
Chapter 137 Dzogchen Foundation Establishment Period

Fumo Ganghuo!

Luo Tian's heart was overwhelmed at the moment. This supernatural power was indeed extremely powerful. It actually possessed dual attacks of material and spiritual consciousness, especially the spiritual attack. It was simply extremely powerful. May fail.

Moreover, this Subduing Demon Ganghuo was born to restrain some heretics' divine sense attacks.

At this moment, Luo Tian has achieved a small degree of five-element teleportation. His physical body is as strong as an ordinary fourth-order monster. In terms of spiritual consciousness, he has also comprehended the supernatural power of subduing demons and fire. If he hadn't met an extremely powerful master monk, Luo Tian would have simply Be fearless.

Luo Tian didn't expect that after refining Xuanji Yugui's weapon spirit, he would comprehend such a supernatural power. Although it was a supernatural power obtained with the help of external forces, it was not comparable to the great supernatural powers comprehended by those amazingly talented master monks. But for the current Luo Tian, ​​it is really like a tiger with wings added!

At the moment, Luo Tian is not in a hurry to leave the Black Lotus Dimension. Now he can stay in the Black Lotus Dimension for several months.After this battle, Luo Tian finally realized how unnatural the black lotus artifact he obtained in the mortal world was.

This time, Luo Tian stayed in the black lotus space for five full days before he could control the Fumo Ganghuo as he wished. Since he himself practiced the fire attribute technique, he tamed the Fumoganghuo and stabilized it. For God's sake it's not too strenuous.

call out!

With a flash of Luo Tian's figure, he came out of the black lotus space. Seeing that the fire aura in Qianyang Cave had not faded away, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Fumo Ganghuo turned into a flame and flew out of his body.

But seeing the Fumo Ganghuo hovering slightly in the air, as if the lone wolf who had been hungry for three days saw the flock, it rushed into the tide of fire aura like light and electricity, devouring the rich fire aura greedily. .

"Sure enough."

All doubts in Luo Tian's heart were gone, the Subduing Demon Ganghuo could indeed restrain the fire aura that devoured this place, so wouldn't he be...


The entrance of Qianyang Cave.

Yang Yue, head of the Huanhuo Clan, walked back and forth like an ant on a hot pot. Seven days had passed, and he himself went back to the Huanhuo Clan. If Han Yi didn't come back, he must still be trapped in Qianyang Cave.

The tide of fire spiritual energy in Qianyang Cave, even if the Illusory Fire Clan who are naturally good at controlling fire encounters it, it will also end in ashes and smoke.Even Yang Yue himself could not survive for an hour under the tide of fire spirit energy.


A gust of hot wind burst out from the entrance of Qianyang Cave, and then Yang Yue only saw a flash of blue light in front of his eyes, and there was a smiling middle-aged man in Tsing Yi in front of him.

"Friend Han Yi!"

Yang Yue rushed up to meet him, and looked at Luo Tian in amazement, "Fellow Daoist Han Yi is worthy of being a monk who practiced ancient fire attribute techniques. Not only did he not get injured under the tide of fire aura in Qianyang Cave, on the contrary, his cultivation base was not too advanced. few!"

Luo Tian was also in a good mood, smiled and said, "It's just luck."

Seeing that Luo Tian didn't want to say more, Yang Yue didn't mention it anymore, but asked solemnly: "I wonder if fellow Daoist Han Yi surrendered that Xuanji Yugui?"

On that day, Yang Yue saw Luo Tian sacrifice a powerful magic weapon like a mountain peak. The awe-inspiring aura was far inferior to that of Xuanji Yugui, which shocked Yang Yue. Gao, but the magic weapon is so powerful, I feel a lot more afraid of Luo Tian in my heart.

Hearing this, Luo Tian gave a wry smile, and sighed: "Speaking of this matter, Mr. Han is a little sorry for fellow Taoist, that Xuanji Yugui was still turned into dust under the bombardment of my magic weapon, this..."

Although he put on such a gesture on the surface, in fact, Xiao Hei on Luo Tian's shoulders shuddered suddenly. The level of the master's lying was almost at his fingertips. The Xuanji Yugui had obviously been received in the Heilian space, and it seemed that the master planned to take it for himself.

Yang Yue suddenly fell silent, and after a while, his face returned to indifference, and he said coldly: "If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed, but it is a pity that the spiritual weapon is still a great contribution. The Taoist friend has made great contributions. I have said before that as long as the Daoist You can help my Illusory Fire Clan to curb this tide of fire spirit energy, so let you choose a magic weapon, this sentence still counts!"

"That's not necessary." Luo Tian waved his hand and said with a smile, "You don't need the treasure Han, but fellow Taoist Yang Yue, can I let you practice in Qianyang Cave for a few days?"

"This..." Yang Yue, the leader of the Huanhuo Clan, hesitated, "Fellow Daoists also practice fire-attribute exercises, and it is not impossible to practice in Qianyang Cave, but this Qianyang Cave is the holy land of my Huanhuo Clan. For this practice, it should not exceed one month."

"That's natural." Luo Tian replied quickly, one month is enough, when the time comes, his cultivation base will increase greatly, and the chances of winning the Luo Yunzong will be a little bit higher.

The whole journey was silent, and after the two returned to the city where the Huanhuo Clan lived, Yang Yue greeted them and left.

"Master, I'm afraid Yang Yue has already become suspicious of you." Xiao Hei said lazily.

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and said: "It's okay. Even if she guessed that I took the Xuanji Yugui, but there is no real evidence, does she still dare to force it?"

Today's Luo Tian has the supernatural power of Fumo Ganghuo, although his real cultivation is far inferior to that of a master monk like Yang Yue, head of the Huanhuo patriarch, but once the Fumoganghuo comes out, Luo Tian is still very sure of escaping safely.If Luo Tian was provoked to sacrifice Fen Baoyan, then Yang Yue would also be seriously injured.

Luo Tian also understood in his heart that Yang Yue might also be a little afraid of him, otherwise he would have made a move long ago.

After returning to the other courtyard, Luo Tian saw Monk Mingyue reluctantly making a sentimental gesture of parting with a woman from the Huanhuo clan from a long distance away.

"I'll wait for you the day after tomorrow, you must come!" Monk Mingyue said with a smirk on his face, then turned his head to look at the alley next to him, "Spray peach blossom honey on your face! You're still sneaky when you come back. Sit up straight, why do you need to do anything extra?"

The next moment, Luo Tian, ​​who was rubbing his nose and smiling wryly, appeared in front of Monk Mingyue, "Monk, how dare you be so upright when you hook up with two young women? Yo, look at your flushed face, you have been very nourished these days!"

"Huh!" Monk Mingyue snorted coldly proudly, with a look like his tail was going up to the sky, "The Sa family doesn't know how happy they are these few days when you are away! Also, don't talk nonsense, when will the Sa family hook up? A young woman from a good family? That beauty is a widow, okay? This widow of the Huanhuo Clan has been wanting for a long time, she is really ecstasy..."

Luo Tian: "..."

After only staying with Monk Mingyue for a day, Luo Tian led Xiao Hei to Qianyang Cave to practice in embarrassment.It wasn't that Luo Tian was in a hurry to practice, it was actually Monk Mingyue who kept his mouth shut, a widow and a young woman, and his mouth was full of men's topics, so Luo Tian was taken aback for a while, so he had to run away.

"Practice for a few more days, don't bother the Sa family's good business!" Monk Mingyue shouted at Luo Tian loudly, then rubbed his hands, with an anxious expression on his face, and said to himself, "Which family's daughter are you going to ruin today?" pinch?"


The mana in Luo Tian's body froze, and then fell to the ground.

"I sprayed peach blossom honey all over your face!" Luo Tian was once again defeated by Monk Mingyue.


Time is like running water, and twenty days have passed in a flash.

On this day, a clear whistle came from Qianyang Cave, and immediately a green light shot towards the city of Huanhuo Clan.

With the supernatural powers that can absorb fire aura such as Fumoganghuo, Luo Tian broke through from the late stage of the foundation stage to the Dzogchen stage of the foundation stage in only 20 days.

Only one step away, you can aspire to the golden elixir avenue!

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