
Chapter 145 Three Great Demon Kings, Cowardly as a Tiger

"I see."

Hearing this, Luo Tian fell silent immediately.

After a while, Luo Tian patted his forehead and said, "Monk, we can escape from the exit!"

"Of course you can go out through the exit." Monk Mingyue was gnawing on a roast leg of lamb, and said vaguely, "The entrance is more than a thousand miles away from the exit. It is said that there is a transcendent spirit in this forbidden fire place." Existence is the Three Great Demon Kings!"

"Three Great Demon Kings?" Luo Tian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but anyone who can be called a Demon King is at least a fifth-level monster, and the fifth-level monster is probably only a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. Dan Qi came for nothing.

Thinking of this, Luo Tian couldn't help but looked up at the sky that suddenly became dark, and saw that the entire vast sky seemed to be enveloped by black and white clouds in an instant, and the extremely thick two-color clouds kept churning in the clouds, which was quite strange.

On the ground of the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land, most of the area is covered by lava volcanoes, extremely hot air waves flow in the air, and occasionally some heat-resistant vegetation grows, and they are all extremely withered and yellow, looking like they are dying.

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue are like two inconspicuous black dots, walking carefully on the long road, being ravaged by monsters in the forbidden fire zone.

"Pfft!" Panting, Monk Mingyue spat out a bone in his mouth, jumped up and down vigorously, and cursed, "This group of monsters are too careless, let's not say how much they bully, what's more, they are all sneak attacks!" ! There is no way to pass this day!"

Luo Tian grabbed a fiery red fruit and bit it, looked at Monk Mingyue with a half-smile, and said: "The world of monsters, the weak eat the strong. Don't ask about the means, only about victory or defeat."

"Is there any more blood dragon fruit? I don't have enough physical strength..." Monk Mingyue approached with a flattering smile.

"I see that you are full of energy, it doesn't seem like you don't have enough physical strength!" Luo Tian sarcastically said, but still threw a blood dragon fruit to Monk Mingyue.Speaking of which, the blood dragon fruit can be regarded as a rare treasure in the world. It is formed by the blood shed by the dragons for thousands of years, and then bears fruit every 500 years. It is very effective in restoring mana essence.This time, Luo Tian and the two were quite lucky to encounter a few blood dragon fruit trees, and they picked them all at once, and at the same time, many monsters chased them and beat them fiercely.

Among them, Luo Tian even secretly transferred a blood dragon fruit tree to the black lotus space to give birth.

Speaking of which, Luo Tian hadn't practiced in the Black Lotus Dimension for a while, just because it was inconvenient for Monk Mingyue to follow him all the time.Separating a trace of consciousness into the black lotus space, Luo Tian found that except for the black flame bamboo, other elixir were growing rapidly.

"Look, what's that?" Suddenly, Monk Mingyue yelled strangely, with a hint of excitement in his words, he danced and pointed to a place in a mountain depression in the distance.

Luo Tian looked in the direction he was pointing at, and only saw a huge black tiger crouching tremblingly behind a boulder. If one looked at it from another angle, it might be difficult to spot this tiger, but Behind the tiger was a thorny forest, and it was difficult for birds to get over it, and Luo Tian and the two were standing on a small mountain above the thorny forest, so they could see it clearly.

"It's just a tiger." Luo Tian scanned it with his divine sense, and found that there was nothing unusual about the tiger, it was just an ordinary third-order monster.A third-order monster can kill almost instantly for me now.

"You don't understand, you don't understand..." Monk Mingyue held his chin with one hand with a deep and sad expression, "As an invincible king who runs amok among the flowers, tiger penis wine is an irreplaceable and excellent medicine! Alas, this Everything is blamed on my parents, the hatred of the family..."

"What do you hate?" Luo Tian asked very puzzled.

"At first glance, you are a country monk!" Monk Mingyue gave Luo Tian a disdainful look, "Of course the Sa family hates my parents for giving birth to me like Yushulinfeng Saipan'an..."

"Fuck me!" Luo Tian finally couldn't bear it anymore and swears like Fatty Wang.

"Let's go home!" After finishing speaking, Monk Mingyue touched his bald head with no hair in a very coquettish way, his eyes shot out, like a hungry tiger pounced on a wolf, it turned into a black smoke and shot at the black tiger .


Although the black tiger was not of a high rank, as a monster, it had an innate keen instinct. Almost at the moment when Monk Mingyue flew up and robbed, the black tiger found Monk Mingyue, but he didn't know For some reason, the black tiger let out a desolate cry with trembling limbs. For some reason, the roar of the beast was extremely low. If it wasn't for Luo Tian's excellent hearing, it might not be easy to hear.

"Quack, little tiger, Sajia is in a very good mood today, and I'll give you a chance to go to the palace! Hurry up, don't dawdle and make Sajia unhappy!" Monk Mingyue waved his hand, and a stream of black smoke turned into a half The round hood traps the black tiger inside.

Luo Tian, ​​who was following behind, heard that the mana in his body suddenly became disordered, and he almost fell from the sky.

It's a pity that Monk Mingyue waited for a long time, but the black tiger still didn't move. Instead, he lay down on the ground with an extremely frightened appearance, as if a human being was kneeling three times and knocking nine times.

Monk Mingyue's face darkened, "It's useless to beg for mercy! For the sake of the happiness of the Sajia, you must leave the palace today! I will give you a cup of tea time, and the Sajia will be self-reliant!" After finishing speaking, Monk Mingyue held the huge The Zheyue shovel grabbed it out, and after silently reciting the mantra, he sprayed a mouthful of blood on the sharp and bright half-moon shovel head of the Zheyue shovel. It became five feet long and exuded a layer of cold light.

Luo Tian had some doubts about this timid black tiger, but when he saw Monk Mingyue's actions, he was speechless for a while.It's nothing more than castrating the tiger with the moon-covering shovel, and using a magic trick to make the head of the shovel so big, this, this is not neutering the tiger, but it may be enough to castrate the dragon.

Seeing that Monk Mingyue looked like he was determined to win, a moment later, Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue heard intermittent fluctuations in their consciousness, "Two... two adults, the younger one is really underage, and the tiger penis is not yet mature. Well, let's... let's spare the little one! If this bald man really needs a tiger penis, the little one knows a place where the tiger penis is definitely enough for the adults to squander for decades..."

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue were taken aback for a moment, and then glanced at each other. This black tiger is not only very timid, but also a sneaky, slippery guy who is afraid of death.

"Huh?" Monk Mingyue snickered in his heart, but snorted coldly on his face, "You'd better not fool Sajia, or you're going to be a eunuch tiger!"

"The little ones don't dare, the little ones don't dare..." The black tiger quickly replied tremblingly.

"Lead the way ahead! The Sa family needs a hundred tiger whips to practice magic skills..."

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