
Chapter 146 Saber Toothed Iron Winged Tiger King

"I told you to lie to the Sajia! I told you to lie to the Sajia!..."

At a mountain corner, Monk Mingyue swung his fan-like palms round, and beat the trembling black tiger in front of him.

"Don't hit it, don't hit it..." The black tiger was restrained by Monk Mingyue and couldn't run away, so it had to stretch out its two front paws to cover its head and begged for mercy.

Luo Tian folded his hands on his shoulders, and couldn't help looking at this somewhat strange area, where the mountains were covered with black stones.Somewhat different from other places, there are a lot of vegetation and forests growing here, and the fire aura contained in them is much more abundant.

"Monk, do you know the monsters here?" Seeing that Monk Mingyue was finally tired, sitting on the ground panting heavily, Luo Tian smiled and asked.

Monk Mingyue wiped the sweat from his forehead, curled his lips, and said: "Of course I know, but you must know that the Sa family is both internal and external, not only looks unparalleled in the world, but also has profound knowledge..."

"Stop!" Luo Tian hurriedly waved his hand, this guy is really narcissistic, he can't let him continue talking.

"Hey, look, young people just can't hold their breath!" Monk Mingyue shook his head and said, "If the Sa family sees it right, this place should be a nest of saber-toothed iron-winged tigers, but this eunuch who is afraid of death lied to him. Let me wait, it said that there is an extremely powerful king here, but the Sajia didn't find it at all!"

With a movement in Luo Tian's heart, his consciousness spread out extremely carefully, and it took a long time before he frowned slightly and withdrew his consciousness, and fell silent.

"Wuuuu, there really is a king here..." The black tiger's consciousness fluctuated in the minds of the two of them again. Seeing Monk Mingyue glaring at him fiercely, he said in fear, "Also, I'm not the eunuch tiger..."

"It's coming soon!"

Monk Mingyue looked at the lower body of the black tiger with malicious intent.

The black tiger's face turned bitter, and he felt his lower body involuntarily turn cold...


At this time, a beast roar came from a distance, the voice was loud and clear, and it echoed continuously in the mountains.

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue glanced at each other, their expressions changed slightly. Hearing the roar, I am afraid that the monster is at least a strong one that can be ranked among the fourth-order monsters.

The next moment, the two of Luo Tian stood up, made a turn on the ground, and gently landed on the seven or eight zhang peak in front of them, looking around.I saw a stream of light flying towards the sky in the distance, and with Luo Tian's eyesight, he saw it clearly. It was a large tiger with yellow and white on its body, and two sharp teeth that were a foot long were exposed at the corners of its mouth. , Between the four big fleshy palms also revealed sharp claws like small knives.What surprised Luo Tian the most was that there were two half-foot-long golden wings growing under the ribs behind the tiger, and when they were flapped, streaks of golden flames appeared.

An adult saber-toothed iron wing tiger king!

The monster beast at the peak of the fourth step!

After a while, Monk Mingyue also recognized the monster that came, and his face couldn't help being a little dignified.He thought that his experience was much richer than Luo Tian's, and he could tell at a glance that this monster was probably only half a foot away from being promoted to the fifth-level monster.

"Humans, you have surpassed!"

The fluctuation of the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger king's consciousness soon sounded in the minds of the two, and the words revealed infinite anger.

What made this monster king who had been in this area for several years even more angry was that the two humans in front of him didn't respond after it issued a warning. He couldn't help being even more angry, and his four thick thighs couldn't help stretching. Come on, the two golden wings were even raised higher, assuming a posture of wanting to fight.


"That pair of meat wings should taste good, Sajia wants it!"

The next moment, the laughter of Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue resounded through the nine heavens, and they shot towards the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger king from left to right.Speaking of which, these two are domineering masters, and a monster beast at the peak of the fourth step cannot make them retreat on their own.The two were ruthless people who dared to confront the Youshui Poisonous Flood Dragon directly.

"court death!"

The saber-toothed iron-winged tiger king didn't know how many years it had been. No human being dared to disobey him like this. At that moment, he violently shook his golden wings and disappeared in place.


Luo Tian's imaginary big hand directly grabbed the air, slightly shocked in his heart, and immediately threw several purple lotus flowers behind him with his expression unchanged.

"Wow, it hurts Sajia to death!"

Almost at the same time, Monk Mingyue's exaggerated screams came out.The saber-toothed iron-winged tiger king is not a fool, it is also a monster that has become a spirit. Although Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue seem to have similar strengths, it still instinctively thinks that Luo Tian is more difficult to deal with.

Facts have proved that Luo Tian is indeed much more difficult to deal with than Monk Mingyue. He was able to capture the attack trajectory of the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger, and monk Mingyue is not good at speed. , the protective mask on the body surface was breached, Monk Mingyue turned his head and ran away in shock, but was slapped on the buttocks by the furious saber-toothed iron-winged tiger king, leaving five bright wounds immediately.


The few purple lotus flowers thrown by Luo Tian also bombarded the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger, and it was hit by a huge force and flew a few feet away before narrowly stabilizing its body, with spots on its back. , the epidermis can be vaguely seen.

"Spray peach blossom honey on his face!" Monk Mingyue angrily took the elixir Luo Tian threw to him and stuffed it into his mouth, cursing, "This bird and tiger are quite vindictive, and the Sa family not only wants to eat grilled wings today, but also Eat tiger penis!"


The saber-toothed iron-winged tiger king raised his head and roared loudly, the sound shook nine heavens, and all the monsters with a radius of a hundred miles were terrified.

"Five Poison Swords, go!"

Luo Tian's eyes turned cold, and he raised his hand to shoot a black light, and then pinched a spell with both hands, several orange flame lightsabers quickly formed in front of him, "Monk, don't procrastinate, use the cloud-wrapping bracelet to trap it!"

"Look at me!" Monk Mingyue slapped the Qiankun bag with his big hand, and several floating clouds burst out, covering the sky densely in an instant, trapping the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger in it.

Boom boom boom!

The saber-toothed iron-winged tiger is worthy of being a monster with dual attributes of wind and earth. In the bracelet wrapped around clouds, it couldn't get out of trouble, so it resorted to the Taoist method of the earth system, and boulders weighing a thousand jin slowly floated up from the ground. Constantly bombarding the cloud bracelet.

"go with!"

Immediately, the Five Poison Sword spun rapidly, exuding a refreshing fragrance, and the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger king accidentally inhaled a few traces into his body, and became even more irritable.

In the cloud-wrapping bracelet, without knowing when, countless orange flames fell down, and the flames seemed to be artificially drawn, and they fell towards the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger one after another.The flame landed on the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger, and immediately burned vigorously, and it was difficult to extinguish it in a short time.

"Kill me, you will die even worse! Lord Qianhuan will definitely avenge me!"


The turbulent flames and the aroma of barbecue emanated at the same time, the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger king finally blew himself up without giving in, and the endless white sea of ​​clouds transformed into the cloud-wrapping bracelet couldn't help trembling a few times. Monk Mingyue was also a master of spiritual consciousness shock.

Monk Mingyue vomited blood and shouted dissatisfiedly: "Boy Han, Big Brother Han, Uncle Han... You have to force him to a dead end! That pair of delicious roasted wings is gone, what a pity..."

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