
Chapter 104 Alliance, Xiaodutian Raging Fire Formation

In the next few days, both the Huoyan Kingdom and the Great Wu Kingdom restrained their subordinate monks, but violent conflicts rarely occurred.But everyone knows that this is just a moment of calm before the storm.

Luo Tian extorted Hu Meng from Song Wuji and Wang Fatty, but got a lot of elixir, retreated for three days, and finally refined more than a dozen bottles of recovery that are suitable for consumption during the Qi refining stage and the foundation building stage Dan.It is undeniable that Han Zheng's cultivation level is not very high, but even Luo Tian, ​​a pervert with two lifetimes of experience, sincerely admires his attainments in alchemy. If this cheap master hadn't been obsessed with alchemy, he might have cultivated to the Yuanying stage long ago. uncertain.

There is a mountain range in the southwest of Great Wu Kingdom, which blocks Great Wu and surrounding countries. The mountain range is called Huanglong, and it is thousands of miles long, and it stretches continuously for thousands of miles, vertically and horizontally descending.And the place where the ore lode is located belongs to the Huanglong Mountain Range at the junction of Great Wu Kingdom and Huoyan Kingdom.The mountains here are extremely deep and wide, with jagged rocks, extremely lush vegetation, and rivers, lakes and lakes can be seen everywhere.

On a higher hillside, the weeds were as tall as half a person. At this moment, the three of Luo Tian were sitting in a circle, drinking heavily.Except for Fatty Wang's expression that was not quite right, Luo Tian and Song Wuji both chatted happily.

Because the food and wine were all served by Fatty Wang.

"I said, that, Brother Luo, you have already cultivated in the foundation stage, so you should be able to fast?" Fatty Wang asked tentatively, the distressed look on his face could not be concealed.

Luo Tian didn't speak immediately when he heard the words, instead he raised his neck and drank the little half bottle of fine wine left in his hand, then sucked his mouth and said: "Brother Wang is too high on my younger brother, only cultivation Only in the later stage of the foundation building period can bigu be achieved, and now the younger brother is far from being able to."

"Hey, it's a pity that my little brother has worked so hard to find these delicacies." Fatty Wang failed, and put on a miserable look, which was useless in the eyes of Luo Tian and the two of them. .

Seeing that the two of them were unmoved, Fatty Wang could only shake his head with a wry smile, "Forget it, since I have already taken out half of my collection today, I will hang out with you two next time..."

The wine that Luo Tian and Song Wuji had just clinked immediately spurted out, and this guy's lies were more true than truth.

"Okay, okay." Song Wuji waved his hands viciously, and then said in a low voice, "Have you heard? The Huoyan Kingdom is coming very aggressively this time. It is said that they are waiting for reinforcements these days."

"Strong support?"

Luo Tian frowned slightly, "Didn't you say earlier that the only Fire Temple in the Huoyan Kingdom came to the Yellow Dragon Mountains?"

"No, no!" Fatty Wang shook his head and said, seemingly understanding, "Although the Fire God Temple is considered one of the three major forces in the Huoyan Kingdom, it is not the strongest force. His sect alone, whether it is No matter what, I can't compete with my Xianxia Sect."

"That's right!" Song Wuji nodded, and then said solemnly, "It is said that Luo Yunzong and Ziyaoshan, the other two major sects of the Huoyan Kingdom, are also here. If these two sects also participate, the situation of our Xianxiamen will be worrisome. !"

"It's more than worrying." Luo Tian's brows showed a sad look, "It's a losing game! I just don't know if my Xianxia sect will ask the other three major sects in China to help?"

"At present, we can only take one step at a time. Come on, brother Luo, drink!" Song Wuji snatched up the two bottles of wine in front of Fatty Wang and threw one to Luo Tian. , Gudong Gudong drank swig.

Fatty Wang's face suddenly became like a bitter melon.


Huanglong Mountains.Xianxiamen resident.

The jade slip on the forehead of Master Xuande flew down automatically, and a look of worry appeared between his brows. He sighed for a long time, opened the Qiankun bag, and flew his hands in the air one after another. Several sound transmission symbols turned into flames and flew away.

A while later, many foundation-building monks and Qi-refining monks rushed to Xuande Zhenren's residence, all of them looked a little heavy.

The Luo Tian trio, the Xianxia Sanxiu, were naturally among them.

"I said Brother Luo, our relationship is better than your relationship with the obscene demon, why is he also having three bottles of rejuvenation pills, and I am also having three bottles? Seeing that we are old friends, there are more Just give the little brother half a bottle!"

Fatty Wang was flying around, and he didn't forget to send a voice transmission to Luo Tian to complain.

Luo Tian glanced at Fatty Wang with an expression on his face, and said indifferently: "Fatty man, please be careful with your words, whoever is your old friend, is an old acquaintance!"

"Okay, don't care what the words are!" Fatty Wang smiled flatteringly, "At least give brother three more recovery pills, after all..."



"Up to two, I have only refined nine bottles of Rejuvenation Pills in total, and I have already paid for the extra two." Luo Tian naturally did not tell the two of them about the matter, in fact, he had refined a total of ten bottles. Three bottles of Rejuvenation Pill, in addition to giving Fatty Wang and Song Wuji three bottles each, he still has seven bottles left.He has worked tirelessly to refine the elixir, so he should take a few percent more anyway.

Just after talking with Fatty Wang, another voice came from Luo Tian's ear.

"Brother Luo, it's because of us..." Driven by Fuyuan Dan, even Song Wuji bit the bullet and asked Luo Tian for the pill.

"Up to two! Not negotiable!"

Luo Tian immediately gave a reply with a decisive look.

Song Wuji was not as greedy as Fatty Wang, he seemed content with having two more pills, winked at Luo Tian and continued on his way.

Not long after, everyone saw Master Xuande standing with his hands behind his back in the square, and beside him stood Master Xuanmu and Master Xuanguang.

"The reason why you are called here this time is because the Huoyan Kingdom has come to help, and they have set up the Xiaodu Tianlie Fire Formation, making it clear that they will fight to the death with my Xianxiamen!" Master Xuande's voice was not loud, but he conveyed it clearly. into everyone's ears.

The small capital is on fire?

Immediately came the uproar of the monks below. This Dutianlie fire formation is a strange formation passed down from ancient times. Once it is fully displayed, it is said that it can refine all things in the world.Even though the Xiaodu Tianlie Fire Formation is much less powerful, it's probably not something low-level monks like them can resist.

"But you don't need to worry. After negotiation, our Xianxia Sect has invited the Tianyin Sect to be an ally, and the head teacher of the Tianyin Sect has also agreed to invite the Bahuang Kuishui Formation. The Xiaodu Tianliehuo Formation is not to be feared! Only recently In the past few days, those monks in the Huoyan Kingdom have become more and more arrogant, you just need to wait for a few days, and don't fall into the other party's aggressive tactics!"


Almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, they were very dissatisfied with the way Master Xuande panted when he spoke.

ps: Some book friends don’t update their messages enough, so let’s do it, these days are indeed too busy.My first two books have been finished, and they are very cheap, and the content is quite funny, you can go and have a look.

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