Chapter 203 Returning to the Primordial Desolation and Entering the Immortal Execution Sword Formation

Zhunti looked at Yuanshi's complexion changed slightly, obviously a little surprised, and couldn't help but feel a little proud.

This Yuanshi old man has always looked down on his Western sect.

Isn't he also shocked by the Western magical method in the hands of his senior brother now?
He is in the west, even though his spiritual veins are broken, he is not as good as in the east.

But his West is catching up day by day and never stops.

If this continues, no matter how big the gap is, it will be smoothed out one day.

In the center of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, looking at Jieyin, the aura of the saint at the peak of the Sixth Heavenly Layer was no less inferior to him.

The leader of Connecting Heaven is all staring, a little dignified, shocked!
What a western guide, it doesn't look like a mountain or dew on weekdays.

But what is hidden is deep enough, and he has already practiced to the sixth heaven of saints.

With such a cultivation base, even looking at the six saints, it is enough to rank among the top three.

And this is still under the condition that the west is barren and the spiritual veins are broken.

If Jieyin was born in the east, it will carry the supreme luck of the east.

Coupled with the spirit essence of endless heaven and earth, how terrifying will the cultivation base be?

Sure enough, among the two saints of the West, Jieyin is the most terrifying one!
Master Tongtian's face became more serious, and he finally picked up the Qingping sword in his hand.

The moment he picked it up, the Qingping sword kept vibrating, emitting a dazzling blue sword energy.

Combined with the sword energy of Zhuxian in the realm of Zhuxian, he slashed at the three saints one after another.

For a moment, the entire Zhuxian Sword Formation was shaking.

The terrifying sword energy is like pouring rain, coming from all directions!
"Tong Tian, ​​don't hold back, today is the day when your Immortal Execution Sword Formation will be shattered!"

Yuan Shi's face was cold. On their side, there was a saint of the sixth heaven, a saint of the fifth heaven, and a saint of the third heaven.

With combined efforts, it is hard to believe that a Zhuxian Sword Formation cannot be broken.

Immediately, Yuanshi raised the Pangu banner, Zhunti held the seven wonderful treasure trees, and took the twelfth-grade golden lotus in his hand, and hurried away, fighting with Tongtian again.

The terrifying power of the saint is constantly raging in the formation, disrupting cause and effect, obliterating yin and yang, and smashing the universe!

If it wasn't for the Jade Immortal Sword Formation blocking ninety-nine percent of the mana fluctuations!

I'm afraid that in such a great flood, there will be mountains of corpses and seas of blood in an instant, and hundreds of millions of living beings will fall under the magic power of the saint.

Outside the Zhuxian Sword Formation, countless monks in Honghuang calmed down one after another.

Constantly observing the figures fighting fiercely in the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

The sage has gone through thousands of kalpas without grinding, he is not stained with cause and effect, he is always with the sky, and he exists with the Tao.

It can also borrow the power of the way of heaven from time to time. It can be said that in the prehistoric world, the saint is the incarnation of the way.

This kind of supreme being, every move of it carries the supreme aggregate of Dao.

Although the battle between the Four Saints is still separated by the Zhuxian Sword Formation, it cannot be seen clearly.

However, countless monks in the prehistoric era can still gain enlightenment through the touch of Dao Yun revealed from outside the Zhuxian Sword Formation
On the shore of the East China Sea, on Jin'ao Island, countless disciples of the Jujiao gathered in the square in front of Biyou Palace, their expressions becoming more solemn.

Although they are still extremely far away from the realm of saints.

But this time the three sages attacked at the same time and joined forces to deal with their own master, the degree of danger can be seen.

Even Daoist Duobao, Our Lady of Jinling, Our Lady of Wudang, Our Lady of Guiling, Sanxiao, Zhao Gongming, etc., were all very worried.
At this time, in the Nine Heavens, the void was shattered silently, and Chen Xuanji, dressed in white, slowly stepped into the prehistoric world.

The moment he stepped into the prehistoric world, he immediately felt a pressure from heaven.

This is Honghuang Tiandao's instinctive rejection of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"I am a monk born and raised in the wilderness, why do you reject me?"

With a smile, Chen Xuanji silently practiced the supernatural Taoism, and the aura on his body quickly merged with the prehistoric one.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's aura slowly emanated, just like the aura of the Heavenly Dao Saint.

But in the dark, there is a hint of chaos and detachment.

Just because the true spirit of the sage of the prehistoric way of heaven exists in the long river of prehistoric time and space.

However, the true spirit of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian exists in the chaotic time and space.

As soon as Chen Xuanji thought about it, a huge black banner appeared in his hand.

The huge flag was triangular in shape, and there were six tails fluttering gently under the flag.

All over the body, there are 48 innate immortal auras looming, which are the best innate spiritual treasures of Jiejiao, the six soul banners.

This thing is so powerful that it can instantly change everything in the world with fire, water and wind.

It contains the energy of destroying souls and frightening immortals, even if a saint is infected, it will be extremely troublesome.

Looking at the Six Soul Banner in his hand, Chen Xuanji no longer suppressed the aura on his body!


At this moment, the power of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal rises like a great sun, sweeping across every corner of the prehistoric world.

All the prehistoric peoples, at this moment, are all bathed in the Dao Yun of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

"What a terrifying breath, this is another saint!"

"This aura is so familiar, look quickly, isn't this the first disciple of the Jiejiao?"

"How could it be possible to cut off the first disciple of the sect? Isn't he just a sub-sage?"

"Why, is it very rare for the sub-sage to become a sage through proving the way? Back then, the Sanqing's proving the way was only a quasi-sage's great consummation!"

At this moment, countless great powers in the wilderness don't care about comprehending any sage aggregates.

They looked at the white-clothed figure in mid-air with shock.

It never occurred to him that at this critical juncture, the first disciple of the Jiejiao actually became a saint.

What kind of honor, what kind of background, what kind of pride is this to be a double saint?

Although the West is also two saints, but that is the relationship between teachers and brothers, how can it be more intimate than the teacher-student relationship?
On Jinao Island, a wisp of the power of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal sprinkled on the square in front of Biyou Palace.

Duobao, Jin Ling and the others couldn't stand up anymore, their eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Eldest brother is back, our elder brother is back, this battle, I will definitely win!"




Countless Shangqing disciples shouted loudly at this moment, and their high-pitched and excited voices spread throughout Jin'ao Island.

On Kunlun Mountain, the faces of countless Yuqing disciples were pale.

"How could he, how could he prove the truth so quickly!"

Guang Chengzi seemed a bit disappointed, an opponent who could fight with him back then.

Now he has been left far behind, and now, it is completely unattainable
Nanji Xianweng was also panicked, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can be compared to a sage of heaven.

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace, Taiqing Laozi also caused a wave of waves in his heart.

"Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, whose body merges into the chaotic time and space, this is the supreme avenue. If I can do it all over again, I might not choose to become a sage of heaven"

Netherworld, Styx looked at this scene, feeling extremely complicated in his heart.

He...has really proved the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!
He Styx, along the way, tried his best but couldn't prove the way.

Now, he was caught up by the younger generation and succeeded in proving the Tao. It is conceivable how complicated Styx is in his heart now.

Zhen Yuanzi also sighed endlessly at the side, "Daoist Minghe, the waves of the East China Sea push the waves behind, and the waves of the front die on the beach. It's really scary for young people."

Styx shook his head, his eyes gleaming with pride belonging to the Lord of the Blood Sea.

"I am the Taoist master of the Asura Way, and I am always sharing my luck and accumulating luck. Sooner or later, I, Styx, will also be able to prove the way!"

Yujing Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race, the third ancestor of the human race sat on the temple of the human race, with an indescribable excitement on his face!
The holy master has proved the truth. In this battle, the Jiejiao will never lose, and the human race will never lose!

In the depths of the Netherworld, there is a strange splendor in the beautiful eyes of Pingxin.

"What a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, who has escaped the shackles of the prehistoric world. This time, Yuqing's lineage and the Western lineage will be difficult."

On the 33rd day, Da Luotian, Lingxiao Palace, Haotian stood up from the throne of the Emperor of Heaven in shock, watching this scene in disbelief.

"This is the breath of a saint. How is it possible!"

Haotian was extremely shocked. He practiced in Zixiao Palace and was passed down from his ancestors.

So far, Zhunsheng has just completed the Great Consummation, and Lian Yasheng has not touched the edge yet.

Now the junior monks are already above him.
This time, the result of conferring the gods is completely unpredictable.
In the Nine Heavens, Chen Xuanji stepped on the void, and the aura of Hunyuan Daluo filled his body.

Every step taken is a distance of countless thousands of miles, and in the blink of an eye, they have reached Tongguan.

Above Tongguan, the Zhuxian Sword Formation is still in operation.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, although [-]% of the power exists in the Zhuxian realm.

But there is still sword energy spreading from outside the sword array, constantly tearing and cutting the void.

Inside the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Sansheng couldn't help feeling a bad premonition.

Divine light shot out from his eyes, and he looked outside the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

At a glance, he saw Chen Xuanji who had already proved the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian!

Yuan Shi's face was gloomy, staring at the figure outside Zhu Xian's sword formation, his face was so gloomy that water could drip down.

"How is it possible, this is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, what ability does he have to prove the Tao?"

"How is this possible!!" There was also a flash of shock in Zhunti's eyes, but more of it was envy and jealousy.

That is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, although in terms of realm, his combat power is similar to that of the Heavenly Dao Saint.

But in terms of its original level, it is higher than the sage of heaven.

The magic power of the peak of the Sixth Heavenly Layer, leading the saint, was unleashed, and the spiritual lights in his eyes kept colliding, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

As for the Master Tongtian holding the Qingping sword, he burst out laughing!

"My disciple is powerful, a school of two saints, looking at the prehistoric world, which one can compare with my teaching?"

Master Tongtian laughed loudly, and with a thought, a hole was suddenly torn open in the Jade Immortal Realm.

Chen Xuanji saw the needle, and immediately entered the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

With the entry of a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal into the formation, the evil spirit between the heaven and the earth rolled even more fiercely!

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation hangs high above the nine heavens, exuding the most powerful and pure sword energy, continuously falling down.

The hearts of countless monks in Honghuang raised their throats at this moment.

The five sages have been robbed, such a big battle has never been seen before, what will be the result of this battle.

In the sword formation of Zhu Xian, Chen Xuanji stepped forward, looked at Yuan Shi with both eyes indifferently, Zhunti, led the three of them, and made a salute.

"Three friends, long time no see."

Proving the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is the same level of existence as the saints, and can be directly called Taoist friends.

Yuan Shi looked gloomy, stared at Chen Xuanji, and said coldly.

"I don't know where I got some shit luck to prove Dao Hunyuan. If I don't go to a good place to practice for a few years and enter the battle rashly, won't I be afraid of death and Dao disappearing?"

In the prehistoric, as long as the prehistoric is not destroyed, the sage of heaven will not be destroyed.

But the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was in the prehistoric, the origin was separated from the chaos, and he fell...that is, he really fell.

Zhunti also pretended to be vicious and threatened.

"You are so arrogant when you first joined Hunyuan Daluo. Do you really think that we have been practicing for nothing for so many years?"

He held the golden lotus of twelve grades of merit and virtue in his hands, his face was suffering.

"It's not easy for Taoist friends to cultivate a Hunyuan Dao fruit. If you really participate in this battle, wouldn't it be a pity to die and disappear?"

"Furthermore, Jiejiao goes against the sky, and all disciples are on the list of gods in accordance with the number of days. Fellow Taoist is Hunyuan Daluo, how can you not understand this truth?"

Following the reception and speaking, bursts of golden Brahma light rushed towards his face.

But before he got close, he was driven to pieces by the appropriate soul-killing immortal energy from the Six Soul Banner in Chen Xuanji's hand.

"My Jiejiao now has tens of thousands of immortals coming to court, and there are countless disciples under the sect. There are also twelve grades of pure world white lotus suppressing the luck of the Supreme Great Teaching. What kind of glory is endless. If we go against the sky, how can we have the glory we have today?"

"As for death and Taoism? In today's battle, it may be who will die first. Don't waste your words, everyone, it's better to preserve your strength first, and let's talk about breaking the sword formation of Zhuxian in the upper Qing Dynasty first."

After finishing speaking, Chen Xuanji pointed at Zhunti and smiled lightly at Master Tongtian.

"Teacher, leave this to me, and leave the rest to you, how about it?"

Master Tongtian said with a smile, "Are you sure?"

"I have the Six Soul Banner in my hand, so don't worry, teacher."

Just as Chen Xuanji finished speaking, mana poured into the Six Soul Banner, and a beam of soul-killing immortal energy flew out, hitting Zhunti.

At the same moment, Chen Xuanji used the law of space to disappear into the Zhuxian sword formation.

"How courageous, today I will let you know the power of the saint that I must mention!"

Zhun mentioned, although the existence of the tail of the six holy cranes.

But he is also a genuine saint of heaven, with the cultivation base of a saint in the third heaven.

Now being so underestimated by Chen Xuanji, who just proved Hunyuan, he was so angry that his lungs exploded.

A majestic saint with a three-level cultivation base, can't beat the leader of Tongtian, and can't beat you, a Hunyuan Daluo who just proved his way?

"Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees, brush!"

Immediately, Zhun Ti activated the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree, and a beam of seven-color light flew out, colliding with the Immortal Spirit of Extinguishing Soul.


The invisible magic power fluctuated, sweeping all directions, the power of seven colors, the soul-killing immortal energy, all annihilated in the invisible.

"The Six Soul Banners are nothing more than that, and the Immortal Qi of Miehun is nothing more than that."

Zhunti was complacent, and suddenly opened his eyes wide.

In front of him, 24 Dinghaishen beads suddenly appeared, gathered into a ball, and the five-color divine light bloomed on it, calling towards him.

Feeling the terrifying mana fluctuations on the Dinghai Shenzhu, Zhunti didn't dare to be careless.

"I swipe, swipe, swipe!"

Three streaks of seven-color divine light were fired in a row, colliding with the Dinghai Divine Bead.

The Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree, Zhunti spent so many years painstakingly cultivating it, its power is not small.

Under the three rays of seven-color divine light, the 24 Dinghai Divine Beads dimmed, and they were struck back again.


Zhunti breathed a sigh of relief, and the next moment, his pupils shrank, feeling a great danger.

Looking with both eyes, I saw the Primordial Measuring Ruler, which had appeared in front of my eyes at some point.

The power of the innate treasure above is vividly displayed.

It is suppressing him at an indescribably terrifying speed.

The power of the innate treasure is stronger than the top-grade innate spirit treasure. This blow even caused Zhunti's scalp to burst, and the threat level was full at once.

"A golden body of eight feet!"

"Niril Dao Lei!"

"Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees!"

Zhunti is worthy of the name of a saint, and he displayed three supernatural powers in an instant.

His body instantly turned golden, and the meaning of indestructibility came rushing towards his face.

Then, several streaks of purple divine thunder flew out from his cuffs, facing Hongmeng Measuring Sky Ruler.

Then, the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree was thrown directly, and hit the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler.

(End of this chapter)

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