
Chapter 141 Huanhuo Pond

"Is it okay?" Monk Mingyue grinned.

Luo Tian pondered for a while, then shook his head, "Not too sure."

"Then let's put oil on the soles of our feet." Monk Mingyue said confidently, "If I expected that person just now, he should be No.1 among the young monks of Luo Yunzong, Liu Qingfeng. It is said that the monks of the alchemy stage in the country of the flames are here. Only he and Dongfang Potian can contend against each other, and their cultivation is unpredictable."

"Since you're here, you'll be safe." Luo Tian said lightly. In fact, he didn't tell the truth to Monk Mingyue. Now that Luo Tian possesses the two major trump cards of Subduing Demon Ganghuo and Fenbaoyan, it was Dongfang Potian who came here in person. , can also repel it, let alone Liu Qingfeng.

Luo Tian looked on coldly, seeing Monk Mingyue's reluctance, he said indifferently: "Monk, if you are afraid, you can wait for me outside."

Speaking of which, the relationship between Monk Mingyue and Luo Tian is not very good, and Luo Tian doesn't want him to confront a giant like Luo Yunzong for his own private affairs. It won't work.

"What?" Monk Mingyue rubbed his neck, "The Sajia never knew how to write words that were afraid! What's wrong? You think I'm afraid? Fart! The Sajia is recalling what kind of treasure Luo Yunzong has. Could it be that you let the Sajia go deep into Baoshan empty-handed? And return?"

Luo Tian smiled wryly, Monk Mingyue was indeed Monk Mingyue, it seemed that even Luo Yunzong could not escape his murderous hand.


Based on the information obtained from the soul search of the white-clothed old man, Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue quickly detoured to the back mountain of Luo Yunzong, but the back mountain was several times larger than the front mountain of Luo Yunzong. times.A thick cloud of black smoke soared into the sky, lingering in the air.

"Xiao Hei, it's up to you!"

Luo Tian immediately sent a voice transmission to Xiao Hei, who was lying on his shoulders and sleeping in the dark. Xiao Hei opened his eyes and looked at them, and suddenly turned into a white glow and shot out in ecstasy.

"..." Monk Mingyue was stunned. There were many restrictions in front of Luo Yunzong's forbidden area on the back mountain. How can its power be underestimated.But the little white snake in front of him was the same as the old widower seeing a naked beauty standing in front of him.

Luo Tian stood quietly on the spot, watching Xiao Hei flying back and forth in front of the restraint, feeling a little heavy in his heart.Even though Xiao Hei has an innate understanding of the restraint formation, it is still very difficult not to disturb the guards of the restraint at all.

"Master, there are three layers of restriction here, the first layer is very simple, the second layer is a bit tricky, as for the third layer, it depends on luck." Xiao Hei's voice soon appeared in Luo Tian's ears .

"Let's get started!" The green light in Luo Tian's eyes flowed, directly passing through the black smoke cloud in the distance, where there stood two straight mountain peaks.

Seeing Luo Tian's movement, Monk Mingyue didn't dare to neglect to follow behind him, stepping into the restraint step by step.

"Three steps to the left, two steps back, five steps to the right, four steps forward."

Luo Tian walked according to Xiao Hei's sound transmission, and it took a full meal. Luo Tian realized that his eyes lit up, and the depressive feeling wrapped around his side was completely dissipated. Looking around, he found that at this moment In front of a deep green bamboo forest.

At the same time, Xiao Hei, who was leading the way, also stopped, and after thinking for a while, he sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​"Master, this second layer of restriction contains three more mysterious formations, and the three formations are ring-to-loop." Interlocking and complementing each other, it seems that we can pass safely with the help of your strength."

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Luo Tian said calmly and calmly.

Xiao Heili informed Luo Tian of some precautions, then twisted the snake's body and shot forward quickly.

With a dignified expression, Luo Tian took out six top-grade spirit stones from the Qiankun bag, startling Monk Mingyue behind him, "Boy Han, what are you doing? This is under the restriction of the other party. Don't mess around!"

It's no wonder that Monk Mingyue is so nervous. Apart from training and activating the teleportation formation, the spirit stone has only one purpose, and that is to arrange some restraining formations.Just imagine, Luo Yunzong's prohibition was definitely arranged by the alchemy master himself, and now Luo Tian is so bold that he wants to set up another restriction in the opponent's restriction. Isn't this clearly telling the other party that someone is breaking the formation?

In fact, Luo Tian didn't know what to do, but he had great confidence in Xiao Hei's attainments in restraining formations.Even if he didn't succeed, he could still escape in the fastest time.

"Master, get ready, it's time to start!"

Immediately, Xiao Hei's body that was more than a foot long rolled suddenly on the ground, and immediately transformed into a huge python with a length of two feet and a width of about half a foot. He opened his mouth and sprayed, and a cloud of venom wrapped in extremely pale white flames appeared in front of him, and quickly divided into six identical flame venoms, which fell towards six directions as quickly as the wind.

Luo Tian tightly held the spirit stone in his hand, staring fixedly at the six flame venom gently falling into the restraining formation. It was very strange that the restraining formation showed no sign of being touched, and it was Under the corrosion of the flame venom, six transparent gaps the size of rice grains soon appeared.

Chi Chi!

Those six gaps quickly wiped away the white flames, but the venom wrapped in them was sharper and more violent, and the gaps had a tendency to melt quickly and become larger.

It's now!

At the same time, Luo Tian quickly raised his hands, and six meteor-like light spots quickly fell into the transparent gap.After doing this, Luo Tian's forehead was already covered with fine beads of sweat, and even his clothes were soaked with sweat.

This very simple scene seems very easy to outsiders. In fact, in this restriction formation, Luo Tian has already fully controlled the six spirit stones so as not to touch the unpredictable restriction trajectory, and whether it is his own breath or All the aura on the spirit stone was suppressed by Luo Tian. If it wasn't for his Five Elements Teleportation Technique reaching a higher level, I'm afraid this time it might be a failure.

Between lightning and flint, the rapidly changing trajectory of the restriction was finally concealed, and as Xiao Hei withdrew the venom, the six gaps only flashed for a flash, and then healed as before.

"Master, we will have two hours to spare." Xiao Hei happily transmitted to Luo Tian, ​​and there was a trace of exhaustion in his words.

Luo Tian, ​​on the other hand, was unhappy instead of worrying, his face sank like water, and after a long time, he said: "Xiao Hei, the second layer of restriction is so powerful, and the third layer of restriction you said depends on luck. How do you say this? "

"Once we have passed the second layer of restriction, Master, you will know at a glance."

When Luo Tian carefully passed through the second layer of restriction, a gust of cold wind rushed in front of him, even Luo Tian who had practiced the Nine Flames Mysterious Art could not bear the coldness.

And Monk Mingyue stared blankly at the endless dark water pool in front of him, and suddenly remembered an ancient legend that has been passed down for countless years.


ps: Three changes today!I've said it a few times, but the collection is still much more than the recommendation, so I won't talk about it.Let's break out today, please collect and recommend.Tomorrow, if the recommendation for collections soars, it will still explode.

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