
Chapter 126 Wrapping Cloud Bracelet, Luo Yunzong

"how is this possible!"

At this moment, Luo Tian was frowning and staring at the withered yellow letter paper in front of him, and his heart began to overwhelm. He spent 5000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones. With such a high price, he got a shocking... news.

On the other hand, Yin Dahai, the patriarch of the Yin family, bent his hands slightly, and tapped the beam of the chair lightly, leaning on the chair, looking like an old god.Anyway, the spirit stone has already been obtained, even if the monk in front of him who calls himself Han Yi wants to repent, it is already too late.Doing business is a matter of your own will, no wonder anyone.What's more, there are not many monks who dare to repent under the hands of the secret door in the entire world of immortal cultivation in the Tianxuan Continent.

"what happened?"

Monk Mingyue saw that Luo Tian's expression was wrong, and quietly stretched his head over, but just when he was about to glance at the words on the paper, a burst of flames burst out from the yellow letter paper, turning into fly ash and scattered on the ground.

"Is this true?" Luo Tian looked up at Yin Dahai, his expression returned to normal.

Yin Dahai chuckled, and said: "Fellow Daoist Han, don't worry about this. The information I provide from the secret door has always been honest. Of course, because some information is too old, the location may have changed."

Old fox!

Luo Tian cursed secretly in his heart, you guys accepted the spirit stones, but you pushed two six five, no wonder the secret door is so powerful, you can earn spirit stones just by selling news, this is simply the most cost-effective deal in the world.Moreover, they must have copied all these messages in the jade slips, and they can extract the messages in it unlimited times. This is equivalent to raising several immortal hens that lay golden eggs every day.

"Then don't bother me."

Luo Tian stood up and bowed slightly, then stepped out with Monk Mingyue one behind the other.


"I said boy Han Yi, are you kidding me?" High in the sky, Monk Mingyue rode on the Gourd of Condensation Breath, glanced at a certain direction behind him secretly, and then lowered his voice very depressed.

A wry smile appeared on Luo Tian's face, he shrugged, and said, "You think I'm willing to fight against giants like Luo Yunzong? It's just that the thing I need has only appeared in the back mountain of Luo Yunzong. Moreover, this is still 200 years old. before."

Monk Mingyue said with a bitter face as if he had eaten Coptis chinensis: "But as far as the Sa family knows, the back mountain of Luo Yunzong is a forbidden area of ​​their sect, not to mention that only a few old monsters can freely enter and leave, and only a few people outside the forbidden area The restraining formation is enough for you to drink a pot!"

Sighing softly, Luo Tian glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw the white-clothed figure steadfastly following behind him a hundred feet away, the mana in his body circulated rapidly, and the flying sword under his feet instantly penetrated into the distance like a black silk thread Sky.

Monk Mingyue also sighed, and immediately reached out and took out a jade bracelet. After hesitating for a moment, he threw it into the void behind him.

The jade bracelet became bigger and bigger in the void, and finally turned into a stone wall that could cover a radius of ten feet, and disappeared into the void after faintly, as if it had never appeared before.

"It is rumored that in ancient times, there was a master who attained the Dao. When he was about to become an immortal, he happened to watch the changes of the sky and the earth in the floating clouds. Immediately, he was blessed to the soul and used his understanding of the way of heaven and the brilliant formation to collect and refine all the floating clouds with a radius of hundreds of miles. , it’s for the cloud-winding bracelet.”

Luo Tian's warm and mellow voice suddenly rang in Monk Mingyue's ears, and Monk Mingyue's body couldn't help shaking slightly.

"The cloud-wrapping bracelet seems ordinary, but it can actually evolve into a pros and cons array in an instant. If a monk who is not familiar with the array strays into it, it may take a lot of effort to get out of it. Monk, I Are you right?"

There was a smile on Luo Tian's face, the corners of his mouth curled up into an extremely beautiful arc, and a pair of eyes as black as ink, in the eyes of Monk Mingyue, there seemed to be another trace of green light mixed in them.

Monk Mingyue smiled wryly, "How do you know the Cloud Wrapping Bracelet? Even the old monsters in the world of cultivating immortals would not recognize this magic weapon in a short time."

In fact, Monk Mingyue didn't know at all that when Luo Tian was in Moyun Temple, the imperial capital of the Great Wu Kingdom, he had already memorized the rare book that was contained in the 25th grade of Wisdom. Luo Tian may not be able to recognize a magic weapon that has appeared in the world of cultivating immortals for hundreds of years.However, Monk Mingyue took out a magic weapon from ancient times, and in this way, it fell right into Luo Tianxia's arms.

Luo Tian waved his hand, didn't say much, and continued on his way.

Although Luo Tian didn't say much on the face, there was a trace of uneasiness in his heart. He has several secret methods that are quite harmful to the body, and he can predict good or bad luck and what will happen in advance. Okay, today's Luo Tian can't do it.

And the person who followed closely behind them was naturally Nangong Liuli.At this moment, she was holding up a silver-white shield anxiously, and the shield was shining brightly, but it couldn't let her escape from the fog that suddenly appeared in front of her.


It has been a long time since the war between Great Wu Kingdom and Huoyan Kingdom, the battle is almost coming to an end, and finally Huoyan Kingdom was defeated.The main reason for Huoyan Kingdom's defeat was Dongfang Potian's departure.

Both sides have stipulated in advance that monks in the alchemy stage are not allowed to participate in the war.But Dongfang Potian, a strong player in the Dzogchen cultivation base in the foundation building period, suddenly left, causing the Huoyan Kingdom, which was originally almost evenly divided with the Great Wu Kingdom, to immediately retreat steadily.

And Dongfang Potian left in a fit of anger, naturally to hunt down Luo Tian, ​​the murderer who killed the only male in his Dongfang family.Even if the headmaster of the Fire God Temple wants to find Dongfang Potian, it is quite a difficult task.


In an ancient mountain pavilion, a feminine young man with a face full of hatred closed the doors and windows, and then opened his hand to draw out several magic formulas, wrapping the entire room, and then the huge stone slab under him suddenly burst into flames. After a while, the sunken stone slab returned to its original state, and there was nothing unusual on the surface.

"Elder Wang, I would like to ask, how did Yang Er become like this!"

From the illusory high position, a low-pitched voice came from a person who was clearly suppressing his anger, and could not stop ringing in the wide hall, ringing around his ears endlessly, like the clang of jade and stone.

An old man with half-white hair hurriedly said with a mournful face: "Elder, you can't blame me for not protecting you well! The other party is really too vicious to destroy Su Yang's body with such an evil technique. We are waiting for you!" When he arrived, Su Yang had only Yuanshen left!"

There was a long silence.

"Pass down the order, find that young man at all costs, I will let him taste the wonderful taste of soul forging, and then die a miserable death!"

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