
Chapter 108 Two-Headed Fire Winged Dragon

The entire sky seemed to be cut in half by a half-white and half-red barrier. One side was full of water aura, and the other was hot and steaming fire aura. Compatible, and released countless steam, this steam can dissipate out of thin air at first, and later accumulate more, forming a white thick fog barrier, the sight is difficult to penetrate.

Luo Tian raised his head to look at the dense fog, but his spiritual eyes couldn't penetrate it. These two closely connected ancient formations seemed to be connected in one place, including the entire sky, and Luo Tian Wherever Tian Lingyan scanned, from time to time, he found that the gaps next to the two ancient strange formations had been set up with extremely powerful restraining formations.

"These bastards from the Huoyan Kingdom are really ruthless!" Song Wuji couldn't help cursing vulgarly at the side. At this moment, the light above his head was dim, and there was an aurora bead hanging above his head. In the middle, thousands of brilliance were refracted, and these brilliance continuously formed crystal-like mirrors, and finally fell into the center of Song Wuji's eyebrows.

At this point, Luo Tian finally knew the reason why Song Wuji was almost as good as his spiritual eyes. It turned out that the Aurora Bead not only has a strong defense, but also has the function of seeing through illusions.

Luo Tian shook his head, and said flatly: "The two countries are at war, as it should be."

"What did you see? Did you see the treasure? Hurry up and tell me about it!" Fatty Wang jumped up and down on Chen Yufei's sword, and the flying sword sank slightly, which shows that this guy's weight has increased a lot recently .


Fatty Wang was thrown high from the sky, howling incessantly for a while, his voice was so horrific, like a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered.

Luo Tian smiled wryly in his heart, what did this fat man do to offend Chen Yu, that little witch? The fat man caught it firmly.

"My mother, the little demon girl is really playing..." Fatty Wang kept rubbing his chest, and said with lingering fear.

"You know the little demon girl is powerful, so don't provoke her." Luo Tian's lips moved slightly, using sound transmission to enter the secret, he didn't dare to call Chen Yu little demon girl blatantly, the price he paid would be too great.

At this time, Chen Yu had already driven the flying sword to fall to Luo Tian's side, and said with a half-smile: "What are you two talking about?"

"I didn't say anything!" The brothers and sisters quickly replied in unison.


Xianxiamen resident.In a relatively spacious secret room, there were more than [-] monks in the foundation establishment period, Luo Tian and Chen Yu were sitting by the door at the bottom.

"The night after two days is the best time for us to launch an attack." Master Xuande slightly arched his hands towards an old man in black at the top, "Elder Liang of the Tianyin Sect watched the sky last night and calculated two A dense fog will fall from the sky in the future, and with the help of the cover of the dense fog, we will take this opportunity to defeat the Huoyan Nation in one fell swoop!"

Afterwards, the old man in black stood up and bowed in a circle, and said calmly: "This time, my Tianyin Sect not only brought the Eight Desolation Kuishui Formation, but also nine foundation-building monks to help the alliance, Fellow Daoists, please work together to wipe out the cultivators of the Huoyan Kingdom."

Cultivators like Chen Yu and Luo Tian who have just entered the foundation stage naturally have no right to speak, and the old man in black in front of him is also a master monk who is almost reaching the foundation stage Dzogchen.

However, after Chen Yuwen heard this, he curled his lips, moved his lips up and down, and sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​"Look at what this old guy said, if the Xianxiamen didn't agree to give [-]% of the spirit stones here to Tianyin Sect, he would have given away [-]% of the spirit stones here. Don't work so hard!"

There was no change on Luo Tian's face, but he was secretly surprised in his heart. No wonder the Tianyin Sect was so kind, and they came here for the Lingshi.Moreover, the Xianxia Sect only gave [-]% of it. It seems that their shortage of spirit stones is even more severe than that of the Xianxia Sect.

Ordinary people in the secular world are running for gold and silver, but the world of cultivating immortals has to fight for Lingshi.The world is the same, and the sky is fair.

Luo Tian couldn't help but look more at the old man in black. He didn't expect that this unattractive old man was proficient in arithmetic and hexagrams. It seems that there are quite a lot of talented people in the world of cultivating immortals, and many monks who usually don't show off , all have supernatural powers.

Next, the Xianxia Sect and the many foundation-building monks of the Tianyin Sect discussed carefully before leaving.

Two days later, in the middle of the night, Xuande Daoist and the old man in black gathered all the disciples of the two major sects, and each of them was given a magic talisman. The formation can perceive each other, and can use a small part of the power of this ancient strange formation.

Of course, the premise is that you must be in the Eight Desolation Kuishui Formation, and your cultivation base is sufficient to drive the vitality of heaven and earth in the formation.

Sure enough, Luo Tian and Chen Yu, as the lowest cultivators in the Foundation Establishment Stage, were left behind to guard the gates to prevent the Huoyan Kingdom cultivators from sneaking around to attack.All the left-behind Qi-refining monks were assigned to the two of them.

After distributing everything, two factions of foundation-building monks, Xuande Daoist and the old man in black, either controlled the flying sword or the escape light, and entered the gate of life in the Bahuang Kuishui Formation.


Fatty Wang yawned, his face was full of sleepiness, he sat down on the ground, and began to rest leisurely.

Song Wuji was dressed in white, and his gaze was always on Chen Yu, intentionally or unintentionally. It was obvious that he was still infatuated after being rejected by Chen Yu.

At this moment, Luo Tian kept wandering around the garrison, either using talismans or casting spells, setting up an extremely tight defensive circle, in which mana was exhausted several times, fortunately there were recovery pills and spirit stones to replenish mana, Only then was he able to support him to persevere until the end.

As if all the strength in his body had been drawn out of his body out of thin air, Luo Tian was lying on the ground in a disfigured manner, panting heavily, this station was only about five or six miles around, but it made him feel extremely strenuous, the restraint was okay , especially the mana needed for several of the hidden formations is extremely huge. If it weren't for his rich net worth, I am afraid that he would not be able to complete this task at all.

Next, it took Luo Tian a full hour to recover the mana in his body. This is because he took a lot of recovery pills and absorbed a lot of low-level spirit stones. Old fox, he didn't let Chen Yu do anything, he obviously knew that he was the only descendant of Lihuo Peak, and he was rich.

"what is that?"

At this time, the Aurora Bead suspended above Song Wuji's head suddenly trembled, and then reflected a piece of mirror surface measuring one foot square. A cloud of influence was quickly reflected on the mirror surface. At first, the influence was still a cloud of thick fog and clouds, and then suddenly Two tiny red dots appeared.

As the red light spot gradually enlarged, finally the real body appeared.

Those were two double-headed fire pterosaurs!

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