
Chapter 127 Trouble Again

"Death doesn't change!"

A piece of majestic and undulating mountain peaks spread infinitely into the distance, revealing layers of hazy mountain phantoms.At this time, two streamers of light fell rapidly from the sky, Luo Tian searched around with his hands behind his back, and then shouted coldly with a cold face.

Monk Mingyue obviously smiled wryly. For some reason, since the two of them left Weiyang City, many people have been following them secretly, not to mention Luo Tian, ​​even Luo Tian felt murderous intent in his heart.

Luo Tian thought for a moment, and soon, he took out a few pieces of spirit stones from the Qiankun bag, and then took out a stack of miniature flags, and threw them into the void. The pre-set position fell into the ground, and soon, this empty valley surrounded by three mountain ranges formed a thick fog out of thin air. The fog was like a veil at first, and Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue were still faintly visible standing in it.Later, the mist quickly became thicker, completely covering the two of them.

"I hope they don't force me to do it."

Luo Tian's face returned to calm, but there was a bit of chill in his tone.

"Spray peach blossom honey on his mother's face!" Monk Mingyue is not a person who is afraid of getting into trouble, on the contrary, he is born with a sense of brutality and decisiveness in his bones, "I said brother, don't forget to leave some practice hands for brother, I haven't robbed for a long time , hands and feet are a little rusty..."

Luo Tian: "..."

After a while, a few faint rays of light appeared in the sky under the cover of the clouds. When Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue saw their sneaky appearance, they couldn't help but glance at each other, both feeling a little funny.

Everything in the world of cultivating immortals is based on fists, and whoever has the biggest fist has the right to speak, which is a bit stronger than the law of the jungle shown in the secular world.Here, strength is more important than anything else, but looking at these looters who look like casual cultivators, they must have never robbed monks of the same kind a few times. Grinding.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, why did those two people disappear suddenly, even the aura of spiritual consciousness?" An old man with a rotten appearance stared around with a pair of thieves' mouse eyes, with some worry on his face.

"I can't run!" Standing at the forefront was a middle-aged man with a full beard. He was short and thin, and his skin had a healthy bronze color.

That's right, although Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue restrained their aura, they were still within the scope of the Foundation Establishment period.There were a total of four people who came, one was at the late foundation stage, two were at the middle stage, and only the rotten Ru was at the early stage, so Luo Tian and the other two were naturally ignored.

"Brother Wang, there seems to be something wrong with the dense fog below." At the same time, a tall, dark-faced man stretched out his hand, and a bronze mirror was suspended in the palm of his hand, spinning gently, emitting a very low light sound. song.

"go with!"

The thin and tall man made a hand trick, waved out a stream of thick magic power, and hit the small copper mirror repeatedly. The copper mirror rotated even more rapidly, shooting out straight and sharp rays of light, directly submerging into the thick fog middle.

The four of them hurriedly looked down, only to see that the thick fog below was illuminated by the bronze mirror, not only did not disperse, but after rolling for a while, it became more dense and solid.

At this moment, the brows of the four couldn't help but wrinkled, and there was a sense of worry between their brows. The four of them were all well-known figures in the world of cultivating immortals, so how could they not see that the thick fog was caused by the formation.

"Damn, I don't believe that kid is a formation master, the four of us work together to break through this formation!"

The monk surnamed Wang has the highest cultivation level, so he is naturally the leader among the four. After thinking for a while, he let out a soft drink, reached out and grabbed a few talismans from the void, and threw them into the dense fog.

When the other three people saw this, they also shot one after another, and all of a sudden, the sky was full of colorful lights.

"Haha, little brats, leave it to the Sa family!"

Unexpectedly, in the dense fog at this moment, a wild laughter came, and at the same time, countless clouds gathered in the sky, as if hundreds of rivers and seas gathered, and then closely connected to form a sky full of colorful clouds. A colored barrier fell from the sky.

Feeling the strong and oppressive power in the air, the complexions of the four monks headed by the monk surnamed Wang could not help but change drastically. Immediately, the magic treasures and talismans in their hands were sacrificed towards the colored barrier, but it was difficult to cause any damage to the colored barrier. It was slowly pressed towards the dense fog by the colored barrier.

Looking at the thick fog that was slowly approaching, the rotten old man among the four of them tightened his face, gritted his teeth, swayed, and flew out of the colorful barrier with a simple magic weapon on his body. , Every time he swung his hand, there were streaks of dim lightning from the palm of his hand.

"Yo, you can palm thunder!"

At this moment, in the dense fog, Monk Mingyue was manipulating the Cloud Wrapping Bracelet triumphantly, only to find that the monk with the lowest level of cultivation was actually proficient in the secret art of lightning in the palm of his hand, a secret art that only monks from Ziyao Mountain could practice .

After all, the old god Mingyue opened his big hand on the ground and slapped the void several times. There was a ripple in the void and trembled suddenly, and then differentiated into two shiny black palms, one big and one small, and moved toward the sky. The rotten Confucian old man was caught at an extremely fast speed.

The three people headed by monk surnamed Wang couldn't help but look down when they saw this situation. The old man had been with them for so long, and they always thought he was just a casual monk, but they didn't expect that it was monk Ziyaoshan in disguise.

"Ziyao Thunder Light Technique!"

The rotten old man slapped the top of the head with his backhand, and a purple cloud of electricity burst out from the top of his head immediately, covering himself completely, then bit the tip of his tongue, sprayed a mouthful of blood into the sky, and his palms seemed to be hung with heavy weights. Push it out, and then a bucket-like thunderbolt pierces the air to meet the two attacking bare hands.


The black bare hand in front was struck by lightning, and immediately shook violently. It was riddled with holes and covered with holes.But the big black hand still grabbed it indifferently, and squeezed Lei Dian fiercely, and the Lei Dian immediately shrank, becoming as big as an adult's arm.

Then, the big black hand also disappeared into nothingness.

"Hey." Monk Mingyue smiled sullenly, holding his palm in the air, and the small black hand that followed was lingering with light, and only a flash of black light could be seen, and the thunder and lightning were completely integrated into it, and then the speed was extremely fast. When the rotten monk fell in front of him, he poked in as easily as if scissors were cutting through the cloth, and washed away all the clouds, mist and electricity around the rotten old man.

The rotten old man stared like a copper bell, and the purple jade slip tightly held in his hand was crushed immediately.

At the same time, Luo Tian, ​​who was lamenting that Monk Mingyue's hands were really strong, frowned, reached out to the void, and the big hand that had been formed of flames shot out like a photoelectric light.

After a while, Luo Tian sighed softly and shook his head helplessly.

"What's wrong?" Monk Mingyue asked.

Luo Tian smiled wryly, and said, "I'm afraid Ziyaoshan will find out about our killing of monk Ziyaoshan soon."

ps: I recommend "Super Godhead" by the good brother box, it is very wretched, it has just been released, if you like it, please subscribe and support it.Also, I'm going to explode a few days...

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