
Chapter 132 Xuanyuan Heavenly Fire Formation

"Your sister!"

Monk Mingyue, a vulgar person, immediately cursed and yelled in the air, "Don't play tricks, how could the head of the Illusory Fire Clan come here? She has been in seclusion for seven or eighty years. Don't think that the Sa family doesn't know! Even if Yang Yue came in person , the Sa family is not afraid of her!"

Luo Tian sighed helplessly, the monk seemed to be really afraid of the head of the Huanhuo Clan.However, with a quick glance of his divine sense, he knew that the incoming person's cultivation base was at the late stage of the alchemy stage, and he was the kind of master who was about to enter the alchemy stage of Dzogchen.

It really didn't work, so he had to use the gorefiend escape method again.Luo Tian smiled wryly in his heart.

However, Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue are not fools either, knowing that the other party's cultivation base is much higher than the two of them, they still stand there stupidly. After getting along these days, the two cooperate tacitly. Flashed through the air very quickly.

"Want to go?"

A white figure without the slightest smell of fireworks descended from the sky, revealing a young woman with an excellent figure. She was covered with a light veil and only showed a pair of big eyes. She sneered and stretched out her arms.

"Xuanyuan Skyfire Formation, end!"

As soon as the woman in white's voice fell, the mountains stretching for thousands of miles seemed to tremble together at this moment. Countless abundant fire aura seeped out from the underground rocks, forming a series of powerful barriers. If you look carefully, every Each barrier is a restriction formation, and these restriction formations are connected with each other. If you want to break the formation, you must destroy the eye of the formation or kill the person who presides over the formation.

"not good!"

Luo Tian, ​​who was flying fast, stopped his body in a hurry, and immediately made a sharp turn to avoid an oncoming flame barrier.

"Help, Han Yi, Sajia is going to be roasted to death!"

Monk Mingyue yelled in his unique loud voice, it turned out that this guy rushed too hard and broke into a flame barrier, unable to get out for a while, so he had to ask Luo Tian for help.

Luo Tian sighed, turned into a streamer, approached Monk Mingyue, raised his hand, and an orange flame gushed out like a wave of water.This Mingyue monk is not only unable to help, but also always dragging his feet...

As soon as the orange flame came out, it was indeed invincible. At least a lot of the flame barrier that was born again was swallowed up, and it was transformed into mana and stored in the body.Before Luo Tian had time to wonder about this, Monk Mingyue jumped out of the barrier in a panic, then looked around quickly, and jumped out again like a frightened bird.

"This guy..."

Before Luo Tian finished speaking, his complexion suddenly changed, he slapped the Qiankun bag hurriedly, the thunderbird boots turned into a thunderbird light and shadow appeared at his feet, and he fled far away in a few dodges.

After a few breaths, the place where Luo Tian was standing just now was immediately illuminated by several flames, and the several flames collided fiercely, spreading out a ripple of about fifty feet, and emitting a violent roar.

so close!

Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness covered an area of ​​hundreds of feet around him, and he felt a chill down his back at what happened just now. If this happened to him, he would definitely be injured.

"Just grab it."

A voice full of charm rang in Luo Tian's ears. Although it was extremely pleasant to hear, Luo Tian's complexion changed suddenly, and he was about to drive the Thunderbird boots to escape again.

"Brother Han Yi, don't abandon me as a good brother!"

Luo Tian glanced out of the corner of his eye and was stunned. He saw a masked woman in a white gauze standing quietly ten feet away from her. Beside her was a fireball with flames constantly flowing around her body. Monk Mingyue was trapped in it with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Let him go." Luo Tian said lightly, without any emotion on his face.

"This bastard used to spy on me while I was taking a bath, and you told me to let him go?" After a moment of silence, the woman in white said indifferently, "Do you really think that I dare not kill you, huh?"

Hearing this, Luo Tian was sweating profusely. Monk Mingyue had been bragging to him about his feelings before. Why did he fall in love with a top-notch woman from the Huanhuo clan? Every time he asked about the woman's appearance, he hesitated. That's all.However, this guy is courageous enough, even the powerful woman in front of him who is a little bit blind to the truth dares to show her lust, she is really a talent.

"Senior's cultivation base is superb, and I don't think I'm an opponent. If you have any requirements, you can just say it." Luo Tian pondered for a while, and then figured out the joint. The woman in white in front of him is far stronger than the two of him. I mean, I have already done it, why bother to spend most of the day talking to myself?Therefore, Luo Tian carefully watched the other party, in case the other party wanted to attack him temporarily. For a monk in the alchemy stage, he was really not an opponent, but he could still escape by himself.

The woman in white glanced at Luo Tian coldly, probed with her spiritual sense, and said in a cold voice, "You...are you practicing an ancient fire-attribute technique?"

Luo Tian's heart moved, and he nodded slightly immediately.

"Do one thing for me, and I'll let this obscene monk go." The woman in white paused for a moment, then said coldly, "And you can choose one of my family's hidden treasures."

This time, Luo Tian frowned, and his heart was a little more vigilant. A monk in the late stage of alchemy needed to help himself, and he offered such a generous condition.That thing must be extremely difficult.

"I don't know what it is?" Soon, Luo Tian's expression returned to normal, and he said lightly, "If it is within the range of my ability, I can consider it. If it is beyond my ability, then..."

"Don't worry!" The woman in white gave Luo Tian a deep look, as if admiring the latter's prudence, "This matter is only good for you, not bad."

Luo Tian smiled slightly, "Then how can the senior convince the subordinates to trust you?"

As soon as the words were finished, Luo Tian's complexion changed, and he said in a low voice: "You dare to make a move with such insignificant skills?"

While shouting wildly, Luo Tian didn't turn his head, and threw out a white bead, which was the water-covered bead.But as soon as the water-covered beads appeared, the fire-attribute auras in the surrounding space retreated one after another, as if they had encountered a natural enemy.

"Water attribute treasure!"

Two cold rays of light suddenly shot out from the big eyes of the woman in white, and with a wave of her sleeves, a gust of flames drifted across, sweeping the four trembling men from the Phantom Fire Clan a hundred feet away.

"Fellow Daoist, in this Xuanyuan Tianhuo formation, can you give me a face?" After seeing Luo Tian's methods, the woman in white even changed her address, but there was a hint of threat in her words.

Luo Tian didn't care, stretched out his hand, withdrew the water-covered beads, and said calmly: "I won't offend anyone if I don't offend them."

"I don't know what I said earlier, can fellow daoist agree?" The woman in white ignored Luo Tian's rudeness, and said in a cold voice, showing a little more politeness.

"Promise her! This is a good thing to make money without losing money!" Seeing Luo Tian hesitate, Monk Mingyue couldn't help shouting hastily.


The woman in white touched her jade hand, and the flames on the fireball wrapped around Monk Mingyue burst into flames, much more violent than before.

ps: Heroes are so awesome, keep collecting and recommending, my motivation comes from you, as long as there are votes, I will fight to the death - -

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