Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 206 Good Fortune Jade Plate 4 Formation of Most Continents [Part 1]

Chapter 206 Formation of the Four Great Continents on the Good Fortune Jade Plate [First update]

"Daoyin. Daozu is finally here!"

"The Taoist ancestor is here, the prehistoric people are saved, and so are we!"

Countless monks are standing with joy at this moment, the prehistoric world must not be broken.

Once the prehistoric world is broken, what should these low-level monks do?

On the 33rd day, in Da Luotian and Lingxiao Palace, Haotian also breathed a sigh of relief, and lay weakly on the throne.

"Master finally made a move. This battle should be over, right?"

There is infinite complexity in Haotian's eyes. In this battle, Yuqing and Western sects are on the list countlessly. On the other hand, there are very few people on the list of Jiejiao Taoism.

After this battle is over, the lineage of the Shangqing will definitely become more prosperous, so what changes should happen to the pattern of the prehistoric world?
On the Nine Layers of Clouds, the void was unknowingly shattered and annihilated into dust.

Hongjun was dressed in a gray Taoist robe, and slowly stepped out of it.

The moment he appeared, a surge of the saint's peak magic power, Dao Yun, swept across the sky, attracting the attention of countless monks in the prehistoric world.

"The teacher has made a move. This battle is finally coming to an end."

Both Taiqing Laozi and Nuwa felt the pressure in their bodies was greatly reduced.

After leaving the Taiji diagram to continue to stabilize Honghuang, he rushed to Hongjun's place in a hurry.

"I waited to see the teacher"

Taiqing, Nuwa bowed to Hongjun, especially Taiqing, with a trace of shame on his face.

"As the head of the Taoist sect, the disciple is unable to discipline his junior disciples, so he asks the teacher to punish him."

Hongjun waved his hand, "During the calamity, the sage will also lose his true self, how can you be blamed for this matter?"

"Besides, the Five Saints are at war, and the Great Desolation is on the verge of being broken. If you two hadn't risked the risk of being robbed to protect the Great Desolation, the consequences of the current Great Desolation may be disastrous."

"The disciple is a sage of heaven, these are all his duties."

Hongjun nodded slightly, looking at the Five Sages above Tongguan who were still fighting constantly.

With a wave of his hand, a stream of supreme heavenly clean air fell, divided into five parts, and fell into the Taoist bodies of the people, dispelling the evil spirit of calamity in the bodies of the saints.


The five people's hearts shook, the fighting spirit in their eyes gradually dissipated, and their eyes became clear again.

"How did this prehistoric world become like this?"

"The land collapsed, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the ravines are millions of miles away. Who did this?"

"I'm fighting on Tongguan. Could it be that this scene was all done by us?"

The pupils of the saints shrank fiercely, as a saint of heaven.

Everyone naturally knew how powerful their destructive power was when they shot with all their strength.

Naturally, it will not be easy to make a move in the wild.

Taking action now can only show that when I waited for someone to leave the level, the robbery energy had already entered the body, and I lost my true self.

Wu Sheng thought for a while, and instantly understood the whole process.

I was even more shocked by the horror of the calamity, that the saint entered the calamity without anyone noticing it.

"You have committed such a murder, why don't you come to see the teacher quickly and ask the teacher to forgive him?"

Taiqing gave a light drink to everyone.

Only then did the crowd react, and in a flash, they came to Hongjun and said with shame on their faces.

"Teacher, I waited wrong."

Hongjun looked at Wusheng, his face suddenly became sharp.

"For the sake of selfish interests, for the sake of orthodox disputes, rashly starting a war, affecting hundreds of millions of living beings in the wild, can you be convicted?"

The sound of the Dao sounded, roaring into the ears, as strong as all the saints, and at this moment they were all terrified, only feeling a great coercion rolling in.

"When I know the crime, I shouldn't rush into the robbery. I also ask the teacher to come down."

Hongjun shook his head, "It's not me who you should apologize for right now, but the billions of creatures in this prehistoric world. Let's take a good look at what the prehistoric world has become like today."

All the saints raised their eyes and saw that the vast expanse was a mess.

Mountain peaks shattered, rivers dried up, countless gigantic mountains collapsed, seas turned into mulberry fields, and mulberry fields were submerged by gravel.

Under the ravages of earth, fire, water and wind, it was devastated, setting off millions of miles of ravines.

Such a situation has even surpassed the catastrophe of the Lich that year.

All the prehistoric and desolate races have been greatly injured in this battle. If there is no Taiqing, and Nuwa takes the initiative to protect them, at least [-]% of the creatures of all races will be killed or injured.

Most importantly, the damage caused by the Battle of the Saints is irreversible.

Don't look at Taiqing, under Nuwa's supreme magic power, countless disasters have been contained, and it seems to be calm.

But this is just an appearance, once the saints withdraw their mana, the disaster will come in an instant.

Earth, fire, water, and wind are about to sweep over again, and the entire prehistoric world will probably be turned upside down by then.

Taiqing sighed, "Junior Brothers, we'd better take action together, let's get rid of these disasters first."

"Yes, brother."

Taiqing waved his hand, and the Taiji diagram flew back to his hand in an instant.

Immeasurable mana poured into it, sorting out the spiritual veins of the prehistoric world!
"Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees!"

"Pangu Banner!"

"Qingping Sword!"

"Primary Measuring Ruler!"

"Twelfth Grade Merit Golden Lotus!"

The five saints also shot together, and the supreme mana poured into the Lingbao. For a while, the light of the Lingbao shone on the prehistoric world.

At this moment, under the power of the saints, the earth, fire, water, and wind were gradually subdued.

Floods, hurricanes, storms, sky thunders, ground fires, and countless disasters are constantly suppressed, resolved, and eliminated under the joint efforts of the saints.

The broken mountains were restored, and the dry river flowed out again.

The volcano that was constantly erupting and billowing with thick smoke was automatically extinguished at this moment, and the thick smoke dispersed.

The waters of the four seas, which are full of big waves, are also constantly calming down.

At the same time, the extremely strong innate aura is also recovering rapidly.

Nourishing all things in the world, everything is developing in a good direction.

But, apart from these, the land plate is still shaking!

Just like the tide, it is getting stronger and stronger, and the wave is more violent than the wave!
At the same time as the earth plate shook, countless mountains trembled violently, as if they were about to collapse at any time, and there was a risk of re-leakage.

Taiqing frowned, "Let's increase our mana together, stabilize the earth's veins, and nothing will happen to the prehistoric land."

"Yes, brother."

All the saints once again exerted their strength together, and the supreme power of good fortune gushed out from the bodies of all the people, covering the earth one by one.

"Boom, boom!"

Under the supreme power of the saints, the floor plate seemed to be suppressed, and the vibration frequency was greatly reduced.

Seeing this, the saints breathed a sigh of relief, but before they had rested for a while, the Great Desolate Land Plate once again set off a supreme shock.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The endless shocks and the magic power of the saints continued to compete together, and the earth fell into shaking again.

Taiqing showed a sharp look on his face, and shouted, "Suppress me!"

All the saints exerted their strength together, and the vast and terrifying holy power swept across the nine heavens and ten places, the earth shook, and was immediately suppressed again.

But the saints were also very tired, and they were about to take a breath.

A stronger vibration than the previous few times came over, unprecedented and mighty.

Combined with the power of all the saints, they can't even compete!

The huge power directly sent the saints flying.

On the ground, those ravines stretching millions of feet are constantly deepening.

At a glance, it is unfathomable, reaching the depths of the earth.

In the battle of the saints, the sword energy swept across the sky, and the power of the Lingbao raged.

The endurance of the prehistoric land has already reached a limit.

Now that the limit has been exceeded, the result will be the shattering of the ancestral line and the splitting of the prehistoric world.

At this moment, there was a hint of panic on the faces of all the prehistoric peoples!
"Could it be that gathering the power of all the saints can't stop the Great Desolation from being broken?"

"Honghuang is home, if Honghuang is broken, then where should we go?"

"No, in addition to the saints, there is Daozu, and Daozu hasn't made a move yet!"

In the Jiuchongtian, the faces of all the saints turned pale, knowing that they could not stop the prehistoric from being broken, and flew to Hongjun in a hurry.

"Teacher, the prehistoric world is about to be broken, please help me with my help."

Hongjun, dressed in a Taoist robe, slowly shook his head as he watched this scene.

"The first battle, you have already shattered the ancestral veins of Honghuang. Once the ancestral veins collapse, the ancestral lines will be irreversible."

"Ah, what should I do then?"

The saints were anxious all of a sudden, they were saints of the prehistoric way of heaven, once the prehistoric world really fell apart.

The resentment and karma of all races alone are not something they can bear.

Hongjun sighed, "The current strategy is to let nature take its course, but the prehistoric world is broken, and it is inevitable, so let him be broken."

With a thought, another piece of jade-colored fragment appeared in his hand.

The moment the jade-colored fragments appeared, countless spiritual treasures in the prehistoric world uttered mournful sounds.

As if being suppressed from the source of the life level, trembling!

Even the innate treasures such as Taiji Diagram, Pangu Banner, Zhuxian Sword Formation, and Hongmeng Measuring Ruler trembled slightly.

"If my predictions are correct, this should be a fragment of the Jade Plate of Creation"

Chen Xuanji's pupils shrank, and the jade plate of fortune was among the most treasured treasures of chaos

What is contained in it is not the immortal aura, but the indestructible aura of chaos.

Even if it is just a fragment, it can easily deter the innate treasure!

"Fortune the jade plate, sort out the prehistoric world,"

With a thought in Hongjun's mind, the mana of the saint Jiuchongtian poured into the good fortune jade dish.

On the good fortune jade plate, there was a hazy jade-like divine light in the dusk.

The infinite twilight jade-colored divine light spread at an extremely fast speed, and soon, it enveloped the entire prehistoric desolation.

The ravine that stretches for millions of miles no longer emits huge vibrations, but slowly separates in all directions at an extremely gentle speed.

The earth, fire, water and wind were completely wiped out, the space storm was suppressed with a flick of a finger, and the thunder and earth fire disappeared invisible.

Countless fairy palaces and sacred mountains are constantly changing, gathering, and migrating at this moment!

Hongjun is using his own power to change the world.

Not long after, the ravines of millions of miles on the prehistoric land slowly disappeared.

Countless fairy mountains rise up again. On the fairy mountains, there are birds, beasts, fish and insects, and ancient trees, and a vicissitudes of life blows towards the face.

From the bottom up, there is still no clue or change.

But if you look down from the top, you can see the original whole piece of wild land.

It has been divided into four, divided into four plates of about the same size.

Countless monks in Honghuang watched this scene and opened their mouths wide. Unexpectedly, the battle of the saints actually broke Honghuang.

At this time, a monk breathed out the aura of heaven and earth, with a big shock on his face!
"The prehistoric world is broken, how did the innate aura become the acquired aura?"

"What, Acquired Reiki?"

Countless monks were taken aback, and quickly tried to swallow their spiritual energy.

But it was astonishingly discovered that the spiritual energy circulating in the wilderness had indeed degenerated from the innate spiritual energy to the acquired one.

The congenital aura basically has no impurities, and can be refined after swallowing, but the acquired aura has a lot of impurities.

After swallowing, you have to spend a lot of money to get rid of the impurities in it before you can use it for practice.

It is conceivable that if all the aura of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world degenerates.

The path of cultivation for monks in the future will definitely be more difficult.

In the Nine Heavens, Hongjun swept across the prehistoric world and spoke slowly.

"In this catastrophe, the aura of the catastrophe is strong and the implications are far-reaching, far surpassing the catastrophe of the Dragon and Han, the catastrophe of the Lich, even the saints are deeply trapped in it and cannot extricate themselves, which led to the war of the saints and the destruction of the wilderness."

"Today, I use the remnants of the good luck jade plate to reshape the prehistoric area. From then on, the prehistoric area is divided into four parts, namely east, south, west, and north."

"Dongfang, win the Divine Continent for the East!"

"The West, for Xiniu Hezhou!"

"South, Zhan Buzhou for the South!"

"North, Beiju Luzhou!"

The sound of Hongjun Dao sounded, and it was sent to the ears of everyone in Honghuang clearly and loudly.

After Hongjun finished speaking, he counted with his fingers and continued, "The prehistoric world is split, and the rules of heaven and earth have changed. From then on, all my prehistoric monks, who are under the earth immortal, will survive the thunder calamity every 500 years, and above the earth immortal, every [-] Years pass through one calamity, which is thunder calamity, fire calamity, and wind calamity, if you can survive it, your cultivation will be improved to a higher level, if you can't, you will die and die!"

Every word that Hongjun fell, the hearts of the prehistoric creatures seemed to be hit hard by a sledgehammer.

The degeneration of innate aura into acquired aura has dealt a major blow to the monks' path.

Now, the earth immortals have to overcome thunder disasters, and the earth immortals have to overcome thunder, fire, and wind three disasters, once every 500 years, how can they practice?
Among the prehistoric creatures, Da Luoxian asked.

"Dare to ask the ancestors, the thunder, fire, and wind three kalpas, under the saints, they all cross every 500 years?"

Hongjun shook his head and replied, "Under the Daluo Jinxian, you need to cross, but if you become a Daluo Jinxian, you will be free from catastrophe and will be at ease!"

"So that's it, the disciple has been taught."

The voice of Da Luoxian couldn't help but relax a little, he had already proved Da Luo, so naturally he didn't have to cross the tribulation.

In the Nine Heavens, Hongjun pondered for a while, then continued to speak.

"The prehistoric land was originally opened up in the chaos by the great god Pan Gu. Today, after countless years and countless calamities, generations of creatures have been born. The strength is uneven, so great contradictions have arisen."

"Now, the prehistoric world is divided into four, and I, Hongjun, want to divide the prehistoric world into three realms, in order to regulate the four seasons of yin and yang, stabilize the order, and formulate rules!"

In the midst of the prehistoric times, someone came out to ask again, "Dare to ask the ancestors, which Three Realms are they?"

Hongjun said, "The first realm is the Earth Immortal Realm, which is the land of the four major continents. Anyone who has obtained the Earth Immortal Dao Fruit can go to the Earth Immortal Realm to practice!"

"The second realm is the human realm, where the monks below the earth immortals of the prehistoric races live. The earth immortal monks must not go to the human realm to stir up yin and yang for no reason!"

"The third realm is the Nether Realm. This realm is under the control of Empress Pingxin. It is the Nether Underworld, where the six realms of reincarnation are located. After all living beings of the prehistoric and desolate races fall, they all belong to the Nether Realm!"

After Hongjun's voice fell, the jade dish in his hand vibrated slightly.

The supreme magic power was unleashed, and countless seven-color brilliance separated the human world from the earth fairy world, and the human world from the nether world.

The two barriers look extremely simple, but they contain the power of heaven, plus the power of the treasure of chaos, they are as strong as the six saints, and they cannot be broken!

After settling the human world, Hongjun's aura became serious, and he looked at the saints.

"The division of the prehistoric world and the division of the three realms are all caused by your unscrupulous actions. From then on, for immeasurable kalpas, saints are not allowed to act in the three realms!"

Although Hongjun's voice was flat, it carried infinite majesty, and it fell heavily on the hearts of the saints.

"Yes, the disciple understands."

The saints didn't dare to be careless, and quickly nodded in agreement.

 There is one more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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