
Chapter 142 The Poisonous Flood Dragon in the Quiet Water, the Qingfeng Fighting Willow?

Luo Tian raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Monk, have you been here?"

"I've been to his mother's apricot honey!" Monk Mingyue cried and lowered his voice extremely low, "The Luo Yunzong existed in Huoyan Kingdom much earlier than the other two sects, among which Luo Yunzong appeared in the early days A peerless genius who has endured through the past and present, and was one of the three masters in the world of cultivating immortals in the Tianxuan Continent at that time, he was the old man of the flame. It is said that the most powerful thing about the old man of the flame is not his own supernatural powers and magic weapons, but his When he was young, he traveled to the mainland and subdued a Youshui poisonous dragon. After the poisonous dragon became an adult, his cultivation was much higher than that of the old man of the flame. Therefore, among the three masters, the old man of the flame originally The weakest, because his mount, the monster beast, can only be ranked second!"

"Three masters?" Luo Tian rubbed his chin, and couldn't help being a little more interested. To get such a title in the world of cultivating immortals, his cultivation must be at least in the late stage of leaving his body.

Monk Mingyue hurriedly said: "Don't ask so many questions, since the old man Huo suddenly disappeared without a trace, many people secretly guessed that the Youshui Poison Dragon is still in the Huanhuo Pond in Luoyunzong."

"What?" The relaxed expression on Luo Tian's face suddenly froze. An adult flood dragon, not to mention his current supernatural powers, even if he is about to reach the Nascent Soul Stage, he has to stay away.Flood dragon is an ancient fierce beast, and when it grows up, the whole world of cultivating immortals may be able to withstand its attack with two hands that can be counted.

Looking unwillingly at Huanhuochi, Luo Tian sent a voice transmission to Xiao Hei cruelly, "Let's go, let's go back."

"Master, are you giving up now?" Xiao Hei was very puzzled by Luo Tian's sudden choice.

With a heavy sigh, Luo Tian had mixed feelings in his heart, and he came here full of hope, but was suddenly poured by a basin of cold water, and now he was rather dispirited, but he couldn't help himself, an adult dragon had to deal with him. Three people, I'm afraid it will be effortless.

"Don't mess around!" Seeing Xiao Hei's expression, Monk Mingyue hurriedly shouted, "Fortunately, this flood dragon is sleeping, otherwise we would have our lives!"

"Hmph! When I become an adult, Jiaolong will not be my opponent." Xiao Hei still couldn't speak, so he had to transmit his voice to Monk Mingyue.

At this time, a sudden change occurred——

On the pitch-black water surface of Huanhuochi, countless bubbles suddenly appeared. The bubbles were all the size of the mouth of a bowl. When they swelled to a large size, they made a slight shattering sound. A plume of smoke like flames formed above the water.

"Youquan Demon Flame! Not good!" Monk Mingyue turned pale, pulled Luo Tian and ran away.

It's a pity that before the two of them escaped thirty feet away, a majestic aura descended from the sky without a trace, and immediately an extremely soft force wrapped around the bodies of Luo Tian and the two of them, pulling them back again.

When Luo Tian was restrained by an inexplicable force, the mana in his body turned sharply, and a layer of orange flame shot out from his body, but the quite powerful flame disappeared without a trace when it touched the inexplicable force, as if it disappeared out of thin air. He couldn't help but be horrified, knowing that the opponent's strength is too much higher than his own.

"Which little guy said just now that I am not an opponent when I become an adult?"

A hearty laugh sounded in the minds of the three of Luo Tian at the same time, shaking the consciousness of the three of them as if they were about to come out of their bodies.

Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, and he repeatedly winked at Xiao Hei who was lying on his shoulders, but Xiao Hei rushed out without fear, suspended in mid-air, and said proudly: "I said it, could it be that you are not convinced?"

"Not bad." Suddenly, a huge head of a monster emerged from the water, very much like a dragon's head. Dark green fine scales covered the face from the neck. There are no scales, and there is a half-foot-long unicorn growing in the middle of the forehead. The pair of huge eyeballs are like two green lanterns, and there are thick beards around the huge mouth, which are constantly fluttering.

"Since you are an ancient beast like me, I will spare you this time." The Youshui poisonous dragon glanced at Luo Tian and the two of them lightly, "How dare these two humans break into the forbidden area? Must be killed!"


Xiao Hei's figure instantly grew bigger, and hurriedly stood in front of Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue, "Unless you kill me first!"

Immediately, two green beams of light shot out from the Youshui Poisonous Jiao's eyes, directly bypassing Xiao Hei and shooting towards Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue. This kind of supernatural power is really frightening.

"Master, run away!"

Xiao Hei couldn't care anymore, he raised his head to the sky and let out a sharp mournful cry, and then spewed out a white transparent bead the size of a goose egg from his mouth, and then met the two green streaks from the Youshui Poisonous Flood Dragon first. beam of light.

"Let you die for me, I escape, impossible!"

Luo Tian's body didn't move. Although he is not here now, he is still an all-powerful generation of demon king. He still can't do such a move of letting his own people die for him. Luo Tian immediately slapped him without hesitation. Qiankun bag, a strange black lotus flower appeared on the top of his head, so he must prepare to work hard!

To Luo Tian's surprise, Monk Mingyue's face was terrified, and he never retreated half a step!


An invisible air wave suddenly spread out, sending Xiao Hei and Luo Tian flying more than ten feet away.

The huge head of the Youshui poisonous dragon shook, and said angrily: "Little brat, don't think that I dare not kill you!"

"Xiao Hei, how are you doing?"

Luo Tian hurriedly rushed to Xiao Hei, who was shrinking rapidly, with an extremely anxious expression.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Xiao Hei's mouth, and he said weakly: "Master, don't worry, I won't die. It's just a serious injury to my vitality..."

Seeing this, Luo Tian sent Xiao Hei back to the Heilian space without the slightest hesitation, and then looked at Youshui Poison Jiao, "Senior, what's the point of bullying the small? I know that in front of you, I have no power to resist, but this junior Dissatisfied!"

The Youshui Poisonous Flood Dragon was silent for a while, then he laughed and said: "You are courageous and courageous. In 1000 years, you are the first human being who dares to speak to me like this. Alright, then I will convince you to death."

Facing the Youshui Poisonous Flood Dragon, Luo Tian knew that he had no chance of winning, but he still released his consciousness with all his strength. After a few breaths, a stream of light flashing with countless figures flew towards the sky, and landed respectfully on the side of Huanhuochi. Saluting respectfully, he said, "Why is Lord Long calling this junior?"

"You, go and kill that kid in Tsing Yi."

There was indifference in the Youshui poisonous flood dragon's eyes, and he ordered without emotion.

"Junior obeys!"

"Liu Qingfeng!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, he didn't expect to face this person so soon, but he was always a hundred times stronger than facing the Youshui Poison Dragon.

"Fellow Daoist, since you dare to break into my Luo Yunzong, you must not be an unknown person. Liu Qingfeng's subordinates are immortal!" Liu Qingfeng stood tall in the air, and shouted condescendingly, Yuan Tingyue stood up and stood upright with dignity.

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