
Chapter 107

Luo Tian is good at speed and body skills, the China Patriarch is not slow, just a few dodges, he is already five or six feet behind Luo Tian, ​​Luo Tian's spiritual sense has already noticed it, and he is about to fight hard When his vitality was seriously injured and he was about to sacrifice Fen Baoyan, a gentle and low shout came.

"Don't go crazy, the red-haired old man!"

Luo Tian's consciousness could only feel an irregular twisting of the consciousness in front of him. A young man in white robes was walking towards him like walking in the void. Every step he took, the void under his feet trembled with illusory ripples, as if he was coming by the wind. fairy.

"Yin Yun!"

Patriarch Chinao just froze slightly, and didn't even pursue him. Instead, he threw out the old piece of cloth, turned into a dragon in the air, and devoured Luo Tian and the other two.

The white-robed young man had an ordinary face, but his whole body exuded a faint evil spirit. Seeing this, he just sneered, and then flicked his sleeves, and an inconspicuous steel ring was thrown out. The surface of the circle was interspersed by a faint trembling yellow glow, trapping the green dragon made of the worn-out cloth, allowing it to struggle wildly, and then the white-robed young man recited a few formulas, and the green dragon wailed and vanished into thin air.

Patriarch Chinao didn't panic either, he beckoned to take back the worn-out cloth, shaking out a cloud of gray mist, after leaning in, he turned and left without hesitation.

"Xianxiamen kid, Ziyaoshan will definitely come to you!"

The white-robed young man's face turned cold when he heard the words. It has been many years. No monk below the alchemy stage dared to show off his power in front of him. The Patriarch Chinu who fell sharply.

With a flick of a finger, several small light spots flew out from the fingertips of the young man in white robe, and fell into the steel ring precisely. Go, it's very strange, the steel ring is above the gray fog, and it can't fall down for a while.

After a few breaths of stalemate, a muffled hum came from the gray mist, and then a trace of inconspicuous bright red seemed to float on the gray mist.

"What a Tiangang ring, what a Yin Yun! Today's revenge will be rewarded in the future!" Patriarch Chiluo laughed angrily, and then disappeared in the void like a stream of light.

"Blood Demon escapes." The white-robed young man shook his head, "This old fellow is still so ruthless that he doesn't hesitate to waste 20 years of cultivation."

Actually, Patriarch Chinao was really wronged. His cruel words before were obviously aimed at Luo Tian, ​​but the young man in white robe misunderstood that Patriarch Chinao had found Ziyao Mountain as a backer, and did not take himself seriously. Li, with a slight anger in his heart, he had already committed a killer, but he made the wrong mistake and temporarily helped Luo Tian.

"Both of you, quickly follow me back to the station."

After the young man in white robe finished speaking, without waiting for the consent of Luo Tian and the two of them, he rolled up the sleeves of his robe, wrapped them up, and rushed towards the Xianxia Gate's residence like lightning.


"Brother Luo, you don't look very...not very good-looking." Fatty Wang was trying to gnaw on a fat roast chicken, while muttering vaguely, "Hey, you are unlucky to meet the ancestor of the red scorpion , don’t think too much about it.”

Song Wuji, who was sitting cross-legged on one side, dispersed the entangled water around his body, glanced at Fatty Wang, and said, "That Patriarch Chinao is also special, he can cast the spell of the alchemy stage with his cultivation at the foundation stage, this person It is a formidable enemy."

Luo Tian didn't speak, just smiled lightly, but he couldn't help worrying in his heart. What the Chinao Patriarch said before he left was not just talking nonsense. In Yaoshan's ears, I believe that Ziyaoshan must know that the Lianxu map is in his hands soon, and there must be a trouble at that time.As the saying goes, good luck and bad luck never come singly. Yin Yun, the ancestor of Xiushui Peak, also came to the Huanglong Mountains, hoping that he would not realize that he killed Yin Yizhi, otherwise the fun would be even greater.At that time, the two major cultivating sects of the Huoyan Kingdom and the Great Wu Kingdom will chase and kill him together, which is simply unimaginable.

"I'm going to retreat for the past few days. What's the matter? You two just send me the sound transmission talisman." After Luo Tian finished speaking, he turned and went back to the room. Feeling uneasy for a while, it is better to seize the time to improve your strength, or you may be wiped out one day.

Luo Tian hates this feeling of being stuck in his throat, what he wants is a life that is extremely free and free.It was in the previous life, and it is also in this life.

After returning to the room, he laid out a few small restraining formations, and Luo Tian entered the black lotus space to practice.

After a few days like this, there was a faint buzzing sound in Luotian's mind, and he hurried out of the Heilian space. Sure enough, three sound transmission symbols were hovering in the air.

With a catch in the air, Luo Tian looked at each of the three sound-transmitting talismans, and began to think about it.

After turning around to tidy up, Luo Tian withdrew the restraining formation and headed towards the layman.

"Here we come, we come!" Fatty Wang saw Luo Tian from a long distance away, and greeted him first with a happy face. Naturally, behind him were Song Wuji and Chen Yu.

Seeing this, Luo Tian couldn't help asking: "Could it be that some happy event happened recently?"

"Brother Luo, it's a spectacle. After decades of living, my old Wang finally saw the collision of the ancient strange formations. This trip is worthwhile, this trip is worthwhile!" Fatty Wang shouted, dancing and pointing at the distant sky.

Luo Tian looked at it pleasingly, and sure enough, the sky above the Huanglong Mountains shrouded in the distant sky changed at this moment. The entire sky was occupied by two colors of light, one white and one red. Blocked outside, can no longer go deep.

"Two ancient formations!" Luo Tian couldn't help exclaiming.

"That's right, it's the Xiaodu Tianlie Fire Formation and the Bahuang Kui Water Formation." Song Wuji looked at the sky in awe, "The strange formations in the world are really extraordinary, and their aura alone makes us stand upright. "

"Why don't we go and have a look." Chen Yu, who was standing quietly by the side, suggested that those beautiful eyes hadn't moved away from Luo Tian since he appeared, which made Song Wuji and Fatty Wang feel very upset.

"That's good." Luo Tian nodded, and walked away first, but he didn't control the flying sword, but cast the light, and his body disappeared like a blue rainbow.

Obediently!Fatty Wang and the three looked at each other. It seemed that this guy had only been in seclusion for a few days, and his cultivation level had improved. It would be great to have a master of alchemy as his master.

Naturally, Luo Tian didn't think too much about it. He was now fully focused on these two ancient treasures that were facing each other. If he expected it to be right, since both sides had set up their formations, the battle would naturally not drag on for too long. , It is estimated that in the past few days, the two sides will start the first round of offensive.

Standing in mid-air with his hands behind his back, Luo Tian's eyes flickered, and he saw the two ancient treasures clearly in an instant. You can get a glimpse of it by using it.On the surface, these two ancient strange formations seem to be a bit grand, but in fact, Luo Tian clearly knows that the Bahuang Kuishui formation is better than the small Dutianlie fire formation. After all, it is not the real Dutianlie fire formation, so it cannot Competing against the Bahuang Kuishui Formation, you can tell the difference just by feeling the sufficiency of the heaven and earth vitality contained in each large formation.However, since Huoyan Kingdom dared to use Xiaodu Tianlie Fire Formation to face Bahuang Kuishui Formation, there is naturally an unknown back move.

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