
Chapter 140 Spectroscopy

"Brother, whether you live or die depends on your fate."

As soon as Yi Qing finished speaking, a stream of blood froth gushed from the corner of his mouth, and his complexion immediately turned from white to green, and then from green to black, and he opened his mouth to spray out a black fire ball the size of a bowl, and the black fire ball was slightly in the air. It sinks, then flashes, then disappears without a trace.

What a great speed!

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue, who were hiding in secret, looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in each other's eyes.


Sure enough, after a few breaths, there was a scream from the distant sky, and there was no sound immediately.

Yi Qing tilted his body forward, spewed out a few mouthfuls of thick blood, then grabbed a few pills from the Qiankun bag, and swallowed them.Then, he had not even refined the medicinal power of the elixir, so he flew away with the Escaping Light.

"Which one to chase?" Monk Mingyue stretched out his tongue and licked it, eagerly saying.

Luo Tian didn't say a word, a black light appeared under his feet, and the next moment, he flew towards the direction where the white-clothed old man was escaping.

"Not bad, not bad!" Seeing this, Monk Mingyue hurriedly followed up, screaming again and again, "Specially picking soft persimmons, boy Han Yi, it seems that you have secretly learned a lot of tricks from the Sa family!"

Luo Tian: "..."


On a sand dune dozens of miles away, an old man in a white shirt was covered in blood drops and sat on it. Most of his clothes were torn, and black smoke was rising from his exposed skin. As soon as the magic flame burned, it kept seeping down towards the muscles and bones, and made a light chirping sound. The old man in white shirt twisted his face ferociously in pain, and couldn't help but groaned again and again.

The old man in white shirt released his consciousness, and immediately after placing several restraints, he took out a jade bottle with some peace of mind, and applied the pink liquid in the jade bottle to the injured skin.

"It's still quite wary."

At this time, a warm and frivolous laughter reached the ears of the old man in white shirt. The old man in white shirt reached out and grabbed a black iron ruler to protect his chest, and shouted in a deep voice, "Who is it?"

The next moment, a cyan figure suddenly appeared from ten feet away, and with just one step, he came up to the old man in white shirt, and then casually patted his hand, a big hand formed of orange flame suddenly appeared on top of the old man in white shirt, Slap hard.

After a soft sound, the restriction set by the old man in white was broken directly, and the big orange flame hand patted the old man in white without stopping.

"I don't know how to live or die..." There was a look of contempt in the eyes of the old man in the white shirt. Even though he was seriously injured, he was still an expert at playing with fire. Although the big orange flame hand had a strong aura, it hadn't reached the point where he couldn't resist it. Well, if the visitor wants to beat the dog in the water, he will be disappointed.

"My mother!" Monk Mingyue has learned the power of Luo Tian's cultivation skills. Just as he flew down, he saw the old man in white shirt shaking with Luo Tian without knowing his life. Tired of living..."


With a dull sound, the entire sand dune was flattened by the big hand of the orange flame, and countless quicksands shot out, and it sank three feet deep before calming down.

"Didn't you say you want to live?" Monk Mingyue muttered dissatisfiedly.

Luo Tian said lightly: "I miscalculated the opponent's strength."

Monk Mingyue: "..."

With a wave of his sleeve, a gust of wind whizzed past, and soon, Luo Tian drove away the sand in front of him, but as he saw with his eyes, the old man in white shirt in front of him was slapped into pieces by the big hand of orange flames. In addition to the black iron ruler, even the other party's Qiankun bag was melted into nothingness by the trace of Fumo Ganghuo attached to it by Luo Tian.

Frowning and standing with his hands behind his back, Luo Tian's spiritual sense directly scanned the black iron ruler, and found that there was an extremely huge imprint of spiritual consciousness in the black iron ruler. Presumably this magic weapon was not owned by the white-clothed old man himself, but another master monk temporarily Just lend it to him.

It's not that Luo Tian didn't try to erase the imprint of spiritual consciousness in the black iron ruler, but even though his current consciousness is comparable to the late stage of alchemy, it will take ten and a half months to completely refine the imprint of spiritual consciousness.The time in between was enough for the rightful owner of the black iron ruler to come to his door, and it was a time of trouble, Luo Tian didn't want to bring such a hot potato with him.

"Sprayed peach blossom honey on his face!" Monk Mingyue scolded very unhappily, "The foundation-builder cultivator of Luo Yunzong is too fragile, you have destroyed the opponent's body and spirit with one move, and if things go on like this, this business will not work. It's done..."

Luo Tian didn't seem to hear Monk Mingyue's words, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he stood there with an uneasy expression.

After a while, Luo Tian laughed, "Fellow Daoist, I was almost fooled by you!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian lingkong grabbed the black iron ruler, and the black iron ruler was directly caught in his hand, "Fellow Daoist, should I ask you to come out or come out by yourself?"

"Boy Han, are you stupid? There is nothing strange about this black iron ruler!" Monk Mingyue couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Don't be suspicious..."

"It looks like I'm going to ask you to come out?" Luo Tian's mouth turned up, and a very faint, very faint transparent flame burst out from the palm of his hand, which was the subduing demon fire that restrained evil ways and ghosts' consciousness.

"Fellow Daoist, why be so aggressive." There was a soft sigh, and immediately a ball of flame burst out from the black iron ruler. Monk Mingyue, who opened his mouth wide, was a little dazed. This breath was exactly that of the old man in white.

"How did Fellow Daoist find out?" The figure and appearance of the old man in white shirt could be vaguely seen in the flame light group, and he couldn't help but feel a little discouraged at the moment.

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and said: "I believe that I have not reached the level where a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage can be beaten to death with a random blow."

"I see."

The primordial spirit of the white-clothed old man suddenly realized, and said bitterly: "I don't know why you are living here?"

"Tell me where Luo Yunzong is."

"Impossible!" The old man in white categorically refused.

Luo Tian shook his head and sighed softly. Knowing that it would be useless to talk, he immediately reached out his hand and clawed it directly into the primordial spirit of the old man in white. The magic power in his body circulated rapidly, and he forcibly performed the soul search technique.

"Ah! Master won't let you go..." In just a moment, the old man in white was gone.

After a long time, Luo Tian withdrew his palm, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he murmured: "No wonder, no wonder..."

Half a month later, in a gloomy place full of swampy mud, two furtive figures flew from afar, and then quickly fell vertically from the sky.

"The ancestor of Luo Yunzong's founding sect is really powerful. He even established the sect in such a crappy place that even humans and birds would not want to shit!"

"Shut up! Someone is coming!"

These two people are exactly Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue.

After a long while, a white streamer flew from the depths of the swamp very quickly, and stopped quietly at the place where Luo Tian and the two stayed just now. He frowned and observed for a while, then pointed his finger at the center of his eyebrows, and sixteen black balls burst out from the center of his eyebrows. The flames plunged into the void below him extremely quickly.

"Strange, there was a strange aura here just now, could it be that another monster escaped?" In the white streamer was a handsome young man who was as handsome as jade. Dao Youruo's substantial figure disappeared into the distance.

"It turned out to be the technique of splitting light and skimming shadows. This person's supernatural powers are extremely terrifying!"

Somewhere on a big tree with luxuriant foliage, there was a wave of void, and Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue appeared with dignified faces.

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