
Chapter 103 Zixia Clothes, Hunyuan Umbrella, and the Great War Will Begin

Ding Ding Ding!

Dongfang Potian's rocket spell landed on the purple clouds around Luo Tian's body like arrow clusters, and made a burst of clear and exciting sounds, just like the clash of gold and iron, swords and swords.Luo Tian spat out a mouthful of blood, and his internal organs were like several giant hammers being knocked down. Fortunately, his spiritual sense was strong, but he suffered a minor injury.

However, the purple gauze was finally stimulated with its inner attributes. As expected by Luo Tian, ​​there was a hidden seal attached to the purple gauze. The clouds finally changed, and there were countless clear rays of light among the clouds.

"Xuanming Four Treasures, Zixiayi!"

Dongfang Potian frowned, and suddenly exclaimed.

Zixia clothes?

Luo Tian was also taken aback, his purple gauze was looted from Yin Yizhi, how could it become the Four Treasures of Xuanming?If the Xiushui Peak Pill Formation Patriarch knew that it was one of the Xuanming Four Treasures, he probably wouldn't give it to his son, would he?

"An imitation is worth making a fuss about." Luo Tian smiled lightly, "Could it be that you, Dongfang Potian, were scared out of your wits?"

Fortunately, Luo Tian covered it up in time. In fact, his purple gauze dress was a real Zixia dress, not an imitation.This was obtained by Yin Yizhi by accident when he strayed into a hidden cave in the Xianxiamen because he was playful when he was young. Before he had time to show it to his father who was in retreat, he volunteered to go to Cuilongtan for blood training.Therefore, Luo Tian just picked up a big bargain.

Even if it is Zixiayi, it is difficult to exert greater power in the hands of Luo Tian due to his limited cultivation, and Luo Tian is still struggling to support it under Dongfang Breaking Heaven's endless stream of magic attacks.


Dongfang Potian snorted coldly, slapped the back of the head, and flew out a dagger. As soon as the dagger appeared, it radiated thousands of flames. At this moment, it seemed that half of the sky was burning under the flame of the dagger , Reflecting the sky red.

"Haha, when did Tangtang Dongfang Potian start to bully juniors?"

At this time, a thunderous long laugh flashed across the sky in the distance, and then a figure, like a rainbow passing through the sky, flickered in the distance before approaching.After arriving in the arena, the visitor shook out a small crystal umbrella exuding radiance, slowly opened it in the air, and then countless colorful rays of light emerged, blocking Dongfang Potian's spell and short sword on Luo Tian's body Beyond the first five feet.

"Hunyuan Umbrella!" Dongfang Potian's pupils shrank, and his whole body was furious, "Xuande, it's you!"

The person who came was the elder Xuande of Xianxiamen. He had sensed the battle here a long time ago, but he was delayed by other monks of Huoyan Kingdom, so he came late.I saw Master Xuande looking around, a trace of doubt flashed across his eyebrows, "Huh? Dongfang Potian, where are your two juniors?"

At this time, Luo Tian had already broken away from Dongfang Potian's spiritual consciousness lock, and one dodged behind the real Xuande, and said lightly: "Reporting to the elder, his two juniors have been killed by me!"

"Hahaha, good, good boy! You are worthy of being the successor of Uncle Han!" Xuande Daoist laughed again with great comfort, and then looked at Dongfang Potian quite proudly, his eyes full of fighting spirit, "Dongfang Potian, why don't you and I fight today, how about it?"

Dongfang Potian stared at Luo Tian for a long while, before turning his eyes away, and looking at Master Xuande faintly, "Xuande, the future will be long, you and I will definitely decide the winner one day!"

The three of Luo Tian had already gathered together at this moment. Hearing Dongfang Potian's words, he couldn't help being a little surprised. Dongfang Potian was the No. 1 monk below the alchemy stage of Huoyan Kingdom.Unexpectedly, Master Xuande was on the same level as him. From this, it can be seen that Xianxiamen's reputation as the number one cultivating immortal sect in the Great Wu Kingdom is well-deserved.

"That's fine." Master Xuande waved his sleeves, retracted the Hunyuan Umbrella suspended in the air, and said lightly.

"Little guy, I hope someone will come to save your life next time!" Dongfang Potian looked at Luotian coldly for a day, took the universe bags of his two juniors, and walked away.

Luo Tianwen, who hadn't waited to go forward to thank Master Xuande, couldn't help but change his face when he heard what Master Xuande said.

"Dongfang Potian is indeed an unborn genius. It seems that within three years, he will definitely enter the alchemy stage."


After returning to the station, Master Xuande did not reprimand the three of Luo Tian, ​​but softly comforted the three of Luo Tian, ​​especially the way he looked at Luo Tian with deep meaning, he was able to kill Luo Tian under the eyes of Dongfang Potian Among the two early stage monks, Luo Tian has unlimited potential. If he hadn't been the only descendant of Lihuo Peak, Master Xuande couldn't help but accept him as his apprentice.

After this battle, Master Xuande did not send the three of Luo Tian to continue patrolling, but instead sent several other disciples of the Qi refining period to replace the three of them.

The three of Luo Tian left the residence of Immortal Xuande and chose a relatively remote place at random.

"Let me tell you, what kind of manners do you push and shove?" Luo Tian shouted depressingly when he was hijacked to a deserted corner by Song Wuji and Fatty Wang, who had fierce eyes.

"Dear brother Luo..." Fatty Wang spoke, his sweet voice combined with his fat face made Luo Tian almost vomit.

Goosebumps suddenly appeared on his body, Luo Tian looked at Song Wuji, he knew that he couldn't reason with Fatty Wang, so he had no choice but to start with Song Wuji.

Unexpectedly, Song Wuji's complexion was serious, and he said expressionlessly: "Ten bottles of Gu Ben Dan, otherwise we won't talk about it!"

Luo Tian slapped his forehead helplessly when he heard the words, and sat on the ground with a rogue posture, "I said, Brother Song, you are also a very kind person in my heart, why are you acting like a dead fat man to take advantage of the fire? Don't say it." Ten bottles, half a bottle is gone! None!"

Song Wuji chuckled, and said shamelessly, "Brother Luo, I'm not that good, I'm just a vulgar person, an unbearably vulgar person... You said that everyone is friends anyway, and you, as the descendant of Patriarch Han, have pills in your hand. There are not as many medicines as jelly beans, pity the two of us who often lick blood from the knife."

"Yes, yes!" Fatty Wang's eyes lit up immediately, "The two of us are too pitiful, we often encounter others bullying us!"

Fatty Wang's words were quite lethal. Luo Tian almost fainted when he heard the words, and he said that others bullied you two.I don't know who came and kept clamoring to rob half of the monks in Huoyan Kingdom...

With a wry smile, Luo Tian said in a very speechless manner, "I do have some pills on me, but the quantity is not much, just now I want to re-refine some recovery pills, if you provide some pills from robbery, I will give you a few pills." Bottles are not out of the question!"

"If you need any elixir, just tell me!" Fatty Wang and Song Wuji patted their chests vowingly.

A hint of cunning flashed in Luo Tian's eyes, and then he scolded solemnly: "I think about it, I should also need three-color ganoderma, hundred-year-old straw mushrooms, asparagus grass, thousand-year-old campanula, nine-ling lotus root..."

Fatty Wang: "..."

Song Wuji: "..."

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