
Chapter 110

For a moment, Luo Tian seemed to have two wings. Under the inconceivable eyes of many monks below, he seemed to be just swaying in the air, and then he arrived behind the Huoyan Kingdom Foundation Establishment Stage monk who was fighting Chen Yu, and then stretched out his hand in front of him. With a light swipe in the void, countless small sword qi composed of heaven and earth aura immediately appeared around the body of the Huoyan Kingdom Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator.

"Sword cultivator?" The cultivator of the Huoyan Kingdom's foundation period screamed, and immediately pinched the magic formula, and quickly swirled the flying sword in his hand around his body, forming a dazzling light curtain.

"Block the car with the mantis arm."

Luo Tian saw it in his eyes, and said in a low voice, holding his palms in front of him again, and the countless sword qi that surrounded the monks of the Huoyan Kingdom's foundation period immediately swarmed up, hitting the light curtain like raindrops.The light curtain only lasted for less than a quarter of an hour, and it had already dimmed a lot. Afterwards, the almost continuous sword energy kept pressing against the light curtain, and the range shrank and narrowed accordingly.


The cultivator of Huoyan Kingdom in the light curtain shouted loudly, and immediately, a copper-green light shot out from the light curtain. In fact, he had no choice but to use the talisman. Seeing Luo Tian's sword qi cage shrinking and shrinking , he didn't want to die here, so he had to sacrifice the talisman that could still be used for the last time.

The talisman named Feiyun Ge circled a few times above the head of the cultivator of the Huoyan Kingdom, and then the light burst out, and an incomplete ancient green weapon was faintly revealed in the light group. The surface of the green weapon was uneven, seemingly extremely rough, emitting A dull breath.

"Quickly rewind, that's an intermediate-level talisman!" Chen Yu waved his sleeves, and Qilei Luofan involved the remaining monks of the Huoyan Kingdom's Qi Refining Stage, and then spoke anxiously in a rather fast tone.

Intermediate Talisman!

Cultivation treasures can be divided into upper, middle and lower, and there are naturally talismans. However, Luo Tian, ​​who owns Zixia clothes, does not pay attention to the opponent's talisman. It is only an intermediate talisman. The talisman Han Zheng bestowed on him It is also a middle class, and the talisman obtained from Yin Yizhi is even a high class.

When Fei Yunge approached Luo Tian's side with an indomitable momentum, Luo Tian's clothes rattled, and even the long hair that was casually tied behind his head was blown high by the strong wind. In an instant, several purple clouds appeared in front of Luo Tian.

Fei Yunge dived into the purple cloud like a shocking rainbow, but unexpectedly, he didn't make any sound, even the direction of the purple cloud didn't change at all, and there was no movement or movement.

"Song Yaomo, quickly use the Aurora Bead to see if Brother Luo is injured?" Fatty Wang used the Vientiane Five Smokes again below to trap a person who was about to come to grab the body of the two-headed fire pterosaur and the universe bag of the fallen monk. Brothers from the same school shouted at Song Wuji with a little worry.

Song Wuji took a rather unexpected look at this fellow, secretly marveling in his heart, this fellow is usually a stingy rooster, but he didn't expect to care so much about Luo Tian.

After performing the spell, Song Wuji shot the Aurora Bead into the sky, only to see the Aurora Bead trailing a long bright tail and disappearing into the sky.

After a while, Song Wuji withdrew the Aurora Bead solemnly, with an inconceivable look.

"Fuck me, can you stop making such an awkward expression? Did something happen to Brother Luo?" Fatty Wang asked hastily.

Shaking his head slowly, Song Wuji frowned, and said, "No! Brother Luo's magic weapon is so powerful that even the Aurora Pearl is useless. That space seems to be locked, and no information can be found at all. .”

"..." Fatty Wang was speechless for a while, and then he laughed heartily, "Haha, I knew Brother Luo would be fine, come on, while he's not here, let's sort things out and share!"

Song Wuji: "..."

In the air, Luo Tian looked at Feiyunge who was less than a foot in front of him with a normal expression, a white mist of light swayed out from the palm of his hand, and immediately filled the space locked by Zixiayi, Feiyunge seemed to have expected When threatened, it rushed around very restlessly, but no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't break through that seemingly thin layer of white mist.

If Yin Yun, the patriarch of Xiushui Peak, was here, he would have recognized the magic weapon Luo Tian was using at the moment, as if it was a treasure-level magic weapon covered with water.

Treasure-level magic weapons are really extraordinary, and even middle-level talismans like Feiyunge are like turtles in a urn, unable to escape.Luo Tian slapped out the hand formula again and again, and a straight ray of light shot out from the water-covered beads, wrapping Feiyunge in it, and then countless streams of water gushed out, binding Feiyunge in it like ropes, and finally Feiyunge The covered water drops are completely refined into nothingness.


The cultivator in the foundation stage of Huoyan Kingdom had his talisman broken, and he spit out a bloody arrow from his mouth. He looked at Luo Tian, ​​who was walking step by step with his hands behind his back, gritted his steel teeth, and looked at Luo Tian with resentment on his face.

Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness had already locked on this foundation-building monk, and the opponent's magic weapon was broken, and he was seriously injured. Unless a monk with high strength came to help at this moment, he would definitely not be able to escape from Luo Tian's hands.

"It's not that easy to want me to die!"

The cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage of Huoyan Country had an extremely hideous expression on his face, and his tone seemed to come from Shura Hell. His clothes were bulging, and his aura was constantly rising.

Seeing this, Luo Tian swept his consciousness and found that the mana in the opponent's body was extremely disordered, which was obviously a precursor to self-destruction.

"Oh shit!"

Luo Tian cursed in his heart, why did these monks blew themselves up at every turn, and their stature retreated dozens of feet in an instant, almost reaching the limit of their bodies.At present, the base of the Great Wu Kingdom is completely blocked by the monks of the Huoyan Kingdom. The only place Luo Tian can retreat now is the direction where the two ancient strange arrays in the sky are located.

Like a blue silk thread, Luo Tian stepped on the Thunderbird boots, and within a few breaths, he came to the front of the ancient strange formation, and after thinking for a moment, he plunged into the Bahuangkui water formation.

At the same time, the cultivator from the Huoyan Nation, who was chasing after him, blew himself up successfully, and the space for several miles was covered by the messy spiritual power of heaven and earth, and the tyrannical power evaporated the surrounding space into nothingness.

The self-destruction of the monks in the foundation building period was really extraordinary, and it even emptied the spiritual power of the world for miles around.

Countless gusts of wind swept away in all directions, and any one of them could strangle a monk in the Qi refining period.

However, after Luo Tian entered the battle, he felt the majestic power behind him, and he couldn't help but click his tongue secretly. It seems that he should be more careful in the future, so as not to leave the opponent with a chance to self-destruct.Fortunately, there was an ancient strange array to bear the force of self-explosion for him today, otherwise, he would at least be seriously injured.

But immediately, Luo Tian's face was replaced by a wry smile.

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