
Chapter 128 Purple Bamboo Lantern

"Damn it, let's finish the deal first!" Monk Mingyue's complexion changed slightly, but he immediately yelled fiercely, throwing the moon-covering shovel into the air, "I said Han Yi, you can't just Watch from the sidelines!"

Luo Tian smiled slightly, "Of course you can't let Monk take advantage of this by yourself."

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled. Luo Tian stretched out his hand to slap the Qiankun bag and pointed. The Five Poison Sword immediately turned into a streak of black light and shot straight out of the dense fog. Can't stop interspersed with rainbows.


The three monks surnamed Wang had just reacted from the tragic death of the rotten old man when they noticed a flying sword approaching them. He had the highest cultivation level, so he was the first to notice it, but when he opened his mouth, white smoke whizzed out. Wrapped in it was a magic weapon similar to a short stick, which met Luo Tian's flying sword in a hurry.

After a clanging sound, countless sparks scattered down, Luo Tian's Five Poison Sword seemed to be on par with the opponent's short stick, and neither of them took advantage.It's just that the five-poison sword is not only fierce in attack, it also contains a poison that is hard to guard against.


Cultivator surnamed Wang finally smelled a ray of fragrance and knew something was wrong, took out several pills and swallowed them, then cursed loudly.

"Spray peach blossom honey on your face!" Monk Mingyue couldn't hold back, and cursed back, but in this way, his identity will be known. Let me ask, who else in the entire Huoyan Kingdom is so unique except Monk Mingyue? A unique way of swearing?

"Monk Mingyue, you actually colluded with foreign monks to kill me, a monk from the Huoyan Kingdom? Pooh, you traitor!" The poison in the body of the monk surnamed Wang has not been completely eliminated, so he had to start delaying time.

Monk Mingyue was obviously taken aback, then glanced at Luo Tian, ​​seeing that the latter's expression did not fluctuate in the slightest, he sneered: "If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it? Hehe, for what you said today, the Sa family will have to kill you !"

"Don't you dare, but I..." the monk surnamed Wang yelled angrily, as if he had thought of something, he swallowed the second half of the words.

"Who are you? Ouch, the Sajia is so scared!" Monk Mingyue stroked his shiny bald head and exclaimed proudly, "The Sajia doesn't care who you are, you're going to die anyway!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian's voice came from Monk Mingyue's ear, "Monk, don't dawdle, let's make it quick!"


Monk Mingyue controlled the cloud-winding bracelet and the moon-covering shovel and rushed towards the three of them with a fierce look.

Luo Tianren was not idle in the formation, he made quick calculations in his mind, and a white bead was sacrificed by him, flying high into the air, Luo Tian cited a formula, and waved his hands again and again, The majestic magic power kept falling into the bead, and the bead seemed to generate infinite force in an instant, evacuating the water element force of hundreds of feet in the surrounding area, and then split into countless water waves tens of feet high and hit it down.


The three monks surnamed Wang had good eyesight, and they recognized the level of the water-covered beads issued by Luo Tian at a glance. Then they stretched out their hands and slapped the Qiankun bag hanging on their waists with serious expressions, and countless colorful lights shot out. out.


Monk Mingyue fought crazily, his eyes were red, he caught the moon-shielding shovel and kept smashing the opponent's magic weapon. Every time he knocked and smashed, it carried at least a thousand catties of strength. Living with Monk Mingyue, the consumption of mana has doubled, and the pressure on the whole body is increasing. The foreheads of the three monks surnamed Wang are covered with fine beads of sweat.

On the other hand, Luo Tian didn't even make a big formation, and the Five Poison Sword burst out soaring colorful lights and poisonous gas, firmly restraining the three of them.The water waves formed by the water-covered drops were one higher than the other, and the magic weapons of the three monks surnamed Wang were soon completely submerged by the water waves, but for the time being, Luo Tian still couldn't break through the defense that the three of them jointly set up.

At this time, Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately sent a voice transmission to Monk Mingyue, "Someone from Weiyang City is here!"

call out.

At this time, Xiao Hei, who had been sleeping in the dark, woke up. Seeing Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue fighting, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and shot it out in the form of a white awn. The giant python, seven or eight feet high, stared coldly at the three monks surnamed Wang with those red eyes.

"Damn it, there's a Tier [-] monster!"

Now the three monks surnamed Wang felt a trace of despair, and they couldn't help turning pale.The cultivation level of the fourth-order monster is comparable to that of the foundation-building monks, and it is an invincible existence among monks of the same level. However, the aura of this giant python in front of him is far superior to that of ordinary fourth-order monsters. It must contain ancient fierce beasts. blood.

"Hurry up, what a pose!" Seeing Xiao Hei's delay in making a move, Luo Tian couldn't help shouting through voice transmission.

"Master, there is another person hiding in the dark who locked me with his spiritual sense." Xiao Hei said through voice transmission in a solemn tone.

Luo Tian frowned. He had already noticed that person, but he never made a move. Moreover, Luo Tian guessed that he might be a local monk, but he didn't expect to make a move at this moment.

Purple clouds rose slowly all over Luo Tian, ​​and his whole body turned into a stream of purple light and escaped from the dense fog. Then he grabbed the formation with both hands, carefully took out the talisman that Han Zheng gave him, and finished reciting the formula silently After that, he bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the talisman turned into a dagger and flew away through the air.

The three monks surnamed Wang are in unspeakable misery at the moment. There is an inexplicable colored barrier on top, and Monk Mingyue, a guy who doesn't know how tired, is beating and beating violently. How much cultivation can be used in this situation?Especially if you have to pay attention to Luo Tian's Five Poison Sword that appears from time to time, it's even more pitiful.


At this time, the monk surnamed Wang with the highest cultivation level couldn't help but let out a scream. He was almost depressed to death. Not only did the other party have Monk Mingyue, but he also had endless magic weapons. Now he almost hated the guy who secretly told him the news. up.

The talisman came very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of the three monks surnamed Wang. They circled around the three of them quickly, and the heads of two of the monks flew high. The dropped left shoulder withdrew and retreated violently.The power of the treasure talisman itself was not something that monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage could resist, especially the treasure talisman that Han Zheng bestowed on Luo Tian was still relatively high-level.

"Want to blow yourself up?" Monk Mingyue sneered, and the clouds and mist transformed by the cloud-wrapping bracelet directly turned into countless invisible chains, which bound the monk surnamed Wang firmly, and no matter whether it was mana or consciousness, he could no longer operate freely.

The cultivator surnamed Wang looked very dark and yelled fiercely: "Monk Mingyue, if you dare to kill me, prepare to face Yanyun Palace's endless pursuit!"

"Death to me!"

How did he know that the words of the monk surnamed Wang became his urging talisman. Monk Mingyue, who was still hesitating whether to kill the monk surnamed Wang in front of him, immediately became murderous and rubbed his hands together abruptly. The monk surnamed exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

"not good!"

At this time, the pupils of Luo Tian, ​​who was resisting the coercion of the hidden man's spiritual sense, shrank, and saw a purple bamboo lantern suddenly appearing in the distance of the sky. The shadows will cover a radius of hundreds of feet.

ps: I have to go out today, if I come back early, there will be another chapter.

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