Chapter 232

After returning to Jinao Island, Chen Xuanji began to refine the five spiritual treasures.

Five pieces of spirit treasures and four pieces of draping are all middle-grade acquired spirit treasures.

Dinghaishenzhen, its power is comparable to the top-grade Houtian Lingbao.

These few treasures are basically enough for ordinary monks.

But for Sun Wukong, a born sage, it is not enough, far from enough.

Set a small goal first, at least improve the quality of a few spirit treasures by two to three levels.

With a thought, a golden flame popped out from Chen Xuanji's fingertips.

This flame is the fire of chaos, and it can be comprehended and used only when it reaches the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo.

The fire of chaos burns everything, burns all things with the flick of a finger, cooks the stars, and is extremely powerful.

The blazing chaotic fire quickly enveloped the four spirit treasures, enveloping them in all directions.

Almost in an instant, the five spirit treasures were all melted into a liquid state.

With a wave of Chen Xuanji's right hand, a lot of resources and ores suddenly appeared on the ground.

Every once in a while, a portion is added to the Chaos Flame.

Time is like running water, in the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed.

On the coast of the East China Sea, Jinao Island, the huge pile of precious ores and resources on the ground have all disappeared.

The flame of chaos in Chen Xuanji's hand also gradually extinguished.

Five radiant spirit treasures, full of spirituality, are constantly flying in mid-air, as if they are cheering for joy.

After a while, it fell to the ground.Brilliant and restrained.

At a glance, the five spirit treasures took on a new look, and at the same time, an extremely powerful aura rushed towards them.

The five magic weapons were all promoted to the ranks of acquired treasures by Chen Xuanji with the fire of chaos.

Especially the Dinghaishenzhen, on which Chen Xuanji carved countless powerful patterns.

Compared with ordinary acquired treasures, its power is much stronger.

Not to mention the Daluo Jinxian, even the quasi-sage monks would be extremely greedy when they saw it.

Chen Xuanji tore through the void, rushed to the East China Sea, and after carefully exhorting his spirit, he returned to Jinao Island Dojo.

"The sacrifice of the spirit treasure is completed, and next, we will wait for the calamity to open, and the stone monkey will be born."

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another 5000 years have passed.

After 5000 years, before the calamity began, the stone monkey was born.

On the contrary, Wanshou Mountain, Wuzhuang Temple, and Zhen Yuanzi are going to prove the Tao.

Longevity Hill, in the Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi sat on the ground, his whole body restrained, like a mortal.

However, only a sage can see that Zhen Yuanzi's body contains such a huge power and such a rich Taoism.

Suddenly, Zhen Yuanzi opened his eyes, and his mana rose up, and he flew to the top of Longevity Mountain. He spoke loudly, and the Dao sound spread throughout the three realms.

"Yuanzi of my town, I will testify to the Dao today!"

An incomparably rich and mysterious Dao Yun, accompanied by Zhen Yuanzi's voice, swept across the nine heavens and ten places, all over the world.

For a moment, Hong Huang's countless great powers were all shocked, and looked in the direction of Longevity Mountain in disbelief!

"What, Immortal Zhenyuan is about to testify?"

"It's such a strong breath, even surpassing Yasheng."

"How is it possible? Tens of thousands of years ago, Zhen Yuanzi had just broken through the sub-sage, so how could he be proving the way so soon?"

In the west, Mount Sumeru, the ancient temple of the Burning Lamp Buddha.

Ran Deng looked in the direction of Longevity Hill in disbelief, and hadn't recovered for a long time.

He is also one of the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace, and he has just entered the late stage of quasi-sage.

And at the same time, Zhen Yuanzi was about to prove the Tao so soon.

Ran Deng had mixed feelings in his heart, and it became very complicated, and at the same time, a ray of resentment grew in his heart!
He lights a lamp, in terms of hard work, hard work, and hard work, which point is weaker than Zhen Yuanzi, why?
As Zhen Yuanzi proclaimed the Dao, even the saints raised their eyes, and they couldn't help sighing secretly that the Tao is really about to rise.

Zhen Yuanzi, who holds the best innate spiritual treasure book in his hand, can sort out the veins of the earth and the mountains and rivers of Kyushu.

Strictly speaking, Zhen Yuanzi is also an authentic spokesperson.

Later, the body of the soil transformed into the six realms of reincarnation, and the first saint was born in the tunnel.

Now if Zhen Yuanzi proves the Tao again, there will be a second saint in the tunnel.

After the Dao of Heaven and Dao of Humanity, the Dao of Tunnel is also being revived at an extremely rapid speed.

On the coast of the East China Sea, on Jinao Island, Chen Xuanji showed satisfaction on his face.

Styx Slays the Sage and proves the way, Zhenyuanzi realizes the way and proves the way, and both of them are from the underworld, so they can really rest easy in the underworld in the future.

Immediately, Chen Xuanji's Yuanshen communicated with Emperor Fengdu and asked Minghe to protect Zhenyuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi is not a sage of heaven, so he cannot prove the way in the wild.

You have to go through the chaos and destroy the thunder in the chaos before you can truly prove the Tao.

Feng Du quickly passed the news to Styx.

Minghe smiled, "I have been friends with Zhenyuan for hundreds of millions of years, even if you don't tell me, I will protect him."

After Styx finished speaking, Hunyuan breath emanated from the inside out.

The intensity has suddenly reached the peak of the Hunyuan Triple Heaven.

The Law of Endless Slaughter carried A Bi and Yuan Tu lingering around his body. The next moment, Ming He flew up and came to Longevity Mountain.

"Old friend, I will protect the law for you and help you prove the way."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded earnestly, knowing that Chaos Proving the Way was not insignificantly dangerous, and he did not refuse.

"Okay, trouble."

Minghe smiled, "What's the matter? It just so happens that the ancestor is bored in the sea of ​​blood. Let's go to the chaos to relax."

After Ming He finished speaking, he shot out a burst of Hunyuan mana, wrapped around Zhen Yuanzi, raised his hand and tore apart the space, disappearing into the Three Realms.

In front of him, there was a great monk Hunyuan protecting Zhen Yuanzi.

In the Three Realms, some ancient quasi-sacred monks were agitated in their hearts.

Now if one wants to prove the Tao with merit, in addition to luck, there is also the foundation of the Dao, the great purple energy.

But the last ray of primordial purple energy fell into the chaotic space when Kunpeng chased and killed Hongyun, and could never be found again.

In other words, in the Three Realms, if one wants to rely on merit and virtue to prove the Tao, to prove the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of Heaven, this way has been cut off.

As for beheading the three corpses to prove the truth?

In the eyes of countless great powers in Honghuang, it is even a joke.

Talented as powerful as the Sanqing, Nuwa, and the Second Saint of the West are unable to kill the three corpses to prove the Tao.

Relying on them alone, how can they surpass Sanqing?

Since there is no hope of proving the Tao through merit and virtue, and killing the three corpses to prove the Tao.

Then the only choice is like Styx and Zhenyuanzi, and the law proves the way.

This is also the only hope for countless Great Cultivators in the Great Desolation to go further.

All of a sudden, hundreds of quasi-sage monks flew out of countless ancient caves in the Earth Immortal Realm.

With decisive eyes, they flew away from the Three Realms one after another and stepped into chaos with indomitable firmness.

As you hear the news, you can die in the evening.

As long as there is something to gain from this trip, it is worthwhile for them.

The saints watched Minghe personally lead Zhen Yuanzi out of the Three Realms, proving the Tao in chaos, and attracting hundreds of quasi-saint monks to go with him, and his mood became more complicated.

To be honest, they don't want to see Zhen Yuanzi proving the way.

Every additional saint in the Three Realms will share a portion of luck.

The interests of the first batch of saints who preached the Tao will naturally be damaged.

But behind Zhen Yuanzi, he is not alone. Behind him, there is a race, there is Jiejiao, and there is the Netherworld.

Even if they want to obstruct, they must first ask these people if they agree.

In the west, on Mount Sumeru, next to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Zhunti was sad and depressed.

"Brother, Zhen Yuanzi is about to prove the Tao, when will the next calamity come?"

Holding the twelfth-grade golden lotus in his hands, Brahman light bursts all over his body, and endless mysterious energy slowly falls from all around him.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Don't be impatient. Daozu will definitely bring it after he said it. We just wait quietly."

"As for that Zhen Yuanzi, he has never had anything to do with me, Xixi, and he has proved the way when he proves the Tao. What are you doing with me, Xixi?"

After receiving the introduction, he closed his eyes and stopped talking. Seeing this, Zhunti had no choice but to shut his mouth and quickly began to practice hard.

Among the six saints, he is the weakest. Styx proved his way ten thousand years ago, and his strength is not inferior to him.

Now that Zhen Yuanzi is about to prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo, he must mention that he will never be the weakest saint!
The vast chaos, pitch black, mysterious and profound.

On the countless stars, there is a faint light, so that the dark chaos no longer looks so lonely.
Minghe carried Zhen Yuanzi across the chaos, and soon felt hundreds of Hun Yuan from the Immortal Realm behind him. He smiled bitterly, "Look at me throwing them away."

Ming He had a thought, and when he was about to speed up, he was stopped by Zhen Yuanzi.

"In the midst of the prehistoric times, the holy road was cut off. It's not easy for them to repair it to this point. Let them watch. Anyway, there is no loss to us."

In the past, Styx and Zhen Yuanzi were also one of these people.

When the saints proclaimed the Tao, their unwillingness was even greater than these people.

The people behind them are not their former self.

Ming He laughed bitterly, "You are a good person, that's all, since you have spoken, let them be fulfilled."

Styx slowed down a lot, allowing the hundreds of people behind him to barely keep up with them.

There is no counting of the years in the chaos, and I don't know how long it took, Styx finally stopped and landed on a lonely planet.

Said to the hundreds of quasi-sages behind him.

"Everyone has to watch it from a million miles away. If you step over the thunder pool and be affected by the thunder calamity, you will die and disappear, but no one will be blamed."

"We will follow the decree of Sage Styx."

Countless quasi-sages were very excited, they withdrew for a million miles, and then hid their breath, preparing to watch Zhen Yuanzi cross the catastrophe.

On Lonely Planet, Styx stood aside, with the Law of Slaughter lingering around him, and said to Zhen Yuanzi, "Daoist Zhen Yuan, go through the calamity with peace of mind."

"it is good."

Zhen Yuanzi sat on the ground, exuding authentic aura all over his body, and the law of earth lingered around him.

A powerful aura, centered on the planet, swept across the surrounding land for millions of miles.

The powerful aura on Zhen Yuanzi's body quickly attracted the attention of Chaos Destroyer Lei Jie.

Above the planet, without knowing when, large swathes of black clouds appeared.

A series of powerful purple thunder dragons loomed among them.

That powerful destructive aura made the quasi-sages watching tremble even though they were separated by millions of miles.

"This is the legendary Chaos Destruction Thunder Tribulation. Even if a saint meets him, he must be afraid of it!"

"The road of law, Hunyuan Avenue is really not so easy to walk, this thunder disaster is so terrifying."

"My monks, fighting with people, fighting with the earth, fighting with the sky, is a lot of fun, and what is the thunder calamity? If it hinders our proof of the way, it will smash him to pieces."

The person who said this was a strong man who was carrying a big axe, and his whole body was full of breath.

Soon, at the center of the planet, the first chaotic destruction thunder slowly fell, and was easily blocked by Zhen Yuanzi.

Ming He watched quietly from the side, Zhen Yuanzi had a profound background, and also practiced the law of the earth, and his mana was extremely powerful.

There shouldn't be too many problems in crossing the robbery and proving the way.

In the chaos, Zhen Yuanzi's face became more and more solemn as the thunder disasters fell one after another.

When it came to the last nine thunder tribulations, Zhen Yuanzi had no choice but to sacrifice the book from the ground to resist.

Although the book from the ground is only a top-grade innate spirit treasure, it contains the power of hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers, and the power contained in it far exceeds the ranks of the top-grade innate spirit treasure.

With the help of the book from the ground, Zhen Yuanzi soon survived the No. 40 nine chaos destruction thunder disaster.

Suddenly, above the planet, the dark clouds covering countless miles slowly dissipated.

A beam of chaotic light fell from the sky, and poured into Zhen Yuanzi's body.

In an instant, the breath in Zhen Yuanzi's body began to surge wildly.

At the same time, a feeling of great freedom and freedom appeared in my heart.

Proving the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the immortal true spirit merges into the chaotic time and space, immortal and immortal, and lasts forever, which is much better than the prehistoric saints.

Zhen Yuanzi closed his eyes, feeling the powerful force constantly flowing in his body, he opened his eyes after a long time, and sighed.

"Once you prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, you will know the feeling of the prehistoric sage in the prehistoric."

Minghe smiled, "The great sages are also subject to the prehistoric ways of heaven, but we are Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and we are more carefree and at ease than the prehistoric sages."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded approvingly, "This time, thank you Fellow Daoist Minghe for your help. After returning to Honghuang, I have time to come to Wuzhuang Temple as a guest. If there is nothing else, ginseng fruit is enough."

Ming He laughed loudly, "Fellow Zhenyuan sincerely invites me, so I will naturally go."

Millions of miles away, there were hundreds of quasi-sage Daxiu in the prehistoric world, with thoughts shining in their eyes.

Apparently, watching Zhen Yuanzi cross the catastrophe, they themselves also gained a lot of benefits.

At this moment, when everyone saw Styx, Zhen Yuanzi flew towards Honghuang, not daring to be careless, and hurriedly followed, there were too many dangers in the chaos.

Chaos monsters, chaotic storms, earth fire water seals and so on.

Once encountered, quasi-holy monks are in danger of falling.

A hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye since Zhen Yuanzi returned from his enlightenment in the Earth Immortal Realm.

For a hundred years, the Three Realms had been peaceful, but on this day.

For some reason, the hearts of all the saints jumped, and they used their great mana to check.

After this inspection, it was immediately disastrous. In the vast fairy world, wisps of aura of measuring calamity rose up, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, disrupting cause and effect, and measuring calamity had descended quietly.

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace, Taiqing Laozi opened his eyes, with a trace of deepness and solemnity in his eyes, "The calamity is approaching, the West is booming!"

Taiqing Laozi knows very well that the territory of Xiniu Hezhou is that big.

If the West wants to prosper, the only way is to spread the Dharma to the East, South, and North.

And the Western transmission of the law is bound to have a negative impact on the luck of the Taoist sect.

The old man taught that it is necessary to prevent the great prosperity of the West and maintain the luck of the West.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi sat on Qingyun with a blank face, holding the three treasures Yu Ruyi in his hand, thinking secretly.

"In the battle of conferring the gods in the past, I owed the West a favor by inviting him to bring him together to break the Zhuxian Formation. This time, the West's great prosperity, I can't stop it."

After thinking about it, Yuan Shi couldn't help shaking his head, feeling inexplicably sad.

There are so many teachings, betrayals, betrayals, those who are on the list, the entire Kunlun Mountain, there are only a few disciples. It is really getting worse day by day
Jin Aodao, Chen Xuanji, and Master Tongtian raised their eyebrows, and the corners of their mouths were slightly raised, showing a smile.

"Measurable Tribulation has already started, but I don't know if the West can achieve its wish."

In the west, on Mount Sumeru, Zhunti, who was originally sitting quietly, suddenly opened his eyes, and surprise flashed across his face.

"Senior Brother, the Immortal World where the Calamity of Calamity is spreading, Calamity of Calamity is finally opened!"

In Zhunti's voice, there was unbearable excitement.

Daxing in the West, I don’t know how long I have been waiting for this day, and today is finally here.

"The calamity has begun, and my chance to flourish in the West is coming!"

The Dao Heart, which has been calm for hundreds of millions of years, is now rippling with ripples.

At this moment, above the Earth Immortal Realm, above the Nine Heavens, there was a Taoist sound.

"The calamity measurement is open, all the saints, Haotian, come to Zixiao Palace to discuss the calamity measurement."

Daoyin has gone through the vicissitudes of time, but it is still sonorous and powerful, spreading throughout the entire earth fairy world.

At this time, those Da Luo monks, quasi-sage monks, just woke up and noticed the energy of calamity spreading across the three worlds.

"Hiss, just over 1 years have passed since the Conferred God War, and there has been another calamity in the world!"

"In the catastrophe of conferring gods, the disciples of the three sects were killed and injured. How big is this catastrophe?"

"I heard that this calamity is an opportunity given by Master Daozu to revitalize the West."

"Western revitalization?"

Countless great powers whispered, with a trace of fear in their eyes.

The fierce beast catastrophe, the beast emperor rebels, galloping the world!

The Great Tribulation of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, the war between the three clans, countless casualties!

The catastrophe of the lich, the battle of the lich, the mountain will fall!
The catastrophe of conferring the gods, the war of the four religions, and the destruction of the prehistoric world!

Measuring calamity, for the prehistoric beings, has always been the endorsement of bloody, killing, and falling.

At this time, hearing that the calamity is about to start, countless great Luoxians and quasi-saint monks once again scrambled to retreat, ignoring worldly affairs.

After hearing the call from the Taoist ancestor, the saints and Haotian did not dare to procrastinate, they all turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the chaos.

In front of the gate of Zixiao Palace, the saints and Haotian stood respectfully, and Lao Tzu Taiqing knocked on the gate of Zixiao Palace, "Disciple, bring all the saints to meet the teacher."

The gate of Zixiao Palace creaked open, and all the saints couldn't wait to walk in.

In Zixiao Palace, as always, there is purple air curling up and spreading in all directions.

Hongjun Daozu, sitting on the futon, has an unfathomable aura around him.

He nodded slightly to everyone, "Sit down."

Immediately, a futon appeared under everyone's feet, and the saints sat on it without being polite.

"I asked you to come to Zixiao Palace this time, do you know why?"

Hongjun glanced at everyone, and asked a question lightly.

Zhunti couldn't wait to answer, "I think it's a matter of my Western Daxing."

"That's right, it's about Western Daxing." Hongjun nodded slightly.

"Back then, during the battle between Taoism and demons, we suppressed Rahu on Mount Sumeru. Unfortunately, we shattered the spiritual veins of the West and made the West impoverished."

"Everything in the world has a cause and an effect. When I shattered the Western spiritual vein, I owed the West a cause and effect. Now, it is time to repay it."

"So driven by the will of heaven, this calamity measurement is called Journey to the West!"

"Journey to the West."

The saints chewed on these two words, and they secretly coincided with the conjecture in their hearts.

They expected it well, relying on the West alone will not prosper, and in the end it will also be related to his land in the East.
When Zhun Ti heard it, he was secretly happy.

The saints in the east have never looked down on him in the west. This time, let's see how the west plunders the luck of the east.

On the other hand, Jieyin was still very sober, smiled and asked Hongjun.

"Dare to ask Zu, Journey to the West, what requirements do you have for our West?"

Hongjun said, "This trip to the west, there are a total of five protagonists who measure the calamity. Besides, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties. Only through these ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties can the west spread the word to the east and achieve great prosperity."

"Ah, is there still a nine-nine-eight-one difficulty?"

Zhunti was dumbfounded all of a sudden, the sages of the East have long disliked the West, if they intervene, what should the West do?
Jieyin had already been prepared in his heart, and he could still maintain his composure at this time.

"Dare to ask Zu, who are the five protagonists?"

Hong Jun said, "The five protagonists of the Calamity, one of the protagonists is the Nine-Aperture and Eight-Hole Immortal Stone on the top of Huaguo Mountain, and it's not too long before it takes shape."

"What about the other four?"

Jie Yin hastily asked questions.

"The remaining four, one is in your west, one is Zhu Tianpeng, the chief of the third generation of Renjiao, the other is the guardian god of heaven, the general of rolling curtain, and the last son of Yingjie is in the dragon clan."

Hongjun explained to the saints concisely.

At this moment, Zhunti's face became even more ugly. The saints in the east have never been used to the west, and the son of welcoming is in their hands again.

It will definitely add obstacles to the West, and there is still a long way to go for the Journey to the West.
Hongjun continued, "This time, you will be the son of Yingjie in the west, and the other four sons are all Dharma protectors, responsible for escorting the son of Jiejie in the west to seek Taoism in the west."

After Hongjun explained to everyone, he issued the order to evict the guests.

The saints, together with Haotian, withdrew from Zixiao Palace and returned to the Three Realms together.

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace, Taiqing, and Xuandu sat on the futons, and the atmosphere was a bit dignified.

"Teacher, Zhu Tianpeng is in danger this time."

Zhu Tianpeng, the third generation of Renjiao, was carefully cultivated by Taiqing and Xuandu, so nothing unexpected happened.

Taiqing shook his head, "The Daoist said, we teach Ying Jie's son, just to protect the Dharma, and are responsible for escorting the western Ying Jie's son to learn scriptures, there is no danger, besides, with my teacher here, who dares to touch Zhu Tianpeng in the three worlds. "

As the No.1 under the Dao Patriarch, Taiqing naturally has the confidence to say such a thing.

Only then did Xuandu feel relieved, "Then teacher, let's teach when to act, so I can arrange it in advance."

"I don't know about this yet, I guess we'll have to wait until the fairy egg with nine orifices and eight holes in Huaguo Mountain is born."

"Disciple understands."

33 Chongtian, Tianting, carved railings and jade, purple air rising, thousands of auspicious colors, and thousands of rays of light.

Haotian sat on the emperor's throne, opposite, Zhunti, and led the two saints to sit with their lapels straight.

I don't know what the three of them discussed, they only know that it has been a long time before they left slowly.

Zhunti, after leading the two saints to leave, Haotian sat alone on the throne, thinking secretly.

"Let's help the West one more time. Heavenly Court still has a long way to go if it wants to rule the Earth Immortal Realm."

On Jinao Island, in Biyou Palace, Master Tongtian and Chen Xuanji were discussing candidates for the Dragon Clan.

Why should the candidates of the Dragon Clan be decided at a later date?

Then naturally you have to ask the Dragon Clan themselves.

The leader of Tongtian sect discussed with Chen Xuanji for a while, and finally decided that Ao Lie, the direct son of Ao Guangzhi, a disciple of Jiejiao, should be robbed.

(End of this chapter)

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