felt a faint pain.

The situation is already so far away, it is unimaginable, what kind of scene it is in the Zhuxian Realm!

In the realm of Zhuxian, the center of the great formation, the leader of the Tongtian sect is full of sword energy.

With Qingping Sword beside her, it kept making long, clear and long-crying sounds like the chant of a dragon!
The strength of the sage of the sixth heaven was pushed to the extreme at this moment.

The endless Zhuxian sword energy, like a storm, is directed towards Yuanshi, Zhunti, and attracts the three saints to press it!
Yuan Shi's face was solemn, and all the magic power of the saint's fifth heaven poured into the Pangu banner in his hand!

The prestige of the innate treasure is constantly awakened, and the infinite sky blade is condensed on the head of the flag, which constantly collides with the sword energy of Zhu Xian, setting off endless roaring sounds!
Zhunti, Yingying also stimulated the magic power of the three heavens of the saints, and they continued to confront each other!
But Zhuxian Sword Formation is originally a set of innate killing treasures, the most important killing.

Tong Tian has the strongest combat power in his body. At this time, he is fighting with two prongs. Even if the three of them work together, they are at a disadvantage at this moment.

"Three fellow daoists, let me see today if you have the means to break my Immortal Execution Sword Formation!"

Facing the counterattack of the Three Saints, Master Tongtian also felt great pressure.

But he has always fought against heaven and earth, and never surrendered, but now he is getting more and more courageous as he fights.

On the opposite side, Yuanshi, Zhunti, and Jieyin looked very ugly.

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation is really powerful, and the Master Tongtian is determined to fight them to the end.

It seems that it will be difficult to break the formation today.

At this moment, Jieyin let out a foul breath slowly, and said in a firm voice, "Today, this Immortal Execution Sword Formation will be broken!"

As soon as he received the thought, the mana flowed behind it, and there was a sound of "哗啦哗啦!".

As the voice became louder, behind it, a small world slowly emerged!

The small world is colorful, full of precious light, boundless and vast, and its edges are very illusory, like a dream.

At first glance, there is nothing in the small world, but if you look closely, you can see that there are countless illusory states.

Each guide sits cross-legged on a golden lotus with twelve merits.

Concentrate on practicing, the breath on your body, the sea is boundless, boundless, vast and deep!

This is the Ganges dream world, and it took a lot of painstaking efforts to guide it, using its own laws, plus the peerless supernatural powers researched by eight hundred sects in the West.

The Ganges dream world is a self-contained body, and countless phantom clones can be condensed in it.

On weekdays, the Ganges Dream Realm is placed in the long river of time and space, and countless phantom clones take the place of guiding and practicing.

In this way, it is equivalent to the accumulative speed of guiding practice, which has increased hundreds of times out of thin air!
When it is not needed, the Ganges dream world will be in the prehistoric time for a long time.

When needed, the phantom avatar can be directly integrated into the deity, greatly increasing the cultivation of the deity.

Of course, this phantom clone is not casually condensed, it needs to be constructed according to rules.

It is better than receiving guidance, so many years after self-proving the Tao, but only a few hundred pieces have been condensed.

Zhunti saw that his senior brother sacrificed the Ganges Dream Realm, and there was a burst of joy on his face.

"Ganges dream world, with this supernatural power, why worry that the Zhuxian sword formation will not be broken?"

"Ganges Dream Realm!"

Yuan Shi also focused his eyes. He had heard about the supernatural power of receiving and guiding, and it seemed that it was a great supernatural power that the West had comprehended from eight hundred sects.

As for the mystery of supernatural powers, I have never understood it.
"Ganges Dream Realm, Rong!"

Jieyin pinched the magic formula, and in an instant, hundreds of Taoist avatars in the Ganges dream world stood up one after another, holding the golden lotus of the twelve ranks of merit in their hands, which turned into a golden light and merged into Jieyin's body.

With the blessing of countless Taoist bodies in the Ganges Dream Realm, the aura on Jieyin's body is rising steadily.

Three Heavens of Saints!
Four Heavens of Saints!
The five heavens of saints!
The sixth heaven of saints!
In an instant, he climbed from the saint's third heaven to the peak of the saint's sixth heaven!
An extremely strong lawful Taoism swept all directions, and wherever it passed, even the Immortal Executioner Sword Qi shattered.

Even the aura of the fifth heaven of saints on Yuanshi was suppressed.

"What a Ganges dream world, it has such a wonderful effect!"

Seeing this scene, Yuan Shi felt an uproar in his heart.

For a long time, he didn't think too highly of the two Westerners.

But I didn't expect that the two of them in the West still have two brushes, and they have condensed such supernatural powers. It seems that the West still has some background.
(End of this chapter)

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