
Chapter 123 Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Spectrum, Sumeru Precepts

Yin sea?

Luo Tian couldn't help but smile when he heard the name of the ancestor of the Yin family, the name is quite interesting.


Yintian Mou immediately turned his head and shouted angrily: "Monk Mingyue, show some respect to my ancestor of the Yin family!"

It's no wonder that Yintian Mou is so angry. The reason why the Yin family is so powerful is that the name of Yin Dahai, the elder of the secret sect, has played a big role.What is that secret door?That is one of the two supernatural forces in the Profound Sky Continent that is not restricted by any sects of any country.According to what Yintian Mou said, the elders of the secret door are all at the alchemy stage, and there are currently only three of them. Luo Tian would not believe it even if he was beaten to death. The sect has grown to its current height. After all, even though the sect master of the secret sect has an extremely high level of cultivation, his subordinates are all small fish and shrimps, so how can he cope with the countless powerful forces all around him.

There must be an unknown hole card in the secret door.This is what Luo Tian thought.

Monk Mingyue listened to Yintian Mou's scolding, and curled his lips in disdain, "If the Sa family knew that Yin Dahai was the ancestor of your Yin family, they wouldn't bother to pay attention to you, little guy. Grandpa is in a good mood today. If it were normal, he would immediately kill you." you!"

"Hehe, why does Fellow Daoist Mingyue need to be as knowledgeable as a child?" At the door, an old man in blue suddenly appeared. The dust whisk made of a green jade handle exudes a majestic aura.

"Yo ho, I haven't seen you in a hundred years, and I even changed my old clothes." Monk Mingyue chuckled, opened his big palm-like hands, and grabbed the fly in the hands of the visitor.

The blue-clothed old man smiled lightly, his feet did not move, his figure had already changed several positions one after another, cleverly avoiding Monk Mingyue's big hand, seeing Monk Mingyue's unwillingness to give up, he repeatedly smiled wryly and said: " Fellow Daoist Mingyue, you still can't change your habit of snatching anyone you see..."


The tea that Luo Tian had just drank into his mouth was sprayed out, almost choked, and the eyes he looked at Monk Mingyue suddenly became weird. This prodigal monk has been robbed for 80 years, why doesn't he have anything better? magic weapon?Could it be that, as he himself said, he used it on women...

"Yin Haihai, long time no see, you're still so stingy!" Monk Mingyue mumbled cheekily after trying to grab it for a long time, before going back to his seat and sitting down to drink tea.

"Old Ancestor, this..." Yintian Mou asked for instructions in a rather embarrassing manner.

"You step back for now." Yin Dahai flicked the whisk in his hand, and the whisk disappeared out of thin air.

"I'll spray you with peach blossom honey!" Monk Mingyue jumped up, his buttocks still hot, his face full of disbelief, "Yin Haihai, when did you create a Xumi ring? Did you join the secret door?" here?"

Yin Haihai smiled and said nothing. After sitting down, he turned his head to look at Luo Tian where the old god was, and said with a smile, "I'm afraid the fellow Taoist is the one who wants to find me."

Luo Tian nodded lightly, and said lightly: "I want to talk to fellow daoists about some business."

Yin Haihai smiled slightly, and used the opportunity of drinking tea to hide the shock in his heart. The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi in front of him had a mediocre cultivation on the surface, but his own spiritual sense could not see through it. It seems that the other party must be hiding it. The magic weapon of breath.

"In that case, let's get straight to the point, so as not to go through those useless circles." Yin Haihai pondered for a moment, then Fang Zi said.

"Yin Dahai, hurry up and serve some snacks to the Sajia, the Sajia is hungry!" Monk Mingyue yelled, clutching his stomach.


The next moment, Monk Mingyue flew out directly, and with Yin Haihai's eyesight, he could only see a flash of blue rainbow, and the middle-aged man in green clothes seemed to have never left his seat for half a minute.


"Yin Haihai, that old bastard, has always been so black-hearted, otherwise the Yin family wouldn't be so powerful..." On the street, Luo Tian frowned and said nothing, while Monk Mingyue followed behind cursingly.

At this moment, Luo Tian was also a little annoyed. The information he needed in the second volume of the Nine Flames Mysterious Art, the secret door actually cost 5000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones. He now has dozens of top-grade spirit stones on him, but it was just in case. , cannot be used indiscriminately.But except for the high-grade spirit stones, he has less than 4000 yuan of medium-grade spirit stones, so Luo Tian is thinking about whether to sell some pills to Jubao Pavilion.

Secret door news is also divided into five levels. Ordinary news only needs dozens of yuan and a maximum of 200 yuan for low-grade spirit stones.Further up is the more valuable news, which is divided into four levels of Tiandi Xuanhuang.As for the second volume of Nine Flame Mysterious Art, because it is an ancient extraordinary art, although it is extremely difficult to practice and has been automatically given up by most monks, it also belongs to the news level of the prefecture level.

What surprised Luo Tian the most was that the sub-volume of the Xuanhuang Spectrum of Heaven and Earth mentioned by Yin Haikou, it is said that only a few people except the sect master had read the main volume at the secret gate, and it recorded thousands of years of history in the Profound Sky Continent. Countless hidden messages.This secret door is really not simple, there is no risk at all just by selling news to earn spirit stones.No wonder even Yin Haihai was assigned a low-level Sumeru Ring.

Sumeru ring is also a rare storage magic weapon in the entire world of cultivating immortals.It is more practical than the Qiankun bag, and the space inside is also larger. It is small and unobtrusive, and it has become the dream of all monks in the world of cultivating immortals.It's just that Luo Tian knew in his heart that it was rare to see the Sumeru Ring on weekdays, and even if he had it, it was not something he could afford at present.According to legend, every monk in the Nascent Soul Stage has a Sumeru Ring, just because the space inside the Sumeru Ring is more stable and will never collapse. Everything disappears together, but this never happens with Sumeru.

Thinking of this, Luo Tian walked towards Jubao Pavilion.

"Hey, aren't we going to eat?" Monk Mingyue called out behind Luo Tian very depressedly.

In the Jubao Pavilion, there are incense burners on display, and green smoke curls up.

An old man with wrinkles on his face stared at the pill in his hand for a long time, then he raised his head in satisfaction, and smiled at Luo Tian who was sitting beside him: "I wonder, this guest officer, do you want to set a reserve price?"

"Each Rejuvenation Pill costs at least 1000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones." Luo Tian said flatly.


Monk Mingyue on the side stared straight at the jade bottle in the old man's hand, dumbfounded, and after a while he came back to his senses, his lips moved slightly, and he sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian: "Han Yi, this is the Rejuvenation Pill! You bastard To actually take out five of them for auction in one go, what a prodigal, too prodigal..."

"I'll come to fetch the spirit stone in three days."

Luo Tian ignored Monk Mingyue, got up and walked outside without delay.

"Wait for me!"

Monk Mingyue hurriedly chased him out.

When the backs of Luo Tian and the two disappeared, the old man pondered for a moment, stretched out his hands and clapped a few times, and then two charming maidservants in purple clothes came out from the secret door, and then a woman in white clothes covered with light gauze Show up.

"Uncle Wang, investigate the origins of these two people."

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