Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 230 The Miserable Ksitigarbha's 6-Winged Cicada Transformation!

Chapter 230 Miserable Ksitigarbha Six-Winged Cicada Transformation!

"Make an oath to heaven?"

The corners of Houtu's mouth curled up, and a sneer appeared on his face as he said.

"This is not the world of the earth and immortals, this is the world of the nether world, this is the site of the six paths of reincarnation, and the oath of the heavens does not matter here!"

"If you don't believe me, let Jizo try."

Zhunti, upon hearing the introduction, his expression suddenly changed slightly?
As Ping Xin said, in the nether world, the oath of heaven doesn't work?
The two immediately gave Dizang a look, and asked Dizang to give it a try.

Ksitigarbha nodded in understanding, and with a thought, the true teaching of Buddhism and the supreme Western magic method were displayed.

The golden Brahma lights, like waves, spread wildly in all directions with Ksitigarbha as the center.

Infinite love, compassion, and compassion spread.


Dizang waved, and casually brought a dead soul from the Earth Wonderland over.

The dead soul had a strange shape, with six arms, two heads, and hard and thick scales all over its body.

There was a blood-colored aura covering his whole body, and a fierce aura rushed towards his face.

Obviously, this is a very vicious beast. Even in the underworld, it has to go through eighteen levels of hell before it can be reincarnated.

"I use the wonderful method of Buddhism to save the souls of the dead. The way of heaven is above, and the way of heaven can learn from it!"

Dizang gave a soft drink, and the golden Brahma light completely enveloped the dead soul as if he didn't want money.

The golden Brahma light shrouded the murderous ghost, as if the blazing sun met the cold ice and snow.

The strong evil spirit is constantly reducing and dissipating.

After a while, the body of the dead soul returned to normal.

A pair of blood-colored eyes also gradually recovered their clarity, apparently returning to their original self.

"Thank you, Master, for your salvation."

The dead soul saluted Ksitigarbha respectfully, with a grateful face.

Now that I understand my true self, all evil spirits are gone, and reincarnation naturally does not need to go through the pain of eighteen levels of hell.

And after reincarnation, there is a high probability that you will be able to vote for a good identity.
For the undead, this is a chance, a very heaven-defying chance.

"My Buddha is merciful and merciful, and I don't want the world to suffer this kind of suffering, so I sent me down to save you. Now that my merits and virtues are complete, please enter the reincarnation and go back."


The dead soul nodded respectfully, flew towards the six realms of reincarnation, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A dead soul was saved, and there was a slight vibration in the six reincarnations.

Then, a ray of luck fell, and some of them fell into the six realms of reincarnation.

The other part fell into the Book of Life and Death in Fengdu's hands.

Not a single bit of it fell on Jizo.

"how come."

Dizang has incredible eyes, he is the main force to save the souls of the dead.

It's so unreasonable that I didn't get any luck
As for Zhunti, Jieyin's expression turned ugly.

In the nether world, the oath of heaven doesn't work.

Wouldn't all their efforts be in vain?
As for making an authentic oath?

In the Netherworld, Ping Xin is the authentic spokesperson.

If there is no sincere agreement, how can the earth treasure be recognized by the authentic way, how can it enter the underworld, share the merits, and share the luck?
All the powerhouses of the three realms saw this scene, and couldn't help laughing secretly.

The bamboo basket fetched water in vain, and the west planned for Ksitigarbha and Buddhism for a long time, but there was no result at all, which is ridiculous.

Jinao Island, Biyou Palace, and the Master Tongtian had a smile on his face.

"Luck in the netherworld is something that Buddhism can obtain, Zhunti, I'm still too impatient to receive guidance."

At the other corner of Jinao Island, Chen Xuanji also smiled.

"The plan to carve up the Netherworld's luck has failed. With Tu's temperament, it is not so easy to simply leave the Netherworld."

Ever since he set up Netherworld, Chen Xuanji has dealt with Houtu a lot.

Houtu, benevolent, compassionate, has a heart of pity for all things.

But it doesn't mean that Houtu is a good old man, the Holy Mother.

In Houtu's body, the blood of the ancestral witch also flowed.

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches fought against each other, and they refused to accept anyone.

Although Hou Tu is a generation of women, he also has a hard side.

This time Zhun mentioned, Jieyin led Ksitigarbha to break into the nether world without authorization, made a great wish of heaven, and forced the underworld to give up some luck, Houtu was really angry.

Underworld, Zhunti, Jieyin sighed, the west is too difficult, every step is so difficult.
But this time, it's okay, although the Ksitigarbha did not successfully settle in the Netherworld, but he didn't lose anything.

Zhunti, Jieyin sighed, and arched his hands at Pingxin.

"It seems that Earth Store does not have this blessing to seek a share of the blessings for the creatures of the three realms. If so, then we will not bother."

Zhunti, after the introduction, he waved a wave of mana and enveloped Jizo, that is, he was about to leave the Netherworld.

"Two fellow daoists, wait a minute." Ping Xin shook her head slightly, stopped Zhun Ti with her words, and guided the two of them.

"Fellow Daoist, what else can you do?"

Zhunti turned around suspiciously.

"The two fellow Taoists entered and exited my Netherworld as if entering a land of no one. They made a great wish of the heavens without authorization, and wanted to plan my destiny in the underworld. Now that things have failed, and the success is on the verge of failure, it would be too embarrassing for me to just leave like this. Put the Nether World in your eyes."

Houtu's voice was as soft and ethereal as ever, but with a hint of coldness.

"Fellow Daoist Pingxin, what does this mean?"

Zhunti, Jieyin's face darkened, and asked back.

"You Western Buddhists have always been merciful, taking saving the suffering and suffering as your own responsibility, and you keep saying that you are thinking about the sentient beings of the three realms, so you let the earth treasure stay in the nether world and save the sentient beings in the three realms for 1 years with the wonderful method of Buddhism."

Zhunti, when he heard the introduction, his face turned into a liver color.

Ksitigarbha stayed in the Netherworld to save the dead souls of the three realms with the wonderful method of Buddhism. If they could share a share of merit and luck, they would naturally dream of it.

What Ke Pingxin said clearly was to allow Ksitigarbha to serve in the underworld for free for 1 years.

How can he be a direct descendant of Buddhism and waste tens of thousands of years in this underworld?

"This is absolutely impossible."

Qun mention, Qi Qi refused.

Hearing the words with peace of mind, a sneer appeared on his face, and as soon as he thought about it, the entire Netherworld began to vibrate.

An indescribable earth-yellow force appeared out of thin air, then dropped from mid-air, and landed on Ping Xin's body.

In an instant, Ping Xin's body slowly unfurled the power of a real saint.

A terrifying coercion, accompanied by a terrifying holy power.

From the Netherworld as the center, it is mighty and mighty, sweeping across the Three Realms, deterring hundreds of millions of living beings.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of living beings in the prehistoric and desolate three realms were prostrate on the ground, trembling, and their brows were full of awe.

They are not saints, so they cannot perceive the meaning of this holy power.

But they can clearly feel that this holy power is much stronger than the Western Zhunti Saint.

Even the saints were completely surprised at this moment.

"Saint Jiuchongtian, what an honest saint, the luck in the Netherworld is really terrifying!"

"Those who have transformed themselves into the six realms of reincarnation, the time to prove the Tao is still behind us, but now, they are coming from behind."

"Tunnels cannot be humiliated. It seems that the Dao of Heaven is strong. After the recovery of Humanity, the Tunnels will rise immediately."

All the saints were amazed, all races bowed their heads, and the majesty of a real saint and empress swept across the world.

In the prehistoric three realms, no one dared to underestimate the Netherworld.

In the Netherworld, feeling the tyrannical coercion of the holy way on Pingxin, Zhunti's expression couldn't help but change!
The saint at the peak of Jiuchongtian, who practiced in the Netherworld without saying a word, has such a terrifying strength.

Styx was beside Pingxin, and at this time he also laughed strangely, and the aura of the peak of the Hunyuan Second Layer burst out.

Ah Bi, Yuan Tu's two divine swords are looming behind him.

Infinite killing intent, rushing towards the face, makes people breathless.

Zhunti, Jieyin's face became even more serious, and with a calm heart, the combination of their brothers and sisters would probably be able to barely compete.

Not to mention that there is still a Styx staring at him.

Zhunti looked at Ji Zang with a guiding gaze, and immediately frightened Ji Zang.

Master, master uncle won't really want to leave him in the Netherworld for ten thousand years, right?

In the Netherworld, where the walls are broken, there is a dense ghost atmosphere, and the evil spirit spreads.

If it wasn't for gaining luck, he wouldn't want to stay in this Netherworld.

Zhunti, Jieyin let out a foul breath and waved his hand.

"Fellow Daoist Pingxin, you are all saints of the Three Realms, why are you so tense?"

"Those two fellow daoists, did you agree with me to say more?"

Pingxin didn't relax at all, his authentic aura locked on the three of Zhunti, and if they refused, he would immediately suppress them with the power of a true saint.

Zhunti took a look at Jizo, and secretly apologized to Jizo in his heart.

It's not the master, the uncle doesn't want to protect you.

But the enemy is strong and we are weak, there is really no way.

"Ksitigarbha is the true teaching of my Buddhist sect. With great compassion in his heart, he takes saving all living beings in the Three Realms as his own body. Naturally, he is willing to stay in the Netherworld and transform the dead souls of the Three Realms."

Zhunti, Ji Zang's face suddenly turned pale as soon as these words came out.

Master, Master Uncle... still abandoned him.

"Ksitigarbha, do you think so?"

Minghe smiled bitterly, not forgetting to stab Dizang in the heart.

"Yes, Ksitigarbha is willing to stay in the Netherworld for thousands of years to save the souls of the dead."

Ksitigarbha nodded sluggishly as if all of his spirit had been sucked away.

"So good!"

Styx smiled with satisfaction.

Seeing that the goal has been achieved in all fairness, he is unwilling to talk to Zhunti again, so he directly issued an order to evict the guest.

"Since the matter has been resolved, the two fellow daoists can leave. As for Dizang, my government will take good care of it for ten thousand years."

Zhunti, I don't want to stay for a long time to receive and guide, and I have a thought.

The whole person tore apart the space and disappeared into the netherworld in an instant.

Give up, it is absolutely impossible to give up.

The beings of the Three Realms watched this scene and couldn't help sighing.

"I didn't expect that the two saints in the West would also suffer a disadvantage. It's really rare."

"Hey, stealing a chicken won't cost you a lot of rice. The Western Saints will lose face this time."

"When dividing the three realms, the Taoist ancestor once said that the next calamity will bring great prosperity to the west, and we don't know when it will come."

Before the two left, they did not forget to send a voice transmission to Ksitigarbha to appease Ksitigarbha's emotions.

Ksitigarbha, after all, is a direct descendant of his Buddhism, and he has practiced the authentic Buddhist magic.

After Jizo heard this, the trace of dissatisfaction in his heart disappeared instantly.

A touch of deep emotion surged into my heart, Master and Uncle Master did not give up on him.

As long as he waits for the right time and leaves this netherworld before the great prosperity of the West, he, Jizo, still has a bright future!
Earth Immortal Realm, Xiniu Hezhou, Mount Sumeru, next to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool.

Zhunti, Jieyin became frowning again.

"Brother, this attempt to win the luck in the Netherworld is a failure."

"Not only did Ksitigarbha not break the bottleneck, but he had to stay in the underworld for thousands of years, working for nothing in the underworld, it's hard!"

Ksitigarbha is a direct descendant of his Western Buddhism, and he wants to work for the underworld in vain, and he gets very angry when he thinks about Zhunti.

"The situation is stronger than people, that's all there is to it. The days that Daozu said are not far away. In the next calamity, we must seize the opportunity and strive for great prosperity!"

"Yes, brother."

Zhunti suddenly became full of confidence again.

During the calamity, with the help of heaven, coupled with his western background, he will be able to prosper!

At this time, there is endless chaos, leading the dojo, and destroying the Buddhist kingdom, the Great Leiyin Temple.

Huge and round, on a relic covered with golden lines.

The six-winged golden cicada exudes a faint golden light, and a human-like light shines in the golden pupils the size of mung beans.

The next moment, the golden light on the Six-winged Golden Cicada suddenly became stronger.

It completely enveloped the six-winged golden cicada, turning it into a big golden cocoon, covered with golden lines, one by one, very mysterious.

After a few minutes, the golden light on the golden cocoon gradually dimmed.

A crack slowly appeared from the middle, and then expanded rapidly, splitting into two halves.

A young monk with red lips and white teeth, wearing a cassock of seven colors, stepped out of it.

From top to bottom of his body, there is no trace of the fierce aura of the six-winged golden cicada, the head of the five ancient insects.

Instead, it exudes golden Brahma light, full of great compassion, and its aura is impressively the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian!
"My name is Jin Chanzi!"

The young monk smiled while holding the flowers, and said slowly.

But deep in his heart, in the Nigong Wan, the breath of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was blocked.

But there is a fierce and evil spirit lingering, and the infinite evil spirit is boiling, almost burning.

I kept shouting in my heart, "My name is Jin Chanzi, and I am also the head of the five ancient insects, the six-winged Golden Cicada!"

The moment the six-winged golden cicada took shape, the relic behind him trembled instantly.

On Mount Sumeru, Zhunti immediately noticed it and rushed towards Chaos.

After a while, the two arrived at the Nirvana Buddha Kingdom, the Great Leiyin Temple.

The two looked into the distance with their eyes, and they were overjoyed when they saw that the six-winged golden cicada had transformed into form.

Buddhist Brahma, although the technique of bewitching has reached its peak, according to Zhunti and Jieyin's calculations, it will take at least several thousand years to fully assimilate the golden cicada.

Unexpectedly, now, it is thousands of years ahead of schedule.

Zhunti was overly cautious, "Brother, Jin Chan was born thousands of years earlier, would it be weird?"

Jie Yin nodded, "If there is something weird, just check it out."

As soon as the two thought about it, the sage's supreme magic power swept the golden cicada back and forth, and seeing that there was nothing unusual, they immediately said happily.

"The fierce aura on Jin Chan's body has been completely washed away, and now it's transformed into a form, it's Jin Chan from my Buddhist sect!"

The doubts in their hearts were all gone, and they came to Jin Chanzi's side, congratulating them.

"Pardonishing for hundreds of millions of years, once it takes shape, we are here to congratulate."

Jin Chanzi was horrified, he didn't expect the two bald donkeys from Fomen to come so soon.

But he had been prepared for a long time, without showing any flaws on his face, he cupped his hands and said, "My name is Jin Chanzi, I grew on the Bodhi tree, and today I finally took shape."

Zhunti used Brahma light to confuse Jin Chanzi, and once secretly compiled a set of memories.

The golden cicada is the supreme spiritual root of Buddhism, a golden cicada born on the bodhi tree.

Enlightened for hundreds of millions of years, once transformed into a form, it is also a golden cicada.

With the golden Brahma light like a day for countless thousands of years, it has long been deeply ingrained in Jin Chanzi's mind.

Zhunti laughed loudly, "I am a Buddhist sage, the ancestor of all Buddhas!"

"I am a Buddhist sage, Amitabha!"

Jin Chanzi pretended to be surprised, "It turns out that it is my Buddha sage, Jin Chanzi, and pay homage to the two saints."

"You don't need to be too polite. You have a great fate with my Buddha. You should worship under my Buddha's door. Come, follow me to meet your master."

"Yes, saint."

Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together with an extremely respectful expression.

Zhunti, with a wave of his sleeves, took Jin Chanzi through the chaos and returned to Mount Sumeru, Hezhou, Xiniu.

Then he found the present Buddha, Dainichi Pharmacist Buddha.

Dayi Pharmacist, a personal heir of Buddhism, and also the current Buddha of Buddhism, has a very high status and is only under the guidance and guidance.

Under the operation of Zhunti and Yingying.

Jin Chanzi worshiped Da Ri Pharmacist as his teacher and practiced in Buddhism.

Jinao Island, Biyou Palace, Chen Xuanji sits in the cave.

The mysterious energy around the body keeps rising, and then slowly falls, curling up the Dao Yun, spreading to all directions, and evolving various visions.

Chen Xuanji emerged from the chaos, after proving the Tao of Hunyuan.

The heel of Wudaozhu was developed in all directions, and his understanding was so strong that it was unimaginable.

Comprehending the law is as simple as eating and drinking.

The cultivation base has improved, and it is even faster than my own teacher, Master Tongtian. I don't know how much.

At this time, the aura of Hunyuan was faintly visible, and upon careful inspection, it was found that he had reached the level of the seventh heaven of Hunyuan.

You know, even the leader of the Tongtian sect at this time, after proving the Tao, he has practiced penance for an unknown number of years, and he is no more than a saint in the eighth heaven.

In Ni Gongwan, Hunyuan mana is entwined on the Lingbao such as Hongmeng Liangtianchi, Xiantian Wuji Xinghuangqi, 24 Dinghai God Beads, all the time, uninterrupted warming, enhancing the power of Lingbao.

With the current progress, Chen Xuanji is confident that within thousands of years at most, he can reach the Ninth Heaven of Hunyuan.
Suddenly, the Hunyuan mana moved slightly, which woke Chen Xuanji up instantly.

"Back when I proved the Tao in the chaos, in the Nirvana Buddha Kingdom, Daleiyin Temple, the six-winged golden cicada left a hunyuan mana, and now the hunyuan mana has changed, it seems that the six-winged golden cicada has taken shape"

The six-winged golden cicada took shape, and it seems that it is not far from Journey to the West.

Daozu promised that the next calamity will bring great prosperity to the West.

However, Western thought is mainly concentrated in Hezhou, Xiniu, and has not spread in the other three continents.

Moreover, the potential of the West is only so great, it is still barren, and there are not many believers.

If the West wants to prosper, there is almost no other way except to evangelize the East.
"Journey to the West is approaching, so I have to make plans in advance. By the way, I will go to Dongsheng Shenzhou, Aolai Kingdom, and Huaguo Mountain."

As soon as Chen Xuanji thought, the void quietly annihilated and shattered, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.

Overseas of Dongsheng Shenzhou, there is a country named Aolai Country.

It is a country established by a part of the human race left over from the Earth Immortal Realm.

The country is near the sea, and there is a famous mountain in the sea, called Huaguo Mountain.

This mountain is the ancestral vein of the ten continents, and the dragon from the three islands.

There are longevity deer and fairy foxes in the forest, and there are spiritual birds and cranes in the trees.

The rare flowers of the sage grass do not thank you, and the green pines and cypresses are in Changchun.

Immortal peaches often bear fruit, and bamboo leaves clouds every time.A ravine is densely covered with vines, and the grass is new on all sides.It is exactly where Baichuan meets Optimus Prime, and the roots of the earth will never be moved.

In terms of scenery alone, it is no less than the top cave in the Three Realms.

(End of this chapter)

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