
Chapter 122

"I spray peach blossom honey on your face!"

A gong-like voice came from the second floor of Yuelai Restaurant, "Keep your mother's head, you are worthy of saying this to the Sajia? Little guy, let me tell you a bad news, the Sajia must kill you today! "

Before the words were finished, a black air gushed out from the second floor of Yuelai Restaurant, like a python churning. The next moment, Monk Mingyue's ugly bald head appeared in front of the old man in Xuanyi, revealing two scorched yellow incisors. , hehe sneered endlessly, "Boy, you dare to shout about the rules of Weiyang City with your cultivation level, don't his mother think that the Sa family doesn't know!"

Foundation building period!It's still a late cultivation base!

The complexion of the old man in Xuanyi finally changed drastically, he hurriedly took a few steps back, and said respectfully: "I don't know if this young man has offended senior, please forgive me!"

In the words, the old man in Xuanyi actually began to tremble a little.

"This fellow Taoist, I don't know if I can give this old man a light face, so how about letting this matter go?" At this time, the old man in brocade who was behind, who had remained calm from the beginning to the end, came forward and said.

Monk Mingyue, who is the boss of the sky and his second child, curled his lips when he heard the words, and said disdainfully: "Who are you? The Sa family gave you face, and you deserve it?"

The old man in brocade clothes is also in the foundation-building stage, but he is only in the early stage of the foundation-building stage. No wonder Monk Mingyue doesn't take him seriously.

"The inferior grandson can't help but offend the senior. If the senior asks anything, as long as my Yin family can do it, I will definitely do it." Facing the oppression of Monk Mingyue, the old man in brocade clothes still said calmly, with an expression on his face. Can't see any changes.

Yin family!

Monk Mingyue frowned slightly, and stood there meditating.

The old man in brocade clothes was not in a hurry, his feet moved slightly, protecting the young man in brocade clothes behind him.

"Your Excellency's trick of sneaking through Chen Cang, is it too meaningless to do?" A faint word came, and immediately two strong winds howled, and after plopping to the ground, two young guards whose life and death were unknown appeared.

Afterwards, a blue figure slowly walked out from behind the brocade-clothed old man, with an incomprehensible smile on his face, "Could it be that Your Excellency thinks that the two of us really dare not touch your yin family?"

Seeing Luo Tian appearing, Monk Mingyue shrugged his shoulders involuntarily, moved his lips slightly, and said via voice transmission: "This Yin family is the biggest force in Weiyang City, and the reason for all this is that the ancestors of the Yin family are the six foreign affairs of the secret sect." One of the elders."

Luo Tian nodded secretly, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab it. The young man in brocade clothes who was protected in the middle was directly grabbed by a big blue light hand. The old man in brocade clothes was about to move forward when he was forced by an extremely hot flame. Back to the original place.

The palm as white as jade gently brushed the throat of the young man in brocade, Luo Tian seemed to be caressing an extremely precious antique, and said in a cold voice: "The rules of Weiyang City are so bold, how dare you shoot Brother Mingyue?" !"

Master Mingyue!

The brocade-clothed old man and the black-clothed old man couldn't help taking a step back, and a person quickly came to mind, why did this vicious star come to Weiyang City?

Monk Mingyue felt very bitter in his heart. This guy Han Yi actually put everything on him, and was indirectly placed.But he knew that he was not Han Yi's opponent, so he could only eat Coptis chinensis dumbly, and stood there sulking secretly.

No matter how confident the old man in Jinyi is, his complexion is cloudy and uncertain. Monk Mingyue's notoriety is well-known in the entire Huoyan Kingdom. His yin family is powerful and prosperous, with many descendants. If the monk killed him on the spot, I am afraid that the ancestor of the Yin family would not make a move either.

"There are a lot of people here, please come with me." The old man in brocade clothes thought for a while, and said very politely to Luo Tian and the two of them.

Monk Mingyue didn't express his opinion, but just turned his attention to Luo Tian.

Luo Tian nodded immediately, and an imperceptible flaming sword energy gushed out from his fingertips, and injected into the body of the young man in brocade.Now that Luo Tian's cultivation base has reached the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage, there seems to be some faint signs of the fusion of the Nine Flames Mysterious Art and the Sword Code, and it is not known whether it is good or bad.

In any big city, monks who are lower than the Nascent Soul stage cannot fly in the air, even the Dzogchen stage of the alchemy stage cannot.

Luo Tian and the frowning Monk Mingyue followed the old man in brocade clothes to a very noble and luxurious mansion in the city. After a while, Luo Tian couldn't help but wonder in his heart. This Yin family is indeed the biggest force in Weiyang City. The mansion occupies at least twenty miles of land.

Came to a very quiet courtyard, after everyone took their seats, the old man in brocade clothes just sighed, and said with a wry smile: "Mou is in Xiayin Tian, ​​and he is currently the Patriarch of the Yin family. How can the two fellow Taoists let me let go of the inferior?" Sun?"

"Tell me about the secret door."

Luo Tian sat lazily on the chair, picked up the teacup, blew on the tea leaves, took a sip, and said calmly.

Yin Tian Mou was obviously stunned for a moment, and then his expression softened a lot. Since he was asking about the secret door, this person must have asked for the secret door, and his grandson's life was finally saved. "Since fellow daoist asked, Then Yin knows everything. Although my ancestor of the Yin family is respected as one of the six foreign affairs elders of the secret door, I only know some superficial things. The secret door was founded a long time ago. Now, there are three elders of internal affairs and six elders of foreign affairs, and then there are five special envoys stationed in various places all the year round."

"Hehe, Patriarch Yin doesn't need to mention the power of the secret door all the time, don't worry, as long as your answer satisfies me, your grandson will definitely be unharmed." Luo Tian explained Yin Tianmou's thoughts with a single word.

"I have no such intention." Yintian Mou said with a bitter face, "The three internal affairs elders of the secret door are all at the alchemy stage, and the six foreign affairs elders and five special envoys are all at the late foundation establishment stage. Among them, if someone's cultivation breaks through to the alchemy stage, he will be automatically promoted to the elder of the internal affairs."

"Spray your face with apricot honey!" Monk Mingyue suddenly yelled, "Aren't those old guys showing off the secret door secretly putting pressure on us, believe it or not, how many little bastards from your Yin family will I kill?"

"..." Yintian Mou was obviously speechless, this monk Mingyue was simply too vulgar, it was simply unbearable.

Luo Tian's heart moved secretly. He didn't expect that the power of this secret door was so powerful that it could almost rival a sect of cultivating immortals. The sect allowed it to develop and grow under its nose?

"Tell me how to get the news I want from the secret door?"

"Let me answer this question for you."

A loud voice came into the room and fell clearly in everyone's ears.

"On a cloudy day, Mou pays homage to the ancestor!"

The Patriarch of the Yin family quickly jumped up from his seat, bowed his back respectfully, and waited for that person to arrive.

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue glanced at each other, and then Monk Mingyue stood up with a long smile and walked towards the door, cursing as he walked: "The dark sea of ​​dog days, I sprayed you with apricot nectar all over your face, you old boy!" Haven't died yet?"

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