
Chapter 124 The lingering ghost

Coming out of Jubao Pavilion, Luo Tian was free for a while, these three days were enough for him to do many things, including killing people.

"Monk, go and catch that little boy." Luo Tian didn't mean to discuss at all, but had a commanding tone.

Sure enough, Monk Mingyue squeezed his neck and shouted arrogantly: "Spray your face with peach blossom honey! Why does the Sajia want to listen to you..."

Before he finished speaking, Monk Mingyue smelled a very faint fragrance in his nose, and immediately his eyes shot brightly.

"I am a grandma!" Monk Mingyue jumped three feet high, then looked around furtively, and leaned forward, staring at the jade bottle that Luo Tian had put away, "Really Is it for me?"

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and nodded lightly. The Rejuvenation Pill is a panacea that monks below the alchemy stage dream of. He doesn't believe that Monk Mingyue is not tempted.

"Two!" Monk Mingyue began to bargain.

Luo Tian shook his head and said, "Forget it."

"...I'll go!" Monk Mingyue said hastily.

At this time, a handsome young man with red lips and white teeth who was not far away from the two of Luo Tian suddenly became alert, and with a glance from the corner of his eyes, there was a bone-chilling chill in those autumn-like pupils.

At the same time, a black shadow covered the figure projected by the young man, and immediately, Monk Mingyue's 'Sai Pan'an' face appeared in front of the young man with a sneer.

The teenagers in white clothes were obviously panicked, smelling the stench from Monk Mingyue's mouth, almost none of them stumbled.

"You...what are you going to do?" The boy in white trembled in panic like a poor hare cornered by a big bad wolf.

Monk Mingyue took a deep breath, pretended to have an extremely gentle and kind expression, and said with a smile: "Young master, our brother invites you to come over."

After finishing speaking, Monk Mingyue proudly stretched out his hand and pointed at Luo Tian, ​​he was so beautiful in his heart, he thought, boy Han Yi, he still wants to use the Sa family as a weapon, there is no way!

However, with Monk Mingyue's invincible appearance, no matter what expression he made, the young man in white was terrified. Hearing this, he ran away without even turning his head.


Monk Mingyue was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then cursed, "Little bastard, you still want to run away under the nose of my master Mingyue, Linfeng Xiaopan'an in Yushu Linfeng?"

"..." As Luo Tian expected, the boy in white staggered and almost fell.I am afraid that there is only one person in the world who can cause such huge damage with just words.

Unexpectedly, the boy in white walked faster and faster, Monk Mingyue did not move, and grabbed the air without a trace, an invisible force deftly passed through the crowd on the street, and landed on the boy in white with precision.

The white-clothed boy seemed to be unknown, and still ran desperately, as if he didn't care about everything around him.Monk Mingyue's imminent power encountered an obstacle a foot in front of him, and he walked away from the white-clothed boy and bumped into the pedestrians around him. It fell down completely.


Monk Mingyue frowned slightly, his body swayed, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the young man in white, and immediately said viciously: "Young master, you are actually playing a game of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger with the Sa family!"

Unexpectedly, the young man in white looked at Monk Mingyue in a daze, took a few steps back, and said in a very puzzled way, "Master, why did you say that? You and I don't know each other, so why bother to force each other?"

"Nangong Liuli."

A warm voice came, and a blue shadow flashed in front of the boy in white. Luo Tian appeared in front of him with a smile on his face, and said lightly: "I should say this sentence, I didn't expect you to chase here so hard .”

The boy in white's complexion changed slightly, and he fell silent.

"What?" Monk Mingyue stared blankly at the white-clothed boy in front of him, "Young master, I didn't expect you to be a Xibei..."

"Don't follow me anymore." Luo Tianyang opened the folding fan in his hand, and there was a chill in his words, "Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

After speaking, Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue walked away.

The white-clothed young man was played by Nangong Liuli. She bit her lower lip tightly with her shell-like jade teeth, stared at Luo Tian's back for a long time, and then quietly followed.


Back at the inn, Monk Mingyue knocked on Luo Tian's door, carefully closed the doors and windows, and asked in a low voice, "Han Yi, do you have a problem with that woman? As the saying goes, it is better to offend a gentleman than a villain." I'd rather offend a villain than a woman, do you understand..."

"don't know."

Luo Tian drank the tea indifferently, with his usual expression, as if the sky was falling and it had nothing to do with him.

"Then what do you do next?" Monk Mingyue also smiled and sat aside, "That woman seems to have recognized you."

Luo Tian frowned, and said: "Don't talk nonsense! I have nothing to do with that woman, so just follow her. If she interferes, I'll kill her right away."

"I don't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, I don't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade..." Monk Mingyue sighed again and again.


At this time, Luo Tian's eyes suddenly showed a chill, and he waved his sleeves, several magic symbols suddenly appeared, and disappeared from the void. middle.

"I sprayed him with apricot nectar!" Monk Mingyue said angrily with an extremely ugly face, "Which hair god have you offended again? Why did you even send such a thing out to follow?"

Both of them cultivated in the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage, so their spiritual consciousness is naturally strong, especially Luo Tian, ​​whose spiritual consciousness has faintly reached the terrifying level of the late stage of the Alchemy Stage.Although the person who came here was also in the foundation building stage, in the eyes of the two of them, he was a bit out of date.

However, Monk Mingyue's fear of Luo Tian increased again. Not only did Luo Tian discover the visitor before him, but the technique of using the low-level talisman had really reached the point of perfection, turning the visible into the invisible.

Taking a sip of the tea lightly, Luo Tian said lightly, "I'm afraid the person here is either from the Yin family or the Jubao Pavilion."

"What?" Monk Mingyue's face became gloomy again, "The Yin family needless to say, why did Jubao Pavilion follow you and me?"

With a wry smile, Luo Tian took out a recovery pill and threw it to Monk Mingyue, and then said, "I'm afraid the few pills I took out aroused their suspicion."

A flash of joy flashed across Monk Mingyue's face, and then he slapped the table angrily, saying: "Spray him with peach blossom honey! That Jubao Pavilion is too immoral, even secretly stalking customers, walking away brother, Sajia will take you to smash it!" They sign to go!"

"no need."

The corners of Luo Tian's lips curled up slightly, and he said with a faint smile: "Even if you and I go, if they push [-], we will have nothing to do with them. Now I have warned them once, next time, I will never show mercy! "

"Hey, Brother Han Yi, why don't you give the Sa family another Rejuvenation Pill, and I'll take it for you next time, how about it?" Monk Mingyue touched his bald head, and leaned forward with a flattering smile on his face.

Luo Tian: "..."

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