Chapter 219
There is only one person in Li's family, and his husband enlisted in the army half a year ago.

Not long ago, the news of his death came, and along with the news of the death came a very meager pension.

Before Li's husband went to join the army, Li was pregnant.

When the news of her husband's death came, Li cried and wanted to go with her husband.

But thinking of the unborn child in her womb, she couldn't help becoming stronger.

Li was pregnant in October and finally gave birth to a son.

The moment the child was born, above the sky, there were thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors.

The boundless and dense twilight purple air spread, sweeping three thousand miles mightily.

Infinite auspiciousness, countless auspicious beasts have evolved, singing continuously, as if celebrating the birth of a baby.

In Shouyang Mountain, in the Palace of Eight Views, Taiqing showed a smile on his face.

"My avatar was born in this world, and I don't know how much luck this preaching can bring to my human religion!"

In Kunlun Mountain, in Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi's face was a bit solemn.

"Senior brother's avatar has been born, and I will wait faster!"

The human world is in chaos, the Spring and Autumn Period is vying for hegemony, and there are many countries. This is a great opportunity to preach.

At the same time, under such circumstances, time is extremely precious, and it can be called a race against time.

Whoever's avatar is born first will have a great advantage innately.

On Jinao Island, in Biyou Palace, a smile flashed across the handsome face of Master Tongtian, "My avatar will be born soon!"

Emperor Fengdu is Taoist Mosquito, and Taoist Mosquito is a clone of Chen Xuanji.

With this level of relationship, the Six Paths of Reincarnation is naturally an open door for the leader of Tongtian, and the efficiency is extremely high.

In the west, on Mount Sumeru, next to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Zhunti, Jieyin has a tense expression on his face.

"Brother Taiqing's speed is really not slow, I have to speed up, once I fall behind, it will be difficult to catch up."

In Qurenli, after the baby was born, Bai Nen held a small golden pagoda in her little hand, and Li named it Li Er.

Li Er was born extraordinary, possessed great luck, could speak in three days, walk in five days, and possessed great wisdom.

Half a year after Li Er was born, a baby was also born in the land of Qin State in the Spring and Autumn Period.

On the day when the baby was born, the immortal air of the upper qing was lingering, the twilight air was dense, and the rays of light swept across the Three Realms!
The baby cried, and immediately, the sound was like thunder, and the Three Realms shook!
"Shangqing Immortal Qi, this is the avatar of the Shangqing Sage!"

Babies have great wisdom, can speak in three days, and can walk in five days. They also have great blessings.

"My name is Tao Hongjing"

This baby is the reincarnation of the master of Tongtian sect, a touch of primordial spirit.

Tao Hongjing is the mortal pseudonym given to him by Shangqing.

Another year later, the land of Yan Kingdom of the Spring and Autumn Kingdoms.

The immortal energy of endless Yuqing shrouded, the energy of evening mist rose, and another baby was born.

On the day the baby was born, he was holding an exquisite jade Ruyi in his hand, and his mother named the baby Zhang Daoling.

When the baby was born, it was also accompanied by the sound of golden bells and jades colliding, which spread throughout the earth and fell into the ears of countless great monks in the wild.

"The sound of golden bells and jades running out, this is the birth of the Yuanshi sage of Kunlun Mountain!"

Half a year later, the human world, the western land, and the capital of Zheng Guo.

Two babies were born, and when the two babies were born, bursts of golden Brahma light shrouded nine heavens and ten earths.

Each of the two babies held a golden bodhi seed, and a wave of compassion emerged.

In the midair, golden auspicious clouds burst into bursts, turning into endless auspicious auspiciousness, covering Zheng Guo.

The two saints of the West also reincarnated successfully, one named Sakyamuni and the other Mani.

Following the successive reincarnations of the saints, Yujing Mountain, the land of the human race.

The Human Race Temple unexpectedly vibrated inexplicably, alarming all the strong people of the Human Race.

"The human temple is shaking, what's going on?"

"The temple of the human race has never seen such a vision since it was built. I'll go and see it together."

"Okay, let's go."

Under the leadership of Suirenshi, the monks of the human race quickly came to the temple of the human race.

I saw above the temple, the Golden Dragon of Luck stretched, hidden in the clouds and mist, surrounded by endless literary energy.

At this moment, immeasurable literary energy surged, and a strand suddenly separated, flew towards the human world, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and turned their attention to Cang Jie.

Cang Jie also waved his hands, and said with a wry smile, "Don't all look at me, everyone, I don't know why this time the literary spirit is shaken."

Suirenshi pondered for a while, then said solemnly, "Will that pose a threat to the luck of our human race?"

Now the human world is no longer dominated by great merchants, the luck of the emperor is scattered, and the nations are vying for hegemony.

In case of being manipulated by someone with ulterior motives and threatening the luck of the human race, it is very possible.

Hearing this, Cang Jie's face suddenly became serious.

"I promise, it will never affect the luck of the human race."

After all, Cangjie was a literary sage, although he didn't know what would happen if his literary spirit fell into the human world.

But this wisp of literary spirit originated from him, and everything is under control.

A wisp of literary spirit from the human temple flew to the human world and fell into the land of Zouyi, the country of Lu.

A year later, in the land of Zouyi, a baby was born.

When he was born, he was full of literary spirit. Because of the depression on the top of his head, he was named by his mother, Kong Qiu!
At the same time, Styx and Zhen Yuanzi also came to the human world through the six channels of reincarnation in the nether world.

Zhenyuanzi and Minghe are both sub-sage cultivators. After coming to the human world, they each restrained their mana and found a way to make a living.

Styx chose to be a butcher, and Zhen Yuanzi chose to be a teacher.

The two hibernated silently, waiting for their chance to prove the Tao at the same time!
Time flies, time flies, and in the blink of an eye, 20 years have passed.

Li Er has great wisdom and talent. At the age of 13, he helped a poor family get rich.

At the same time, he was valued by the county magistrate of Ku County, who was responsible for managing the entire Qurenli.

Under the rule of Li Er, the poor Qurenli changed its appearance greatly in just three years. It is peaceful, happy, peaceful, and there is no more hunger.

Not to mention Ku County, but looking at the entire territory of Chen State, it is a first-class good place, and this year, Li Er was only 16 years old.

Li Er became very famous, and people in Chen State said that Ku County had produced a great talent.

The king of Chen Guo paid attention to Li Erlai and ordered Li Er to come to Chen Guoguo to be an official.

Li Er bid farewell to his mother and came to the capital alone. He became the prime minister and assisted the king in governing the country of Chen.

Li Er is indeed very talented. With Li Er's help, Chen Guo's national power has doubled in just four years.

The surrounding countries that came to Chen Guo from time to time to fight the autumn wind did not dare to offend Chen Guo anymore.

And this year, Li Er was only 20 years old.

Li Er's achievements made King Chen overjoyed, and when he was about to make Li Er the prime minister and take charge of all the officials, Li Er shook his head and refused.

"My Majesty, Li Er's ambition is not in the Chen Kingdom, but in the four directions. The position of prime minister is not Li Er's wish."

King Chen's face was full of regret, so he had to give up.

Li Er resigned his official position and began to travel around the world, enlightening Taoism at the same time.

A sage, who has gone through thousands of kalpas without grinding, is not stained with cause and effect, is always with the sky, and coexists with the Tao, the level is really too high.

Transformation, travel around the world, and enlightenment while preaching, is also of great benefit to oneself.

Qin Guo, Tao Hongjing, and the reincarnation of Shangqing are also very outstanding.

At the age of ten, he began to help local officials handle government affairs, which was well received by everyone.

Tao Hongjing was promoted all the way, and it went smoothly, and he soon became an official in the central government.

Tao Hongjing has been an official for ten years, and with his help, the Qin State, which was not considered weak, became stronger and stronger.

When Tao Hongjing was 20 years old, he resigned from the King of Qin State, and planned to travel around the world and travel in various ways.

Although the King of Qin was reluctant to give up, seeing that Tao Hongjing had made up his mind, he had no choice but to agree.
On the other side, in the land of Yan State, Yuqing's avatar Zhang Daoling also thrived and became an official of Yan State, assisting the King of Yan State.

In just a few years, the national power of Yan State has become stronger and stronger.

At the age of 20, Zhang Daoling resigned and officially began to travel around the world.

In the land of Lu, the land of Zou, when Kong Qiu was just born, like ordinary people, he did not show much wisdom.

But when he does things, he is extraordinarily serious, and he is meticulous in learning anything.

When Confucius was 15 years old, he began to assist the county magistrate in Zouyi. In three years, the environment in Zouyi changed drastically.

The king of the state of Lu listened and prepared to call Confucius into the capital for reuse.

But at this time, Kong Qiu's mother was seriously ill and needed to be by her side from time to time.

Kong Qiu rejected the king's invitation, resigned from Zouyi, and returned home to take care of his mother.

For three years, Kong Qiu couldn't take off his clothes, worked hard day and night, and served the decoction, but finally he couldn't save his mother.

Yan's illness was critical, and before he died, he called Kong Qiu to his side with tears in his eyes.

"In the past three years, my son has served by my side day and night. It is indeed hard work. After I pass away, my son does not need to be sad, and live for himself well."

After Yan finished speaking, her hands fell limply, and she lost her breath.

Kong Qiu buried his mother, took the only remaining family assets, and left the state of Lu alone.
Time passed in a blink of an eye, and several years passed, and the Dao Qi spreading in the human world became more and more intense.

At the same time, countless geniuses and sages were born one after another.

Mozi, Mozi, both love non-gong!
Su Qin, the strategist, unites vertical and horizontal!

Zou Yan, the yin and yang family, yin and yang and the five elements!

Legalist Shang Yang ruled the country according to law!
The farm promises to go, the agricultural plan!
Military strategist Sun Tzu, Sun Tzu's Art of War!
Yunmeng Ghost Valley, all over the place!
The strong Dao Qi fell, and in just a few years, all the schools of thought emerged, and the human world, great sages came out, and it became lively like never before.

Hundreds of schools of thought wander among the countries, spreading ideas to each other, expressing their own opinions, and constantly fighting for each other.

Sometimes when the fight reaches a climax, one can't help but express one's own core ideas and core inheritance in one word, discussing and attacking each other.

Minghe and Zhenyuanzi are mixed among the various countries, listening to the opinions of hundreds of schools, and constantly increasing their own background and Taoism.

In the blink of an eye, 30 or [-] years have passed.

On this day, a strong man with a height of more than [-] meters and wearing a sword was running on the road of Lu State.

Behind the strong man, dozens of disciples followed.

The brawny man is tall, fat, strong, and holds a sword, but he is not fierce or intimidating.

On the contrary, it makes people feel a sense of righteousness rushing towards their faces, which is very kind.

This strong man is none other than Confucius who has traveled around the world for many years.

The dozens of people behind Confucius are the disciples accepted by the sect.

Yan Hui, Zilu, Min Sun, Yan Xing, Ran Geng, Ran Yong, Cao Xue, Ran Qiu, etc.
Pedestrians were marching towards the capital of the state of Lu, especially Kong Qiu, who was very excited.

In the past few decades, Confucius traveled around the world and collided with various schools of thought, but he always felt that it was not too enjoyable.

When he came back this time, he wanted to ask the King of Lu to build a large doctoral study palace in the territory of Lu.

Wouldn't it be fun to invite all the scholars and families to discuss the Tao together?
Soon, Kong Qiu returned to the capital of the State of Lu. At this time, the King of the State of Lu was no longer the King of the State of Lu, but his eldest son.

Confucius traveled all over the world and became famous. He is a great sage known far and wide.

King Lu didn't care about Kong Qiu's refusal of his father.

Instead, they summoned him into the palace, treated him well, and valued Confucius very much.

After the banquet, Kong Qiu took advantage of the opportunity and told about the construction of the Doctoral Palace.

In the Ph.D. Palace, all schools of thought can discuss and communicate with each other, and the most important thing is freedom.

Feel free to speak your mind without getting offended for inappropriate words.

When the King of Lu State heard this, he was overjoyed. He was of average strength in the State of Lu.

If he builds a doctorate palace, he will definitely be able to recruit talents from all over the world to use for him. Then, why not worry about the prosperity of the Lu country?

Immediately, he said, "Mr. has such an ambition, how can Gu not agree?"

Immediately, the king of the state of Lu ordered people to select a site in the capital and start construction.

King Lu intended to attract the world's talents into my trap, so he paid a high price.

The scale of the doctor's study palace is extraordinarily grand, with pavilions, pavilions, and palaces stretching, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres!
It took a full ten years from the beginning of construction to the completion!
In ten years, with a doctoral degree in Gongcheng, the Dao Qi in the human world has suddenly risen to another level.

In the center of the academy, Confucius drew up hundreds of invitations, and ordered 72 disciples to send them to hundreds of schools, inviting them to come to the palace for doctoral studies to discuss Taoism.

The disciples obeyed Confucius' words, received the money, ran around, and quickly delivered it to the hands of various schools of thought.

"The capital of the state of Lu, the doctor's study palace, Confucius, what a bold man!"

"It's such a school to discuss Taoism, how can I not go to my Yinyang family?"

"Interesting. It is rumored that Kong Qiu is a man of great talent. I want to see if it is exaggerated."

All of a sudden, the minds of the various schools of thought were filled with the idea of ​​fighting for the front, and they all took action and rushed to the Doctor's Palace.

Outside Hangu Pass, Li Er rode a big green ox and drove towards Lu country slowly, muttering something.

"The Dao can be the Tao, the very Tao, the name can be named, the very name, the nameless, the beginning of the heaven and the earth, and the mother of all things. Therefore, there is always no desire, to observe the wonderful, there is always desire, to observe its beauty."

At this moment, Li Er's hair was gray, but his complexion was ruddy and lustrous, and the breath around him seemed to be boundless and boundless.

He patted the green bull's horns, and said with a smile, "Niu'er, let's go, follow me to the doctor's study palace, I want to see what kind of true biography there are."

On the other side, Zhang Daoling, Tao Hongjing, Sakyamuni, and Mani also became interested in the Doctoral Academy.

One after another set foot on the itinerary, wanting to refute everyone and make their own orthodox and famous in the world.

Time passed, and another year passed in the blink of an eye, and finally it was the day of the discussion.

Hundreds of schools of thought have already arrived in the capital of Lu State, waiting for the opening of the academy to discuss the Tao.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In front of the gate of the academy, the golden bell rang, and the sound of Taoism curled up, cleansing the soul.

Immediately afterwards, the crimson gate, which was several feet high, creaked and slowly separated to the two sides.

Two young boys with red lips and white teeth, dressed in white clothes and with two temples on their heads, appeared and bowed their hands to everyone.

"The day of discussion is open, Mr. Kong Qiu invites you to enter."

(End of this chapter)

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