
Chapter 106 7 Lei Luo Fan, Revealed

Patriarch Chinao?

After Luo Tian heard the name, he only thought for a moment before he found a clue from his memory. Then he pulled Chen Yu sideways, and the two of them turned into a hazy light and shadow, and retreated a few feet.

At the same time, several purple clouds radiated from Luo Tian's body, tightly enveloping the two of them together, thousands of rays of light burst out, and centered on the two of them, a howling tornado surged wildly.

Speaking of which, Patriarch Chinao is also an old monster who has lived for more than two hundred years. He is quite famous among the monks of the Huoyan Kingdom and the Great Wu Kingdom. Of course, this reputation is only in the hearts of the older generation of monks.After careful calculation, he has not appeared for more than a hundred years.The reason why Patriarch Chinao is famous is also quite legendary. It took him less than a hundred years to cultivate from an ordinary mortal to the alchemy stage, and he can be regarded as a peerless genius in the world of immortality. He changed and became more and more arrogant and arrogant. In the end, he severely injured the great-grandson of an old monster in the Nascent Soul Stage, which made the old monster in the Nascent Soul Stage go out of the mountain in a fit of anger, and went to find the Chinao old man. Ancestor, after a fierce fight, although the ancestor of the Chinao did not die physically and mentally, under the suppression of the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage, he was able to retreat completely, but his realm was knocked down by a layer, and he disappeared without a trace.

Unexpectedly, the China Patriarch, who had disappeared for more than a hundred years, would appear again.

Facing the vigilance of the two of Luo Tian, ​​Patriarch Chiluo didn't make a sound, but with a smile on his face, he looked at Luo Tian with a faint smile, but a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Luo Tian and Chen Yu swept their spiritual senses at the same time, and they had already seen through the true cultivation of Chi Nao Patriarch, and the foundation-building period was complete.

After a long time, Patriarch China sighed regretfully, and said, "You two will either be imprinted with your soul by me, or you will die. I will give you a cup of tea to think about it. Don't try to escape!"

Soul imprint.

Not only Chen Yu, but even Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically.The soul imprint is different from the imprint of spiritual consciousness. To clear the imprint of spiritual consciousness, one only needs to find someone with a higher level of cultivation than the caster to get rid of it. However, only the caster of the spell can remove the imprint of the soul. The only way to break it is for the caster to die.But after planting the soul imprint, the caster is equivalent to controlling your life and death, and there is no thought of resistance at all.

How could Luo Tian and Chen Yu, the proud sons of heaven, give their lives to Patriarch Chinao.


Luo Tian suddenly shouted loudly, and the sound spread far away, and at the same time, his hands flew up and down, several talismans flew out of thin air.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the ancestor Chiluo, and without seeing how he made any gestures, his figure disappeared in place. The next moment, he was in front of Luo Tian and the two of them, and slapped fiercely on the purple clouds in front of him.

In the void, a big hand suddenly appeared, about a foot in size, and slapped fiercely at the purple clouds.

Patriarch Chinao's blow landed on the purple clouds solidly, causing the purple clouds to tremble wildly, and the outer layer of purple clouds were all shaken away.A sharp pain came from Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness, and he was extremely surprised. The cultivation of the Chinao Patriarch was still at the foundation building stage, but the cultivation of his spiritual consciousness had already reached the early stage of alchemy.It seems that if he is allowed to cultivate, he will be able to recover his cultivation level in his heyday within ten years.

The mana consumption in Luo Tian's body was quite huge, and most of the mana was emptied by the blow of the China ancestor, and he was even more shocked. Since Zixiayi is one of the four treasures of Xuanming, it should at least be a high-level treasure The magic weapon, such a magic weapon, was almost breached by the opponent's seemingly random blow, and immediately swallowed several recovery pills.

Chen Yu next to him naturally wouldn't sit still. Since the other party's purpose was to kill the two of them, he didn't show any mercy. After adjusting his cultivation base and spiritual consciousness in the foundation building period to the peak state, he spit out one thing in one gulp. As soon as this incident happened, that big-headed old man Chinao Patriarch couldn't help but change his face.

"Seven Thunders and Luo Fan! You are actually from Feiyun Peak of Xianxiamen!"

The Qileiluo fan is only the size of a palm, and grows up against the wind after it comes out. The round fan is embroidered with landscapes on the front and various rare and exotic animals on the back. There are many golden silk threads wrapped around the handle of the fan, and a pink square hangs from the end of the fan. jade pendant.

Chen Yu's face was serious, he bit the tip of his tongue, and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The seven thunderbolt fan kept spinning in the void, and immediately the black wind swayed on the fan surface, and countless dark clouds gushed out, covering the surrounding area Baizhang, and then four bright lightning bolts fell from the dark clouds, the thunderbolts were as thick as a child's arm, and the momentum was frightening.


Taking advantage of this time, Luo Tian also got ruthless, took out the talisman that Han Zheng gave him, and after chanting the spell, threw the talisman that had been used once into the sky, and then, Luo Tian popped out his hands one after another Countless strange purple lotus flowers pulled Chen Yu back violently at the same time.

Patriarch Chinao is indeed a formidable enemy.Looking at his attack just now, it was clearly only a Dzogchen cultivation base at the foundation establishment stage, but he could easily use a magic attack at the alchemy stage, which was simply too tyrannical.


After Chen Yu used the Qileiluo Fan, his complexion became extremely pale, as if his vitality had been seriously injured.

On the other hand, Patriarch Chinao, facing the attacks of the two, was not disturbed, stretched out his hand and grabbed at the void, and took out a piece of tattered cloth two feet square from the Qiankun bag, and then lightly threw it on the top of his head. There was a puff of green smoke, and more and more green smoke, and finally turned into an illusory green dragon, with two horns on its head and long beards on its face. Under the two giant eyes, there are two rows of uneven dragons. teeth.

I saw the green dragon raised its head to the air, and sprayed out several waves of green smoke from its mouth. The water waves were so powerful in the air that they forcibly resisted the four rays of thunder that were shot down by Qi Leiluo's fan.

And the China Patriarch had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and stretched out a hand towards the void in front of him. The entire void seemed to darken at that moment. Immediately, he grabbed a dagger in his hand. It kept bouncing in his hands like a loach, but he couldn't get out of his control. In the end, he was grabbed and crushed by the China ancestor, turning into countless light spots and dissipating in the void.

"I think of you, you are the little guy who killed the outer sect disciples of Ziyao Mountain in the town near Daxiong Ridge!" Patriarch China smiled lowly.

Luo Tian just went out for a hundred feet at the moment, and the words of the Chinao Patriarch came from his spiritual consciousness, and he was startled, and then a trace of helplessness appeared in his heart, if he had cultivated to the peak of his previous life, this kind of guy would be able to kill several times with just one slap One, but now they can only run away.

Patriarch Chinao, I hope you live well, and I will kill you with my own hands in the future!

"You can't run away!" Patriarch Chinao took a step forward and appeared thirty feet away the next moment.

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