
Chapter 149 Six Heavens

"You're really good, you're amazing."

The man in the flames looked at Luo Tian quietly, and after a long while, he spoke in a deep voice, without any emotion in his words.

Luo Tian scratched his head when he heard the words, his face couldn't help being a little embarrassed, he coughed dryly, and said innocently: "This... this can't be blamed on me, it's a last resort, I can't sit still and be slaughtered at will by those three big monster groups Right? In fact, I prefer to use virtue to convince people, and I will not confront people with swords as a last resort. This time, it is the monk's idea to use poison to deal with the three invading monster groups..."

Under the powerful medicinal power of the cartilage powder, almost all the three groups of monster beasts who invaded this time were captured, and only a very small part escaped.Moreover, many monsters died suddenly due to the excessive amount of cartilage powder inhaled into their bodies.

"Pull it down!"

Monk Mingyue standing behind Luo Tian shouted angrily, "It's obviously your bad idea! You still have to put a pot of shit on the Sajia's head! You must know that there are other people in the Sajia besides the nickname Yushu Linfeng Little Pan'an." Say honest and reliable little man..."

"It's inconvenient to say more about this matter." Luo Tian said very seriously, "I don't know why Daoist Yang Yue suddenly appeared in this Forbidden Fire Land?"

"Yang Yue?" Monk Mingyue jumped up immediately, "Yang Yue, head of the Huanhuo Patriarch!"


At the highest peak of the saber-toothed iron-winged tiger's lair, Luo Tian reached out and grabbed the ground. A stone platform and three stone benches suddenly appeared on the ground. Immediately, he pinched a few tricks to the surroundings and set up restrictions. , Shi Shiran sat on the stone bench.

Monk Mingyue and Yang Yue, who had already faded the floating flames from their bodies, also imitated the gourd painting, arranged the restraints casually, and then sat on the stone bench.

"Fellow Daoist Yang Yue has something to say, you might as well say it directly." Luo Tian said with a flat face, "I don't think Fellow Daoist Yang Yue came here for the three major groups of monster beasts."

Yang Yue's enchanting face suddenly showed a smile, and said: "I don't know how you entered the Xuanhuo forbidden area, but obviously, you caught up with a good time. Moreover, the two of you are so unscrupulous, It has also attracted the attention of the other two demon kings."

"What are you afraid of!" Monk Mingyue said carelessly, grabbed a bottle of fine wine from the Qiankun bag, and gulped it down. It’s nothing but death.”

"That's wrong." Yang Yue sighed softly, and resumed his cold tone, "The Yin-Yang Tianchi is about to open, no matter where the pressure comes from, you have already been involved, and there is no way to escape in a short time."

"Yin Yang Tianchi?" Luo Tian frowned, "What does this have to do with the two of us?"

"It's a long story to tell." Yang Yue's worry flashed across his face, "In ancient times, this Forbidden Fire Land was originally a paradise for cultivation, with countless tyrannical monsters, but as When the strong men from the Nine Heaven Realm descended, the Profound Fire Forbidden Land became a bloody place. The Nine Heaven Realm was a different world, and no one knew where they came from, but the original location of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Lake was a vast ocean. In the end, under the squeeze of space power, a pond with a radius of hundreds of miles was formed. And every few hundred years, the passage from the Yin-Yang Tianchi to the other world will be opened, and then the powerhouses of the Nine Heavens will be able to Arrival. With the passage of time, the time for that strong man from another world to descend is getting shorter and shorter, and more and more strong men from other worlds can cross the border to come. If things go on like this, I am afraid that an unprecedented catastrophe will inevitably occur in the Profound Sky Continent."


Luo Tian and the two immediately gasped, they didn't expect that there would be such an unknown anecdote in the Profound Fire Forbidden Land, and there would be the existence of another world called the Nine Heavens Realm. This news is really shocking.

"Why do you call that other world the Nine Heavens Realm?" Luo Tian quickly recovered from the shock and asked with a frown.

"Nine Heaven Realm is what we call this other world, because the masters of the past have captured many strong people in Nine Heaven Realm. Although the language is somewhat different, the language and characters they use are ancient characters, which is not difficult to understand. And Nine Heaven Realm The heavens are also divided into nine heavens, namely the Red Dust Heaven, the Lingbao Heaven, the Lust Heaven, the Mosha Heaven, the Qingxu Heaven, the Zizai Heaven, the Huangquan Heaven, the Luo Shengtian and the Jixiang Heaven. The nine heavens are analogized in turn , that Auspicious Heaven has the most powerhouses and is also the most powerful. However, there are also demon powerhouses with unrivaled skills in the other eight heavens."

"Are they...really scary?" Monk Mingyue was worried, as if secretly blaming himself for catching up with this eventful season.

"It's scary!" Yang Yue nodded solemnly, "I've only participated in two major wars, and the strong men from other worlds were extremely vicious, and their moves were fatal and ferocious. Moreover, they even killed us Eat it."

"Eat it raw?" Luo Tian was depressed. Are all the guys in the Nine Heavens Realm savages?Even such disgusting and disgusting behaviors as eating a living person can be done.

"Of course." Yang Yue nodded, "But since most of them have ghost bodies, we can also refine them to improve their cultivation. However, there are also some human beings in the Nine Heavens Realm, and they are often supernatural beings. Once the Yin-Yang Tianchi was opened, an extremely difficult strong man came to the Nine Heavens Realm. If the three demon kings hadn't joined forces to injure him, no one would be able to stop him, and many strong men from the Nine Heavens Realm have already successfully entered Tianxuan Maybe even the mainland!"

"Fellow Daoist Yang Yue told me these two things. I'm afraid there is another reason." Luo Tian suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "The monk and I have a low level of cultivation. Can't help either."

"Extremely, extremely..." Monk Mingyue wiped the fine beads of sweat from his forehead, echoed again and again, even the three major demon kings could only injure and force the opponent back, and 1 monks would die if they rushed up.

"I won't say much about this matter for the time being." Yang Yue smiled slightly, and did not continue to say more, "This time, I came here to invite the two of you to the Undead City by the order of the Undead Demon King. I don't know the two how about?"

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue looked at each other, and then they both said in unison with wry smiles on their faces: "Can the two of us choose not to go?"

"I'm afraid it won't work." Yang Yue stared at the two with a half-smile, her peach eyes were full of smiles, "However, in order to show her sincerity, Lord Immortal Demon King specially prepared a small gift for the two distinguished guests."

"Don't dare dare!" Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue waved their hands repeatedly to refuse, as if sitting under their buttocks was as uncomfortable as a stove, and there is still room for detours, if they really took something from someone else, then it would be really short-handed. At that time, it is impossible to separate the relationship.

"Let's look at the little gift first." Yang Yue glanced at the two of them coldly, amused by the extremely cunning two.

A burst of tangy fragrance came, and immediately Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue were attracted by the jade box held in Yang Yueyu's palm...

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