Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 233 The Daoist Subhuti Bodhi Kui Niu's Lower Realm!

Chapter 233 The Daoist Subhuti Bodhi Kui Niu's Lower Realm!

Xiniu Hezhou, on Mount Sumeru, Zhunti, received and thought carefully.

"Jin Chanzi, the son of my West, who has measured and responded to the calamity, has already worshiped under the pharmacist's sect, so don't worry, but the fairy stone with nine orifices and eight holes...is a variable."

The gaze was very deep, and he looked in the direction of Dongsheng Shenzhou and Aolai Kingdom from afar.

The identity of the Nine Orifices and Eight Holes Immortal Stone has already been calculated clearly under the magic power of their saints.

Possesses the heaven-replenishing merit, possesses the blood of the Chaos Demon Ape, and at the same time, is the son of Measuring Calamity.

It can be called a genius, this kind of talent must not be beyond the control of his Buddhism.

Zhunti said, "Brother, don't worry, this fairy egg will be taught by us, and it will definitely be fine."

"You teach yourself?"

He frowned.


Zhunti nodded slightly, and with a thought, he turned into an old man with a white beard.

The nine-color cassock on his body turned into a white Taoist robe again.

"Although my Buddhist sect was transformed by eight hundred other sects, after all, I used to be a member of the Taoist sect. It is not an exaggeration to transform my body into Subhuti, right?"

Zhunti smiled faintly at Jieyin, his eyes full of confidence.

He was hesitant to say anything, "Junior brother, you are just a son of calamity, why do you need to do it yourself?"

Zhunti's voice became serious, "Brother, this catastrophe is the key to the prosperity of our west. There must be no mistakes. I will do it myself, so we can have a bottom line in our hearts."

Although Zhunti has a thick skin, he is extremely concerned about Western affairs.

Seeing this, the referee stopped trying to persuade him, "That's fine, then let's wait for the fairy egg to hatch."


After Zhunti finished speaking, with a thought, he flew out of Mount Sumeru.

The Earth Immortal Realm has a vast area, which is about 80.00% of the prehistoric area of ​​that year.

The four major continents share 80.00% of the area, each occupying 20.00%.

Therefore, although Xiniu Hezhou is barren and its aura is thinner than the other three major continents, it is not weaker than the other three major continents in terms of area.

In Hezhou, Xiniu, there is a fairy mountain called Fangcun Mountain.

There is a long-standing snake demon living on the mountain all the year round.

The snake demon was born at the end of the lich's calamity. Although the blood is shallow, after such a long time, it has the cultivation base of a golden immortal.

On this day, the snake demon was breathing out the essence of the sun and the moon on the top of Fangcun Mountain.

For some reason, the primordial spirit trembled suddenly, and a great sense of crisis rose in his heart.

He looked up and looked around, and at some point, an old Taoist in white robes appeared in front of him, staring at him with a smile.

The snake demon only felt a chill all over his body, and the mana flowed into his eyes, but he couldn't see the details of this old Taoist priest at all.

The snake demon has cultivated for countless thousands of years, so he naturally knows that in the Three Realms, there are people beyond humans, heaven beyond heaven, and countless strong ones.

As long as you can't see through it, you must be an expert, a senior.

Furthermore, the aura emanating from this white-robed old man is definitely not owned by ordinary monks, at least surpassing the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The snake demon's attitude suddenly changed, and he leaned forward and said in a very respectful manner.

"The little snake in the inch mountain below, don't you know the name of a high-ranking person?"

Subhuti originally wanted to kill the snake demon directly and occupy this square inch mountain.

But seeing that the little demon is very upright, his heart suddenly moved, and he said directly, "I am the Western Zhunti Saint."

"Western Zhunti Saint!!!"

It was as if there were countless thunderbolts in the snake demon's mind, and it scared the snake demon to its knees on the ground.

The fat Taoist in front of him turned out to be a Western saint?
Although the snake demon has never seen any great world, he also knows how supreme a saint is.

As for pretending to be a saint, the snake demon dared not even think about it.

A saint, the only one in the Three Realms, is supreme, who can pretend, and who dares to pretend?
"The little snake demon didn't know that it was a saint who came down, and asked the saint to come down."

The snake demon prostrated itself on the ground, trembling, afraid that a single thought of the saint would directly wipe him out.

Zhunti smiled, "I want to open up a dojo in Fangcun Mountain. I wonder if you are willing to follow me and listen to enlightenment for a while?"

Zhunti revealed his identity for a reason.

Although the calamity is approaching now, it is still unknown how many years have passed since the fairy egg was born.

I am on this Fangcun Mountain, and I also need to open up a Taoist temple appropriately to promote the reputation of Fangcun Mountain.

It's too busy to be on your own, and you have to have someone by your side to help.

The little snake demon in front of him, although his cultivation in the Golden Immortal Realm is a bit shallow, he can get by so-so.

It couldn't be better to keep him under the door and handle some trivial matters in the door for him.

When the little snake demon heard this, he raised his head in shock, with strong excitement in his eyes.

The next moment, the little snake demon kowtowed like garlic, with a trembling voice, "The little demon is willing, the little demon is willing, I implore the saint to take him in."

The little snake demon was very clever and didn't say to accept disciples.

He knew that with the supreme respect of a saint, he would never look down on him, a little snake demon with shallow blood and only golden immortals.

As long as he can serve by the saint's side, it is already a rare blessing for him.

Zhunti took a sensible look at the little snake monster, this little monster is pretty good.

When the amount of calamity is completed, it is not a bad idea to give him a chance from Daxing in the West.

After accepting the little demon, Zhunti waved his hand casually, the saint's great magic power surged, and the entire Fangcun Mountain shook.

Terrain, mountains, forests, etc. are constantly changing.

After about [-]:[-] a.m., a quiet and elegant ashram stood on Fangcun Mountain with immortal air, otherworldly and refined.

Zhunti thought for a while, and waved again. Next to the dojo, on a huge strange stone, stone powder rustled, and five large characters appeared on the left and right sides.

"Square inch mountain of Lingtai, three-star cave with oblique moon."

On the body of the ten big characters, bursts of mystery shone, and a strong and astonishing Dao Yun rushed towards the face.

Zhun Ti's handwriting made the little snake demon look dumbfounded.

As expected of a sage. Just a few words can inspire him.

The little snake demon secretly made up his mind that he must follow the saint well.

Serve well, maybe the sage will be happy to help himself prove the Tao of Taiyi.

The Taiyi Golden Immortal condenses the three flowers on the top, and its magic power connects the heaven and the earth, which is almost endless.

Even if you look at the current Three Realms, they are all extremely powerful and can dominate one side.

As for the Da Luo Jinxian, it is indestructible, and the little snake demon dare not even think about it.

Daluo Jinxian not only depends on hard work, but also talent, blood, fortune, etc. are all indispensable.

Zhunti took the little snake demon into the dojo, and with a thought, a gourd pill fell into the little snake demon's hands.

"I'll give you this elixir as a reward, so save some to eat, and it won't be a problem to help you improve your cultivation to the Golden Immortal Consummation."

"Thank you, little snake demon, for the gift from the sage." The little snake demon took it with both hands respectfully.

Zhunti nodded in satisfaction, and said to the little snake demon.

"Although I have opened a dojo here, I still need to practice on weekdays, and I don't show up often. The recruiting of disciples and the cleaning of the cave still need to fall on you."

The little snake demon nodded respectfully, "Dare to ask the saint, what are the conditions and requirements for recruiting disciples?"

"There is no requirement, mortals, grass spirits, beasts and monsters are all welcome. After you recruit a certain number, I will open an altar to teach you the supreme way."

Zhunti said casually, anyway, he opened up a dojo here, and his ultimate goal was the fairy egg.

The rest of the disciples are at most just a little extra.

As for opening an altar to teach the Dharma? Just pass on some rubbish and inferior Dharma doors.

As for the real subtlety of Buddhism, how can it be passed on to these stupid little demons?

"Oooh, the little demon understands, and will definitely try her best to do what the sage ordered."

"By the way, the identity of the saint of this seat is known by heaven and earth, you know me, and you must not pass it on to a third person. Otherwise, this seat will skin you, little demon, and demote your soul to the Nine Nether Places, and teach you There is no way to turn over.”

At the end, Zhunti's complexion became extremely cold, with bursts of killing intent, which scared the little snake demon to shiver.

The saint is worthy of being a saint, his words are so scary.
After exhorting the little snake demon, Zhunti stepped into the dojo and began to devote himself to retreat and practice.

Minghe and Zhenyuanzi proved the truth one after another, and he had to work hard.

On the coast of the East China Sea, Jinao Island, and in Biyou Palace, Chen Xuanji had a whim.

As if thinking of something, he came to Kui Niu Dojo.

Kui Niu Daochang is an endless prairie.

Of course, not all ordinary grass grows on the prairie, but spiritual root fairy grass.

On the endless prairie, the Kui Niu turned into a body with a height of more than a hundred feet, with drooping hair all over its body, and it gnawed at the fairy grass with spiritual roots on the ground.

In a short while, the Kui Niu gnawed out ten acres of fairy grass.

That is to say, the Jiejiao family has a great career. If it is replaced by other sage orthodoxy, Kui Niu's appetite alone will not be able to bear it.

Kui Niu was eating happily, when suddenly he felt his shoulders sink, and turned his head to look.

I saw Chen Xuanji riding on him at some point.

"Eldest brother, why are you here?"

Not only was Kui Niu not unhappy, but he yelled excitedly.

Every time my elder brother comes, he will bring him a lot of rare herbs, which are extremely delicious.

"Come here, of course I have something to do with you."

When Chen Xuanji thought about it, a lot of delicacies and delicacies suddenly fell out of mid-air.

Fairy fruit, spirit grass, ginseng, great medicine, everything that one expects to find, piled up on the ground into a hill.

When Kui Niu saw it, his eyes were straightened, and with a thought, he immediately put away the hill of elixir on the ground, and then smiled at Chen Xuanji.

"Eldest brother, just say whatever you want, as long as I, Lao Niu, can do it, I will definitely do my part and go through fire and water."

With a satisfied smile on Chen Xuanji's face, he jumped off Kui Niu's back and landed on the ground.

At this time, Kui Niu also retracted his body and turned into a burly man with a height of one or two meters.

"I heard from Styx that you and his youngest daughter, Rakshasa, are dating?"

As soon as Chen Xuanji opened his mouth, Kui Niu blushed.

"Lao Niu does know Luo Sha, senior brother, why did you suddenly ask about this?"

Seeing this, Chen Xuanji smiled slightly and then proved the Dao. After he transformed into the six realms of reincarnation, he ordered Zhen Yuanzi to be the Taoist master of the Heavenly God, and Minghe the Taoist master of the Asura Dao.

At that time, the underworld was first established and the business was busy.

Therefore, Chen Xuanji often took Kui Niu to the Netherworld to do business.

And the nether world is very close to the sea of ​​blood where the Styx River is located.

After going back and forth, Kui Niu actually met Rakshasa's eyes.

Every now and then, Kui Niu left Jinao Island to live a shameless life with Rakshasa in the sea of ​​blood.

Chen Xuanji laughed, "Do you want to leave Jinao Island and spend some time in the lower realm with Rakshasa?"

When Kui Niu heard this, his eyes lit up, "Yes, of course I do."

As soon as Kui Niu finished speaking, he felt something was wrong, and looked at Chen Xuanji suspiciously.

"Eldest brother, you don't think I eat too much old cow and want to drive me away?"

"You are Master's mount. If Master doesn't speak, who would dare to drive you away?" Chen Xuanji smiled, not hiding anything.

"Actually, there is a task for you in the lower realm this time. Journey to the West is about to start. The fairy egg with nine orifices and eight holes in Huaguo Mountain is the son of this calamity, which is extremely important."

"Letting you go to the lower realm is to let you establish a good relationship with the son of the calamity in advance, so that it will be convenient for me to stop teaching in the future."

"Otherwise, when the west completes the calamity, achieves great prosperity, and annexes my Xuanmen's luck, where will there be so many spirit grass and fairy fruits for you to eat?"

Kui Niu was fine listening to the front, but when he heard the back, his face changed instantly, and he said firmly, "Don't worry, senior brother, in order to protect my Xuanmen luck, I, Lao Niu, must go down to the realm!"

After talking with Kui Niu, Kui Niu was no longer in the mood to stay on Jinao Island.

Although the spirit root elixir is delicious, how can it taste like a Rakshasa girl?
After tidying up, Kui Niu immediately left Jinao Island, came to the sea of ​​endless blood, and met Rakshasa.

Although Kui Niu is greedy and lustful, his mouth is extremely powerful.

With a few words, he moved the Rakshasa girl and brought her out of the sea of ​​blood.

After the Raksha girl left, the figure of Styx slowly emerged from the endless sea of ​​blood, with a deep distress on his face.

"My family has such a good cabbage, I didn't expect it to be gouged by a cow"

Styx sighed, and his body was hidden in the sea of ​​blood again.

He was actually not worried about Rakshasa leaving the sea of ​​blood.

The Rakshasa woman is the pinnacle of Daluo, and she also has a top-grade innate spiritual treasure banana fan in her hand. Under the quasi-sage, she is absolutely invincible.

As for the quasi-saint monk, who doesn't know that Rakshasa is his daughter of Styx, and who would dare to attack her?
After Kui Niu left the sea of ​​blood with Rakshasa, he didn't go to Aolai country immediately.

It was after a few months of love with the Rakshasa girl that they came to Aolai country.

Seeing that Aolai Country is a country of mortals, and the aura is thin, Rakshasa couldn't help frowning.

"Old Niu, this Aolai country is the capital of mortals, and the aura is thin. What's the use of us coming here?"

Kui Niu blushed, and then explained the mission Chen Xuanji had entrusted to him.

When Rakshasa heard this, she immediately became unwilling.

I thought that this old cow took her out of the sea of ​​blood this time, because he was going to take her to roam the Three Realms and spend her honeymoon.

Unexpectedly, there was still a task ahead of her, so the Raksha girl immediately became unwilling and clamored to return to the sea of ​​blood.

Seeing this, Kui Niu quickly comforted him, "Don't worry, the elder brother said that this task has a very short deadline, and it will be completed in a short time."

"After the mission is completed, wouldn't it be nice for Lao Niu to personally take you on a tour of the Three Realms?"

Kui Niu talked back and forth several times before Rakshasa finally calmed down.

Immediately, the two found a mountain range with the strongest spiritual energy near the Aolai country and settled down, and named it Cuiyun Mountain and Banana Cave.

At the same time, on Huaguo Mountain, on the other side of the mountain range, there is a Kanyuan Mountain, a dirty water cave.

In the cave lived a white bear spirit, who called himself the Demon King of Confusion, and had a cultivation base in the fairyland.

There are more than a hundred little demons under his command, who run rampant all day long, oppressing the monkeys on Huaguo Mountain.

On this day, the Demon King of Confusion took several little demons to pick fruits on Huaguo Mountain.

Suddenly, there was a flash in front of my eyes, and a figure appeared at an unknown time.

That figure is very muscular, with a black face and thick beard, and wearing an iron crown, who is it but Zhao Gongming, the great disciple of Jiejiao's outer sect?
The Demon King of Confusion looked at Zhao Gongming, his heart became more vigilant, and he asked vigilantly with a big knife in his hand.

"Where did the Taoist come from? I am Kanyuan Mountain, the dirty water cave, and the devil king of the world!"

Zhao Gongming looked at the Hunshi Demon King and secretly smiled in his heart.

Although Aolai Kingdom is a kingdom of mortals, there are countless monsters nearby, including Jinxian and Taiyixian.

I don't know why the big brother just fell in love with this little fairy.

Zhao Gongming looked at the Hunshi Demon King indifferently, and went straight to the point, "I am a disciple of the outer sect, so is Zhao Gongming!"

(End of this chapter)

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