
Chapter 148 It's You?

At this time, the area where the Saber-Toothed Iron-Winged Tigers were located was roaring loudly. Not long after learning the news of the death of the Saber-toothed Iron-winged Tiger King, there were three kings of monster beasts nearby who led their monsters to attack. There are countless monsters gathered in the whole area.

The highest point of the entire area is the lair of the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger. At this time, two figures as straight as javelins stood at the highest point of the mountain, looking through the clouds quietly at the distant monster.

Gale Wolf Clan, Earth Splitting Bear Clan and Thunder Eagle Clan.

These three groups of monster beasts blocked all the escape routes of the Saber-Toothed Iron-Winged Tiger Clan, and they were completely surrounded for a while.

"It seems that the rumors are mostly rumors. The three forbidden areas don't seem to be what the rumors said, they only have a range of more than a thousand miles." Monk Mingyue sighed softly. O sorrow!"

Luo Tian stared into the distance, and after a long while, he said, "You're amazing, but it's not because you're smart."

The black tiger crouching behind the two couldn't stop laughing, but its laughter also sounded creepy.

"Don't laugh! Cry for the Sajia, cry hard!" Monk Mingyue slapped the black tiger on the forehead, and rolled the black tiger four or five feet away on the ground, almost falling into the cliff beside him.

"Monk, it's almost time." At this time, Luo Tian said suddenly.


The three groups of monster beasts in the distance suddenly realized that something was wrong. This area was only about a hundred miles away. Why did the three groups run hard for an hour or two before reaching the end.

At this moment, the three kings of monster beasts are gathering together to discuss something.

"What the hell is going on here!" The giant red-haired wolf, who had always been much taller than a calf, kept grabbing the ground with its feet, making the ground a mess.

The two dark green eyes of a zhangyu high black eagle with a faint thunder flashing all over its body are also turning non-stop, thinking about something.

Only another big gray bear that squatted on the ground like a human scratched its head, "This seems to be a formation that only human monks can arrange."

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!"

The red-haired giant wolf yelled immediately, and said very irritablely: "There are still two years before the opening of the Forbidden Fire, how could that group of humans enter ahead of time. Even if they entered the Forbidden Fire early, they would not be able to help Jian Iron-toothed tiger clan!"

"Brother Wolf is right." The silent black eagle suddenly spoke. Its consciousness fluctuated extremely strongly. It seemed that it had the deepest cultivation among the three kings. On the day when Tianchi is opened, those treacherous and treacherous human monks will not take the initiative to enter the forbidden area of ​​​​the black fire."

"According to what you said, why do our three major ethnic groups always seem to be circling in circles? Can you two give me a reasonable explanation." The patriarch of the Earth-Splitting Bear clan seemed silly, but in fact he had the most thoughtful mind. Words completely shirk responsibility.

"I can give the three of you an explanation."

An inexplicable voice suddenly appeared in the ears of the three monster kings. The three kings were startled and looked up into the sky.

In the sky, patches of white clouds slowly swarmed over, and soon covered a radius of ten miles, like a long white river running non-stop in the sky.Soon, in the white cloud river, two human figures appeared strangely, one black and one blue, quietly suspended above the void, looking at the three kings of monster beasts below.

"Sure enough, it's human!"

The giant red-haired wolf roared immediately, and the one with the most violent temper stomped on the ground with its two soles on the back, and the ground immediately burst into cracks like spider webs. Luo Tian and the two rushed forward.

Luo Tian and the two still stood leisurely in the void, with a sneer on the corner of their mouths, but all monsters, less than the sixth level, cannot walk in the air, and cannot speak human words.This is the iron law of the world of cultivating immortals.

Sure enough, even though the red-haired giant wolf was also a fifth-order monster, it only ran up for more than thirty feet before exhausting its strength and falling down from the sky with hatred.

"Brother Ying, it's up to you!"

The king of the Earth Splitting Bear Clan next to him immediately transmitted his spiritual consciousness to King Thunder Eagle.

"Give it to me."

Lei Ying's wings flicked, and they stretched out immediately. After the wings were spread out, they were six feet long. There was a burst of flying sand and rocks. The wings only flickered two or three times, and they came close to the two. Luo Tian and the two could even clearly see the fiery red blood-like crown of the Thunder Eagle King.

"This little black bird looks delicious!" Monk Mingyue yelled with mouth full of saliva, "Boy Han, you are not allowed to take action against it this time, or the Sa family will never end with you!"

Luo Tian smiled wryly, "Could it be that you don't want the bear's paw below?"

"Everybody wants it!"

The attitude of the two of them not paying attention to the Thunder Eagle King even more aroused the fierceness in the Thunder Eagle King's bones, and immediately screamed sharply. Flashing out, like a black lightning arrow.

"Wind cloud bracelet, sleepy!"

Seeing this, Monk Mingyue let out a low voice, and immediately pinched a few hand tactics. The white cloud river floating above the two people's heads immediately moved, as if countless invisible hands stretched out from it, and immediately entangled the Thunder Eagle King. Amidst the latter's screams of grief and anger, he was dragged into the cloud river without making any sound.

"Hurry up and kill the two below, the cloud-wrapping bracelet can trap it for an incense stick of time at most!" Monk Mingyue wanted to dive down after finishing speaking.

Luo Tian smiled calmly, stretched out his fingers, and a bronze-colored light sank directly into the Baiyun River, and then he whispered softly, "Seal!"

In the white canal, the struggling Lei Ying watched in amazement as an ancient brass coin fell from the sky, and immediately split into several beams of light to bind him tightly, the more he struggled, the tighter the beam of light became.

"It's kind of a real fight with Lao Tzu, so what kind of hero is this villain's tricks!"

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue naturally ignored King Thunder Eagle's roar. These days, heroes are judged on the basis of victory or defeat, and they can be easily picked.

"It's up to you two!"

A cold light flashed in Luo Tian's eyes. With the Five Poison Sword in his left hand and the Xuanji Yugui in his right hand, he swooped directly towards the giant red-haired wolf. Almost instantly, he arrived in front of the giant red-haired wolf. A stream of poisonous smoke of five colors, a dark yellow flame, Qi Qi attacked the giant red-haired wolf.

"You hateful humans, you actually used poison!" The king of the Earth-Splitting Bear Clan let out a terrifying roar, and immediately turned around and fled with his big feet.

This battle, which should have been dominated by the two of Luo Tian, ​​ended after only half an hour, and the two won extremely easily.The three kings of monster beasts were killed, seriously injured, and surrendered.

King Thunder Eagle naturally blew himself up and died. As the king of monsters, it was impossible for him to become a meal for human beings.Luo Tian directly destroyed the red-haired giant wolf, captured the primordial spirit, and threw it into the black lotus space. Xiao Hei likes these primordial spirit ghosts the most... and the king of the earth-splitting bear is naturally the most spineless One of the best, but also the most appreciative of the situation.

At this moment, in the area surrounded by the three major monsters, except for the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger, the other monsters are lying on the ground and spitting white foam. Occasionally, there are one or two monsters with strong cultivation bases, which are already at the end of their strength, standing there The four legs trembled uncontrollably.

Most of the Thunder Eagle group also fell under the cartilage that Luo Tian had prepared, and only half of them flew into the air in time and fled far away.

Luo Tian and the two were cleaning the battlefield, but they felt a very powerful aura falling on the hinterland where the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger lived.

Sure enough, as soon as Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue arrived in the hinterland, they saw a sneaky black light flashing in front of them. It was a black tiger who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Eunuch Tiger!"

Monk Mingyue shook his hand and grabbed the black tiger back with a big black hand.

"I'm not a eunuch tiger!" The black tiger shouted indignantly, turned his head to see Monk Mingyue, and immediately wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"As for you, it's no wonder that no one is convinced when you are forced to be the king!" Monk Mingyue glanced at the black tiger with contempt, "You have only one use, and that is to soak Tiger whip wine..."

On the other hand, Luo Tian's face was flat, with a hint of worry in his brows, he shook his head and sighed softly, "Since your Excellency is here, show yourself."

call out!

Somewhere not far from the two, the space twisted for a while, and immediately, a person wrapped in flames came out.

Luo Tian's eyes flashed green, and then his face changed drastically, "It's you?"

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