
Chapter 121 Arrogance, the rules of Weiyang City!

In fact, if Luo Tian hadn't heard that Huoyan Kingdom had an intelligence organization called 'Secret Door', as long as you could afford enough spirit stones, he would be able to find out any information you need for you.Of course, the more precious the news, the more spirit stones you have to pay.

After these days of accumulation, Luo Tian has quite a lot of spirit stones in his hands. I believe that as long as he contacts the secret door, he can get the whereabouts of the second book of the Nine Flames Mysterious Art.The main reason why Luo Tian came to Weiyang City was because he heard that the headquarters of the secret door was here, but no one knew where it was located.

In Weiyang City, there is a constant flow of people and heavy traffic.

"Brother Han Yi, the Sa family is here!"

Luo Tian was walking quietly on the bustling wide street, thinking how to find out where the secret door was, when an extremely loud voice came from behind him.

"Monk Hua, do you believe that I beat you into a pig's head?" Luo Tian smiled harmlessly, looking extremely gentle, but the tone was quite chilling.

The one who caught up behind him was naturally Monk Mingyue, this guy was like a tarsal maggot, Ren Luotian couldn't get rid of him no matter how he changed his direction, he was really depressed.

"Isn't Sajia very quiet and wanting to move, anyway, it's boring to stay, why don't you come out with you to see this graceful and colorful world." Monk Mingyue touched his bald head intoxicated, "Besides, with Sajia's jade tree Linfeng small Can Pan An's peerless demeanor still humiliate you?"

In other words, although the two of Luo Tian talked like this, but talking while walking, in the eyes of outsiders, the two of them seemed to be very close old friends.

While speaking, the two of Luo Tian had already arrived at a luxurious place called Yuelai Restaurant, Monk Mingyue was nagging at the side, Luo Tian just treated it as a lingering fly and didn't care about it at all.

However, Monk Mingyue's loud voice and highly lethal words frequently attracted the attention of passers-by.But Monk Mingyue is not ashamed but proud, and he is getting more and more excited.

"Shut up Laozi!"

At this time, there was a shriek of anger from the crowd, and then a young man in brocade clothes holding a birdcage in his palm walked up from the crowd on both sides. Moles look extremely unpleasant.This young man knew at a glance that he was from a wealthy family, and the four or five servants behind him were all dressed far better than ordinary people. Of course, they were either rich or noble.

Unexpectedly, Monk Mingyue didn't seem to have heard the loud shout from the beginning to the end, he still followed Luo Tian's buttocks and kept blowing the cowhide, his expression didn't change at all.With Monk Mingyue's cultivation, it is natural to see at a glance that the young man in brocade clothes is a half-hearted monk who can break through to the Qi refining stage. This kind of thing really does not interest Monk Mingyue at all.

Seeing that the other party didn't buy it, the young man in brocade clothes turned blue, and immediately became gloomy. He pointed at Monk Mingyue and shouted arrogantly: "Destroy this ugly bald donkey for me, and then throw it into the moat to feed the fish!"

The young man in brocade clothes seems to have quite a reputation here, as can be seen from the fearful expressions of the passers-by around him. When he gave an order, the strong servants behind him rushed up like hungry tigers, with short sticks in their hands mercilessly The ground drew towards Monk Mingyue.

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, it seemed that the monk was going to die today.

Unexpectedly, Monk Mingyue didn't even realize the situation in front of him, dancing and talking after Luo Tian, ​​without any awareness of the impending short stick.

Bang bang bang!

Those short sticks landed on Monk Mingyue's body, making a dull sound, but then Monk Mingyue, who seemed to be ignorant, suddenly turned around, and the short sticks that fell on him were bounced back immediately , those servants who were holding short sticks were bleeding from their mouths, and the short sticks in their hands were thrown out uncontrollably, and they all went towards the young man in brocade.

Four or five short sticks with whistling wind fell mercilessly on the dumbfounded young man in brocade clothes. Immediately, there was a soft sound of bones, and the left hand of the young man in brocade clothes drooped limply, while his intact right hand was firmly clutched. Under the ribs, at least three ribs were broken there.

"I said Brother Han Yi..." Monk Mingyue just turned around inadvertently, and chatted with Luo Tian again as if there was no one else.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you." Luo Tian said with a bitter face, if he doesn't agree to this guy's request, I'm afraid this guy won't know how much trouble he has caused, and it will be difficult for him to stay out of it.

"Then let's have a few drinks first!" Monk Mingyue was overjoyed when he saw this, and ran into the restaurant in a hurry.

Luo Tian sighed softly, and followed slowly.

The young man in brocade clothes was actually a man, he was broken several bones by Monk Mingyue, and he didn't say a word, but his face was gloomy like the bottom of the pot, he took a hard look at the backs of Luo Tian and the two of them, and then ordered: "You guys Quickly invite Master here!"


On the table facing the street on the second floor of Yuelai Restaurant, Luo Tian looked at Monk Mingyue, who was not taboo about meat and wine, and couldn't help but said, "Monk, why do you still drink and eat meat?"

"Wine and meat have been passed through the intestines, and the Buddha will keep it in his heart." Monk Mingyue threw a piece of lamb leg into his mouth like a starving ghost without raising his head, and chewed it. Luo Tian seemed to be looking at it with an expression of contentment and enjoyment. With appetite.

So, Luo Tian and the two began to eat food and drink good wine one after another, and they lived comfortably.

After the meal, Monk Mingyue picked his teeth with a toothpick, lay lazily on the chair, and looked at Luo Tian with a questioning look, "Brother, why hasn't that arrogant boy's helper arrived yet?"

Luo Tian was indifferent from the beginning to the end. The young man in brocade clothes had the aura of a cultivator. There must be a master who is a cultivator. When the time came, he would just inquire about the whereabouts of the secret door, so he let Monk Mingyue make trouble.In fact, Luo Tian didn't think that Monk Mingyue was impulsive, on the contrary, this guy was so rich that even Luo Tian couldn't see through his thoughts.

"Where are those two guys, tell them to get out!"

Soon, the young man in brocade clothes shouted loudly in the street downstairs, his arrogance was extremely high.Standing behind him were two old men with dignified faces. Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue could clearly see their cultivation bases with a glance of their spiritual thoughts.


A bowl of three flowers hit the young man in brocade clothes on the head with such a speed that it was hard to react. The young man in brocade clothes was bleeding from his head immediately, and then he jumped up and shouted non-stop.


One of the two old men in black frowned slightly and pulled the young man in brocade behind him, "I think the two of you are newcomers here and don't know the rules of Weiyang City. Your Excellency should stay on the front line and see you in the future."


This time, a soup basin made of exquisite jade porcelain flew out from the second floor, and it fell towards the old man's head as if being pulled by someone.

The complexion of the old man in black clothes changed slightly, he pulled the young man in brocade clothes and blinked a few times, the soup bowl was still aimed at the top of the old man's head and fell, the old man in black clothes stretched out his hand without hesitation and pushed out a palm wind, wanting to blow the soup bowl away, It's a pity that the soup pot seemed to be covered with a layer of extremely viscous force. It wasn't until the third palm of the old man in Xuanyi that he shook the soup pot open, but the soup pot suddenly shattered under the violent palm wind of the old man. After a while, the remaining hot soup in the basin swayed down from the air, pouring a lot on the old man.

The complexion of the old man in black suddenly became extremely ugly.

ps: There is one more chapter.

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