
Chapter 143 The battle of supernatural powers

"Famous and unknown have half a penny to do with your murder, arrogance!" Monk Mingyue snorted coldly with disdain.

Liu Qingfeng didn't even look at Monk Mingyue, he just stared at Luo Tian, ​​his eyes burst out with brilliant fighting intent, his long hair flew up behind him, and he said in a cold voice: "A bald thief only knows how to occupy Taking advantage of words, you wouldn't do the same, would you?"

Luo Tian knew that he would have to fight Liu Qingfeng today, so he didn't back down, and the fighting spirit in his heart continued to rise. I saw him walking towards Liu Qingfeng step by step in the air. Every step he took, his momentum rose by one point. When he was only five or six feet high, his aura was almost the same as that of Liu Qingfeng.

The green glow appeared leisurely in the eyes, and Luo Tian's clear voice resounded throughout the Huanhuochi.

"Come up and lead the death!"

Liu Qingfeng didn't bother to speak any more, and with a flick of his body, he immediately transformed into more than ten phantoms that were exactly the same as himself, even the breath was the same.At the same time, more than a dozen Liu Qingfeng who couldn't tell the real from the fake in the air stared at Luo Tian coldly, and played out several mysterious magic formulas with both hands, suddenly storms rose into the sky.

Luo Tian sneered in his heart, he had expected it well before, this Liu Qingfeng must be a spiritual root with dual attributes of wind and fire, looking at the momentum, I am afraid that this child is also quite powerful in the cultivation of wind element Taoism.


Stretching out a finger, an orange light spot the size of a grain of rice burst out from Luo Tian's fingertips. The light spot was extremely fast, and it fell towards one of Liu Qingfeng's bodies in an instant. Immediately, the light spot exploded in the void. , Layers of circular air waves swayed, and the space at the center of the explosion seemed to be slightly distorted.


Liu Qingfeng, who retreated in embarrassment, was shocked. The other party could see through his own identity at a glance. He had been invading in the light-splitting technique for decades, and he thought he was an ordinary monk in the alchemy stage. In itself, it is also somewhat difficult, not to mention the guy in front of him who only has a late stage foundation cultivation.

happen!Liu Qingfeng attributed Luo Tian's recognition of himself to coincidence.

In fact, the Youshui poisonous dragon with only a huge head exposed in Huanhuochi saw Luo Tian's real cultivation level at a glance. Surprised, the green light flickered in the eyes of the cultivator in Tsing Yi just now, could it be that this son...

"Break it for me!"

Luo Tian's subordinates were merciless, and several orange light spots popped up one after another, breaking Liu Qingfeng's light-splitting and skimming technique time and time again, with a relaxed attitude, appearing extremely relaxed.


Liu Qingfeng's throat sweetened, and finally a mouthful of blood spewed out. Now he finally realized that the secret technique he relied on was ineffective against the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi in front of him.He concluded that the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi in front of him must have a magical weapon that can see through illusions.


The next moment, Liu Qingfeng's figure was like the wind, and he arrived in front of Luo Tian almost in the blink of an eye. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and immediately condensed a jet-black claw in front of his palm, exuding a slight chill.


Liu Qingfeng stretched out his claws and pierced through Luo Tian's chest. The oscillating space trembled a little, which shows how vicious his claws were.

"No!" Liu Qingfeng was shocked in his heart, looking at Luo Tian's figure that slowly dissipated into nothingness, he just realized that it was an afterimage!

"It's so fast! It's interesting to fight evenly." Youshui Poison Jiao also had a little interest in Luo Tian at this time, and his two lantern-sized eyes were also looking at the sky.


Three strange purple lotus flowers hit Liu Qingfeng's back in an instant. As if he had been hit hard, Liu Qingfeng rolled in the air and flew out.

At the same time, Luo Tian's almost illusory blue figure slowly emerged from the void, staring at Liu Qingfeng thoughtfully.Just now when his purple lotus sword energy attacked the opponent, a faint black silk glow immediately appeared on the opponent's body, densely covering the latter, and the three purple lotus flowers made of sword energy returned without success.

"It's nothing more than relying on having a top-level defensive magic weapon." Luo Tian thought for a while, and then guessed the reason, but he was quietly more afraid of Liu Qingfeng in his heart. With such a top-level defensive magic weapon, when fighting against others , It can be said that it has taken a huge advantage.

However, even if you have a top-level defense weapon, do you think that I can't do it?Luo Tian sneered in his heart, and with a wave of his hand, several purple clouds surrounded his body, and the dense glow flowed endlessly.


The Youshui poisonous dragon who was watching couldn't help but exclaimed. As the mount monster of the old man of the flame, he recognized the skills and magic weapons of some ancient masters, especially the Zixia clothes belonged to the old man Xuanming who was as famous as the old master. It is one of the four treasures of Xuanming, how could he not recognize it?

Liu Qingfeng's complexion turned ugly in an instant. Since the opponent also possessed a top-level defensive magic weapon, and the opponent's speed was also extremely fast, he knew that he had met a formidable opponent this time.

"Hehe." Liu Qingfeng laughed suddenly, "Since Dongfang broke the sky, no one can force me to fight with all my strength. You are the second! I should feel extremely honored!"

"It's boring." Luo Tian curled his lips, you didn't use your full strength earlier, and neither did I.

"Sleeve everything!"

Liu Qingfeng's figure quickly jumped up, reaching several tens of feet in the air in an instant, and then he tapped between his eyebrows, opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and danced unscrupulously in the sky with inexplicable steps, countless pillars of flame and wind quickly formed , gathered around Liu Qingfeng's sleeves that were as big as a cylinder, and then Liu Qingfeng pressed down the big sleeves heavily with a heavy expression, and a huge beam of light mixed with flames of wind fell down rapidly.

Facing the three supernatural powers of Luo Yunzong's mighty Huoyan Kingdom, Rao Yiluotian did not dare to neglect in the slightest. The mana in his body circulated rapidly, and the brilliance of the Zixia clothing was radiated, fluttering in the wind, and finally almost turned into a flower. Huge purple clouds.Luo Tian, ​​who was in the clouds, quickly scooped it up in the void, and then reached out to take out the Xuanji Yugui.

Speaking of which, the magic weapons on Luo Tian's body now are also pitifully rare, the offensive magic weapons are only the Five Poison Sword, the Three Talents Sword, the Xuanji Yugui and Fenbaoyan, but there are quite a lot of magic charms, even the charms also have three, but In this kind of battle, Fu Bao can't play much role, and Fen Baoyan and Heilian Space are his last trump cards, and he will not use them lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

After Xuanji Yugui was sacrificed by Luo Tian, ​​it loomed in the air, and countless dark yellow light strips appeared all over her body. Each light strip swept across the air, making a very faint piercing sound, as if it could be torn apart. Shattered void.


The two of them fought hard this time, but no one took advantage of it. Several streaks of light emitted by Luo Tian's Xuanji Yugui landed on Liu Qingfeng's body, but they were still bounced off by that weird silk thread magic weapon.And the aftermath of Liu Qingfeng's one-sleeved universe fell on Zixia's clothes, and quickly disappeared into it.

Liu Qingfeng's blow didn't work, and his complexion changed immediately, from white to green, and then from green to black.

When Luo Tian saw this situation, Yi Qing's strange and unpredictable Youquan magic flame emerged in his heart, and under the shock in his heart, the Fumo Ganghuo in his body also slowly melted away, like a transparent flame floating in the palm of his hand.

Next, it will be the strongest magical confrontation between the two!

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