
Chapter 138 One Sleeve Universe

"Monk, stop dawdling!"

Luo Tian stood with his hands behind his back, not knowing how many times he has urged Monk Mingyue.

Outside the city where the Huanhuo Clan lived for generations, Luo Tian looked helplessly at Monk Mingyue who was still reluctant to part with a group of Yingyingyanyan.On the opposite side of the monk, who smelled of alcohol and wealth, stood seven or eight women of the Huanhuo tribe, all of whom had good looks and beautiful figures.

"Beauties, you must wait for Sajia!" Monk Mingyue began to attack with incomparable sweet words again, "I, Yushu Linfeng Xiao Pan An, will definitely come back to find you, and then I will take you away..."

When it came to the end, even Luo Tian couldn't bear such disgusting words that made people vomit blood, and flew straight into the distance.

"Monk, I'll be waiting for you for a quarter of an hour. After the time has passed, you can stay in the Huanhuo Clan and be your son-in-law!"

A quarter of an hour flies by in the blink of an eye.

Luo Tian didn't use the flying sword, nor did he control the escape light, but just quietly suspended in mid-air.Looking at the sky, a quarter of an hour had passed, the black awns flickered under Luo Tian's feet, and the Five Poison Sword suddenly appeared.

"Brother Han Yi, don't leave Sajia alone!" Black clouds billowed in the sky, and Monk Mingyue flew towards him with a blushing face and full of energy.

"I thought you were going to stay and never leave." Luo Tian curled his lips, the mana in his body circulated, and the Five Poison Sword shot forward quickly.

Monk Mingyue chuckled, his face full of coquettishness, "Talk to you, an incomprehensible wood, about the wonderful taste of this, and you don't understand. These days, Sajia is really happy like a fairy! It's so enjoyable, it's simply too enjoyable... "

"..." Luo Tian's face twitched, and this guy started again.

"You don't know!" Monk Mingyue landed next to Luo Tian, ​​and sighed regretfully, "Thinking back then, the Sa family had been the prince of Xiaoyao in a small country for more than 20 years. ah…"

"Then why don't you continue to be your Prince Xiaoyao now?" Luo Tian couldn't bear it anymore and retorted.

Hearing this, Monk Mingyue's stinky face couldn't help but gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You think the Sa family doesn't want it! The happy days that were better than the gods could have continued, but a little Maotou in the middle of the foundation building period came One day, I came to the door and asked me to hand over all of this. At that time, the Sa family saw that the other party was not high in cultivation but was so arrogant, so they couldn't see it for a while and killed that guy. Who knew that guy's master was a genuine For a monk in the mid-stage of alchemy, fortunately the Sa family saw the opportunity early, otherwise a life would have been handed over!"

After finishing speaking, Monk Mingyue was still full of resentment, "Sajia decided to practice hard, and when I reach the stage of alchemy, I will definitely come back to the door again!"

Luo Tian was speechless for a while after hearing this. The alchemy stage monks are usually very proud. If they didn't really provoke him, they would not easily make a move.This Mingyue monk killed his apprentice, it's strange that he didn't do anything.

"Let's go."

Luo Tian didn't say much, his eyes looked into the distance, as if through countless clouds and mists.

Luo Yunzong, here I come!

Luo Tian and the two did not see that a woman in white stared at them in a hidden corner on top of the Huan Huo Clan's huge city wall, until they disappeared in the sky...


Luo Yunzong is different from the other two sects of cultivating immortals in Huoyan Kingdom.The Fire God Temple is located in the most fertile vast lake in the middle of the Huoyan Kingdom, and the Ziyao Mountain is located in the Daxue Mountain area in the northeast of the Huoyan Kingdom.Among the three sects, Luo Yunzong is the most mysterious and misty. It is located in the Luoyun Forest in the southwest of Huoyan Kingdom. Except for a few people, no one knows exactly where Luo Yunzong is located.

"After five consecutive days of driving, let's rest overnight in the town ahead."

In the distant sky, two gradually enlarged black spots of light suddenly appeared, they were Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue.

Luo Tian had long been accustomed to Monk Mingyue's style of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. He neither agreed nor opposed, and his face was indifferent.But all monks in the late stage of the foundation building period can already fast without drinking water and food, they only need to absorb the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth to maintain their body's needs, which is what ordinary people say "absorb water and drink dew, not eat five grains".What's more, both of them are monks in the foundation-building period, so eating wind and drinking dew is a little difficult for ordinary people, but it is no different from a common meal for immortal cultivators.

Luo Tian really didn't understand why Monk Mingyue, as a monk with a strong cultivation base, was still greedy for the enjoyment of ordinary people like the desire of tongue and tongue?


As the breeze blew, the two of Luo Tian dropped the magic weapon of light escape outside the town, and walked leisurely towards the town.These two people, one monk and one layman, are also dressed differently, one in green and one in black, which is indeed a bit absurd and weird.

After entering the town, Luo Tian and the two randomly searched for a restaurant. Monk Mingyue ordered more than [-] dishes in succession to the dumbfounded shopkeeper, which frightened Xiao Er who was standing beside him until his legs went weak.

Later, the two sat facing each other on a huge Eight Immortals table, staring at each other.

"Monk, you order so many dishes, do you have the money to pay?" Luo Tian held back for a long while, and couldn't help but say out loud.

"No!" Monk Mingyue shook his head happily.

"Then why do you order so many dishes?"

Monk Mingyue looked at Luo Tian with an idiot look on his face, and said slowly: "Isn't it because you are here? Besides, it doesn't matter even if you have no money. The Bawang meal eaten by the Sa family is worse than the road you have traveled. many…"

Luo Tian: "..."

The food and wine were brought up in a short while, Monk Mingyue ignored Luo Tian, ​​took a sip from the jug, then tore apart a roast chicken with his big hands, and munched like a wolf.Luo Tian lightly sipped his drink, occasionally picking up some dishes with chopsticks.

Just when the two of them were halfway through eating, there was a sound of footsteps downstairs, very heavy.

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue glanced at each other, and they both disappeared in a flash. The two of them restrained their aura, and their hearing was far beyond ordinary people. Just by hearing this, the two of them knew that the person coming was definitely A monk who deliberately restrained his breath.

In the middle of the foundation period!Luo Tian and his two had such good eyesight that they could judge the person's cultivation level at a glance.

Soon, a visitor appeared at the entrance of the building. Luo Tian pretended to look casually, and found that the person was an old man in white shirt, walking towards Luo Tian with a full face.

Frowning slightly, Luo Tian was secretly surprised that he had never provoked this person before.Could it be that Monk Mingyue's old enemy came to him?

Immediately, Luo Tian was even more puzzled when he saw Monk Mingyue's blank face.

"Brother, you are here."

At this time, a gentle voice sounded from behind Luo Tian, ​​and there sat a handsome young man in white clothes.Because his back was facing everyone, Luo Tian didn't see his face.

The white-clothed old man snorted coldly, and said angrily: "Junior Brother, if you still miss some old feelings, follow me back and ask Master to apologize!"

"Pleading guilty?" The boy in white sneered, "Brother, please forgive me for not agreeing."

"Then you can't blame me for taking the shot!"

The old man in the white shirt laughed loudly, and the endless sound wave spread out from the essence, stunned everyone in the restaurant. Immediately, he opened his big sleeve, and an unparalleled suction force came out from it, which implied With countless flame light bars.

"Sleeve everything!"

The boy in white couldn't help but exclaimed, "It seems that Master is willing to pass on this magical power to you in order to capture me back! Well, then you and I will go outside and fight!"


Let's talk, the two of them turned into streamers, and their figures quickly escaped from the window.

"Interesting, interesting!" Immediately, Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue straightened up from the table. The ordinary attacks of monks in the middle of the Foundation Establishment Stage had no effect on them.

Luo Tian thoughtfully said: "The supernatural powers of the old man in white are very strange."

Monk Mingyue immediately laughed and said, "How can Luo Yunzong's three great magical powers be underestimated? The white-clothed old man envoys Luo Yunzong's famed three supernatural powers. Even I have to stay out of the way for a while! Let's go and see." Just look at the fun, I like to fight each other the most..."

Luo Tian: "..."

Just as the two of them flew out of the restaurant, Luo Tian suddenly said: "Monk, the money for the food and drinks has not been paid yet."

Monk Mingyue looked contemptuous, "Damn! Sajia eats his food and drink, it's a blessing he cultivated in eight lifetimes, give me some money!"

Luo Tian: "..."

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