Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 205 Broken Ancestral Vein Hongjun Appears! 【Part 2】

Chapter 205 Broken Ancestral Vein Hongjun Appears! 【Second update】

"Brother Taiqing, the five sages are coming out together. This is a great disaster. Shall we try to dissuade them?"

In the prehistoric world, in the Nine Heavens, there was a hint of worry in Nuwa's eyes.

A saint is already an existence that will destroy the world.

When the five saints fight, the power will be multiplied, and the whole prehistoric world may not be able to bear it.

Taiqing was dressed in a black and white Taoist robe, and slowly shook his head.

"At Tongguan, I have tried to dissuade them, but it was all in vain. In this battle, except for the presence of the teacher, no one can stop it."

"Then what should we do? Just watch like this?"

Taiqing sighed, "Right now only you and I will act first, let's protect Honghuang first."

"it is good."

Nuwa nodded her head.

The next moment, the Taiqing sage had a thought and sacrificed the Taiji diagram!

Terrifying and supreme mana was poured into it, and the Taiji diagram became larger in the wind, and the black and white light was dazzling and peerless, covering most of the prehistoric world in an instant.

Seeing this, Nu Wa had the same thought, and the supreme mana poured into the Taiji diagram.

The Taiji Diagram was shaken, and the light on it became more dazzling, and continued to expand and grow.

Soon, the entire prehistoric world was enveloped, and the black and white brilliance spread, giving people an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

Among them, the black and white light on the Taiji diagram focuses on isolating the five sages who are in charge of Tongguan.

"Look, it's the Taiqing sage, Nuwa sage has made a move!"

"The two saints are merciful and compassionate. We wish the two saints eternal blessings and eternal life!"

"I would like to thank the two saints for their help."

As the second sage took action to protect the prehistoric people, the prehistoric people only felt the chill in their hearts gradually dissipate.

The three corpse gods stopped being violent, and expressed their thanks one after another. If there were no saints to take action, it would be an insignificant aftermath of the fight between the five saints, and they would be wiped out in an instant.

Taiqing, Nuwa nodded to the hundreds of millions of creatures in the wild, and then looked at Tongguan.

"Brother Taiqing, how will this battle end?"

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation was broken, and Nu Wa lost her mind, and there was some worry in her voice.

Taiqing stroked his beard, shook his head and said, "The aura of calamity is too strong, and I can't detect any results. And now, everything is left to fate."

Following the fierce battle of the Five Saints, the Zhuxian sword array was shattered, and there was endless chaos in Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun's eyes slowly opened, with something unfathomable.

"The Zhuxian sword array is shattered, and the five saints are fighting in the prehistoric world. It seems that the day when the old Taoist will be successful is not far away."

In the lower realm, above Tongguan, Yuanshi, Zhunti, and the three saints of Jieyin have their hands behind their backs.

Standing in the air, the billowing holy power poured down from the Taoist body, oppressing all living beings.

On the opposite side, Master Tongtian and Chen Xuanji stood side by side, both fighting with high spirits.

After so many years of self-proving, there has never been a day when the battle is as refreshing as it is today.

Master Tongtian raised his hand, and the Qingping sword had been put away by him.

Instead, there are four immortal swords: Zhuxian Sword, Trapping Immortal Sword, Killing Immortal Sword, and Absolute Immortal Sword.

In an instant, the four swords were constantly ups and downs in his palm.

Every moment, there is the sword energy of the Supreme Zhu Xian hanging down, evolving into the supreme killing!
"Yuanshi, welcome, and fight me again!"

Under the influence of the Supreme Tribulation Qi, the leader of the Tongtian Church no longer cares whether this place is prehistoric or chaotic.

There is only one thought in his mind, to continue the battle with Yuanshi and Jieyin, and the winner will be determined.

As for Chen Xuanji, naturally he still dealt with Zhunti, he looked at Zhunti and smiled slightly.

"Fellow Daoist Zhunti, you and I will do it again!"

Zhun Ti sneered and said, "Before in the Jade Sword Formation, it was because of the obstruction of the Jade Sword Qi that made you rampant. Now that you are out of the Jade Sword Formation, how can you still be rampant?"

Zhun raised his palm, and there were countless lightning bolts of Nirvana in the air, which turned into countless dragons of destruction and killed Chen Xuanji.

"Congenital Wuji apricot yellow flag, come out!"

Chen Xuanji has the Heavenly Ruler of the Primordial Mist in attack, and the innate Xinghuang Banner in defense, so he is naturally not afraid of using small tricks.

I saw countless thunderbolts of Nirvana bombarding the Xinghuang Banner without even making a wave.

Chen Xuanji has comprehended [-]% of the law of space, he is space, and space is him.

With a light step, he crossed the infinite distance in an instant, and came to Zhunti.

The dark and thick Hongmeng Measuring Ruler suddenly appeared in the air, from top to bottom, it crushed hard towards Zhunti!

"A golden body of eight feet!"

Zhunti once again used the Zhangba golden body, and the golden Taoist body is indestructible.

He raised his hands, intending to catch the primordial measuring ruler with his physical strength!
"Boom, boom!"

The Hongmeng Liangtian Ruler and the Zhangba Golden Body finally collided together.

The imagined picture of Zhunti being chopped off by a foot did not happen.

The Primordial Measuring Ruler, unexpectedly stagnated slowly under the giant golden palm of the guide.
Seeing this, Chen Xuanji smiled slightly, and another six-hundred banner appeared on his left hand, half of the magic power poured into it, and the Immortal Qi of Extinguishing Souls swept out, tightening the trap.

"Damn it, relying on so many spiritual treasures in your hands, it's not a martial arts victory!"

Zhunti cursed secretly, 24 Dinghaishen beads, Xinghuang flag, Liuhun banner, Hongmeng measuring sky ruler, which one is not a top spirit treasure.

Coupled with Chen Xuanji Hunyuan Daluo's cultivation base, it's no wonder he can handle it.

Under the shroud of Mie Hun Fairy, Zhun Ti suddenly had weak legs and feet, his body was dim, and his soul was dizzy.

Even the golden light on Zhang Bajin's body dimmed again and again.

Chen Xuanji saw the right moment, and the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler increased his mana!

Zhunti was sent flying tens of thousands of miles by the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler.

The robes were broken and scattered, and a few drops of pale golden holy blood spilled into the sky!
"Hiss!" At this moment, all the prehistoric races watching the battle gasped.

"The mighty power of the leader of the Jujiao actually crushes the Western Saints. It's really terrifying!"

"You don't even look at the treasure in the hands of the head of the Jiejiao, it is the innate treasure, and the primordial spirit measures the sky!"

Those who have something to do slapped their heads, as if they remembered something.

"By the way, tell me, the person who fell in the Zhuxian sword formation just now was Zhunti Saint?"


Everyone thought about it carefully, and suddenly took a breath. Among the six saints, it seems that the Zhunti saint is the weakest.
The troublemaker's friend shivered in fright, and immediately pulled the man over and tightly covered his mouth.

"You are crazy, you dare to spread the gossip of a saint, you just want to die!"

As time passed, the aura of robbery continued to rise, and the black threads of the aura of robbery wrapped around the bodies of the saints.

Let the five saints fight more and more fiercely, with frequent means, and burn the origin of the saints from time to time, and the battle becomes more and more intense.

At the end of the battle, the five of them fought in a melee.

The Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees, the Heavenly Ruler of Hongmeng, the Pangu Banner, the Golden Lotus of Twelve Grades of Merit and Virtue, and the Four Swords of Exorcising Immortals.
Countless treasures collided in mid-air, rippling with endless terrifying fluctuations.

Every time there is a collision, not only the Nine Heavens, but also the great Great Desolation will be shaken.

If there is no Taiqing Laozi, Nuwa protects Honghuang, I am afraid that Honghuang would have been torn apart by five people.

But even so, Taiqing, Nu Wa also felt unprecedented pressure.

Resisting the fluctuations caused by the battle of the Five Saints with supreme mana is even greater than the pressure of participating in the battle.

If it wasn't for the deepest Taoism of Lao Tzu in Taiqing, Nu Nuwa alone might not be able to stand it at this time.

"If the battle continues, Honghuang will really be broken, why didn't the teacher make a move?"

Nu Wa frowned deeply, somewhat puzzled.

Above Tongguan, Yuanshi and Zhunti, with a fighting spirit on their faces, once again used the saint's origin to raise their aura to the peak state!
"Heaven and earth suffer together!"

"Golden Lotus of Merit!"

"Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees!"

The three of them adjusted their whole bodies to the peak.

Then, the supreme mana poured into the magic weapon in his hand, and they worked together to strike a blow!
On the Pangu banner, earth, fire, water, and wind surged, the mysterious light of good fortune flickered, and a breath of great destruction circulated, breaking open the world and destroying the past and the present.

To collapse countless small worlds in one thought, and at the same time, it is also the strongest move on Pangu's flag!
At this time, the golden lotus of the twelfth grade of merit was rotated to the extreme, the golden Brahma light almost turned into substance, and the meaning of compassion rushed to the face.

On the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree, the seven-colored twilight air circulates, destroying everything, brushing away everything, and the heaven-destroying breath stirs the nine clouds!

"Hahahaha, the Four Swords of Zhuxian, the ultimate in killing!"

Master Tongtian laughed loudly, his mana boiled, he sacrificed the four swords of Zhu Xian, and slashed out with all his strength.

Chen Xuanji's Hunyuan Great Luo Daoguo was stimulated to the extreme, and the supreme and fierce energy poured into the primordial measure of heaven.

Cut out the strongest blow since proving the Tao!



Between lightning and flint, the five peerless supernatural powers finally collided together.

Mana collided, the sun and the moon dimmed, the stars fell, and the air of the twilight circulated. Among them, the appearance of earth, fire, water, wind, and chaotic storm could be faintly seen.

"No, we're going to be unable to stop it." Taiqing, Nuwa's complexion changed drastically.

After a little thought, the two had no choice but to withdraw most of their mana and no longer guard the entire prehistoric world.

Instead, all the mana is used to protect the prehistoric creatures.

With Taiqing, Nu Wa withdrew her mana, and the Holy Power of the Five Saints fought.

Sweeping across the entire prehistoric at an unprecedented speed.

At this moment, it seemed as if an earthquake with a magnitude of hundreds had occurred in the prehistoric land, and everything that could be seen was destroyed.

The giant mountain towering into the clouds and standing thousands of feet on the wall is constantly collapsing.

The winding rivers, lakes and seas are constantly rolling, stirring up huge waves.

Even the water of the four seas is rippling at this time, and every time a huge wave is raised, it will submerge countless lands.

At the same time, the earthquakes caused the Great Desolation to open a gap that stretched for millions of miles each time.

"Wow, wow!" The earth, fire, water and wind poured in from the chaos at some point.

At the same time, it carried endless mana storms and chaotic winds, and fell on the ground, setting off ravines that stretched for millions of feet.

In the Nine Heavens, Taiqing shouted with a dignified expression.

"Junior Sister Nuwa, Honghuang can't bear it, I'm afraid it's going to be broken, you and I will fight together to see if we can temporarily contain it."

"it is good!"

Taiqing and Nuwa joined forces, and the saint's mana spread at an extremely fast speed, covering the prehistoric world and sorting out the disaster.

Where the supreme sage's mana passed, the earth, fire, water and wind were sorted out, and the mana storm was suppressed.

Hong even seemed to have stopped the Great Desolate Land, which was beginning to shatter.

But not long after, "Boom, boom!" There was another roar from the prehistoric land.

Centering on Buzhou Mountain back then, the prehistoric land has slowly turned into four plates.

The four directions of east, west, south and north are constantly separated.

This is an irreversible process, no matter how terrifying Nuwa's magic power is, it cannot be stopped by Taiqing.

The shattering of Honghuang also means that the ancestral line of Honghuang was completely shattered under the battle of the saints
In the Netherworld, Styx's pupils shrank, "Not good, the five saints are fighting, the power is too great, the prehistoric, I can't bear it!"

Zhen Yuanzi also showed horror on his face, "Could it be that even the saints of Taiqing and Nuwa couldn't stop this disaster?"

Minghe, Zhen Yuanzi suddenly thought of something, and looked at Taoist Mosquito beside him.

"Is there a way to resolve this disaster, Empress Pingxin?"

Taoist Mosquito shook his head, "This catastrophe cannot be resolved without the presence of Taoist Ancestor in person."

Hundreds of millions of creatures in the wilderness watched this scene, and they all sighed in their hearts!
Since the Great God Pangu created the world, the prehistoric land has experienced countless battles such as the catastrophe of beasts, the catastrophe of the dragon and the Han, the struggle between Taoism and demons, and the catastrophe of liches.

But it has never been as tragic as it is now!

The five saints are at war, the prehistoric world is broken, and the saints shed blood. This is unprecedented
With the shattering of the prehistoric world, the severance of the prehistoric ancestors, the prehistoric way of heaven also suffered heavy losses at the same time!

In the vast chaos, in Zixiao Palace, Hongjun suddenly opened his eyes!

There was a sharp and compelling light in his eyes.

"The Dao of Heaven has suffered heavy losses, the time for the old Dao has finally come!"

Hongjun got up, and with a thought, the space in Zixiao Palace suddenly became turbulent, and a monk dressed in Taoist robes, exactly like Hongjun, appeared in Zixiao Palace.

In terms of aura, he has already reached the realm of the Saint Nine Heavens!
It is much stronger than the breath of Taiqing Laozi, who has the deepest Taoism among the six sages.

The Taoist is exactly the self-dead corpse that Hongjun cut out with the method of beheading the three corpses, and he has the perfect cultivation of a saint.

"I have seen the deity, the deity called me out, what's the matter?"

The self-dead body asked lightly, Hongjun cut off the good corpse, the evil corpse, and the queen of the self-dead body with the method of beheading the three corpses.

Fearing that he would be assimilated by the power of heaven and lose his true self when practicing in the future, he simply hid both evil and good corpses in his body to keep his nature unchanged.

As for the self-corpse, it can be called a part of the self, and it has been practiced in chaos.

Hongjun said, "The Great War of the Five Sages is about to shatter the Great Desolation. You should go to the Great Desolation yourself, and you must never let the Great Desolation truly shatter."

"I understand."

The self-dead body nodded, and disappeared into Zixiao Palace in a flash.

Hongjun watched his corpse leave, and nodded slightly. What he wanted was not the destruction of the wilderness and the loss of life, but just a chance to counterattack the way of heaven.

Now that the Dao of Heaven has been severely damaged, the opportunity has been formed, so naturally the prehistoric cannot be broken into pieces.

Hongjun stretched out his palm, a fragment of jade glowed slightly, and the power of heaven surged around him, and at some point, he disappeared in the Zixiao Palace.

At this time, the prehistoric land, as the five saints fought, the prehistoric land was shattered, and endless evil spirits were also leaking crazily.

The self-dead body stepped into the wilderness, looked at this scene, and shook his head slightly.

"The heavens and the earth measure the catastrophe and liquidate everything, but this catastrophe should not be borne by the creatures of the prehistoric land."

The self-dead body took a step and appeared in the Nine Heavens in an instant. At the same time, there were bursts of Dao sounds
Lying high on the nine clouds, the futon is true.

Beyond the black and yellow of heaven and earth, I shall be the head teacher.

Pan Gu was born with Tai Chi, following two rituals and four images.

One is to pass on three friends, and the other is to teach and explain.

The leader of the Taoist capital, transforming Hongjun with one breath.

 The second is a bit late, don't blame it.

(End of this chapter)

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