Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 231 Water Curtain Cave Layout 9 Turn Xuanyuan Kung Fu!

Chapter 231 Layout of Water Curtain Cave Nine Turns of Xuanyuan Gong!
Chen Xuanji Hunyuan Daluo Yuanshen stretched slowly.

In just one breath, the position of the fairy egg in Huaguo Mountain was locked.

Chen Xuanji raised his hand slightly, and the void quietly shattered.

The whole person took one step and reached the top of Huaguo Mountain in an instant.

The top of Huaguo Mountain is on the ancestral line of Shizhou and Three Islands.

Spiritual Qi gushes out, extremely rich, almost atomized.

And what gushes out is not the acquired aura that spread from the Three Realms after the Great Desolation was broken, but the innate aura of the ancestral veins!

On the ancestral vein, there is a fairy stone with nine orifices and eight holes with a high circumference and 24 qi.

For thousands of years, it has breathed out the aura of heaven and earth, the essence of the day and the moon.

The fairy stone is like a human heart, constantly beating, shrinking, big and small, very anthropomorphic.

Surrounded by dense twilight innate spiritual energy, all of them poured into the nine orifices and eight holes.

The fairy egg absorbs the essence of the sun during the day.

At night, it absorbs the essence of the sun.

Coupled with the thick and rich innate aura, an extremely rich aura blooms.

Chen Xuanji smiled slightly, Hunyuan Daluo's magic power spread out soundlessly.

Covering the entire Huaguo Mountain, disturbing yin and yang, confusing cause and effect, and isolating the secrets of heaven, no matter how powerful the saint is, he will not be able to perceive everything that happens in it.

He stretched out his hand, stroked the fairy stone lightly, and gave a sigh of admiration.

"Mount Huaguo, Water Curtain Cave, Sun Wukong, a born sage, this aptitude is so terrifying!"

Sun Wukong, conceived from a piece of five-colored stone left over when Nuwa mended the sky, has been contaminated with the merit of mending the sky.

At the same time, Sun Wukong is also the son of Measurable Calamity, and he shoulders the entire Measuring Calamity's luck.

The most important thing is that Sun Wukong still has a quarter of the blood of the Chaos Demon Ape in his body.

Unruly, full of pride, fighting against heaven and earth, I am invincible!
Coupled with the innate spiritual energy that has been breathed out for countless thousands of years, the essence of the sun and the moon.

His aptitude has already reached an extremely terrifying situation.

To put it bluntly, this kind of qualification was placed hundreds of millions of years ago, when the Taoist ancestor of Zixiao Palace gave a lecture.

It is sure to compete for the six holy places.

But soon, Chen Xuanji sighed again.

"It's a pity that such a born saint, the son of a calamity, was used and bewitched by the Buddhist sect to cultivate him into a so-called Buddhist thug. It is sad and lamentable to defeat the Buddha!"

Chen Xuanji shook his head, and between his palms, a drop of black blood appeared, and then penetrated into the fairy egg with nine holes and eight orifices.

This drop of blood is exactly the blood in Liu Er's body.

So far, he has practiced the six-eared macaque, the six-eared macaque, the arm-armed ape, and the red-tailed horse monkey, and he has come to the quasi-sage.

He holds an iron soldier in his hand, and he has few opponents among quasi-sages.

The will of the Chaos Demon Ape will never back down.

This drop of blood has only one function, which is to constantly refine, oppress, and temper Monkey King's will.

Lay an extremely solid foundation for Sun Wukong's future.

After doing all this, Chen Xuanji didn't hesitate, and just tore apart the space and left.

Huaguo Mountain, in front of the Water Curtain Cave, ripples rippled in the void, and then slowly tore and separated.

Chen Xuanji took a step forward, and began to look carefully at the Water Curtain Cave.

In front of Shuilian Cave, clear spring water flows straight down from a steep cliff more than [-] meters high, connecting the sky and the earth, and the water, sky and sea of ​​fog are magnificent.

The water flowed down and fell into a large pool.

The clear spring water flows slowly along the Huaguoshan mountain range, nourishing all things in Huaguoshan.

Huaguo Mountain and Water Curtain Cave are good, but they are also very common in the Three Realms.

But Chen Xuanji noticed an unusual aura in this ordinary scenery.

As soon as he thought about it, the water curtain automatically separated to the two sides, and with a flash of his body, he entered the water curtain cave.

Entering the Water Curtain Cave, the eyes suddenly opened up.

There is no water and no waves, stone seats and stone beds, stone basins and stone bowls, a stone bridge spanning east and west, everything is available.

There are also pruning bamboos, plum blossoms and green pine embellishments.

Jump over the middle of the bridge, look left and right, and see a stone tablet in the right place.

There is a line of big characters in regular script on the tablet, engraved with ten big characters, "Huaguo Mountain is a blessed land, water curtain caves into the sky."

At the same time, the mysterious air spreading in the cave became even stronger.

An immortal charm of Da Luo continued to spread and impact in the cave.

At the same time, at the back of the cave, there was a faint aura of formation.

The Shangqing Jiejiao is the first in the Three Realms in the formation and Taoism.

Naturally, Chen Xuanji sensed this burst of aura immediately.

He came to the back of the cave, and with a wave of his hand, the aura in front of him disintegrated layer by layer without any effort.

The stone powder on the stone wall rustled, revealing a black stone platform on which three or five things were placed.

A golden jade slip.

A small jade bottle.

A piece of armor.

A long gun.

There is also Yu Ruyi.

Armor and spear, as well as Yu Ruyi, are not low in rank.

All contain 24 innate immortal auras, ranking among the ranks of middle-grade innate treasures.

Apart from these few things, there is nothing else on Shitai.

Chen Xuanji casually picked up the golden jade slips and began to flip through them.

After a while, he put down the jade slip in his hand and let out a long sigh.

As he had guessed in his mind, this Huaguo Mountain and Shuilian Cave were the ashram of a Daluo monk during the Longhan catastrophe.

The big Luo Jinxian monk is called Wuxing Sanren.

During the period of the Dragon and Han catastrophe, he was also considered a strong party, and he made good friends with the Qilin clan.

One day, under the willful instigation of the demon ancestor Luohu, the three Xiantian clans began to fight, fight, and fight with each other.

Among the three clans, the dragon clan is the strongest, followed by the phoenix clan, and the Qilin clan is second.

So the Qilin family came to Huaguoshan Water Curtain Cave to invite the Five Elements Sanren to come to help.

The Five Elements Sanren's mind became hot, and he went down Huaguo Mountain after simple preparations.

As a result, after going there, he never came back, leaving only these few things.

In the jade slip, there are exercises practiced by the Five Elements Sanren, and several supernatural powers are also recorded.

In the jade bottle, there are dozens of pills refined by Wuxing Sanren himself.

Armor, spear, and jade ruyi are the spiritual treasures in the hands of Wuxing Sanren.

"Knowing that the war between the three clans is extremely dangerous, but still recklessly descending the mountain, without even carrying a weapon and a spiritual treasure, and finally led to death. It's sad and lamentable."

Chen Xuanji sighed, and with a wave of his hand, he put away all the things on the stone platform.

The Five Elements Sanren has fallen for an unknown number of years, and these things have long since become ownerless.

It is better for him to collect it and fill up the treasure house of the supernatant.

After collecting the treasures and cleaning up the last trace left by the Sanren of the Five Elements.

Chen Xuanji had a thought, and a jade slip appeared in his left hand and right hand respectively.

The jade slip on the right hand is the supreme and wonderful method of Taoism, and it is also the method practiced by Sanqing, the nine-turn Yuangong.

The left-handed exercise is the Nine Turns Mysterious Kungfu, the most advanced body training exercise of the Wu Clan.

It was obtained from Pingxin when he was in the underworld.

The combination of Jiuzhuan Yuangong and Jiuzhuan Xuangong is the kung fu method practiced by the great god Pangu back then, Jiuzhuan Xuanyuangong.

Nine-turn Xuanyuan Kung Fu, complete the first turn, and prove the Dao of the Earth Immortal!

Completing the second round of cultivation, proving the Taoism of the gods!

Completing the third round of cultivation, proving to be a true immortal.

Completing the fourth turn, proving the Dao Xuanxian.

Completing the fifth turn, proving the Dao of the Golden Immortal.

Completing the sixth round of cultivation, proving the way to the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Completion of the seventh turn, proving Da Luo Jinxian.

After completing the eighth turn, you can prove the Dao of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

After completing the ninth turn, you can prove the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

As for the practice after Hunyuan Daluo, it is no longer limited to exercises, but depends on talent, blessing, understanding, luck, and one's own efforts.

The realm of the great god Pan Gu when he opened up the world and died, has reached the half-step Dao realm.

It far exceeded the upper limit that the nine-turn Xuanyuan Gong could reach.

Nine-turn Xuanyuan Kungfu is also an opportunity that Chen Xuanji wants to give to Monkey King.

Combine the two jade slips into one, and merge them into the Nine Turns Xuanyuan Gong.

Chen Xuanji put it back on the stone platform.

Then with a wave of his hand, he set up the formation, which has hidden mysteries that can only be solved by Monkey King.

The formations arranged by Chen Xuanji are not comparable to the half-baked formations arranged by Wuxing Sanren.

Looking at the prehistoric world, except for Monkey King, a specific person who can solve it.

I am afraid that only the Master Tongtian, the patriarch of the array, can crack it.

This also prevents the nine-turn Xuanyuan Gong from being discovered by others, thereby destroying Monkey King's chance.

After finishing everything, Chen Xuanji tore apart the space, and left Aolai Country, Huaguo Mountain in the blink of an eye.

To the depths of the East China Sea, rushed to the Dragon Clan base camp.

Sun Wukong Kung Fu is changed from Dapin Tianxian Jue to Nine Turns Xuanyuan Kung Fu.

Wearing clothes and weapons on the body will naturally be upgraded.

Only in this way can he be worthy of the title of Monkey King.

Back then, when the leader of Tongtian Cult moved to Jinao Island with all the immortals of Jiejiao.

Inherited the love of the Dragon Clan, and accepted Ao Guang, the prince of the Dragon Clan, as his apprentice.

So these years, the relationship between Jiejiao and the Dragon Clan has been very good, they help each other, and the relationship is very deep.

At this moment, in the depths of the Eastern Sea, on the Dragon Palace, on the dragon couch, Ao Ling was fighting several enchanting and charming mermaids and clam girls.

The sound of battle can be heard clearly across a large area of ​​water.

After fighting for several hours, Ao Ling was slightly satisfied and ordered the Merman and Clam Girl to retreat.

Lying alone on the dragon couch, he narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Now that the dragon clan is gradually prospering, what happened to the patriarch of the dragon clan enjoying himself?
Compared with the Dragon Han period and the Lich period, the life of the Dragon Clan is getting better and better.

Backed by the No. [-] religion in the prehistoric times, and sitting in a fertile land all over the world, strong people in the clan emerge in endlessly.

The most important thing is that even Patriarch Zhulong, with the help of the two saints of Jiejiao, recovered from all his injuries.

Today, he has suddenly recovered to the quasi-sage Dzogchen, which can be called the dragon clan's big hole card.

The dragon clan has developed to the present, far surpassing the phoenix and unicorn clan.

Ao Ling is very thankful that he made the right decision back then and chose Jiejiao as his ally instead of others.
If they take a wrong step, the Dragon Clan might still be shrunk in the sea, living a life of fear and fear all day long, like walking on thin ice.

Just when the soul is recalling the past and lamenting the present.

Outside the Dragon Palace, Prime Minister Gui's out of breath sounded.

"Master Patriarch, the sage of Jinao Island has come to visit, already, almost arrived at the Dragon Palace"

Ao Ling was full of thoughts at this moment, he didn't listen carefully to Prime Minister Gui's words at all, and waved his hands.

"Someone comes to visit, you just receive it yourself, why make such a fuss."

This old tortoise, I don't know if it's old eyesight or something else, but it has become more and more difficult to do things in recent years.

Prime Minister Gui was so anxious that he was about to cry, and said loudly.

"Lord patriarch, it's not ordinary people who come to visit, but the saints who cut off religion to visit!!"

"What, you said that the sage of Jiejiao came to visit our Dragon Clan?"

Ao Ling's eyes widened to the limit in an instant, and he shouted angrily, "You old tortoise, why didn't you say it earlier!"

The dragon clan has today, all thanks to the towering tree of Jujiao for shade.

For the Jiejiao saint, no amount of respect from the Dragon Clan can be overstated.

After finishing speaking, with a thought, the dragon robe and the dragon crown were dressed neatly in an instant, and fled out of the Dragon Palace like flying.

Outside the Dragon Palace, Ao Ling looked respectful and bowed to Chen Xuanji, feeling anxious and uneasy.

"The patriarch of the Dragon Clan, Ao Ling, pays a visit to the saint. The saint visited the East China Sea. Ao Ling is far away from welcoming him. He also asks the saint to forgive him."

Chen Xuanji stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Ao Ling calmly.

Seeing that Ao Ling was still wearing some disheveled clothes, he couldn't help laughing.

It seems that this time I came hastily, which interrupted Ao Ling's good work.

"Patriarch Ao Ling, I haven't seen you for a long time. I came to visit the Dragon Clan on a whim today. Didn't I disturb you?"

Cold sweat came off Ao Ling's face all of a sudden, and he shook his head hastily.

"The saint is visiting, and the three lives of the Dragon Clan are lucky. How can it be an interruption? Saint, please come in quickly."

Ao Ling hurriedly walked into the Dragon Palace to meet Chen Xuanji.

Then hurriedly ordered the merman, and the clam girl took out the treasures from the Dragon Palace, and brought them up in a plate.

Immediately, the fragrance of fairy fruit wine spread throughout the Dragon Palace.

Chen Xuanji picked up a fruit casually, bit it lightly, and immediately the sweet juice slid down his throat accompanied by a strong aura.

Of course, what Chen Xuanji ate was just a fresh taste.

At his level, the aura contained in the fruit was tens of thousands of times stronger, and it didn't have the slightest effect on him.

On the table and chairs, after chatting with Ao Ling for a while.

In the depths of the dragon clan, an extremely strong quasi-sacred energy burst out suddenly, rushing towards the dragon palace.

After a while, a golden dragon shadow landed in the Dragon Palace.

The quasi-sage's Dzogchen aura is frightening, who else is it if it's not Zhulong Patriarch?
"Candle Dragon, pay homage to the saint."

Zhulong saluted Chen Xuanji respectfully.

"I'm here, it's just some trivial matter, I didn't expect to alarm the ancestor of Zhulong."

"The coming of the sage, no matter what happens to our Dragon Clan, it is a big event, please ask the sage to make it clear."

Zhulong's attitude is still respectful.

Seeing Zhulong like this, Chen Xuanji stopped talking nonsense and got straight to the point.

"In your Dragon Treasure House, do you have the golden armor with locks, the purple gold crown with phoenix wings, the cloud shoes with lotus root silk, and the heart-embedded cap with gold, these four spiritual treasures?"

"I have no impression of these four spirit treasures."

Zhulong shook his head, obviously not clear.

On the contrary, Ao Ling frowned, and immediately remembered, "Sage, these four spirit treasures are owned by the Daluo peak monk of our Dragon Clan, and they are all middle-grade acquired spirit treasures. It's just that Daluo monk, very early Then it fell, and the four spirit treasures have been vacant in the Dragon Clan's treasury for many years."

"Oh? Middle-grade Houtian Lingbao?"

Zhulong was a little dazed, how could a few Houtian Lingbao alarm the saint?
On the other hand, Chen Xuanji couldn't help showing a look of understanding at the corner of his mouth.

He knew that the dragon clan would not give Sun Wukong any good spirit treasure.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be just a few pieces of rubbish Houtian Lingbao
"Bring those spiritual treasures and show me."

"Yes, saint."

Ao Ling immediately went to fetch the spirit treasures, and after a while, returned with four spirit treasures.

It's golden, looks good, and a breath of aura rushes towards it. At first glance, it's really extraordinary.

"I want these four spirit treasures."

"A few spiritual treasures, please take them, saint."

Zhulong, Ao Ling doesn't care at all, the dragon family has a great career, and there are many innate spirit treasures.

Not to mention these acquired treasures, they are all taken away, so it is not worth mentioning.

Chen Xuanji waved his hand, put away the four spirit treasures, and smiled again.

"When Emperor Yu of the human race was controlling the waters, did he leave a sea-fixing needle in the East China Sea?"

Zhulong was clear about this, and nodded, "That's right, I left a Dinghaishen needle, which was placed in a sea eye in the East China Sea. The Dinghaishen needle carried part of Yuhuang's luck to control the water. After so many years, there are some The power of the top-rank Xiantian Lingbao is just too big and inconvenient to use, so it has been in the sea eye and no one has touched it."

"Take me to see."


Zhulong, Ao Ling led the way, and after a while, he arrived in front of the sea deep in the East China Sea.

A huge, pitch-black iron pillar was inserted into the eyes of the sea, giving people an immobile aura, an aura of acquired aura, coming towards them.

Not talking about the level of Lingbao, but just talking about the appearance, it is very unattractive.

"It seems that this Ruyi golden cudgel has also been processed by Buddhism."

Chen Xuanji sighed, and said to Zhulong and Ao Ling, "I also need to take this Dinghaishen needle."

There are countless treasures of the Dragon Clan, and a big iron pillar is of course not in our eyes. Candle Dragon, Ao Ling doesn't care at all, "The saint wants to take it, just take it. Anyway, this thing is of little use to our Dragon Clan."

Chen Xuanji smiled, and as soon as he took the Dinghaishen needle away, the whole sea eye rioted, faintly forming a maelstrom

Chen Xuanji frowned, and his words followed suit, and the whole whirlpool calmed down instantly.

The entire Haiyan area was much calmer than when Dinghai Shenzhen was still there.

Zhulong, Ao Ling exclaimed inwardly, "This is the power of a sage, who speaks what he says, and he is much better than a quasi-sage."

The three of them returned to the Dragon Palace from the sea eye, and Chen Xuanji's face also showed a trace of solemnity.

"I took these spiritual treasures today on purpose, and the next calamity is not far away!"

"The catastrophe is approaching?"

Zhulong, Ao Ling's pupils shrank, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

"That's right, within ten thousand years at the most, the amount of calamity will be rewarded. At that time, under the general trend of heaven, your dragon family will also be robbed?"

"Hiss! The Dragon Clan is going to be robbed too?"

Zhulong, Ao Ling's complexion suddenly became ugly.

In the past years of the Dragon and Han catastrophe, the three clans suffered three defeats, and the most powerful dragon clan was devastated.

The cataclysm of the Lich, the clan of the witches and the clan of the monsters are fighting for the front, and the clan of the dragons has not been robbed, so they all live their lives cautiously, like walking on thin ice.

In the great catastrophe of conferring gods, people, elucidation, and interception, the four western religions fell into catastrophe, and the disciples of the four religions launched a shocking war. Countless people fell.
One pile, one piece, clearly explained the degree of danger of the calamity.

At this moment, Zhulong and Ao Ling's foreheads were full of sweat, and his voice became hoarse, "Please ask the saint to save my dragon clan!"

Chen Xuanji smiled, "Don't worry, when the calamity comes, as long as you do as I said, not only will your Dragon Clan not be in any danger, but you will also be able to share a lot of luck, so that more powerful people will be born in the clan." .”

"Yes, saint."

Zhulong, Ao Ling suddenly didn't dare to ask any more questions, the more he asked, the deeper he would be in trouble.

The Dragon Clan finally had signs of prosperity again. If they were to decline again because of their curiosity, then they would really cry.

Next, Chen Xuanji didn't intend to scare Zhulong anymore, and the two of Ao Ling simply chatted a few more words.

Portable Dinghaishenzhen and a few spirit treasures flew back to Jinao Island.

(End of this chapter)

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