Chapter 204 The Fall of the Saint

Zhunti used his supernatural powers all at once, Lingbao tried his best, his old face was flushed with suffocation.

He never expected that the six soul banners in front, and even the 24 Dinghai God beads were just a cover.

The final primordial measuring ruler is the ultimate ultimate move.

If Chen Xuanji was only a sub-sage before.

Even if it is ranked among the most innate treasures, Zhunti is still not in his eyes.

But now, he has proved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The prestige of the innate treasure Hongmeng's Measuring Ruler has been brought into full play, and he is no longer something he can underestimate.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The three purple divine thunders collided with the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler first.

Then, under the power of the innate treasure, it collapsed instantly.

Purple arcs cut through the void, annihilated into dust.

Under the urging of Zhunti Saint's supreme magic power, the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree grew bigger against the wind.

The red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and seven-color divine light burst out from above, turning into a seven-color rainbow bridge, trying to stop Hongmeng from measuring the sky.

But at the moment of contact, the red, orange, yellow and green four-color divine light has been completely defeated.

The rest of the cyan, blue and purple three-color divine lights were completely defeated before they lasted for two breaths.

However, with the successive obliteration of Nirvana Dao Lei, coupled with the power of the Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees, the power of the Primordial Heaven Measuring Ruler has inevitably weakened a lot.

But it still hit Zhun Ti with the force of a thunderbolt!


At this moment, Zhunti's Zhangba golden body erupted with immeasurable light, but it was still completely pierced by the Primordial Heavenly Ruler.

"Puff puff!"

At this moment, Zhunti vomited blood and flew upside down. On the indestructible golden Taoist body, the light was dim, and it was obvious that he had been severely injured!

"What a drastic method!"

Yuan Shi's eyes were fixed, and a little fear appeared in his heart!
"Senior brother!"

Jieying was startled, and hurriedly sacrificed the twelfth-grade merit golden lotus to go to help, but was stopped by the Qingping sword in the hand of the leader of Tongtian.

"In my Zhuxian Sword Formation, I'm already too busy to take care of myself, and want to save others?"

After finishing speaking, the Qingping sword danced in his hand, and the terrifying sword energy slashed towards him.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he had no choice but to sacrifice his own spiritual treasure, and fought with the leader of Tongtian!
On the other side, Zhunti Taoist body was seriously injured, looking at his blood-stained Taoist robe,
In the eyes, there is a hint of disbelief!
He was actually injured, and it was still in the hands of the junior.

With a thought, Zhun mentioned the power of communicating with the heavens, and his breath returned to its peak in an instant.

But compared to before, he was a little more dignified. The opponent in front of him was no longer a Taoist junior, but a great monk who was in the same situation as him.


Zhunti danced the seven wonderful treasure trees again, and the endless seven-color divine light rushed forward, fighting with Hongmeng Liangtianru.

Zhunti is a sage with a three-layer cultivation base, and his cultivation base is higher than Chen Xuanji's.

But in Chen Xuanji's hand, the Grandmist Measuring Ruler is a treasure of congenital luck, with infinite power, and it is higher than the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree.

So for a while, Er Bao kept trembling in the air, hitting hard.

After fighting for a while, they saw that Chen Xuanji had no other strange methods.

Zhunti's Dao heart gradually stabilized, and he began to comfort himself,
His own cultivation is higher than Chen Xuanji's, so if he keeps fighting like this, he will always win.

Chen Xuanji was not in a hurry, and fought steadily.

After proving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the chaos, he has not yet fought against the great monks in the same realm.

Although Zhunti's combat strength is just that way, he still has a lot of experience in practicing along the way.

Instead of fighting, it can greatly improve the use of Hunyuan Daluo's mana.

On the other side of Zhuxian Sword Formation, Zhunti was missing, and the pressure on Master Tongtian was greatly relieved
Coupled with the support of the endless Zhu Xian sword energy, although it is one against two, it is chic and comfortable, and it is easy to mix.

The Qingping sword in his hand is full of mighty sword energy, constantly attacking Yuanshi, attracting the two of them.

And the evil spirit of the surrounding Zhuxian Sword Formation became more and more intense.

The power of Zhu Xian's sword energy visible to the naked eye is constantly rising!
When the robbery energy climbed to the peak and merged with the Jade Immortal Sword Qi, the Jade Immortal Realm might really be unbreakable.

Yuan Shi's face became more and more gloomy, and suddenly, with a thought, the Pangu Banner appeared in his hand again.

Endless chaotic Dao Yun circulates, and the breath of law impacts the world!

"Creation Profound Light!"

Yuan Shi yelled loudly, and on the Pangu banner, a bright and dazzling light was burned, and he shot at the master of Tongtian.

This supernatural power is unique to Pangu Banner, the profound meaning of the Lord "Li".

Apply this method to divide yin and yang, manage the five elements, and generate endless water, fire and wind.

If placed in the outside world, in an instant, the earth, fire, water, and wind will be turbulent, and hundreds of millions of creatures will fall!

Seeing this, he also resorted to killing methods, "Proving the Tao in a dream, the three treasures are one!"

While Jieyin was talking, Jieyin Baozhu, Jieyin Whisk, and Jieyin Rosary appeared in his hand.

The three treasures merged into one, turning into a huge relic and hitting the Master Tongtian.

Master Tongtian is wearing a blue Taoist robe, and his handsome face is full of unyielding fighting spirit!

"The Immortal Execution Sword Formation, ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

He threw Qingping sword in his hand, Qingping sword stood in the center of the sword array, and the four swords of Zhuxian Sword, Killing Immortal Sword, Absolute Immortal Sword, and Trapping Immortal Sword attracted and outlined each other.

For a moment, the supreme sword qi criss-crossed, forming tens of thousands of divine swords in mid-air, and under the control of the master Tongtian, they slashed towards Yuanshi!

The three collided together, and the central point shattered in an instant, annihilated into dust.

Under the shroud of terrifying holy prestige, even the four innate elements of earth, fire, water, and wind seemed to be leaking out.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Jieyin only felt a huge force coming, and his whole body was instantly knocked into the air.

Although he didn't suffer any injuries, his Taoist robes were scattered and he was very embarrassed, without the appearance of a high-ranking saint.

As for the leader of Tongtian, with the power of Zhuxian Sword Formation, there is no problem, but his breath is slightly disordered.

On the other hand, Chen Xuanji was not willing to fight with Zhunti anymore.

As soon as he thought about it, the six-hundred spirit banner of the best innate spirit treasure appeared in his hand.

Zhunti's heart beat suddenly, and a bad feeling came to his heart.

"The golden body of Zhangba is indestructible!"

Zhunti blessed himself with a golden body of Zhangba in an instant, and his whole body was radiant with golden light, making him immortal.

"Fellow Daoist quasi-mentioner, experience the power of the six soul banners, the most precious treasure of my Shangqing lineage!"

Chen Xuanji didn't care at all, grabbed the six soul banner with both hands, and began to shake it vigorously.

All of a sudden, countless black-purple spirits of Miehun Immortal Qi flew out from the six-hundred banners, rushed towards his face, and entwined around Zhunti's body.

As strong as a sage who is indestructible, at this moment, under the surging immortal energy of destroying souls, he also feels flustered and his feet are numb.

Even the Supreme Dao body of the saint showed signs of being uncontrollable!


Zhunti was terrified, knowing that the Six Soul Banner alone would have no such effect.

At the same time, Chen Xuanji borrowed the Jade Immortal Sword Qi from the Jade Immortal Sword Formation!
Shaking the Six Soul Banner for a while, Jian Zhunti shook, and his breath fell layer by layer, Chen Xuanji took out the Primordial Heaven Measuring Ruler again.

At this moment, there was an incomparably huge and dangerous aura flashing on the dark and thick body of the ruler.

Under the impetus of Chen Xuanji's endless Hunyuan Daluo's mana, the power of the innate treasure is constantly awakening, bursting out with boundless rays of light, and slashing at Zhunti.

The Zhunti Three Corpse Gods jumped violently, a dangerous aura that he had not had since proving the Tao came to his heart completely, and the hairs all over his body exploded.

"Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees!"

At this moment, Zhunti didn't care about his dizziness, and once again sacrificed the most powerful magic weapon in his hand, and threw it out.

"Boom!" The moment the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree collided with the Primordial Heaven Measuring Ruler, the seven-color light completely shattered.

The light of Lingbao was dimmed and was knocked aside.

Hongmeng Liangtianru's castration has not diminished at all, and his innate killing spirit instantly drowned Zhunti's Zhangba golden body.

"Boom, boom!"

At the center of the explosion, the endless Zhu Xian sword energy is constantly routing and dissipating at this moment.

The ground, fire, water, and wind are constantly surging, and it seems that they are about to rush out at any time.

The next moment, all movement suddenly disappeared.

With the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler as the center, an endless rain of blood suddenly fell.

The rain of blood dripped down, dyeing the entire Zhuxian Sword Formation scarlet.

At the same time, from the center of the collision, there is a sense of boundless sadness.

The fall of the saint, the heaven and the earth mourn together, this is the death of the great way!

"Quite mentioning fellow daoists!"

"Senior Brother!!"

At this time, Yuan Shi, Qi Qi's expression changed, and he watched this scene in disbelief.

In this battle, a real saint has fallen!

A sage, who has lived through thousands of calamities without grinding, is imperishable due to cause and effect, always exists with the sky, and coexists with the Tao!
Such a supreme existence unexpectedly fell due to the robbery.

It is enough to see how far the prehistoric catastrophe has risen now!
In the Zhuxian formation, blood rained down from the sky, and all things were in mourning.

Outside the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the countless great monks who were always paying attention to the battle of the saints couldn't help but exclaimed at this time, "Look, what is that?"

Outside the Zhuxian Sword Formation, there was also a faint rain of blood falling down, thick and scarlet, with a great sadness.

Numerous monks in Honghuang, from the quasi-sage to Daxiu, down to the Xuanxian and the Jinxian, all trembled at this moment, their hearts were sad, and a teardrop silently fell from the corner of their eyes.

But the next moment, the creatures of all races reacted, pointing at the bloodstains and exclaiming.

"That's holy blood. Does the bleeding of the holy blood mean that a saint has fallen in the Zhuxian Sword Formation?"

"Hiss, the saint has fallen, stop joking, how could the saint fall?"

All the powerful people in the wild think that it is impossible for a saint to fall.

In the Netherworld, Styx smiled coldly, with magic power and luck, the sound of Taoism spread throughout the prehistoric world.

"Hey, the saint will not fall? This is a joke. The saint also has a limit. If this limit is exceeded, the saint will also fall, but he can be resurrected infinitely with the help of the original power of the primordial way."

Styx, as an old monster who has practiced for countless thousands of years, although he is eager to prove the Tao and fears the saint, he will not brag about the saint without thinking.

"Ah, this scared me to death. It turns out that I can be resurrected. I thought the saint had really fallen."

"Sheng Yun. It is conceivable how fierce the fighting skills in the Zhuxian Sword Formation are at this time. If there is no Zhuxian Sword Formation, then I will be the one who suffers."

"Continue to watch the battle intently. This battle is rare. If you miss it today, you may never see it again."

All of a sudden, the prehistoric world and all spirits began to concentrate on watching the battle again.

At the same moment, within the Jade Immortal Sword Formation, where Zhunti fell, a bright milky white light suddenly flashed.

The light is not dazzling, but very warm and moist, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Under the white light, Zhunti's Taoist body was instantly reshaped, but the aura on his body was weaker than before.

The saint's primordial spirit rests on the way of heaven, and can be resurrected continuously by the power of the way of heaven.

But this resurrection also has a price. Every time you resurrect, you will lose part of the saint's origin.

Therefore, at this time, Zhunti was resurrected, and he went straight from the peak of the third heaven of saints in the way of heaven, and fell to the point of entering the third heaven of saints for the first time.

Zhun Ti pinched the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree, and looked at the holy blood stained on the sword spirit of Zhu Xian around him, and laughed out of anger.

"What a great first disciple of the Interceptor, he really has some abilities, so deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors, and intercepting the Taoism, it should be shattered!"

The next moment, the brilliance of the saint was shining brightly on Zhunti's body, and Zhunti actually burned [-]% of the saint's origin in an instant.

Driven by the source of the sage, the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree is almost on fire, and its power is more than doubled than before?

"Fellow Daoist Yuanshi, senior brother, let's fight together and break through this Zhuxian Sword Formation!"

Zhunti knew that at this point, if he didn't burn his origin, he would definitely not be able to break through the Zhuxian sword formation.

Without breaking through the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the fierce energy of heaven and earth will continue to pour into the formation, and the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation will only become stronger and stronger.

When the time comes, their defeat will become inevitable.

"We will fight together!"

Yuanshi, Jieyin looked at each other, and made a decisive move, each burning [-]% of the origin of a saint!
In an instant, on the Pangu banner, the earth, fire, water and wind surged, flashing the scene of the destruction of heaven and earth!

On the golden lotus with twelve grades of merit, the golden Brahma light circulates, purifying the heaven and the earth.

The two of them took the seven wonderful treasure trees and blasted towards the center of the Zhuxian Sword Formation together.

"Hmph, break my formation, have you asked me if I have waited?"

The leader of Tongtian Sect snorted softly, pinched the magic formula, and the four swords of Zhuxian rose up, combining the four into one, and killed Yuanshi and other three saints.

After the Qingping Sword, the Six Soul Banner swayed, and the endless Immortal Immortal Qi flew out like wisps, harassing the immortal body of the Three Saints.

Then, the Grand Meng Measuring Ruler shattered the void, and the power of the Innate Supreme Treasure was fully awakened, and with the power of ten thousand jun, it hit everyone.




The spiritual treasures in the hands of both sides collided with each other in the lightning and flint, and the saints had supreme mana, and they continued to confront each other.

The entire Zhuxian Sword Formation was in constant turmoil, even breaking through the world barriers of prehistoric and chaotic worlds.

Introducing endless fire, water, and wind, the chaotic storm entered the realm of Zhuxian.


After an unknown amount of time, a sound of breaking suddenly resounded in the Zhuxian Sword Formation!
The four Zhuxian swords, combined with the Zhuxian sword array formed by the infinite evil spirit of the prehistoric world, couldn't bear it. The supreme magic power generated by the joint force of the five saints was torn apart and a gap appeared.

"Crack, click!"

The cracks continued to widen, and endless evil spirits leaked out from the realm of Jade Immortals.

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation could no longer hold on, and with a roar, it was completely shattered.

Above Tongguan, as the Zhuxian sword array shattered, the terrifying holy power no longer had the slightest resistance.

With Tongguan as the center, it radiates to the whole prehistoric region.

At this moment, the whole prehistoric world was trembling. Above the earth, the mountains collapsed, and above the rivers, the rivers flowed upstream.

The prehistoric peoples all stared wide-eyed, their eyes full of fear!

When the Jade Immortal Sword Formation existed before, even one percent of the holy power was enough to make people fearful.

Now that the Immortal Execution Sword Formation is shattered, [-]% of the magic power generated by the confrontation between the saints is released to the prehistoric world. The consequences of that are devastating.

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace, and Lao Tzu Taiqing's expression tightened, and his secret path was not good.

"If the five sages fight on Tongguan, the entire prehistoric creatures will probably suffer."

A sage, who bears the fate of the prehistoric world, if he watches the prehistoric world being robbed and remains indifferent, he will suffer the backlash of the heavenly law, and the consequences will be extremely serious.

"Not good, if the five sages are fighting in the wild at the same time, what will be the consequences?"

Chaos, Tai Sutian, and Nu Wa's expressions also tensed up in Wa Palace.

As the saint's magic power swayed, he broke through the space in an instant and arrived at the prehistoric.

 There is one more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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