
Chapter 131 The Head of the Phantom Fire Clan

"Hey, you said that the sky and the earth are big, where do we go to catch a human monk who practices ancient kung fu? What's more, it is the most accomplished fire attribute kung fu in the ancient kung fu!"

"The patriarch must have her reasons."

"Hmph! It's reasonable to let me wait for my tribe to die. The human monks have always regarded my Huanhuo tribe as a foreign race. When they saw us, they would either arrest them and pretend to be that lowly slave, or kill them on the spot. Anyway, go to the human monks. I will never go to the gathering place!"

Following behind the three Illusory Fire Clan men was a young and enchanting woman with slightly frowning brows. This woman had long fiery red hair cascading down like a waterfall, a fair face like a goose egg, and only important parts of her body. He had just covered it with a dark brown iron armor, but it couldn't stop that extremely protruding figure, especially the pair of bare jade feet, which were as crystal clear as jade.There is a copper ring on each of the two ankles, which has a unique style.

"Okay, let's slowly figure out a solution for this matter." The Illusory Fire Clan woman opened her mouth lightly, "Let's check around the periphery of the human monks first."

As soon as the woman opened her mouth, the three men from the Huanhuo Clan didn't dare to say another word. Although they looked upset, they didn't say anything.

"Don't be surprised, the Illusory Fire Clan is a group where women are supreme, and men have no status." Monk Mingyue's voice reached Luo Tian's ears, and then Monk Mingyue cursed in a low voice, "Spray peach blossom honey on your face..."

Luo Tian also couldn't help laughing, it turned out that the four Huanhuo people were flying in the direction of Monk Mingyue, this guy was really unlucky.

"who is it?"

The woman from the Illusory Fire Clan suddenly had flames flashing in her eyes, she gave a coquettish shout, and her slender jade fingers flew out in the air like a butterfly, and a strange flame flower suddenly appeared in the space in front of her, blowing the sky. Covered ground roared towards a certain direction.

"It's your grandfather!"

A loud voice sounded like a broken gong, and then a black figure floated out, stretched out its hand quickly, and a ray of light went straight up into the sky, and then the sky changed, countless clouds and smoke weighed heavily down, and the sky with a radius of hundreds of feet dimmed instantly. .

The complexion of the Huanhuo girl changed slightly, and then her body moved, her hot figure suddenly became blurred, and finally turned into a group of extremely faint flames and flashed out.

"go back!"

Monk Mingyue had already exposed Xingzang, and Luo Tian didn't need to hide anymore. His eyes flashed green, and he stretched out his hand with a smile on his mouth and pushed it out flatly. Several sword qi roared out from the palm of his hand, and shot out in four directions. Halfway through, the turbulent sword energy quickly condensed, forming a gorgeous purple lotus flower, exuding a palpitating vicious aura.

The next moment, four muffled groans came out at the same time in no particular order, and then the four members of the Phantom Fire Clan appeared from the void in a panic, and retreated violently.

As the name suggests, the members of the Huanhuo tribe are not only proficient in fire magic, but also very proficient in illusion. If they meet a real master of the Huanhuo tribe, Luo Tian will naturally not be an opponent, but the four people in front of them have the highest cultivation level, which is equivalent to the middle stage of the foundation establishment period. , Luo Tian can easily defeat them.

"You can see through our illusion!"

The woman from the Huanhuo Clan cried out in shock, as if she had seen something incredible.

"Miss Yuna, if you join the Sa family, I will spare your life today!" High above the sky, Monk Mingyue stepped on the shovel to cover the moon, and shouted proudly, as if it was only natural for him to rob a woman from a good family.

"I'll stop them, the three of you work together to send out a spiritual fire for help!"

The face of the enchanting woman from the Huanhuo Clan sank, and after finishing the order, she closed her beautiful eyes and muttered something, her two jade hands moved slowly, waving mysterious and obscure tactics, and a hazy flame rose from under her feet , flowing upwards along the delicate body, in an instant, the whole body of the Phantom Fire woman was enveloped in scorching flames, and her fair skin became fiery red.

Luo Tian stretched out his hand, and the Zixia clothes fell on him automatically, and now he has manipulated the Zixia clothes with great ease and proficiency.After that, Luo Tian's eyes flashed green, and he quietly floated in mid-air with his hands behind his back, his face solemn.

The woman must have used some kind of secret technique to isolate the entire space from the outside world in an instant.Luo Tian asked himself that he couldn't forcibly break this kind of secret technique for the time being, so he could only watch helplessly as three men from the Huanhuo tribe sat cross-legged in a triangle shape in the void, with their six palms touching each other.


The Huanhuo woman finally shouted loudly, the language she spoke was so strange that even with Luo Tian's extensive experience, she couldn't understand it at all.

Afterwards, circle after circle of flame ripples centered on the Phantom Fire Clan woman, spread out quickly, like long snakes flying in the air, constantly swallowing and stretching, and there was even the sound of crackling burning air, engulfing the space. There were bursts of twisted traces.

With a move on Luo Tian's expression, orange flames shot out from his body, and he turned his palm over, and a flame that could not stop jumping surged in his palm, and the color became thicker and thicker. With a flick of his fingers casually, he threw this inconspicuous flame towards the woman of the Huanhuo Clan.

"An ancient fire attribute technique!"

Unexpectedly, the complexion of the girl from the Huanhuo clan changed completely. The Huanhuo clansmen are born with an inexplicable proficiency in flames. As soon as Luo Tian threw the orange flames out, she knew clearly that the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi on the other side also The connoisseur of playing with fire, Jiao Rong suddenly tensed up, she opened her mouth and spewed out a thread-like fire light, the flames around her suddenly surged up to the sky, and the huge aura even blurred the entire space.

However, when the imaginary fire woman elicited such a powerful aura and met the orange flame, it finally changed.

The orange flame didn't seem to have much momentum, but when it encountered the flame of the woman from the Phantom Fire Clan, it emitted an astonishing temperature, and then swallowed up the opponent's flame like a snake, leaving nothing left.

The woman from the Huanhuo Clan was as dumb as a wooden chicken.

Monk Mingyue smiled all over his face.

Luo Tian frowned and stretched out his hands to grab the three Illusory Fire Clan men. Now that the other party's secret technique had been broken, he naturally had to stop the other party's call for help before he could escape safely.


The big light and shadow hand condensed by Luo Tian directly grabbed the blood-red flame that had already reached midair, but the flame seemed to be extremely elastic, and the big light and shadow hand couldn't fall completely for a while.

"Monk, hurry up and help!"

As soon as Luo Tian drank, Monk Mingyue just reacted, and quickly pointed at the blood-red flame from the cloud mist that was transformed from the cloud-wrapping bracelet.

"Who dares to come to my Illusory Fire Clan area to act wild!"

A low shout containing boundless anger rolled over.


The four members of the Huanhuo Clan couldn't help but be ecstatic.

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