
Chapter 111 Chasing and Killing

Stretch out your hand to touch Ziyun around him, and Ziyun revolves around Luo Tian's body, blocking the water balls that are constantly pouring around him five feet away from him.

Luo Tian groaned secretly in his heart, bad, he didn't have the route map of the life gate of the Bahuang Kuishui Formation, and it was too late to quit now, the gate he broke into was obviously the gate of death, and he hadn't arrived yet without fear The power of this ancient strange formation.

After a while, more and more water masses gathered in the Bahuang Kui water array. If Luo Tian didn't make a decision, he might be trapped here alive.

"Master, master, let me out!"

At this time, Xiao Hei's sound transmission came from Luo Tian Yuanshen, Luo Tian was overjoyed, and quickly released this sleepy guy from Hei Lian's space.

A white brilliance rolled out of thin air, revealing its original shape, but Xiao Hei regained his snake body again.

"Master, you'd better send me back!" Xiao Hei just looked around for a while, and knew that Luo Tian had fallen into a powerful ancient restraint formation, and that ferocious aura even made him feel it. With a hint of fear, he immediately shouted with resentment on his face.

Luo Tian looked at Xiao Hei quite playfully, and said indifferently: "Take me out of here, and you can return to the Heilian space, otherwise don't mention this matter again."

"..." Xiao Hei was speechless for a while, and immediately turned his little head to look around, drooping his head in a very humane manner for a long time, "Master, this should be the Bahuang Kui Shui Formation, if I was a turtle body, I still have the confidence to let you retreat completely, but now..."

"Now that your cultivation base has improved a lot, I'm afraid it's very easy." Luo Tian glanced at Xiao Hei. This guy swallowed two golden pills, and now he can hardly see through his cultivation base. Far.

In order for a monster to take shape, it must at least reach the late alchemy level of a human monk.It is more difficult for monsters to practice against the sky than for human monks.Of course, if the grass and trees monsters want to take shape, they must at least have to cultivate at the late stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, which is much more difficult than monsters.This is the law of heaven since ancient times.

"Of course I know the formation diagram." Xiao Hei said proudly. The dragon and tortoise group are innately proficient in the Taoism of water and soil, and they are also born with ancient inheritance of the restraint formation. Then Xiao Hei's tone continued Zhuan, "It's just that in my current form, it's really a little more variable to escape from the eight barren and Kuishui formation."

Looking at the overwhelming pressure around him, Luo Tian knew that the power of the Bahuang Kuishui formation had been activated on him, so he quickly circulated the mana in his body to strengthen Zixiayi's defense accordingly.

"There is no foolproof thing in the world. If there are variables, there will be. It's better than dying here!"

Luo Tian only felt as if he was carrying a heavy hill on his back, his legs had already started to sink out of thin air, and Xiao Hei also sensed the abnormality around him, and quickly turned into a white glow and flew out.

"Master, come with me!"

"You're fucking going in the wrong direction!"


Fortunately, Xiao Hei is the body of a dragon tortoise. According to ancient legends, the dragon tortoise carried Hetu Luoshu on its back when it was born, and was naturally proficient in the restraint formation. Zhong also walked out from where he came from without any risk. Luo Tian was completely unharmed except that most of his mana had been consumed.

"Xianxiamen's boy! Take your life!"

Luo Tian had just stepped out of the Bahuangkui Water Formation, before he could stand firmly on his feet, he heard a shout like thunder above his head, and then an icicle like a waterfall fell from the sky towards Luo Tian.

With Luo Tian's Yuanshen cultivation base, he naturally noticed the strangeness early on, but he was very puzzled, how did the monks from the Huoyan Kingdom break through the defenses of the two ancient strange formations, and went straight to the back camp of Xianxiamen.

"East breaks the sky!"

Luo Tian dodged a few times, narrowly avoiding the icicles, and then saw Dongfang Potian with disheveled hair holding a cold jade scimitar, killing Luo Tian with a fierce aura. The cold jade scimitar in his hand It is actually a treasure, every time it is swung, it will bring up a layer of ice crystals in the air like a long river, every time it is swung it is the same.As Dongfang Potian passed by, the layer of ice crystals that formed with him in the air would slowly dissipate after a while.


At this time, the channel that Dongfang Potian appeared out of thin air finally appeared, and almost at the same time, the space channel collapsed with a loud bang.

Without the slightest hesitation, Luo Tian grabbed Xiao Hei and re-shot into the Bahuang Kuishui Formation like lightning. Since Dongfang Tiansha was coming very fast this time, Luo Tian naturally wouldn't hold back any more. , his figure was almost faster than lightning, and a blue rainbow flashed in the air before disappearing without a trace. All the monks of Xianxiamen on the ground opened their mouths wide in surprise.

Seeing this, Dongfang Potian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then, his face became more angry, and he also followed Luo Tian to catch up.

"Xiao Hei, hurry up! Quickly show the way!"

In the Bahuang Kuishui formation, Luo Tian hurriedly said to Xiao Hei.Dongfang Potian, a lunatic, did not hesitate to chase after him from behind. Didn't I just kill his two juniors?As for being so brotherly?

In fact, although Dongfang Potian is tyrannical, Luo Tian is not afraid of him, it is just that he spent too much mana in the Bahuang Kuishui formation, otherwise he would rather fight Dongfang Potian than enter Bahuang again In Kui Shui formation.

"Dongfang Potian, you are also a person with a head and a face, and you are not afraid of being ridiculed by the whole world to deal with a junior like me?" Luo Tian laughed, and threw dozens of low-level talismans in his hands without feeling sorry. out.

Dongfang Potian swung the cold jade scimitar in his hand, and even the water mass restraint in the Bahuangkui water formation was instantly frozen into ice, and the attacks formed by Luotian's low-level talismans were instantly crushed. More than a third of it was broken.

"Master, this formation has been cleared by me. There are two life gates in the entire formation, one of which seems to be constantly moving. The fixed life gate is in a hidden place in the southwest of the formation. Come with me quickly." !"

Taking advantage of Luo Tian's use of the Bahuang Kui water array to hold Dongfang Potian for a while, Xiao Hei has already slipped the Bahuang Kui water array all over, and then turned into a white silk thread and landed on Luo Tian's shoulder .

Then, one person, one snake, the master and the servant carefully avoided those prohibition formations in the Bahuang Kuishui formation, and quietly walked towards the life gate of the Bahuang Kuishui formation. , The sound was so loud that even the monks of the two countries who were fighting in the distance could clearly hear Dongfang Potian's roar.

"Is Dongfang Potian crazy? He even entered the Bahuang Kuishui formation alone!"

Behind the Huoyan Kingdom camp, there were also two figures standing in the air, and their costumes turned out to be monks from Ziyao Mountain.

"If your family's only nephew, who is used to carry on the family line, is slaughtered, I'm afraid you will be crazier than Dongfang Potian!" A figure flew out of Xiaodu Tianlie's formation, and said with a wry smile on his face.

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