
Chapter 147 The Emissary of the Undead Demon King

His face was pale, Luo Tian fell from the sky and meditated for half an hour, before recovering his mana to its peak, when he stood up and looked around, he found that Monk Mingyue was gone.

"Aww, aww..." Suddenly, the black tiger screamed in the distance.

"In the spring, when the flowers bloom, let the family kill the tiger..."

After a few dodges, Luo Tian saw Monk Mingyue slowly approaching the black tiger with the moon-covering shovel in his hand, with a smug smile all over his face.

"Don't be afraid! Sajia Dao's kung fu is at its peak, and it will never make you feel any pain." Monk Mingyue said coquettishly.

"Monk, this cowardly tiger is useful to stay."

When Luo Tian spoke, he was still more than ten zhang away. As soon as he finished speaking, his feet moved, as if he slowed down, and walked over step by step, but the speed was extremely fast.

"I..." Monk Mingyue wanted to yell at him right away, you bastard ruined Sajia's roasted wings, and now you are here to stop Sajia's tiger penis that is about to be obtained.But why does Han Yi improve his cultivation by one point every time after a big battle, this peerless talent is second only to Sajia...

Flipping his palm, Luo Tian directly took out a bottle of Rejuvenation Pill and threw it to Monk Mingyue, "Exchanging a bottle of Rejuvenation Pill for your tiger penis should be fine, right?"

"Of course you can, of course you can!" Monk Mingyue said with a beaming smile, his eyes shining wildly.Immediately, Shen Sheng said to the miserable black tiger again, "Now you have belonged to Brother Han Yi. If you have any opinions, you can raise them. The Sa family will definitely consider them seriously!"

Luo Tian couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words, this guy was still trying to beat both the Tiger Whip and the Rejuvenation Pill, he was truly invincible.

"Aww, aww..." The black tiger yelled weakly a few times quickly, and a low voice came from the wave of consciousness, "I don't want it, I don't want it...I don't belong to anyone..."

"Oh, since you have an opinion, let's keep it!" Monk Mingyue said shamelessly, then carefully grabbed the Fuyuan Pill with both hands and rushed to the side.

"..." The black tiger fainted immediately.

Luo Tian thought for a while, stretched out his hand and waved his big sleeve, a gust of wind blew by, and the restrictions placed around the black tiger by Monk Mingyue disappeared without a trace.

"Get up!" Luo Tian smiled at the black tiger lying on the ground with its four paws raised, "If you continue to pretend to be dead, I will hand you over to the monk. He is very interested in your tiger penis."


The next moment, the black tiger jumped up from the ground like a carp full of energy, and a pair of thief-like eyes kept turning around.

Luo Tian couldn't laugh or cry, this timid tiger is not very strong, but he has a lot of crooked minds.

"I just want to ask you one question, would you like to be the king of this hundred-mile area?" Luo Tian glanced at the black tiger indifferently. In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is useless.


The black tiger blinked, as if it was stunned by the big pie that fell from the sky, only the stream of saliva at the corner of its mouth proved that it was still quite tempted.

One person and one tiger fell silent.

After a long time, the black tiger raised its head and looked at Luo Tian bravely, "I am willing. But with my strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince everyone..."

"Those who refuse to accept will be killed without mercy!"

Luo Tian said indifferently, with no sadness or joy on his face.


In just three days, Luo Tian and the highly cultivated Monk Mingyue used iron and blood methods to silence the entire saber-toothed iron-winged tiger group with a radius of a hundred miles, and sent the black tiger to the position of king.Although there were still some monsters who were very dissatisfied in their hearts, they did not dare to disobey the intentions of the two evil gods, Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue.

This was a matter of great joy and congratulations, but Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue couldn't be happy.

It turned out that the two of them helped the black tiger to the height of the king, so naturally they searched the residence of the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger king who had been destroyed by the two of them.After obtaining a lot of high-grade fire-attribute spirit stones and several precious herbs, the magic weapon, which can be regarded as an intermediate-level magic weapon at most, was taken away by Monk Mingyue.What made the two of them very depressed was that according to some clues left by the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger king, if they wanted to get out of the black fire forbidden area, they had to gather all the tokens and jade tokens of the three great demon kings.Otherwise, relying solely on brute force to break through the prohibition formation is useless.

"Spray apricot nectar on his face!" Monk Mingyue walked up and down in front of Luo Tian with a sad look, like ants on a hot pot.

"It's useless to be anxious." Luo Tian said, looking at his face, there was also a hint of worry, "We must find a way to get those three keepsake jade tokens."

Hearing this, Monk Mingyue opened his mouth wide open immediately, with an expression of disbelief, "Aren't you joking? Those are the three great demon kings, real demon kings! At least they are monsters at the peak of the fifth rank, even if we It's useless for both of you to try your best."

"Two adults!"

At this time, the black tiger rushed into the cave where the two were resting, "I don't know why the two adults summoned me urgently?"

"Do you know the three great demon kings in the Profound Fire Forbidden Land?"

"Of course I know!" A look of fascination and admiration appeared on the black tiger's face in a very humane manner, "The Profound Fire Forbidden Land is jointly controlled by three demon kings, namely the Undead Demon King, Thousand Illusory Demon King and Juli Demon King. , the three adults are sixth-order monsters..."


The faces of Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue changed, and Qi Qi became miserable immediately, mother, neither of them is their opponent at the peak of the fifth-level monster, and the sixth-level monster is the king of monsters comparable to monks in the Nascent Soul Stage Those who face the three demon kings are absolutely dead and not alive.

"Then which demon king's territory is closer to this area?" Monk Mingyue seemed to think of something, and asked quickly.

The black tiger didn't even think about it, and replied directly: "It should be located in the middle of the territory of the Undead Demon King and the Juli Demon King."

Luo Tian frowned, and said, "In this case, which demon king does the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger group belong to?"

"None of the demon kings has surrendered!" The black tiger said with a mournful face, "I don't know why the three major demon kings have never left the Undead City, Thousand Illusion City, and Juli City. Not only the three demon kings, but even those The same is true for fifth-order monsters, they never take half a step out of the three cities. Otherwise, the Saber-toothed Iron-winged Tiger Clan would have been wiped out by others..."

"good chance!"

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue seemed to have a tacit understanding, and said with a big smile at the same time.

The news that the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger king was wiped out quickly spread, and even the news that the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger's current king is only a black tiger at the peak of the third rank has been spread by many surrounding monster groups. As we all know, all of a sudden, many groups of monster beasts in the surrounding area began to move around. No matter who it was, they all coveted the area where the sabre-toothed iron-winged tiger group was located.


Profound Fire Forbidden Land.Undead city.

In one of the most luxurious giant palaces in the city, there were only two light beams emitting faint light.

On the topmost high platform, there is an extremely restrained flame light group floating, while below, there is a person standing.Most of that person's body was shrouded in flames, making it difficult for outsiders to see his true appearance.

"Sister, you will act as my emissary and invite those two humans over." From the flame light group on the high platform, a voice of incomparable coercion came out.

The person standing below immediately bowed and said in a very clear voice, "Little sister takes orders!"

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