Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 220 Li Erli's Daoism is established by the Shangqing faction!

Chapter 220 Li Erli's Daoism is established by the Shangqing faction!

Seeing that Kong Qiu only asked two boys to come out to meet them, everyone felt a sense of being slighted.

My heart suddenly ignited, just as I was about to speak.

Inside the vermilion gate, two more figures walked out, they were Yan Hui and Zilu, the seventy-two disciples of Confucius.

The two walked out from the vermilion gate, bowed their hands and saluted everyone with a gentle attitude.

"My master asked me to come out to meet you gentlemen, please come with me, gentlemen."

Yan Hui and Zilu traveled around the world with Confucius, and their reputations are not small.

Seeing the two of them came out to greet each other, they were polite and courteous, and most of the anger in their hearts was suddenly extinguished.

But still secretly made a decision in his heart, vowing to refute Confucius, let his own family be famous in the world.

Styx mixed in the crowd, and Zhen Yuanzi looked at each other with a smile when he saw the changes in the expressions of the various scholars.

The minds of all schools of thought rose up to fight for the front, so that they could steal the most core inheritance.

Furthermore, since all schools of thought want to preach, their thoughts will be spread sooner or later, they just listened to it one step ahead of others.

"I have heard about Mr. Yan Hui for a long time. Mr. Zilu is Mr. Kong Qiu's favorite disciple. When I saw him today, I am really extraordinary."

"My way of Yunmeng is a long-term struggle. I came here this time because I want to learn the way of thinking of Mr. Confucius."

"Come on, let's go in together, and see if this doctoral academy is as comprehensive as the letter says."

"Haha, I've been looking forward to it for a long time, let's all go in and have a look."

Everyone was received by Yan Hui, Zi Lu and two young boys.

One by one, they all entered the Doctoral Palace soon.

The doctor's study palace was built by the King of Lu at a great cost, with pavilions, pavilions, secluded forest trails, and grand halls.

Most importantly, there are books, countless books, all-encompassing.

It can be said that it has contained all the books circulating in the various countries throughout the Spring and Autumn Period.

Just to hold these books, several grand halls are needed.

Even the Yinyang family, the Mohist family, the peasant family, the military family and other schools of thought could not help sighing as they watched this scene.

"Doctoral Palace, all-inclusive, worthy of the name!"

"Storing all the books from all over the world and bringing them together in the doctor's study palace, King Lu is very bold."

"The Palace of Doctoral Studies gathers ancient books from the Spring and Autumn Period, and it can be called the greatest treasure in the world."

Zilu, Yan Hui smiled at the crowd and pointed to the main hall of the Academy.

"The teacher is already waiting for you in the academy, gentlemen, please."

Hearing the words, the various schools of thought pushed open the vermilion door.

Seeing the two-meter-two man with bulging muscles, Kong Xuan, who is strong and powerful, was sitting on the head, and an unusually thick and unusual style rushed towards his face.

Under Kong Qiu, there are seventy disciples under his sect, all dressed in long gowns, with warm faces, nodding to everyone.

Everyone raised their eyes and looked at Kong Qiu carefully, but saw that Kong Qiu's eyes were piercing.

The whole body exudes an extraordinary, friendly, and elegant taste, which has nothing to do with that huge body.

It is the schools of thought that did not have a good impression of Confucius at the beginning.

At this time, the attitude towards Confucius also changed inadvertently.

He said silently in his heart, "Kong Qiu, there are indeed some brushes."

Seeing that almost everyone had come, Kong Qiu got up quickly and waved his hands to everyone.

"Dr. Gong Kongqiu, I have met all gentlemen, great sages."

They were all educated people, and they also bowed their hands to Kong Qiu, "I have met Mr. Kong Qiu."

After everyone finished speaking, they sat down one by one. After everyone was seated, someone couldn't wait to speak.

"Dare to ask fellow Taoist Confucius, when will the discussion begin?"

There are hundreds of schools of thought with different ideas and concepts. In the past few decades, although they have been fermented in the Spring and Autumn Kingdoms.

But among the crowd, most of them only heard his voice, but not his person.

Naturally, they can't understand the essence of the various schools of thought, so some people can't wait at this time.

Kong Qiu said with a slight smile, "Don't panic, sir, I'm not here yet."

"Not yet, who else is there?"

The man glanced around for a week and didn't feel that anyone was absent.

At this time, someone responded in a low voice, "Mr. Chen Guo Li Er, Qin Guo Mr. Tao Hongjing, Yan Guo Mr. Zhang Daoling, and Zheng Guo Sakyamuni and Mr. Mani, it seems that the future is not yet."

The man looked around again and slapped his head, "How could I have forgotten these great sages!"

Outside the doctor's study palace, Li Er rode a blue bull, and rushed to the doctor's study palace in a melodious manner.

The Dao Qi on the body became thicker, astonishing, spread, and fell down, turning into Dao Yun and spreading to all directions.

At the same time, in the east corner, Tao Hongjing was wearing a long gown.

Riding a black bull with triangles, he also has a powerful aura and is completely natural.

Faintly, there is a hint of vigor to compete with the world!
Zhang Daoling is holding the three treasures, Ruyi, sitting in a carriage, sitting upright with a solemn expression.

The young man drove the carriage in front of him and rushed to the Doctoral Palace.

In the west corner, Sakyamuni and Mani looked like ascetic monks, walking barefoot, slowly and firmly coming to the doctor's palace.

Buddhism is fundamentally incomparable to other Taoist schools. If you want to prosper, you can only succeed if you persevere and have a firm heart.

And running barefoot, working your body and skin, it is easier to temper a firm will.

In the north corner, a handsome man in a luxurious brocade robe.

Followed by five servants, they walked towards the Doctor's Palace without haste.

The man had a dignified aura, and a domineering aura rushed towards his face, like an emperor visiting in private, full of inviolable majesty.

The handsome man is none other than the demon emperor Lu Ya, and the five servants are naturally the five great demon saints.

The demon court was first established, even though there was a Hunyuan Daluo like him sitting in charge.

But the foundation, the background, is still not as good as the heaven after conferring the gods.

Therefore, Lu Ya wanted to publicize the demon court in the land of Luzhou in Beiju, so as to continuously attract talents to be used by the demon clan.

Everyone was not slow, and quickly rushed to the doctor's palace.

In front of Xuegong, Li Er, Tao Hongjing, Zhang Daoling, Sakyamuni, Mani, and Lu Ya finally met.

Li Er was the first to be born among the saints, and he was the oldest. At this time, he bowed his hands and smiled at everyone.

"Chen Guoli Er, I have met you gentlemen."

"I've seen Mr. Li Er."

Everyone also looked solemn. Li Er was the oldest, and Taoism spread to all countries.

Although what was disseminated was not the most essential content, it was still regarded as a guest by the kings of various countries, with a very high status and worthy of respect.

At this time, the vermilion gate opened again, Zilu and Yan Hui came out and bowed their hands to the crowd.

"My teacher invites you gentlemen to enter the doctoral palace to discuss the Tao."

Seeing that Kong Qiu didn't come out to meet them in person, Zhang Daoling was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything after all.

Under the leadership of Yan Hui and Zilu, a group of people came to the academy quickly and sat down one by one.

With the return of the various schools of thought, the Three Realms were in turmoil for a while.

Dao Qi in the human world suddenly rose up, covering the sky and covering the sun, turbulent and turbulent, and countless monks in the prehistoric world were taken aback.

Hundreds of schools of thought are competing for the top. It seems that this time the saints are determined to preach in the human world and compete for luck.

In this wave of competition, no one can give in. If they give in, they will definitely suffer a big loss.

In the doctor's study palace, Zilu looked at all the scholars, nodded his head, took out a book of bamboo slips, and said loudly.

"My king of the Lu Kingdom negotiated and negotiated with other countries, and finally reached an agreement. All schools of thought can speak freely in the Ph. , so gentlemen, you can express all the thoughts in your heart without any worries."

Zilu's words were equivalent to giving everyone a reassurance.

After hearing this, all the scholars couldn't help but relax a little bit, and the confidence on their faces became stronger.

Obviously, without the influence of external factors, the self-confidence of various schools of thought is not weaker than others.

Li Er looked around, stood up and smiled at everyone, "I'm the oldest, so I'll come first."

After he finished speaking, he pinched his fingers and smiled, "Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature!"

Li Er's voice fell, and there was a huge roar in the Doctor's Palace.

The terrifying Dao Qi rushed straight into the sky, stretched upwards, and swept all directions!
Everyone's eyes were a little bit dignified, Li Er's way was really tyrannical.

Zou Yan smiled, and also stood up, standing with his hands behind his back, with an incomparable bearing.

"Innate five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, too!"

"Wood restrains earth, earth restrains water, water restrains fire, fire restrains metal, metal restrains wood, so the five elements restrain each other!"

With a few words from Zou Yan, the Dao exhausted the essence of the five innate elements, and there was also a majestic Dao Qi rising behind it!

Tao Hongjing stood up and smiled, "There is no virtue in the upper way, but there is only virtue in the lower way. The great way is fifty-fold, and 49 is a fixed number. What we are looking for is that glimmer of life!"

Buddhist Sakyamuni, Mani twirled a flower and smiled, "Sitting is Zen, walking is also Zen, one flower is one world, one leaf is one Tathagata, spring comes, flowers turn green, autumn leaves fall, infinite Prajna."

For a moment, endless bursts of Brahma light shrouded the doctor's study palace, and the true meaning of Buddhism was fully explained by the two saints.

The farmer Xu Xing said, "The prosperity of government is to follow the people's will, and the abolition of government is to go against the people's will."

Shang Yang, a legalist, "Clear the source and rule the country by law!"

Sun Bin, a military strategist, "Soldiers are deceitful!"

Yunmeng Guigu, "Those who sway, the Dao is magnified, and the theory is also changed."

The three people's voices fell, and the infinite Dao Qi rose, fighting against everyone.

At the end, Lu Ya also got up and said, "The destiny is not permanent, but there is virtue in returning."

In an instant, a majestic aura of kingship rose up, sweeping the academy.

On the first seat, Confucius smiled, "Whoever loves others will always love them, and whoever respects others will always respect them."

As soon as Kong Qiu's voice fell, the majestic cultural energy rose up, and the refined Taoist energy blessed his body.

Hundreds of schools of thought discussed Taoism in the doctor's study palace, expounding the true meaning of their own Taoism, Minghe, and Zhen Yuanzi enlightened Taoism outside the doctor's study palace.

Styx and Zhenyuanzi are both extremely ancient quasi-sacred monks who are pedantic about heaven and man.

But at this time, listening to the opinions of various schools of thought, unexpectedly also gained a lot.

Especially Zhen Yuanzi, who listened obsessively, as if he had encountered a treasure.

Styx didn't take it seriously at first, but the more he listened, the more serious his face became.

Hearing the end, he was as fascinated as Zhen Yuanzi.

This discussion lasted for a full month before it came to an end.

When discussing Taoism, above the doctor's study palace, the Taoist energy lingers and lingers, the purple energy comes from the east, and the majestic literary energy hangs down from the nine heavens, manifesting infinite visions, auspicious beasts, colorful clouds, and streamers.

One month later, the discussion of Dao was over, Li Er, Tao Hongjing, Zhang Daoling, Mohists, Legalists, Military Schools, Farmers, Yin-Yang Schools, Strategists and other schools of thought also had a great harvest and returned with a full load.

Minghe and Zhen Yuanzi also left the doctoral study palace, and the aura of the two of them was more condensed than a month ago, better than ten thousand years of hard work.

Between the eyebrows, the crystal light kept flickering, and the whole body seemed to have a great sublimation.

Zhen Yuanzi sighed, "I have practiced for ten thousand years in Longevity Mountain, it is not as good as a month in this doctor's study palace."

"I have really gained a lot this month in the doctoral study palace. I don't know when the second doctoral study palace will start."

Excitement shone in Styx's brows, his opportunity to prove the Dao of Styx is here!

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed.

In the past ten years, hundreds of schools of thought have traveled around the world and preached to the world.

The strength of the countries began to gradually become stronger.

The seven countries of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, and Qin also greatly increased their national power, and began to continuously conquer and expand their territory.

For a time, the human world was raging with flames of war, but the thoughts of various schools of thought did not wither because of the endless war, but became more prosperous.

At the same time, because of preaching, the luck of the saints began to increase slowly.

Although not much, it is like a trickle, steadily increasing every moment.

The land of Lu State, because of the existence of the Doctoral Palace, unexpectedly avoided the flames of war.

Confucius, with 72 disciples, lived in the doctoral palace, studying the ways of various schools of thought.

On this day, in the doctor's study palace, Kong Qiu summoned his 72 disciples again, and said with a smile.

"The time has come, it's time for the second discussion, and I have to work hard for you to hand over these letters to all schools of thought."

The 72 disciples took the letter, set off without stopping, and sent the letter to hundreds of schools of thought.

A year later, hundreds of schools of thought gathered in the Palace of Doctoral Studies for the second seminar.

The second discussion lasted for half a year before it ended.

This time, there was no abnormal phenomenon, and no purple energy, but the Dao energy spreading between heaven and earth became thicker and thicker.

Minghe and Zhen Yuanzi were also immersed in this discussion, and their temperament became more transparent.

Especially Styx, whose murderous aura was completely restrained in his body.

Even if the saint came in person, if he didn't pay attention, he might even be deceived.

Styx had a premonition that when the third discussion was over, it would be his opportunity to prove the Tao.

Time flies, like fine sand, and another ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, in the doctor's study palace, Kong Qiu got up in person and rang the golden bell in the doctor's study palace.

For a moment, the clear sound of Dao resounded throughout the world and fell into the ears of all scholars.

A hundred schools of thought were inspired, and they all spontaneously came to the Doctor's Palace.

Yan Hui and Zilu looked at Kong Qiu excitedly in the palace, "Can we set up a school?"

All the 72 disciples of Confucius knew exactly what their teacher's goal was.

Kong Qiu shook his head, "It's still a little short, but after this discussion, it should be fine."

Everyone nodded and didn't say anything, but the excitement and excitement in their expressions were beyond words.

Soon, hundreds of schools of thought gathered in the doctor's school palace and began to discuss the Tao again.

This time, the Dao discussion lasted for a whole year. During this time, Dao Qi surged above the doctor's study palace, turning into a long dragon, roaring the world.

The entire doctorate palace seems to have become the focus of the human world.

And Minghe, Zhenyuanzi, is like a sponge, absorbing the essence of various schools of thought and perfecting his own way.

In the academy, Li Er got up, and his aura climbed to the ground.

He pointed to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, and his whole body was extremely peaceful, tolerant of heaven and earth.

"Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things, and the law of Tao is natural!"

"Taoism, stand up!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" As Li Er's voice fell, the entire human world resounded with a roar.

Endless majestic luck rose from above his head, and then slowly fell down.

There are countless great powers in Honghuang, and boundless shock flashed in his eyes, "The sage of the Taiqing created Taoism, this... brings about strong luck!"

"Although the human religion has been handed down in the same line, the luck is still extremely terrifying. Now adding a Taoist religion, hey, isn't it going to be on par with the Jiejiao!"

"The saints of the Taiqing established Taoism, and I don't know what sects other saints will establish."

Hong Huang's countless powers whispered, full of curiosity.

It is not easy to establish a religion. If you establish a religion in the earth and immortal world, strength, teachings, and the treasure of suppressing luck are indispensable.

For example, in Fengshen Yanyi, you have all the teachings, strength, disciples, and teachings, but you lack a spirit treasure that suppresses luck.

Therefore, although it is said that ten thousand immortals come to court, the foundation is actually not as stable as other saints.

But to establish a religion in the human world, you don't need any treasure to suppress luck.

It can be established only if one's own thoughts and inheritance are recognized by the Dao of Heaven.

Today, the establishment of Taoism is obviously recognized by the Dao of Heaven.

In the doctor's study palace, all the scholars looked at Li Er, and couldn't help thinking, and secretly admired Li Er.

At this time, in the midair, billows of luck flowed down, pouring into Li Er's body.

In an instant, Li Er seemed to be awakened, and the aura in his body rose steadily.

Mortal Four Realms!

Earth Immortal!

What a fairy!




Quasi holy!

Then from the quasi-sage realm, soar all the way to the sub-sage!

At this moment, the sub-sage's breath swept through the Three Realms!
At this time, Tao Hongjing also got up, and said in a clear voice, "Da Dao is 49, Tianyan is [-], Dudu is one of them, my teaching, I am willing to intercept this lifeline for all living beings!"

"Shangqing faction, stand up!"

As Tao Hongjing's voice fell, the Nine Heavens roared, the Dao sounded, and the majestic power of the Heavenly Dao poured into Tao Hongjing's body.

His aura began to rise steadily, and soon, he also reached the sub-sage, and the power of the sub-sage swept the Three Realms.

(End of this chapter)

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